Video Game Empire

Chapter 630: strong

The presidents of American universities are different from their domestic counterparts. They are not executive-administrative heads holding real power, but more like mascots. The main job of the principals in their tenure is actually to raise as much money as possible for the school by relying on their prestige and connections.

The reason why Li Xuan met Bradmas at the beginning was to solve the matter of his sister Li Ying going to the United States to study. At that time, Li Ying's grades could only be considered average. If she stayed in Hong Kong, she would definitely not be able to get into the University of Hong Kong or CUHK.

But she was finally admitted to New York University, which ranks much higher than the two top universities in Hong Kong. The most fundamental reason for this is that Li Xuan paid a sponsorship fee of up to 5 million US dollars.

The public and intellectuals in China are always bragging about how good the American education system is and how bad the domestic education system is! But in terms of fairness, the college entrance examination, which everyone sprays as heinous, is actually 10,000 times more fair than the admission method of American universities!

Our college entrance examination is all about intelligence and test-taking skills, which at least allows most students to change their fate through their own efforts. And American universities are largely fighting fathers, such as Li Xuan's friend Bush as an example.

He graduated from one of the best and most difficult universities on the planet, Yale University, and was a member of the famous Skull and Bones. In addition to him, his younger brother, future Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and his father, current President George W. Bush, and his grandfather Prescott Bush and great-great-grandfather James Bush are all Graduated from Yale University!

Domestic parents who are determined to send their children abroad always lament the harsh admission requirements of famous American schools! But that is only for the general public, for a powerful family like the Bush family, going to Yale to study is just because of family tradition!

Therefore, if those famous schools in the United States announced that they would recruit 100 freshmen, the real quota for ordinary graduates may only be 80, or even 60. The remaining places are reserved for the children of alumni who have made great contributions to the school.

So you can often hear from news reports that a certain rich man in the United States donated a huge amount of billions of dollars to his alma mater. Don't be foolish enough to think that this is an act of kindness without asking for anything in return. In fact, people have already bought admission notices from prestigious schools for future generations.

So don't always think that the rich people in China are Huang Shiren who are not benevolent for the rich and don't know how to appreciate the society. If one day our Tsing-Huahua University and Peking University also issue a new policy, as long as 100 million is donated, three generations of children and grandchildren can be guaranteed admission. You will also be immediately shocked by the huge kindness that the rich Chinese people burst out in an instant!

The biggest iron law of capitalist society is that the rich can really do whatever they want! Therefore, although a super-rich like Li Xuan does not have American nationality, this does not prevent him from being a duck to water in the political, business and academic circles of the United States.

In addition to the five million dollars that originally bought his sister's diploma, Li Xuan's donations to New York University have continued over the years. For example, tonight he generously took out a donation check for $1 million.

Of course, Li Xuan does not have a soft spot for New York University. You must know that although New York University is considered a world-renowned university, it is still not far behind the top universities in the world.

For example, Columbia University, which is also on Manhattan Island, has a better academic reputation than New York University! The most well-known feature of New York University is its expensive tuition. This university is recognized as an aristocratic university in the United States!

For Li Xuan, New York University's most worthwhile investment is its current president, Bradmas, a veteran Democrat. The outside world only sees that Li Xuan has a close relationship with the Bush family, and it is wishful thinking that he is the sponsor of the Republican Party.

But in fact, Li Xuan invested a lot in the Democratic Party! In addition to Senator Gore, who is famous on Capitol Hill for advocating the i-industry, Li Xuan has established secret political connections through white gloves like Bradmas who seem to have no close ties to the Eastern Group. More can play a miraculous effect!

"Mr. Allen, I've been waiting for you for a long time! If you don't come to me again, I may have to fly back to Hong Kong!"

Under the recommendation of Bradmas, Li Xuan smiled and shook hands with the helm of the a& company in front of him. But his straight-to-the-point words surprised the other party.

That's right, Li Xuan's few words just now made Robert Allen confirm his previous guess. Aikang's bid for r company is false, and it is true that it deliberately targets a& company!

"Mr. Li, your straightforwardness amazes me! I'm not sure what aspect of a& company dissatisfied you? Although this is only the first time we have met, I also hope to be friends with you like Stephen. !"

It's not that Alan has never seen a big slap in the face. Although he was a little surprised that Li Xuan didn't play his cards according to common sense. But he quickly adjusted his state, not only taking the initiative to put himself and a& in the position of saying yes, but also using Bradmas as an intermediary to further release his goodwill.

Hearing that Ellen's words pointed to him, Bradmas couldn't pretend that he didn't hear it.

So he had to help round the field: "Robert told me before that there may be some misunderstandings between Dongfang Group and a&! And you and I happen to have friendships, so I want to take today's opportunity to let everyone communicate with each other. Let's see if we can clear up the misunderstanding!"

The title of Bradmas is not only the president of New York University. He is also a director of the New York Stock Exchange, a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a director of the Rockefeller Foundation. No matter which one of these three titles social influence is no less than that of the president of New York University.

This is also enough to see the extraordinary influence of Bradmas in New York and even the entire United States. And the headquarters of a& is in New Jersey, which is across the river from New York, so it is normal for Allen to have a relationship with Bradmas and let the other party come forward as a matchmaker with Li Xuan!

"I have always believed that there is no direct competition between the Oriental Group and a&! But Mr. Allen said something inappropriate. The Oriental Group and I have always been good to others! It is not that I intend to be an enemy of a&. , but a& is embarrassing us in the first place!

Blind weakness and concessions will not bring friendship, only mutual recognition and respect can bring a stronger friendship! I also hope to be friends with a&, so I feel it is necessary to let you and a& have a more comprehensive understanding of the strengths of me and the Oriental Group! "Li Xuan said with a smile.

But the strength in his words made the smile on the other side's face freeze. The overall strength of the Oriental Group has long been stronger than that of A&, even though A& is fighting at home, but the United States can also be regarded as half the home of Li Xuan and the Oriental Group.

Li Xuan wanted to tell the other party very clearly: If you dare to fight, I will fight!

Only by first overpowering the other party in terms of momentum can you gain an advantage in the next negotiation! As Li Xuan himself said before, the main businesses of the two companies are not directly opposed, so why should you kill me!

And since Robert Allen took the initiative to test Li Xuan, he also revealed that the other party is not ready to really tear up with the Oriental Group!

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