Video Game Empire

Chapter 481: good news for new year

Li Xuan hangs up the phone, but the smile on the corner of his mouth has not yet disappeared. ~Little, he just received a call from the Vice President of the United States, Mr. Bush Sr., from Washington on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

In addition to expressing New Year's greetings to Li Xuan and his family on the phone, Bush Sr. also hoped that Oriental Group would continue to increase investment in the United States and contribute to the development of the information technology industry in the United States.

Behind these seemingly formulaic official expressions, there is actually a lot of information that only two people can understand. As early as more than four months ago, Li Xuan proposed to Bush Sr. He hoped that Bush Sr. could come forward to promote the development of high-tech industries such as the Internet and computers in the United States, and tailored an "information superhighway" plan for the other party.

At that time, Bush Sr. was not in a hurry to express his position, but only said that he needed some time to think. Bush's thinking lasted for four months. During this period, Li Xuan seemed to have never mentioned this matter at all, and never went to ask Mr. Vice President for the answer.

On the first day of the New Year in 1987, Bush Sr. gave Li Xuan the best New Year's Day gift. His phone call today was actually a hint to Li Xuan that he accepted the suggestions from a few months ago.

In fact, Li Xuan had already anticipated this. In the mid-term elections that just ended not long ago, the Republican Party lost 8 and 5 seats in the Senate and House of Representatives re-elections respectively. The Senate, which has been controlled by Republicans for six years, has been retaken by Democrats.

Coupled with the House of Representatives, which has been controlled by Democrats for 40 consecutive years, both houses of Congress are now under the control of Democrats. This makes President Reagan, the Republican, likely to be a lame duck for the remaining two years of his term, and will inevitably be greatly restrained by the Democratic Party.

The mid-term elections are a test for the ruling party in the United States, and the Republican Party's results this time are obviously not ideal. This is the most affected. Naturally, there is a good chance that Bush Sr. will represent the Republican Party to run for the next president in two years.

Li Xuan has been paying attention to the actions of Bush Sr. recently, and it is not difficult to collect the vice president's itinerary. Li Xuan has been keenly aware that in the past few months, Mr. Vice President has begun to communicate with people in the financial and technological circles more and more.

Obviously, Li Xuan's long talk at the Bush Jr. manor in Texas did have a lot of influence on Bush Sr. The U.S. economy will soon have problems. And the best way to save the bad situation in the future is to cultivate a new economic growth for the United States. The information technology industry is the best choice among them. This is the view that Li Xuan has been trying to instill in Mr. President!

Just before Christmas Eve, Bush Sr. visited the San Francisco Bay Area as Vice President. During his visit to Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Silicon Valley, he publicly stated that technological innovation is the most important core competitiveness of the United States. The emerging economic model represented by Silicon Valley is an important support for the continued strength of the United States in the future.

A reporter from the "San Francisco Chronicle" who was interviewing at the time suddenly attacked and asked him if he had seen a movie that was recently released in the United States and how the US government would change the situation of falling behind in new technologies such as the Internet.

And the movie the reporter refers to is "Sleepless in Hong Kong", when Bush Sr. came to California. It just won its second U.S. award for Best Foreign Language Film by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association.

Originally, this movie would only appear in the news of the entertainment page, but because the screenwriter is Li Xuan, the advanced Hong Kong Internet has appeared in the movie, making it one of the biggest news in the American technology industry at the end of 1986. .

And the film's distributor, Universal Pictures, is clearly the big winner. After much hype, "Sleepless in Hong Kong" is an Asian romance film. The success has attracted huge attention in the United States. Universal Pictures took the opportunity to increase the screen size of the film from 120 screens when it was first released. Rapidly increased to 300 screens.

And "Sleepless in Hong Kong" in the US box office, also quickly exceeded 12 million US dollars. You must know that Universal Pictures bought out the North American distribution rights of "Sleepless in Hong Kong" from Asia Entertainment for only $1.2 million. Their deal can be said to be a big profit.

