Video Game Empire

Chapter 483: Network virus (below)

Less than 24 years after the outbreak of this network computer virus named "hny" (happyneyear), the maker of the virus was successfully arrested and brought to justice by the Hong Kong Crime Squad.

The writer of the virus is a freshman who went to the University of California, San Diego from Hong Kong to study abroad. The campus has the National Science Foundation (nsf), one of the six supercomputer centers established in the United States - the San Diego Supercomputer Center ().

In fact, it also has some origins with the Oriental Group, because its mainframe is the "Pearl of the Orient" series of supercomputers manufactured by the Oriental Group. The reason why this Hong Kong student fell in love with computers was inseparable from his admiration for Li Xuan.

The two most famous subsidiaries of Dongfang Group are Aikang and Dongfang Game Company. In particular, Aikang, as the first listed company under the Oriental Group, turned into a giant company with a market value of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars overnight when it was listed on the London Stock Exchange, causing a huge sensation in Hong Kong.

It was after this that Li Xuan was completely pushed to the altar by the Hong Kong media. And many Hong Kong teenagers who follow his example have also liked computers. Because of Li Xuan in Hong Kong, a computer craze quickly emerged, and even the Education Department has specially added computer courses to the syllabus of secondary schools.

Of course, Li Xuan has actually been working hard to promote the foundation of computer education in Hong Kong. For example, the charity fund under Li Xuan's name has donated and built computer classrooms for a large number of middle schools in Hong Kong.

Aikang's -1 computer has been on the market for six years since the earliest, and Aikang discontinued these low-end products two or three years ago. The entire Hong Kong computer market is now flooded with more than a dozen -1 compatible brands. There is a fierce price fight with each other. But even go buy a -1 compatible machine, if configured with a color display. The cost of the entire computer still needs about 5,000 Hong Kong dollars.

This is equivalent to a month's income of an ordinary working family in Hong Kong, so buying a computer is by no means cheap. And to build a computer classroom equipped with more advanced-computers. At least 500,000 Hong Kong dollars are required, which is not a burden for most schools.

The large-scale funding behind Li Xuan can be one of the important reasons for the rapid popularization of computer culture in Hong Kong, especially the investment and cultivation of the underlying basic computer education.

And the student who got into trouble this time has fallen in love with computers since middle school. His father was a school principal, and the family income was enough to cover his study abroad expenses. Teachers in Hong Kong are no better than their counterparts in China. This is a very high-income occupation, and principals are absolutely high-income.

So he doesn't need to stay local. Like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, competing for a degree from the only two universities - Hong Kong University and CUHK. Because he likes computers, he soon found a part-time job in China after entering the study abroad program.

One of the seniors who worked with him was a fan of Core Wars. He often played the games of Core Wars on the supercomputer that was secretly with people. The two competed against each other for their programming abilities and fought each other on the computer through a set of programs. After a few contacts, he quickly fell in love with this game of wits and bravery among technical nerds.

And it is with the help of the programming ideas of core wars. And a loophole in the east-system that he knew, he wrote this "hny" computer virus. In fact, the system loopholes of east- were not discovered by him. But he learned about it by communicating with other computer experts on the Internet.

For the true tech geek. As long as you take the time to patiently find and crack, you can always find a few loopholes in the computer operating system. Before the Internet wave kicked off, even if there were many loopholes in the computer system. But hackers want to use this to complete the invasion of other people's computers, it is not an easy task.

Because for most computers that are not connected to the Internet. Hackers simply cannot connect to their systems. No matter how good your skills are, you can't cook without rice. So come to all software companies. Security issues have always been neglected.

Li Xuan, a major shareholder, has always emphasized the need to pay more attention to this aspect, even if it is like Dongfang System Software Company. However, the company has never suffered a serious blow in this regard, and it is inevitable that the top management will not pay enough attention to it.

Moreover, even if the technicians of Dongfang System Company discovered new loopholes in their own system software, in the case that most users could not automatically update the patches online, they mostly chose to keep quiet and make up for it in subsequent versions. And this approach naturally leaves hidden dangers, such as the loophole exploited by "hny" this time, in fact, Dongfang System Software Company did not discover it before.

Taking advantage of the Christmas winter vacation, the Hong Kong student who went to study in the United States flew back to Hong Kong to spend the holidays with his parents. Perhaps because of the rebellion of the young, he decided to create a prank in the New Year, so he wrote this extremely offensive Internet virus.

He first sent this Internet virus to several middle school classmates by e-mail, hoping to see if those people would be recruited the next day. But he did not expect the huge diffusion effect of network communication, far beyond his expectations.

By the time he contacted a few friends who were the first to be recruited the next day and was going to solve their problems, the "hny" virus was already raging all over Hong Kong. As the writer of the virus, he actually reserved a solution to the virus, but he was a little scared when he found out that something was wrong.

But after hesitating again and again, he finally chose to upload anti-virus programs on several major bbs forums in Hong Kong. And this information is precisely the important reason why he was quickly locked up by the Hong Kong police less than 24 hours after the outbreak of the virus.

Fortunately, the destructiveness of this computer virus is not too strong. Even if the user can't find a solution, he only needs to format the computer completely, and then reinstall the system to return to normal without causing damage to the hardware.

And it also mainly attacks on PCs with east-systems, not on mainframes with systems on them. Otherwise the consequences will be much more serious.

However, since the Internet in Hong Kong can be connected to the ARPANET and NSF networks, the disaster in Hong Kong was quickly extinguished due to the timely intervention of the Oriental Group. The "hny" virus is still spreading, sweeping the world in just a day or two.

