Video Game Empire

Chapter 503: DreamWorks Asia

ps: The draft, the typo has not been corrected, you can read it in half an hour!

"Mr. Wang, you can see that I and your company have been working together for several years! I am Wu Yousheng, you must also know that I am not the kind of person who does not keep promises! You hand over the agency of game consoles in eastern Guangdong Province Give it to me, I will pay the money first and then pick up the goods as before! I brought 1 million cash this time, and I am going to purchase 250 game consoles!" Wu Yousheng said straight to Wang Shi.

If it had been an hour earlier, Wang Shi was not ready to hand over the proxy rights of eastern Guangdong Province. Especially in the most economically developed region of the Pearl River Delta, Hyundai Instruments only needs to set up a sales team of a few people, and it can easily complete the staking.

According to the relevant national policies, all products imported by enterprises in the special zone cannot be shipped out of the special zone for sale on their own. Therefore, when Hyundai Scientific Instruments was operating the video recorder business, even the local market in eastern Guangdong Province, which was just a short distance away, could not intervene. Instead, it cooperated with Wu Yousheng and let him develop it!

But this time, the game console business is different. After obtaining the authorization of Dongyou Company, Hyundai Science and Technology Co., Ltd. plans to organize production in China by itself. In this way, the game console products sold by Hyundai Instrument Company are no longer imported but domestic, and naturally they are not bound by relevant policies!

∝dǐng∝ǎn∝小∝ said, .2≯3.︾o Wang Shi had already prepared a set of detailed marketing plans, and planned to set up a sales office in each province to quickly build a complete distribution network nationwide. system. But after talking with the business representative of Dongfang Commercial just now, he has changed his initial thoughts.

Video game consoles may quickly spread across the country, but there are pros and cons to this business. Not worth the fanfare to operate! The main consumer groups of electronic game consoles are teenagers, and teenagers are a group with insufficient self-control. It is inevitable that there will be one or two negative cases of playthings losing their minds.

But if these cases are magnified by public opinion, in the current domestic environment. It is easy to lead to the direct administrative intervention of the government. As long as the relevant departments issue one or two administrative regulations, it may directly kill an industry! In another time and space, the Chinese game industry has been discriminated against for a long time. It is not how powerful the parents in China are, but the government who is really awesome.

In fact, many parents in the United States object to their children's excessive exposure to games, because many games contain **** and violent content, which can easily affect the immature minds of teenagers. But the U.S. government does not have such a big right, and has just introduced a policy to restrict the game industry.

When game makers think they are being treated unfairly, they can take the government to court. Unless it's the U.S. legislature. Parliament to pass the relevant bills. Legislation in parliament is actually a very inefficient thing. Game makers can conduct political lobbying in advance and let the bills that are unfavorable to them abort.

It is against this background that it is difficult for parents and teachers to protest against the inclinations of eroticism, violence and violence. Even if the social pressure is really great, game makers will at most make some concessions in terms of self-censorship!

In contrast, the authority of the domestic government is much greater, and manufacturers have no ability to resist! When the relevant domestic departments are under pressure from public opinion, the simplest and crudest solution is to cut across the board. They don't care whether their disposal methods will have a bad impact on the development of related industries. Is there a better solution?

"Boss Wu is also a regular customer of our company. In principle, I have no objection to your proposal! As for the relevant details, our company's sales department will discuss with you again!" Wang Shi smiled and turned to the beaming Wu Yousheng. Send out your own office.

Dongyou Company has realized the risks contained in the domestic arcade market, so it is not ready to take the stage in person. And Wang Shi also felt that he needed to plan ahead. Hyundai Scientific Instruments should not be too deeply tied to the arcade industry, and it is not easy to turn around in the future.

