Video Game Empire

Chapter 521: ambition to control capital markets

(ps: The first draft, I haven’t had time to correct the typos, you can wait half an hour to read it!)

It is a well-known fact that there are more banks in Hong Kong than rice shops. Especially after the Hong Kong government lifted restrictions in 1978 and allowed overseas capital to register banks or set up branches in Hong Kong, a large number of foreign banks rushed to the beach.

The first half of the 1980s was definitely a five-year disaster for the Hong Kong banking industry. The collapse of real estate has caused large-scale bad debts, and the future crisis has triggered a sharp depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar. The successive turmoil has made many savers startled.

This has caused the smaller Chinese banks to suffer a serious loss of deposits. In the continuous run-off wave, many Chinese-funded banks can only choose to change their flags and accept the incorporation of foreign capital in order to survive.

The most recent case is that the richest man in Indonesia, also a well-known Chinese businessman in Southeast Asia, Mr. Lin Shaoliang's First Pacific Industrial Co., Ltd. purchased the Kangnian Bank at a price of 150 million Hong Kong dollars. Before that, another company of the Lin family, China National Bank Asia, also seized control of Far East Bank from Qiu Degen.

The smaller the company, the worse the ability to resist risks! If we don't look at the problem from the perspective of nationalism, the death of a group of small and medium-sized Chinese banks that are not strong enough will be beneficial to the stability of Hong Kong's entire financial system. But for the shareholders of these Chinese banks, losing control over their own companies often means being at the mercy of others!

Despite the constant turmoil in Hong Kong in the past few years, the Hong Kong economy is experiencing strong and rapid growth! Against this background, operating a banking business is actually a very lucrative business as long as it is properly managed!

Take Hong Kong-based International Bank as an example. It made a huge loss in 1983, and in 1984 it turned a profit. This was followed in 1985. Compared with the previous year's 450% increase in profit, last year's profit increased by 35% on the basis of 1985. It is precisely because of the outstanding performance of Hong Kong-based International Bank in recent years. Li Xuan was sure that Feng Yongxiang would definitely be tempted!

Those so-called reasons for sticking to the ancestral business are just excuses to shirk! Whether Feng Yongxiang is willing to sell Sun Hung Kai Securities Co., Ltd. ultimately depends on whether the price Li Xuan pays can satisfy him! From his bright eyes, Feng Yongxiang was obviously moved.

Feng Yongxiang did not hide his feelings. He believed that as long as he was willing to sell Sun Hung Kai Securities, the price given by "God of Fortune Li" would definitely satisfy him. In the face of the disparity in strength between the two, he doesn't need to pretend to be calm!

"Li Sheng, it's not that I haven't considered buying back the equity of Hong Kong-based International Bank before, but my eldest brother's development mind has been transferred to Canada! He is intent on building a Chinese community on the outskirts of Toronto. Get your blood drawn!

On the other hand, the outstanding performance of Hong Kong-based International Bank in recent years is largely supported by the credibility of Arab Bank! Li Sheng, you may not know that the loan-to-deposit ratio of Hong Kong-based International Bank has exceeded 90%.

This trick of the Middle Easterners is actually very poisonous, and we dare not force it at all. Otherwise, they only need to let out a little bit of wind, and it may trigger a large-scale squeeze, resulting in a situation where the fish will die and the net will be broken! "Feng Yongxiang did not lose the calmness that a shrewd businessman should have, and raised new questions with a frown.

"Jiahua Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia and Dah Sing Bank. The four banks are willing to come forward together and package and transfer part of the loan contract of Hong Kong-based International Bank to help Hong Kong-based International Bank reduce the loan-to-deposit ratio to a reasonable one. Level!" Li Xuan said lightly.

In Feng Yongxiang's eyes, it is a very unsolvable problem. For Li Xuan, it was a matter of words. Of course, Li Xuan is by no means a living Lei Feng. The reason why he is willing to relieve Feng Yongxiang of all his worries. On the one hand, it is to persuade Feng Yongxiang to sell Sun Hung Kai Securities, and the other party also has its own abacus.

Banks and brokerages are part of the commercial financial system. The two most important parts. If Li Xuan can have enough voice in these two fields in Hong Kong, and cooperate with the huge influence of Oriental Group in Hong Kong industry. It can be said that it controls almost half of Hong Kong's economic lifeline!

Jiahua Bank and Standard Chartered Bank have more than 200 business networks in all parts of Hong Kong. The density of the Internet has not only covered every corner of Hong Kong, but in some places even caused internal competition between the two banks.

