() "Secretary Zhou, look at the garden villa on the left, which is Yunfeng Residence, the residence of HSBC Taipan Pu Weishi. This house has just been sold to the chairman of Japan Yaohan Co., Ltd., Kazuo Wada at a price of 85 million Hong Kong dollars! The Rainbow Residence of Fortune Li’s house is larger than Yunfeng Residence, and the valuation given by the outside world is more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars!”

While waiting for the guard to open the door, Secretary Zhou Nan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, pointed to a bungalow hidden in the shade of greenery not far to the left, and softly introduced to his leader. Zhou Nan has just taken the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs and was transferred to Hong Kong to serve as the head of the Xinhua branch.

Although he was working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, as the head of the Chinese negotiating team, he personally witnessed the whole process of the confrontation between China and the UK on the issue of Hong Kong's return, but Zhou Nan himself had not stayed in Hong Kong before. And he was sent by the central government to serve as a firefighter this time, and he was not familiar with many situations in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Xinhua Branch and the Hong Kong-Macao Working Committee are a set of teams and two brands. In addition to serving as the head of the Xinhua Branch, Zhou Nan also serves as the secretary of the Hong Kong-Macao Working Committee, which is why his secretary calls him Zhou The reason for the secretary.

While listening to his secretary introduce the details of Hong Kong's customs, Zhou Nan pondered various issues in his mind. In the history of Hong Kong, HSBC has a very special place. HSBC's Taipan is known as an underground tsar, ruling Hong Kong together with the Governor-General of Hong Kong appointed by the Queen of England.

Now, HSBC has begun to deploy the retreat, and the sale of the house by Pu Wei Shi is an obvious signal. When he visited Beijing last year, although he said he was full of confidence in Hong Kong's future, he also euphemistically expressed HSBC's willingness to fade out of Hong Kong.

At that time, some people in the central government expressed their opposition, believing that HSBC had too much influence in Hong Kong, and its retreat was likely to cause a new round of panic in Hong Kong society, just like the Jardine He Group moved the company's registered place out of Hong Kong before.

But it is also because HSBC's influence in Hong Kong is so great that after careful consideration, the central leadership still believes that its departure is more beneficial than harmful. Otherwise, HSBC, which has always played the role of the central bank of the Hong Kong government, even has the ability to suspend Hong Kong's financial power, which is very unfavorable for the new SAR government to work after the handover.

HSBC's strategic contraction in Hong Kong also heralds the beginning of the fading of British influence in Hong Kong. But the problem in Hong Kong is not that simple, and the British will certainly not easily surrender. In the mentality that they can't get it anyway, and don't want you to get it, the British will definitely start to make trouble in the last few years before Hong Kong's handover.

In addition to the secret wrestling between China and the UK, local voices from Hong Kong have become increasingly unavoidable. The most important representative of this is Li Xuan, the owner of Oriental Group, a neighbor of HSBC Taipan Pu Weishi. This "God of Wealth Lee" is known by Hong Kong people as a new generation of Hong Kong's underground czar who succeeded the HSBC Taipan.

As for the addresses of the two tsars before and after, as if they had negotiated in advance, they both chose the highest peak in Hong Kong - Gough Road on Mount Taiping. Zhou Nan wondered if there was a metaphor of "being able to be Ling Jueding" and wanting to step on Hong Kong under his feet.

Zhou Nan is no stranger to Li Xuan. As early as during the Sino-British negotiations, he had studied this person. The "God of Wealth" Lee and his Eastern Bloc have been vague about their political attitudes over the years. To say that his investment in China, especially the deep-sea special zone, is huge, he should be regarded as a "patriotic businessman", but he has never made any public statement in support of the central government of the mainland.

According to the information obtained by the relevant departments, Li Xuan provides a lot of political cash to the British Conservative Party and the Labour Party every year, and is inextricably linked with the Windsor royal family. But to say that this "God of Wealth Li" is ready to hug the British thigh, that's not necessarily true. You must know that in recent years, Li Xuan's Asia Satellite TV has not less criticized the various policies of the Hong Kong government.

Therefore, Zhou Nan is more willing to define Li Xuan as a ****** who bets on both sides, with a sign that represents the public opinion of Hong Kong to both sides between China and the UK. This is the most successful in the world. The sly character of the businessman.

"President Zhou, welcome to the humble house!"