Of course, Li Xuan didn't actually suffer, because it doesn't matter whether "Sleepless in Hong Kong" will be nominated for the Oscar for best foreign language film next. His real purpose has been achieved ahead of schedule.

At that time, Bush Sr replied to the reporter of the "San Francisco Chronicle". Although he had not seen the Hong Kong movie recommended by the other party, he never thought that the United States had fallen behind in the Internet field.

The Internet originated from the US military's ARPANET, and the ns network funded by the US National Science Foundation (ns) is still the most important backbone network of the global Internet. The United States is now a little behind in the commercialization of the Internet. But the networked government has been aware of this problem and will soon introduce appropriate guidance policies at the national level, and I believe it will soon catch up.

Bush's remarks naturally inspired the American high-tech industry. And American media commentary also found from Bush Sr.'s words that he was not ignorant of relevant fields, but was well prepared, and this pragmatic attitude was unanimously recognized.

Just after Bush Sr. left San Francisco, a fundraising office affiliated with his campaign was quietly established in San Francisco. In fact, Bush's partner, President Ronald Reagan, still prepared a good hand for him. After Reagan entered the White House, in order to bring down the Soviet Union's economy, a Star Wars plan was thrown out.

The U.S. didn't really implement all the unrealistic assumptions in the Star Wars program. But the US high-tech industry still benefits a lot from this strategic deception.

Throughout the Reagan administration, a large number of projects in the fields of the Internet, software, and semiconductor technology were heavily supported by the Advanced Projects Agency (arpa) of the US Department of Defense. Moreover, the "small government, low tax rate" advocated by Reagan has greatly reduced the burden on all American companies, including Silicon Valley companies.

It can be said that the Republican government of the Reagan era received the full support of the American high-tech industry headed by Silicon Valley. All Bush Sr needs now is to take the solid foundation that Reagan laid before and continue to build a beautiful house on top of it.

It is a pity that Bush Sr. in another time and space put all his energy into the Gulf War after he became the President of the United States. As a result, he won the war, but lost the election. Let Clinton, who came to power later, pick up a bargain!

And now, because of the intentional guidance of Li Xuan, the butterfly, Bush has at least begun to gradually realize the important role of developing high-tech industries for him after he entered the White House.

Bush's establishment of a fundraising office in San Francisco is a clear signal. Because as long as he takes donations from Silicon Valley, it means that he is tied to the chariot that supports the high-tech industry, and he must bring corresponding returns to the donors!

certainly. The reason why Li Xuan actively promotes the development of the Internet industry in the United States in advance is because only under the administration of Bush Sr., can the outsider of the Oriental Group gain enough right to speak in the next wave of the Internet in the United States.

His investment in the Bush family in the past few years has made the relationship between him and the Bush family entangled enough. Once Bush Sr. becomes the new president of the United States, he is bound to become Li Xuan's biggest protective umbrella in the United States, so that the Oriental Group can compete more calmly in the United States.

For example, the World Wide Web just released by the Oriental Research Institute, the easiest way for a new technology to become a standard is to obtain support at the national level! In fact, the Oriental Research Institute was published at the beginning of the World Wide Web. Just started negotiating with the White House, wanting to build an official website for the US federal government on the World Wide Web server!

But the White House's response to this proposal has been very cold. And Li Xuan was on the phone just now, and he also hoped that Lao Bu could come forward to promote this work! In another time and space, the reason why the World Wide Web can become the mainstream of the Internet actually has many coincidences.

For example, the World Wide Web had been developed as early as 1991, but it continued to develop until the end of 1992. There are only 26 World Wide Web servers in the world. But among these 26 servers, there happens to be one server built in. National Center for Supercomputer Applications (nsa) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Later, the founder of Netscape, Mark Anderson, was a graduate student at Urbana-Champaign, and he happened to be working at nsa to earn tuition in his spare time.

So he proposed to his supervisor that he wanted to write a graphical browser for information retrieval for the nsa's web server. Anderson's suggestion was immediately adopted by supervisors. So he set up a group and soon developed a graphical browser called "Mosaic".