The combined strengths of Standard Chartered and Jiahua have also been able to compete with HSBC Hong Kong Branch. Therefore, neither Jia Hua Bank nor Standard Chartered Bank plans to continue to expand horizontally in Hong Kong in the short term. The development focus of the two banks will turn to internal reform and efficiency improvement, provide customers with better services, and create higher profits for shareholders!

But Li Xuan's purpose of expanding his influence in Hong Kong's banking industry will not change. It's just that the method used will change from the previous Jagged Merger to a more tender alliance.

For example, in September last year, Liu Ruanxiong, a "stock sniper", was suddenly eyeing the Bank of East Asia. Bank of East Asia is an old Chinese-funded bank in Hong Kong. After Hang Seng Bank was incorporated by HSBC, it has been the largest independent Chinese-funded bank in Hong Kong until it was replaced by Jiahua Bank in recent years.

The Bank of East Asia was founded by senior bankers Feng Pingshan, Jian Dongpu, Li Guanchun and others. However, when rumors spread in the Hong Kong stock market, Feng, Jian, Li and their friends together accounted for less than 20% of the shares. Major shareholders hold unstable companies, which is Liu Ruanxiong's favorite target.

A hostile acquirer like Liu Ruanxiong is a lucky star for ordinary shareholders. Because of his game with the original major shareholders, the stock price of the acquired company will skyrocket. Ordinary retail investors can make a lot of money if they are lucky. But for listed companies and controlling shareholders, Liu Ruanxiong is undoubtedly a disaster star in the stock market and a rat **** in the stock market.

He did not buy companies for business purposes, but used various capital means to create themes for speculation, profiting from the sharp rise and fall of stock prices. This is absolutely detrimental to the long-term development of the company. Therefore, the board of directors of the Bank of East Asia will never be forced to invite Liu Ruanxiong to the board of directors because the shares held by Liu Ruanxiong are high enough.

But the existing major shareholders Feng, Jian, Li three. There is not enough strength to compete with Liu Ruanxiong. Therefore, the Bank of East Asia could only seek the help of the "white knight", and the investment fund under Li Xuan stood up at this time. Start sweeping goods on a large scale in the secondary market.

In just one month, the share price of Bank of East Asia was pushed up by nearly 50%. The investment fund increased its 11.5% stake in the Bank of East Asia in one go. Coupled with the increase in the holdings of the original major shareholders of East Asia, the entire concerted action people's equity reached 34% before closing.

It turned out that Liu Ruanxiong was just a false shot, and he did quietly acquire a lot of scattered shares in the Bank of East Asia in the early stage. But after the fund joined the war, Liu Ruanxiong knew that his strength was no match. So when the stock price rose to a high level, he took advantage of the situation and sold all the stocks in his hand, making a profit of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars in one fell swoop!

The board of directors of the Bank of East Asia may never guess the truth. This action of Liu Ruanxiong is actually a good double-reed play together with the fund! The fund took this opportunity to enter the board of directors of the Bank of East Asia in a very friendly gesture.

Although the fund only acts as a pure financial investor. It does not seek control over the Bank of East Asia. However, under its leadership, the relationship between the Bank of East Asia and the Eastern Jiahua Bank and Standard Chartered Bank quickly began to close.

In addition to winning over the Bank of East Asia, Li Xuan also invested in Dah Sing Bank in the name of Oriental Group. The Oriental Group also only holds 20% of the shares as a strategic investor, and does not pose a threat to the controlling stake of the founder, Mr. Wang Shouye.

With the support of the Oriental Group, Dah Sing Bank successfully defeated the Hong Leong Group of the wealthy Malaysian businessman Guo Lingchan two months ago to acquire the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China from the Hong Kong government. After the acquisition, Dah Sing Bank has reached 27 branches, and has been promoted to the ranks of China CITIC Bank in Hong Kong.

It is said that peers are enemies, but Jiahua Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, and Dah Sing Bank have faintly formed alliances. The reason why Li Xuan was able to draw the four banks together. It is precisely the dominance of the Orient Group over the entire electronics industry in Hong Kong.

The total amount of p in Hong Kong last year exceeded 370 billion Hong Kong dollars, of which the electronics industry contributed a quarter. Hong Kong's current electronics industry is almost all developed around the Oriental Group. This data is enough to show the deep influence of the Oriental Group on the real economy of Hong Kong.

The emergence of Li Xuan has greatly changed the overall economic structure of Hong Kong. 1987 in another time and space. More than 80% of Hong Kong's factories have moved northward, and the economic lifeline of the entire city is gradually being controlled by the real estate industry.