As soon as Zhou Nan got out of the car, Li Xuan, who was already standing at the door, smiled and stretched out his right hand. Zhou Nan also stretched out his hand to shake hands with the other party in a conditioned reflex, while a surprised expression appeared on his face, as if he did not expect Li Xuan's Mandarin to be so standard. If you can tell by accent alone, Zhou Nan doesn't believe that the other party is a Hong Konger at all.

You must know that not to mention Hong Kong under British rule, even in the eastern province of Guangdong, the popularity of Cantonese far exceeds that of Mandarin. It is absolutely rare to find a person among the locals who can speak standard Mandarin without a Cantonese accent.

However, from this small detail, Zhou Nan's attention to Li Xuan suddenly increased a bit. He does not believe that a Hong Kong super rich who has studied Mandarin on purpose has no research on the mainland!

"In addition to expanding the scale of recruitment in the mainland, our Oriental Group also absorbs a large number of outstanding talents from Hong Kong and Taiwan-Taiwan every year. In order to allow employees from across the Taiwan Strait and the three places to communicate better, the Oriental Group has been established since its inception. Actively encourage every employee to master the three languages ​​of Mandarin, Cantonese and English at the same time!

As the founder of the company, Xia Bucai naturally has to lead the way for other colleagues! "Li Xuan noticed the surprise that flashed across Zhou Nan's face, and explained with a smile. He couldn't speak his Mandarin either, it was the golden finger brought by rebirth.

"Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan-Taiwan and the mainland belong to the same China, and everyone is a family connected by blood. However, due to historical reasons of one kind or another, there have been some estrangements between them! Li Sheng, your method is worth advocating. We can better communicate with each other by removing the language barrier first, and we very much hope that more and more Hong Kong people will start to learn to speak Mandarin!" Zhou Nan nodded and replied, at least he could hear that Li Xuan was speaking Mandarin rather than Taiwanese. -Bay's Mandarin, there are still obvious differences in pronunciation between the two.

As Li Xuan spoke, he led the guests into the living room. After everyone took their seats, the Filipino maid immediately began to make tea.

"Li Sheng, before I set off from Beijing to come to Hong Kong, Chairman Wu Shaozu of the Asian Organizing Committee specially asked me to take him to express his gratitude to you for your generosity. At the same time, I also invited you and you on behalf of the Beijing-Beijing Asian Organization Committee and the Beijing-Beijing Municipal Government. My family, go to the capital to watch the Asian Games in October this year!" The first sentence Zhou Nan said after sitting down was to thank Li Xuan.

Beijing-Beijing is about to host the 11th Asian Games this fall. This is the first major international event since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Therefore, the whole country is very concerned about it. In order to support the capital to run the Asian Games, people all over the country have donated generously. Previously, Li Xuan also donated 36 million Hong Kong dollars to the Beijing-Beijing Asian Games Organizing Committee for the construction of the Asian Games venues.

"Sports is the best bridge to convey friendship and promote communication! As a member of China, I naturally hope that the motherland can show its best side to the whole of Asia! By the way, our Oriental Group and the Beijing-Beijing Asian Games still have nothing to do Small origin!

This time, Asia Satellite TV will send a 50-person interview team to present the grand occasion of the Beijing-Beijing Asian Games to the 6 million citizens of Hong Kong in an all-round way! At the same time, our Oriental Group is also the main sponsor of the Hong Kong delegation. Hong Kong will also send the largest delegation in history to Beijing-Beijing this time! "Li Xuan said with a smile.

Zhou Nan is worthy of being a diplomat, and he released his goodwill through a thank you. Of course, Li Xuan can really bear this thank you, after all, he really donated a lot of real money! The topic of the Beijing-Beijing Asian Games selected by Zhou Nan was very relaxed, and the two sides suddenly got closer.

"On the first day I came to Hong Kong, a comrade from Xinhua News Agency recommended the news channel of Asia TV to me. You can know the world without going out. Your Asia TV is doing very well!" Zhou Nan praised again After saying a word, he quickly frowned, "I heard that the Hong Kong government is planning to issue another TVB license. I wonder if this news is true?"

Li Xuan secretly praised President Zhou's acting skills. The worried expression on the other side's face made people think that he was the boss of the TV station. Although Li Xuan complained slightly in his heart, he had a thankful expression on his face: "There is such a voice within the Hong Kong government, and some people think that there are only two TV stations suitable for ATV in Hong Kong, and the competition is not enough to give full play to the TV station. Reflect the role of public opinion!"

