Video Game Empire

Chapter 473: new push

ps: Because the word "drug-drug" appeared in the text, the result was reviewed! It's now fixed!

"Hi nn, good morning!"

As soon as Li Xuan stepped down the stairs, Bush Sr, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading a newspaper, greeted him with a smile.

"You are early, old George!" Li Xuan also smiled at Mr. Vice President.

When Chinese people name their children, they especially avoid the names of elders. Americans, on the other hand, prefer to use the same name for generations. For example, Bush's full name is George. Herbert Walker. Bush, and his eldest son is George Bush's full name, called George. Walker. Bush.

The names of the two are only separated by a middle name, so at home, everyone uses old George and little George to distinguish the two. In Western culture, it is not disrespectful to call someone by their first name.

"Good morning, nn! I prepared sandwiches for everyone at breakfast!" Bush Sr.'s wife, Barbasa, saw Li Xuan go downstairs and set the table for him.

Li Xuan said thank you and started to have breakfast quietly. After his plane took off from Hong Kong, it flew directly to Dallas, the largest city in Texas. Bush has a 40-acre private farm in Crawford, near Dallas.

Li Xuan stayed in the private villa of this farm of Bush Jr., but the owner of the farm, the Bush Jr. and his wife, had already gone out early in the morning. This year is the mid-term election year in the United States. Although there is no presidential election, there will still be a large number of seats that need to be re-elected.

For Texas, in addition to a seat in the Senate representing the state and all the seats in the House of Representatives that need to be re-elected, a large number of seats in the state's Senate and House of Representatives, as well as the governor, lieutenant governor, state A large number of important public offices, including the comptroller. All are subject to general elections.

The state land commissioner position Bush is running for this time is not as famous as the three positions of governor, lieutenant governor and state comptroller, but it is also very important. For Texas in particular, it's one of the most important oil-producing states in the U.S., now producing an average of 2.4 million barrels a day of crude oil.

The subject matter of NYSE crude oil futures is West Texas Light Oil. It can be said that the land of the Lone Star State is below. Buried is countless black gold. The land commissioner, who is in charge of land transactions and other matters, is naturally extremely important.

The Bush family originally made their fortune on oil, and many oil and real estate billionaires in Texas were originally one of the most die-hard supporters of the Bush family. Therefore, when Bush Jr. runs for a position related to their vital interests, he will naturally gain the greatest support.

But votes are in the hands of voters, not capitalists, after all. Therefore, Bush Jr. still needs to win over ordinary voters while gaining the support of these elites.

Being an official in the United States is by no means a comfortable thing, especially a popular-elected official who must show a posture of bowing his head and being a bully. Candidates have to keep digging deep into the streets. In the fields, go to the most grassroots places to face the voters and explain their governance philosophy.

Polling day for the U.S. election is in early November, and now it's the end of August, and all the candidates are in the final sprint. Bush and his wife are going to participate in 5 activities non-stop today. They have already set off before dawn, and they may not even be able to rush home to sleep at night.

Bush compared to other candidates. In fact, there are still many huge advantages. For example, he has the strong support of countless gold owners. According to data released by the Texas Campaign Committee. Bush has raised a total of $8.55 million in campaign funds so far. Not only was he far ahead of the other two candidates who announced their bids for the Texas land commissioner, he even raised more money than the two gubernatorial candidates.

The huge amount of money ensures that Bush can form a strong campaign team and can carry out advertising campaigns overwhelmingly. In addition to the financial advantage, Bush also has a father who is a vice president, who can provide him with a large number of political contacts.

For example, including the current Secretary of the Treasury, Texan James Baker, senior Senator Alan Simpson and other Republican dignitaries. They all came to Texas from Washington to stand for Bush. As the current vice president, Bush Sr., although it is not easy to go directly to the platform for his son. But this time he flew back to Texas from Washington, and in fact, he was inseparable from Bush.

The Oriental Group cooperated with the National Parent-Teacher Association to establish the American Youth Development Foundation. The first activity after the foundation was established was in Dallas, Texas. Aims to save teenagers who have gone astray because of drugs and drugs.

Texas is one of the four border states in the southern United States that borders Mexico. Since the hippie movement in the 1960s caused the American society to be flooded with drugs, thousands of tons of drugs such as cannabis and marijuana are smuggled through the U.S.-Mexico border every year. Enter the United States.

At the same time, Texas is the second most economically developed state in the United States, with Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston as the city belt of the Iron Triangle. It is one of the most densely populated and economically developed areas in the southern United States.