So he decided not to open branches across the country, but to find agents for cooperation in various places. Thus. Although Hyundai Instruments has to give up part of its profits, it can let itself withdraw at any time.

certainly. No matter how the future develops, the arcade business is undoubtedly very important to the modern company. Because Hyundai Instrument Company and Dongyou Company reached a package of cooperation agreement. And successfully obtained the domestic exclusive agency rights of arcade games from Dongyou Company, and the plan of Hyundai Instrument Company to issue corporate bonds in Hong Kong has been very popular in the Hong Kong capital market!

When Wang Shi was investigating in Hong Kong before, he went to attend a listing counseling meeting for mainland companies organized by Asia Securities Company. Although there is still a big gap in the situation of Hyundai Instruments and the requirements for listing in Hong Kong in Japan, Wang Shi is not without gains.

From the date of its establishment, Hyundai Scientific Instruments has not been as chaotic in its financial management as other domestic companies. The company's accounts are very clear, it is easy to meet the normative requirements of the Hong Kong accounting system, and its profitability is not bad. In addition, Hyundai Technology Co., Ltd. has once again dipped in the light of cooperation with Dongyou Company. Therefore, Asia Securities Company is willing to issue 15 million Hong Kong dollars of corporate bonds in Hong Kong.

And this money is naturally used to start the domestic arcade project. It must be known that the modern scientific instrument company in 1987 is not the giant company with a total market value of hundreds of billions of RMB in 1987. In 1987, the net assets of Hyundai Scientific Instrument Company were only 13 million yuan, of which 5 million were residential assets.

In the past, Hyundai Technology Co., Ltd. did import trade, and most of the funds came from the prepaid funds of customers, and it did not require much capital. But this time he is going to enter the industry and produce arcade machines by himself, so naturally he needs a lot of funds!

Just when Hyundai Scientific Instruments was preparing to make efforts to the arcade market, Dongfang Game Company was also undergoing a positive transformation! 1987 was also a year of watershed significance for Dongyou Company. In the first six months of this year, Dongyou's arcade sales fell below 600,000 units for the first time, and the annual sales target of 1.2 million units was already in jeopardy.

This is the first time that Dongyou has fallen below the average monthly sales of 100,000 arcade machines, and at its peak a few years ago, in the months when popular games like "The King of Fighters 2" were first launched. Monthly sales once exceeded 150,000 units.

Fortunately, the decline of the arcade industry was already within the plan of Dongyou Company, after the original major markets such as the United States and Europe became weak. Dongyou is also working hard to develop emerging markets. For example, South Korea and Taiwan-Taiwan, Dongyou Company in the first half of this year. The number of arcade machines exported to these two places reached 38,000 and 32,000, respectively.

And if the domestic arcade market can develop in advance, even if the current domestic consumption level is low, its population base is too large. Wang Shi's previous estimate of 200,000 units per year is actually a relatively conservative figure!

Of course, what really makes Li Xuan feel more gratified is that the other businesses of Dongyou Company have grown rapidly before they completely declined. You must know that Dongyou Company has always played the role of the cash cow of the entire Dongfang Group.

The arcade business alone contributes more than $100 million in gross profit each month. It provides the most solid financial guarantee for the frenzied expansion of the Oriental Group in recent years. Although the group has passed the initial stage of unlimited funds, if Dongyou Company's profits decline sharply, it will inevitably have a great impact on the entire group!

However, Dongfang Game Company's home game console and a handheld game console have taken on the role of successor very well. In particular, the -2 game console took over the -1 baton smoothly after a large-scale price reduction in the Thanksgiving season promotional war last year, becoming the new overlord in the home game console market.

In the last two months of last year alone, the -2 game console sold more than 2 million units in the North American market, and was named the last Christmas gift of last year by the New York Times of the United States!

certainly. In addition to the home and handheld markets, which have been cultivated for many years, Dongfang Games has also made a lot of moves in the emerging computer game market. The company purchased the copyright of the famous British magician Tolkien's epic masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings", and the adaptation of the game of the same name has also entered the end of production!

However, this great work, which was hailed by Du Wenqiang as a game revolution, is still some time away from the real launch. And now there is actually another work that can subvert an industry is about to be completed!