ATV is more willing to spend money than TVB in TV dramas, variety shows, news, live sports, etc. The direct result of this is that ATV has firmly put TVB under its weight in terms of ratings.

And higher ratings means greater influence of public opinion. It is through the communication platform of ATV that Li Xuan constantly sells his political-political ideas to the whole of Hong Kong. There are many times when they sing against the Hong Kong government, and this will naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of the Hong Kong government. However, freedom of speech is the cornerstone of the democratic system in Western society. The British Hong Kong authorities have recently been eager to accelerate the process of Hong Kong's democratization. Naturally, at this time, they will not make small moves, otherwise they will slap their own face!

Originally, the Hong Kong government also pinned its hopes on tvb, hoping that tvb would come out to compete with ATV, so as to divert some of its influence. But Shao Liushu, the owner of TVB, cannot compete with Li Xuan in terms of financial resources. Especially after Shaw Brothers began to gradually withdraw from the film industry, TVB became the core asset of the Shao family.

Li Xuan can accept that ATV does not make money or even loses money, but Shao Yifu can't bear the constant loss of TVB. Therefore, in the first two years of Li Xuan’s acquisition of ATV, TVB still wanted to step on ATV through competition, but when Shao Yifu found that ATV had the upper hand with Li Xuan’s Jin Yuan offensive, he immediately chose a truce and reconciliation.

In recent years, Shao Yifu's strategy for running TVB has always been to control costs and create profits, which naturally cannot challenge ATV's leading position. What's more, Shao Yifu's attitude towards politics, although b is the second largest TV station in Hong Kong, it does not dare to speak out as actively as ATV!

Under such circumstances, the only way for the Hong Kong government to suppress Asian TV is to add another free TV station to divert the audience of Asian TV. You must know that in Hong Kong in the 1970s, in addition to TVB and ATV's predecessor, Li TV, there was actually a Jiayi TV station. It's a pity that the situation of the Three Kingdoms was only maintained for three years, and Jiayi TV station hesitated to manage poorly and went bankrupt!

At that time, the reason why Jiayi TV went bankrupt was largely due to the policy restrictions of the Hong Kong government. One of the licensing conditions of Jiayi TV was that it needed to use part of the ambient time to broadcast educational programs. The ratings of these boring educational programs are appalling, which directly leads to the inability of TV stations to make ends meet.

Therefore, some people in the Hong Kong government are ready to learn from this lesson and no longer set prerequisites for new licenses. And there are definitely a lot of people competing for new TV licenses for Hong Kong reasons, especially after Li Xuan taught other rich people in Hong Kong a lesson called controlling public opinion through Asia Satellite TV!

"I think the issue of new TV licenses must be handled with care. The media industry is different from others. If it is not properly regulated, it will easily lead to confusion!" Zhou Nan, considering the mainland's position, naturally does not want another TV station in Hong Kong. If the new TV station falls into the hands of people who have dissent from the mainland government, it will be a very troublesome thing.

"Although there have been discussions within the Hong Kong government about the new TV license, everyone is more inclined to issue a cable TV license~www.readwn.com~ rather than a TVB license! TVB transmits program signals through radio transmission towers. , need to occupy a dedicated radio frequency band!

The reason why three TV stations coexisted in the 1970s was because the programs provided by each TV station were not rich enough at that time! After more than ten years of development, Hong Kong society has made great progress, and the demand for TV content has become more and more!

Under the banner of Asia Television alone, there are six channels in total, including comprehensive channel, news channel, entertainment channel, sports channel, movie channel, and English channel. Next, we plan to open a documentary channel! Each channel needs to occupy an independent radio band, and all the existing channels of ATV and tvb have consumed 80% of the radio band resources specially allocated to the TV industry by the Hong Kong government!

So technically speaking, the remaining wireless bands can no longer support a brand-new TV station. On the contrary, the cable TV transmits signals directly through the optical cable, and is not limited by the signal band! "Li Xuan explained with pursed lips, a smile on the corner of his mouth revealed a strong confidence.

The Dongfang Group has such a powerful think tank behind it. How could it not have considered the countermeasures of the Hong Kong government in advance? Therefore, ATV and tvb have a tacit agreement to continuously expand the number of channels, completely killing the possibility of the emergence of a third wireless TV station in the bud.

Although cable TV stations are not limited by frequency bands, laying TV optical cables requires huge investment. So cable TV is paid, which is much less impact on the two free TV stations, ATV and tvb! (To be continued.)

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