But now, Hong Kong's industry is thriving. Every year, millions of computers, tens of millions of various game consoles, and hundreds of millions of game cartridges are shipped from Hong Kong to all over the world. The booming electronics industry has created hundreds of thousands of jobs in Hong Kong. It has produced hundreds of millions of capital transactions.

Jiahua Bank and Standard Chartered Bank have undoubtedly won a very delicious dividend cake in the rise of Hong Kong's electronics industry. Even HSBC is making money for better participation. It also opened the door of convenience when Li Xuan acquired the Landmark Group, and inserted a knife in the back of Jardine, which is also a British consortium.

In recent years, the Hong Kong banking industry's capital investment in the electronics industry has a tendency to catch up with the real estate industry. Under such circumstances, if we can maintain a good relationship with the Oriental Group, we can undoubtedly gain a considerable advantage in the competition.

Because every move of the Oriental Group will have a profound impact on the entire electronics industry in Hong Kong. Those companies that are in line with the development ideas of the Oriental Group have made a lot of money. For example, ra company decided to gradually transfer its entire TV manufacturing industry to Asia.

If a company can successfully integrate into the ra company's Asian industrial chain, whether it is OEM TV, radio, video recorder, or provide various components. As long as it can win the order of ra company, it is enough to make the company suffer.

Under such circumstances, companies seeking loans for expansion are definitely a high-quality business that can make a profit without losing money. Some shrewd and bold businessmen even dared to use their entire net worth as collateral to upgrade their factories with loans from Jiahua Bank before they even got the contract.

Then, for the safety of its own loans, Jiahua Bank will make every effort to match it with ra company. Because if the customer does go bankrupt, the bank needs to offset the loan by forfeiting the property pledged by the other party. And this is definitely a very cumbersome process, a result that the bank neither wants to see.

The entire Hong Kong electronics industry hopes that it can become closer to the "God of Fortune Lee" and his Oriental Group. It is in this context that Li Xuan's attitude can greatly affect the banking industry's customer competition in Hong Kong's electronics industry.

"Chinese-funded banks in Hong Kong are generally too small in scale. If there is a slight disturbance in the market, and even a large investment turns into a bad debt, it may lead to a disaster! So Yang Lingjun mentioned one of his ideas to me before. By forming alliances with multiple banks and helping each other together, we can jointly deal with possible risks in the financial market!

He has negotiated with Mr. Li Baoguo of Bank of East Asia and Mr. Wang Shouye of Dah Sing Bank. If Feng Sheng intends to take back the control of Hong Kong-based International Bank, we also welcome you to join this alliance! "Li Xuan invited with a smile.

On behalf of the Orient Group, Yang Ling also serves as the chairman of the board of directors of Jiahua Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. These two listed banks are definitely the most important figures in Hong Kong's financial industry.

Before Feng Yongxiang came to the banquet, he guessed that Li Xuan would offer a high price that he could not refuse to buy Sun Hung Kai Securities. But he didn't expect that the conversation between the two tonight mainly revolved around Hong Kong-based International Bank. Feng Yongxiang very much hopes to turn it back into Sun Hung Kai Bank, but he does not dare to make a decision lightly on such a major matter.

Feng Yongxiang should at least go back and talk to his eldest brother first. After all, 25% of the Feng family's equity belongs to the eldest Only when the eldest brother supports his repurchase action can he be qualified to consider whether to give it a shot or not. .

After Feng Yongxiang said that he needed to think for a few days before giving the final answer, Li Xuan didn't care, and turned the topic back to the securities company!

"Uncle Zhao, whether or not Asia Securities will merge with Feng Sheng's Sun Hung Kai Securities, my previous opinion will never change. I hope to invite you to be the chairman of Asia Securities. I wonder what you have considered? "Li Xuan turned his head and said to Li Fuzhao.

During the whole dinner, Li Fuzhao did not intervene in the conversation between Li Xuan and Feng Yongxiang, but quietly watched from the sidelines. Regarding Li Xuan's invitation, after careful consideration, he decided that it was necessary to agree.

If he becomes the chairman of the Asian Securities Company, even if the Hong Kong government and the Independent Commission Against Corruption want to settle accounts in the autumn and continue to bite his tail, they will have to consider the reactions of the "God of Fortune Li" and the Oriental Group.

Because if the top management of the subsidiary was arrested in the name of corruption and bribery, it would be a big deal for the entire Oriental Group, and it would inevitably lead to a violent counterattack from Li Xuan! So for Li Fuzhao, joining Asia Securities Company actually opened up a protective umbrella for himself! (To be continued.)

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