"Everyone can read this non-disclosure agreement carefully again. After confirming that it is correct, sign it on the last page!" A beautiful colleague from the human resources department explained the important points of confidentiality, and then distributed the agreement to everyone.

Luo Lubiao successfully applied for the Oriental Group, but he did not work in the Oriental Game Company like his classmate Lin Chaoyang. Instead, he was recommended by the interviewer to work at an Asian film company.

In fact, the real name of the department where Rolubiao works should be called Asian DreamWorks Animation Production Company. This is a joint venture between Asia Holdings and Asia Films, of which Asia Holdings holds 80% of the shares. Asia Films owns 20% of the shares.

Luo Lubiao was assigned to this company mainly because he was born in Shanghai Art Studio. Experience in animation production. DreamWorks Animation is a subsidiary of Asian Pictures specializing in the production of animated films.

It's just that this animation studio has a big difference from the domestic Shanghai Art Studio and the Disney Company in Hollywood, which is that it is an animation company that uses all-digital computer production.

The camera that shoots movies is actually an upgraded version of the camera. The camera can only take one photo, and the camera is equivalent to a camera with continuous shooting mode turned on, which continuously shoots pictures.

If you use super slow motion to revisit the film, in fact, every 1 second of footage is composed of 24 still pictures. When these pictures are played quickly, our human brain will think that it is a continuous picture.

The same is true for the animation. The only difference between him and other movies is that the 24 pictures in the shot per second are all sketches drawn by the painters themselves stroke by stroke. That is to say, in traditional animation film production, a 90-minute film is actually a comic strip composed of nearly 130,000 animated pictures.

The human and material resources required for this can be imagined, so the production cycle of Disney animations is much longer than that of live-action movies. An animated film usually takes three to five years by a team of five or six hundred people.

But this inefficient model was upended by a company called Pixar in the 1990s. Pixar has completely opened a new chapter in animated films with a "Toy Story".

In fact, the early pedigree of Pixar is the animation production department of Industrial Light and Magic, a well-known computer stunt company in Hollywood, and Industrial Light and Magic is the computer graphics specially established by director Lucas to shoot the "Star Wars" series. studio!

In another time and space, after being kicked out by Apple, Jobs spent $10 million to acquire the division from Lucas and renamed it Pixar Animation Studios. It is precisely because of his great success in running Pixar that he regained the trust of Apple's board of directors. In the late 1990s, when Apple was at its lowest point, he re-entered the company and started a new journey of miracles!

Some historical inertia is always difficult to change. Under the fanning of Li Xuan, Jobs left Apple one year early. But his shrewd vision has not changed, he still bought the animation production department from Industrial Light & Magic and established Pixar Animation Company.

The reason why Li Xuan, a foresighted person, did not start with Pixar is that when Jobs established Pixar, there were only forty people. Pixar has been in the red since its inception, and Jobs's repeated capital injections have kept it afloat.

In the early 1990s, even Gang Master Qiao couldn't stand this bottomless pit that was constantly swallowing up a lot of money. At one point, he planned to sell the company, but unfortunately no one was willing to take over! Later, after the success of Pixar, DreamWorks Animation Studio and Blue Sky Animation Studio came out one after another. No one in this world is unique!

Li Xuan had already set his sights on computer stunts as early as five or six years ago. He first established contact with Lucasfilm through Ikon's professional graphics workstation for Industrial Light and Magic.

Later, Li Xuan did make an offer to Lucas for the wholly-owned acquisition of Industrial Light and Magic Studio, but the price between the two parties did not reach an agreement. So Li Xuan simply launched Jinyuan Company and offered better conditions to dig a group of technical backbones from Industrial Light and Magic!

Some of these people who are willing to come to Hong Kong to work have joined DreamWorks Asia Animation Studios! After DreamWorks Animation was established, it soon started a hugely expensive project! (To be continued.)

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