The emergence of "mosaic" gave ordinary computer users the tools to enter the World Wide Web to browse information for the first time. Later, after graduating from Champaign, Mark Anderson founded Netscape in Silicon Valley. Developed the world's first commercial graphics browser - Navigator.

The emergence of the graphical browser, the World Wide Web immediately entered the explosive development! It only took about two years for its communication ratio to all services on the Internet to soar from 0.5% in early 1993 to 25% in early 1995, and then quickly established its dominance in the Internet .

In fact, in the early Internet, the opr protocol launched by the University of Minnesota in the United States was once very popular. Just when it was announced that it would be free forever, the University of Minnesota announced that it would charge OPR. As a result, a large number of opr server users were transferred to the server, which indirectly promoted the rapid rise of the World Wide Web.

However, Li Xuan is not ready to let the World Wide Web develop step by step along the original history. Rather, it intends to establish it as the standard for the global Internet information transfer protocol from the very beginning.

The World Wide Web has its own distinct technical advantages. For example, it has a huge inclusiveness. In addition to the transmission of plain text files, it can also transmit pictures, sounds, videos and other content, which can make the Internet more vivid and colorful.

These are all the reasons why Li Xuan believes that the World Wide Web can, like another time and space, become the mainstream of the Internet. And in order to promote the World Wide Web, Li Xuan is also ready to take the road of technology-free like Tim Berners-Lee in another time and space.

But even with the advent of the World Wide Web, it is still impossible for computer users to obtain information from the Internet out of thin air, and must go through a variety of clients. For example, a client allows users to send and receive e-mails, while bbs client allows users to log in to the bbs forum.

When entering the World Wide Web for information surfing, the most important tool is naturally a graphical browser. All information stored in hypertext on the Internet can be retrieved with a graphical browser.

Graphical browser will be another epoch-making software after the computer operating system. Computer operating systems allow users to interact with computers, while graphical browsers allow users to communicate with the Internet.

Just because the graphic browser is the switch connecting the computer and the Internet, it will become a battleground for Bill Gates in another time and space! By bundling the browser with the system for free, and coercing computer manufacturers to reject Netscape's products, Microsoft finally succeeded in blocking Netscape's Navigator browser!

Graphical browsers can be an important aid to strengthen Dongfang System Software Company and maintain its dominance in the field of operating systems, but Li Xuan did not let it participate in research and development this time. But before the advent of the World Wide Web, Li Xuan had already established a new R&D team in the Hong Kong R&D Center of the Oriental Research Institute to start the commercial development of graphic browsers.

At present, Dongfang System Software Company is not wholly controlled by Dongfang Group. Especially after Dongfang Group and Texas Instruments reached a cooperation agreement, Texas Instruments exchanged dozens of patents including semiconductor manufacturing, sp and other fields and 160 million US dollars in cash in exchange for Dongfang System Software Co., Ltd. 20% equity.

After the completion of this reduction, Li Xuan's equity in Dongfang System Software Company is less than 55%. Dongfang System Software will soon prepare to go public in the United States, and his equity will be further diluted.

Li Xuan is naturally unwilling to share the hugely valuable graphical browser with other shareholders of Dongfang System Software Company in vain. He can completely wait until the Internet era develops to the point where the value of the graphical browser is fully reflected before selling it to the Eastern System Software Company.

At that time, Li Xuan can ask Dongfang System Software Company to make an acquisition in the form of equity replacement, so as to increase his shareholding in Dongfang System Software Company again!

After receiving Bush's call, Li Xuan sat quietly at the desk for a while, and re-examined the layout of the Oriental Group in the next wave of the Internet, and then walked out of the study!

Because there is a time difference of more than ten hours between Hong Kong and the eastern United States, Li Xuan actually received the call from Bush Sr. on the morning of New Year's Day! Although New Year's Day is not a traditional Chinese festival, the Li family gathered together and had the first family feast of the new year! (To be continued..)

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