Video Game Empire

Chapter 558: Lianxiang company unlike any other

China has two very deep impressions on companies all over the world. On the one hand, it has a population dividend of more than one billion, and it can provide enterprises with high-quality and low-cost human resources. Therefore, China has only 30 years. "The Factory of the World"!

On the other hand, it's the businesses here that don't play by the rules. All kinds of fake and shoddy, copycat piracy are rampant, and the offenders are often more arrogant than the victims! Lianxiang Company is one of the exceptions, so it is the first domestic computer manufacturing company to come to the door and hope to obtain a patent authorization from the Oriental Research Institute.

Behind the rise of every great company, there are some successful traits that can be incorporated into the core culture of the company. One of the hallmarks of Lianxiang's company is that it follows the rules. In another time and space, before China joined the wto, almost none of the domestic computer brands paid Microsoft the royalties for software such as windows and office.

Even Thought could have gone with the flow, but it would rather bear higher costs than its competitors than break the rules of the international game. And since you abide by the rules, there is no reason for others to use means outside the rules to deal with you.

That's why Lianxiang Company successfully acquired IBM's personal computer business in 2004 despite the monstrous doubts in the United States, and opened up the mid-to-high-end business machine market with thinkpad, and then beat Dell, HP and other competition in one fell swoop. The opponent, finally boarded the global PC market sales dominance throne.

Before the acquisition of thinkpad, Lianxiang could only rely on the advantages of cheap labor in China. Relying on high quality and low price to occupy a place in the low-end PC market. With IBM's brand and R&D strength, Lianxiang is finally qualified to be on an equal footing with PC giants such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell.

In the face of the rise of Lianxiang, other competitors are not caught off guard. on the contrary. For example, in order to suppress Lianxiang's entry into the US market, Dell maliciously described it as being supported by the Chinese government. As a result, under the counterattack of Lianxiang, Dell's own reputation suffered serious damage.

Lianxiang's internationalization path is undoubtedly one of the most successful templates among Chinese enterprises. Another domestic IT giant engaged in the manufacture of mobile communications and Internet equipment, its overseas expansion is just the opposite of Lianxiang, which can be described as unusually bumpy.

The company's mergers and acquisitions in the United States have repeatedly been forced to abort due to the intervention of the US government and Congress. Everyone knows the real reason. In fact, Cisco is behind the scenes. Cisco believes that its failures in the Chinese market are not due to its own technical disadvantages, but due to unfair competition from Chinese competitors.

There are huge differences between Chinese and Western business cultures. In order to win orders for Chinese companies, the bosses can personally lead the team to fly to accompany the leaders of the other party to drink and eat. And foreign companies may only reply to a few pages of faxes for domestic inquiries.

Therefore, when there is little difference in technology between the two sides, it is natural that the Chinese companies will be able to manage and behave. But when the point of war between the two sides shifted from China to the United States. Everything is reversed. The method of making friends in the wine field and sending kickbacks behind the scenes is invalid. You treat the client to a casual meal. The other party may be accused of commercial bribery.

This is not to say that the American market competition is really that clean, only that the rules are different. The rules of the game in the United States are called political lobbying. Look at Google, HP, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Intel, Yahoo and other IT companies, which company is not spending a lot of money in Washington! Therefore, Cisco can keep the products of Chinese companies out of the United States without having to come forward.

Of course, the reason why Lianxiang, a native Chinese company, will be with most of its domestic counterparts. Parted ways from the beginning, in fact, has his own relationship with the father of the company's founder Liu Chuanzhi. Not that Liu Chuanzhi's father. What role has it played in the development of Lianxiang Company?

In fact, his father's name never appeared in Lenovo's rise biography from beginning to end. Who is Liu Chuanzhi's father? Liu Gushu, one of the earliest intellectual property lawyers in China, is also one of the first people to promote patent legislation in China.

In the same year that Liu Chuanzhi went to sea to establish Lianxiang Company, his father Liu Gushu was also assigned by his superiors to establish a Hong Kong China Patent Agency. Because of growing up in such a family, Liu Chuanzhi's respect for intellectual property rights is naturally much higher than that of most Chinese people in the 1980s.

There are many difficulties in promoting intellectual property protection in China. In addition to the general lack of relevant awareness among Chinese people, it also has a lot to do with the government's laissez-faire. You must know that when Liu Gushu proposed patent legislation in China a few years ago, someone wrote a letter to the central government saying that he had betrayed the country.

Because there is no patent protection law, everyone can openly take advantage of foreigners. But this approach is actually picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons. When China's economic development needs to be upgraded and transformed after 30 years, the price to bear is particularly huge.

In Li Xuan's view, the recognition and respect for the value of knowledge is the most lacking thing in the more than 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is precisely because of the neglect of the importance of knowledge and technology that the phenomenon of brain and body upside down has appeared in China for a long Money is no longer of great significance to Li Xuan now, and now he hopes to guide him even more The country is undergoing some changes. Of course, this kind of change is definitely not in the political system, because in Li Xuan's view, the United States, known as the beacon of democracy and democracy, is far less equal and free than the propaganda.

Not to mention the naked racial discrimination, even the separation of powers that Americans are proud of is actually far less glamorous than it seems. In China, power can often crush the rules of the game. In the US, money can also bend the rules many times.

For example, Simpson's wife murder case, which is well known to people all over the world, has thoroughly exposed the shameful side of money's ability to play with the law. And this is by no means an exception. On March 30, 1981, President Reagan, who had been in the White House for only 69 days, was suddenly assassinated.

The murderer, John Hinkley, was found by a judge to be mentally ill and was eventually acquitted. The real reason behind this is that the criminal's father is a rich oil businessman in Texas, and he has enough money to hire the best lawyers in the United States to find loopholes in the law and exonerate his son.

Although, Simpson was sentenced to capital by a judge a few years later for another crime that did not appear to be serious. Hinkley was actually sent to a mental hospital, where he was imprisoned in disguise for 22 years after the federal government rejected his application for denial of release. On the surface, justice has finally been served.

But you should know that these two cases are against the background of public uproar in the United States. In order to maintain its own dignity, the US government will naturally make every effort to remedy it. But it is an indisputable fact that the sacrosanct law is being played with by money. And similar incidents that fail to attract the attention of the United States will definitely become unjust, false and wrongful convictions! (To be continued.)

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