After more than ten hours, Li Xuan's private plane finally landed at Robert Miller Airport in Austin. Li Xuan kindly thanked the crew who provided him with high-quality and comfortable service along the way, and walked out of the cabin door to get off the plane.

Although Li Xuan is not a person who likes to be ostentatious, there is already a crowd of people standing under the gangway. According to the rules originally set by Li Xuan, the heads of the branches of the Oriental Group do not need to come to pick up the plane in person.

Rather than wasting precious time on these formalisms, it is better to work hard and work hard to show performance. This is the biggest basis for promotion within the Eastern Group. But with the growing scale and influence of the Dongfang Group, even if Li Xuan wants to keep things simple, others may not give him this opportunity.

Just like this time, Li Xuan came to Austin to attend the first Global Internet Conference. As the leader of the global IT industry and the pioneer of Internet commercialization, the Oriental Group, Li Xuan, the big boss of the Oriental Group, also has a dazzling aura of "the world's richest man". Naturally, he is the most distinguished guest of this global Internet conference. one.

Therefore, the executive chairman of the conference, Professor Hasmuller, head of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin, naturally had to meet him at the airport in person. The Global Internet Conference is a professional academic conference aimed at promoting the development of the global Internet. Although the city of Austin actively won the right to host the first conference, in order to better organize the conference, it was entrusted to the Department of Computer Science of the University of Texas at Austin. to be responsible for the specific arrangements.

The University of Texas at Austin, as one of the most outstanding public universities in the entire Declas State, is a first-class research university even in the United States, and has strong competitiveness in the field of electronic engineering, including semiconductors, computers and other disciplines.

In addition to the members of the organizing committee of the conference, the mayor of Austin also came to the airport in person. You must know that the Oriental Group has invested a lot of money to build factories and R&D centers here in recent years. Austin naturally wants to serve Li Xuan, the God of Wealth.

And the arrival of these big people, if there is no high-level person in charge of the Oriental Group to accompany the pick-up at the airport, it will appear that the Oriental Group is too arrogant. So this caused Li Xuan to see a crowd of people in darkness when he exited the cabin door.

Among them, standing at the front and the most core of the opportunity crowd, is an old friend of Li Xuan, Mr. George Bush, a candidate for governor of Texas.

"Hi, George, long time no see!" Li Xuan warmly hugged each other.

"Lee, welcome to Texas again!" Bush Jr. was equally enthusiastic, but his words already contained the calm demeanor of a political figure.

Since Li Xuan was going to attend the reception dinner held for him by the Austin city government in the evening, everyone did not stop at the airport too much, and they left after having a courtesy greeting.

"Lee, let me introduce you to my campaign adviser Bill Hyland!"

Li Xuan left the airport in the same car as Bush. When the two got into the car, a middle-aged white man was already sitting in the car, and Bush Jr. solemnly introduced each other's identity.

Most people think that the political cycle in the United States is four years, the climax of which is undoubtedly the presidential election that is watched by the world. In fact, it is more accurate to say that the political cycle in the United States should be two years, because the mid-term elections are held in the even-numbered years between the two general elections.

The midterm elections in the United States will re-elect all House seats, one-third of Senate seats, and some governors and state legislatures. Because the United States implements a system of separation of powers, the Congress has a lot of power to check the president. Therefore, although the midterm elections have nothing to do with the contest for the presidential throne, they may also change the balance of political power in the United States.

And this year's midterm elections are particularly critical, as the decennial census is about to begin. The division of seats in the House of Representatives is determined by the proportion of the population of each state.

The results of the 1991 census, next year, will directly change the number of state seats in the House of Representatives over the next decade. As states change in the number of seats in the House of Representatives, it also means states have the opportunity to redistrict their districts.

The constituency adjustment is decided by the state government and the state legislature, so this year's midterm elections are particularly intense. Because once you lose the dominance of constituency division, it means that your opponent can dismember your dominant constituency and merge it into a new constituency that is unfavorable to you. This directly affects the Democratic and Republican contests for House seats in the next decade!

The current election situation does not seem so optimistic for the Republican Party! In the presidential election two years ago, Bush Sr., a remnant of the narrow "Reagan era", easily ascended the US presidency.

But Bush Sr won, but that doesn't mean the Republicans won too! Because neither the House nor the Senate has a Republican majority. This has led to Bush's presidential power, which has been greatly restrained by the Senate and House of Representatives under the control of the Democratic Party.

For example, the first thorny problem Bush faced after taking office was how to deal with the huge fiscal deficit left over from the "Reagan era". As the so-called borrowing is cool for a while, repaying the money is heartbroken! When Reagan was in power, he created an era of economic prosperity by swaying U.S. Treasury bonds, but it is now difficult for Bush Sr.

To make an inappropriate analogy, President Reagan gave the United States a stimulant when he was in office. At the expense of overdrafting the body, the United States has maintained a strong excitement for a period of time. But after the excitement period, the giant of the United States will inevitably fall into a period of For how to reduce the fiscal deficit, the Republicans and Democrats each have a unique trick. The Democrats' trick is to raise taxes, and the Republicans' trick is to cut government spending. The idea promoted by the Republican Party has always been "small government", the less the government's intervention in the country, the better!

Bush's slogan when he was campaigning was that there would be no tax increase, so if there is no way to open source, we can only cut down. But the Democratic-controlled Congress agreed to adjust the government's budget on the premise of asking Bush Sr. to raise taxes. This will make Bush Sr. directly violate his original campaign promise, so the president and the Congress are deadlocked there, and neither side will give in!

Judging from various data in recent months, the weakness of the US economy has become more and more obvious. The total import and export volume decreased, the investment in fixed assets decreased, and the total domestic consumption decreased. If Bush does not handle it properly, the US economy is likely to usher in a sharp recession!

This pessimism is also evident in the poll results of various institutions. At the beginning of the year, Bush's approval rating was over 60, but in a recent survey, fewer than 20 believed that "America is on the right track."

(End of this chapter) *fo*


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