You must know that the New Year period is originally the peak period for sending and receiving emails. Although the Eastern Group gave a timely warning and launched a series of remedial measures. However, it is still difficult for people who have never experienced a network virus attack to develop awareness of prevention. According to statistics from relevant agencies, in just one week, more than 10,000 computers were infected by the "hny" virus in the world.

Due to the war of words between the United Kingdom and the United States due to the World Wide Web technology, and "Sleepless Hong Kong" in the Oscar selection for the best foreign language film, the word "Internet" was originally a dark horse in the selection of the best foreign language film. hot topic.

And the sudden outbreak of "hny" virus raged. It added another scoop of oil to this raging fire. The huge information security risk brought about by the global networking of computers is the first time that everyone has paid attention to it. This gives many conservatives less willing to embrace the new an excuse to attack the Internet.

However, more people of insight have also discovered the rising Internet from the sudden outbreak of the network security crisis, which is a huge subversion of the way of human information dissemination. It was the telegraph and the telephone that brought this earth together for the first time.

The advent of the Internet is bound to make this connection even closer. Li Xuan also wrote an article called "Let's Really Embrace the Global Village Era" at the invitation of the American "Wall Street Journal".

The concept of "global village" (;) actually dates back to 1967. It has been proposed by the Canadian communication scientist McLuhan. Human society has undergone major changes with the advent of ships, aircraft and other means of transportation, as well as emerging electronic media such as radio and television. The distance between people and countries is shrinking, and the process of global integration is unstoppable.

before the Internet. We have been able to know the news that happened on the other side of the earth at the first time through TV. We were still able to pass the plane, within twenty-four hours. to any country in the world.

But there are actually many thresholds, such as the world news we see on TV. They are all carefully screened by TV. We want to fly all over the world, in addition to needing a visa. There is also a lot of travel expenses to bear.

The emergence of the Internet can truly make every individual in the world intertwined without any barriers through the virtual network of the Internet. When we can freely communicate with the world without leaving home, the earth will really become like a village.

In fact, the article "Let's Really Embrace the Age of the Global Village" published by Li Xuan is just an excerpt and refinement of part of his first book, "The Road to the Future", which he is currently writing.

The previous global discussion on technology led by the World Wide Web Consortium was the first bombardment of Internet issues by Li Xuan. And then with the help of "Sleepless in Hong Kong" and the American Oscar, it is Li Xuan's second round of hype plan.

The third bullet he originally planned would be the new book "The Road to the Future", which will be released in May and June this year. The richest man in the world has written a book about what the world in his mind will look like in ten or twenty years, which is sure to spark the curiosity of many.

Li Xuan is really lazy. He didn't even change the name of the book. He plagiarized the title of the book written by Bill Gates in another time and space. It's just that compared to Gates' imagination, he can make extremely precise language like a god. Twenty years later, when people open this book again, they may be amazed to find that his prophecy seems to have been experienced in advance.

And through the three consecutive rounds of hype, Li Xuan believes that the term "Internet" is difficult to think about. With these sufficient public opinion foundations, Li Xuan will go to convince Bush Sr., Gore and other politicians to come forward and start large-scale information infrastructure construction in the United States, and things will suddenly become logical. And Dongfang Group, as the leader of Internet technology, can easily take the opportunity to get the fattest piece of meat!

The sudden outbreak of the network virus incident can be completely out of Li Xuan's plan. But this has more advantages than disadvantages for his entire strategic layout, because this incident has created an excellent publicity opportunity for the Internet.

And the reason why he posted in person is that he hopes to take this opportunity to guide everyone's discussion to the idea he wants. That is how the Internet will play a key and central role in the future development of mankind. He, the world's richest man and the leader of the computer industry, expresses these views, which will undoubtedly arouse everyone's thinking.

When everyone discusses the importance of the problem, from worrying about Internet security issues, to the huge role the Internet will play in the information age of mankind, including the pressure on Eastern System Software Corporation and the U.S. government will also be many.

Judging from the number of computers infected by the "hny" virus this time, the United States is definitely the biggest victim. Of the more than 10,000 virus-infected computers worldwide, more than 10,000 are located in the United States. After this "hny" virus attack, the US government has begun to set up a new department called "Computer Emergency Response Team" to deal with similar challenges that may be encountered in the future.

The east-system of Eastern System Software Co., Ltd. has also been questioned because "hny" spreads through its system loopholes. Competitors such as Apple Inc. took advantage of topics such as security to launch a violent attack on the entire computer system.

Even the plans of the Eastern System Software Company were once hit. Fortunately, Dongfang Group's remedial measures were still timely, and users with infected computers could almost get the correct solution at the first time, thus avoiding most of the losses.

And Dongfang System's "Shield" security software has become a well-known star software product in the world through the Internet virus incident. It sold 100,000 copies all over the world in just one week, UU Reading saved a lot of reputation for Eastern Systems!

Of course, Hong Kong, the epicentre of the Internet virus incident and the hardest-hit area, is also facing a dilemma. When the "hny" virus raged around the world, the virus writer arrested by the Hong Kong police immediately became the focus of the world's media.

However, the Hong Kong Department of Justice and the courts are having a lot of headaches about this case of global concern! Because it is difficult to sentence this emerging cybercrime under existing laws in Hong Kong and the UK.

It is estimated that the direct economic loss caused by the "hny" virus to the Internet industry around the world this time is likely to exceed 100 million Hong Kong dollars. But in fact, only 5 dangerous emails were actually sent by virus writers personally. The computers infected by these five emails were all recovered by him the next day without any economic loss.

And can the losses caused by the self-replication and spread of the virus be counted on the virus writers? This even sparked a debate in the legal circles of Hong Kong and the UK! (To be continued..)

ps: In the previous chapter, happy was written as heap, and I was drunk too! Alas, it's only been a few years since I graduated, and I've given all my English back to the teacher, hey!

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