Video Game Empire

Chapter 52: happy troubles

When Li Xuan and Professor Zhao were discussing about his studies, the first batch of 200 tank war arcade machines and 100 Hong Kong cube arcade machines that were expedited from Dongfang Electronics arrived in Los Angeles on a container liner from Hong Kong. The 300 arcade machines were quickly sold to all corners of California under Tony Cousins' channel network.

Ryan, a high school student in Pasadena, an eastern suburb of Los Angeles, was left alone at the weekend when his parents went to a colleague's wedding. Originally, he was going to add it in the microwave, and leftover pizza from last night in the refrigerator for lunch.

But when he opened the refrigerator to get food, he slipped his hand and the whole pizza box was upside down on the ground. So he had to go out to a small shop nearby to buy a bag of raisins for lunch.

Before Ryan got to the door of the store, he found a large group of people gathered there, and he immediately guessed that the store owner, Big Nose Jack, must have brought a new game console.

"Hey, Johnson, is there a new game? How cool is it?" Ryan patted another young white man with brown hair on the shoulder and asked. This Johnson, like him, was a student at Pasadena High School.

Johnson, who was huddled in the crowd, looked back and found that it was his classmate. He immediately nodded: "This game is so cool! It's a hundred times more fun than Space Invaders!"

Ryan doesn't believe it. He is one of the loyal fans of Space Invaders. Although he is a bit bored after playing this old game countless times, he rarely plays the old one at the door of Boss Jack's supermarket. Space Invaders arcade, but he still doesn't believe there's a game that's a hundred times more fun.

Driven by curiosity, Ryan immediately joined the crowd in the queue. He wanted to try out the game called Tank Wars for himself. The original intention of buying bread had already been temporarily abandoned by him, a game fan. behind the head.

More than an hour later, Ryan finally stood in front of the tank battle arcade. At this moment, his face was full of excitement and he was completely immersed in the game. His level is not bad. He reached the eleventh level when he came into contact with the tank battle in the first game. But the map of this level is a bit crazy. On both sides of the double-headed eagle statue in the base camp below, there are many bricks and sea obstacles in the birthplace of the player's tank, but the top of the double-headed eagle statue is only covered by a thin layer of bricks, and the rest It is a flat river.

If the enemy tank is driving right in front of the double-headed eagle statue, it only needs to fire two bullets, the first bullet is a brick that is clearly obscured, and the second bullet is a chance to the statue to end the game.

Ryan's good luck ran out in this level. The enemy tank happened to eat a bomb prop, and the bomb could instantly destroy all the opponent's tanks on the screen. The tanks controlled by Ryan and another player who were fighting side by side were destroyed in an instant. Before their next lives were born, an enemy tank happened to appear directly above the statue of the double-headed eagle. They didn't have time to make up for it. The statue has been destroyed.

Ryan patted the buttons on the console a little depressed, then took out a twenty-five-cent coin from his pocket and put it into the coin slot. In the second game, Ryan persisted until the seventh level and failed again. His strategy for playing the game is somewhat conservative, and he rarely leaves the base camp at the bottom of the screen in order to eat a prop.

So if the refreshed props appear at the top of the screen, they basically fall into the mouths of enemy tanks. This time, the enemy tank happened to eat a timer, and its effect was that the opponent's tank could not move for 30 seconds. So when I went to follow him, I could only watch an enemy tank swagger down, and then a shot killed him.

The 30-second timer gave a large number of enemy tanks a chance to swarm down. Ryan and another player were in a hurry, but they still couldn't save the defeat. The two-headed eagle statue they both needed to defend was eventually given a chance by a tank from the left.

GameOver! This is the end of the second game. Ryan was a little unfulfilled, but at the urging of others behind him, he reluctantly stepped aside. Each person can throw two coins at a time, which is a common practice when there are many people playing the game.

Ryan, who was about to queue up again, suddenly felt hungry. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It had been almost two hours since he had left home before he knew it. Ryan decided to go to the store to buy bread to fill his stomach first, and by the way, he notified his best friend Allen on the phone and asked him to come over quickly.

Similar situations continued to appear in various cities and towns in California, and Hong Kong cubes and tank battles quickly captured a large number of game fans. With the continuous increase in the amount of Hong Kong cube and tank war arcades, a new trend has quickly formed. The enthusiasm of the players is comparable to the situation when the Space Invaders came out a few years ago, and other game companies have begun to exclaim. coming.

At the same time, in Japan, another big market for arcade machines, Epson's tank wars and Hong Kong cubes also began to spread in game halls all over Japan. At first, arcade owners had some doubts about the two new games. With its own sufficient financial support, Epson adopted the risky advance sales strategy of distributing goods first and then paying the quickly sent the two game consoles to the game rooms in the streets and alleys of Japan.

The performance of Hong Kong Cube and Tank War did not disappoint Epson, and Japanese players were as quickly convinced by the charm of these two games as American players. There were even some girls in many crowded and noisy game rooms, and most of them came to play Hong Kong cubes on purpose.

In Hong Kong, the home base of Dongfang Electronics, it is the first place where the two arcades of Hong Kong Cube and Tank War were launched on a large scale. A scene that appeared in Japan two years ago was copied to Hong Kong newspapers. According to the "Daily Daily" report, many teachers who buy and sell vegetables have responded that there is a shortage of five cents coins on the market in Hong Kong recently, and people can only use a large number of one cent and two cent coins to replace the change.

A reporter from "Daily Daily" found through investigation that the biggest reason for the shortage of 5 cents coins is precisely the arcade machines that have recently appeared in Hong Kong game halls, bars and movie theaters. The tank battle is also known as the coin swallowing devil, and a large number of five cents coins are deposited every day.

From the game machine coin storage box to the game hall bosses taking it to the bank and exchanging it for whole money, the circulation rate of the five-cent coins is greatly reduced, and the supply is in short supply.

For Dongfang Electronics, the popularity of tank wars and Hong Kong cubes made the company receive orders like snowflakes. Many agents have already placed the second batch of orders before they received the first order.

The production task of Dongfang Electronics Company's arcade factory has been scheduled until the end of the year. How to further rapidly expand production capacity has become a happy trouble for Li Xuan.

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