In recent years, drug addicts in the United States have become more and more young, and schools have become a new hardest hit area. Therefore, the first project of the foundation established by the Oriental Group is to suppress the spread of drugs on campus.

At the invitation of the National Parent-Teacher Association, Vice President Bush decided to personally encourage the foundation's actions! The Oriental Group is naturally eager for this, and the participation of the Vice President can greatly expand the momentum of the foundation, so as to better promote the brand of the Oriental Group.

On the surface, this matter does not seem to have anything to do with Bush Jr., but those groups that benefited from it will naturally take credit for him. Several heads of the Texas Parent-Teacher Association are said to have agreed to canvass for Bush.

"nn, Dongfang Group's action this time is not small. If you invest this money in advertising, it can actually generate more profits for your company!"

After having breakfast, Li Xuan walked outside the farm villa with Mr. Vice President, and sat and chatted together under two large oak trees by the artificial lake not far away. The Eastern Group donated 20 million US dollars to the newly established foundation this time, and Bush Sr. was inevitably a little curious. Because in his view, the benefits of putting money into charity are actually very low.

"There is an old saying in the East. Take it from the people and use it for the people! The Oriental Group has grabbed a lot of profits in the United States, and it is the responsibility of returning a part of it to the American society!

The focus of our development strategy in the United States in the past few years is to improve the brand awareness of the company! But now the brand 'as' has become a household name in the field that the Oriental Group focuses on. Our next development will focus on increasing the popularity from the original one. Transformed to improve the reputation of the Oriental Group!

As a foreign company, Oriental Group is at a natural disadvantage when it competes with local companies in the US market! Our competitors can easily incite the American people to say that the Eastern bloc stole their jobs!

Therefore, if we want to stand a better foothold in the American market, we must actively integrate into American society and contribute to this country! Maybe putting money into charity will do little to boost company sales, but it can give our company more confidence in the US market! We are not greedy capitalists who can only demand, but the backbone of actively promoting the progress of American society! "Li Xuan explained frankly.

This is the direction of Oriental Group's next business strategy change in the US market. After years of development. The external environment facing the Oriental Group has undergone profound changes.

When Dongfang Group first entered the computer industry, Apple's app was in full swing. At that time, personal computers had just stepped out of the category of electronic hobbyist toys, but the actual daily application was still relatively limited.

And because of the appearance of the little butterfly Li Xuan, the entire computer industry has been ripened in advance. The r-1 processor developed by the Oriental Research Institute has basically reached the technical performance of 80386 in another time and space. The r-2, which was introduced later, reached the level of the 80486. The original Intel Corporation had to wait until 198-9 to launch the 80486 chip.

In other words, the core processor technology in the computer was suddenly advanced by Li Xuan by five years. And after he continued to be the world's richest man. The world's attention to the games, personal computers, semiconductors and other industries that Dongfang Group focuses on is also increasing.

Especially since Aikon has made public the technical standards for the ab series of computers. Thus lowering the threshold of the personal computer industry. So a lot of money began to pour into the computer industry, which further accelerated the development of computer technology.

With the addition of the graphics operation mode to the new generation of as-os system released by Oriental System Software Corporation on the latest ab-5 computer of Ikon, the use of personal computers has become easier.

And personal computer hardware technology continues to develop. Then let it gradually begin to meet the requirements of large-scale electronic office. More and more companies are beginning to purchase computers as a basic tool for daily office work.

If Time magazine a few years ago selected an ab-3 computer as its cover person of the year, it was still a prediction of the bright future of the personal computer industry. So it's only been three or four years. The important role of computers to the whole society has become increasingly prominent.

In the past, the computer industry was only a small emerging field. No matter how savagely the Oriental Group grew, it would not attract the attention of the upper echelons of a country. But now anyone with discernment can foresee that the computer industry will definitely become the core driving force of social progress in the near future.

In the United States, more and more elites are beginning to call on the government to increase investment in the electronic information industry in order to seize the commanding heights of future competition. In this case, as a foreign company, Orient Group will obviously bring huge uncertainty to the entire national information security system of the United States.

This is the biggest disadvantage of the Oriental Group in the future competition, and the United States is the world's largest consumer market, and it is a must for the Oriental Group to give up. Therefore, it is necessary for Dongfang Group to put a protective coat on itself and turn itself into a social enterprise that is more responsible than American companies.

Doing public welfare is naturally an excellent way to gain prestige. In the future, the Oriental Group will continue to spend money, and will continue to appear in the eyes of ordinary Americans with a positive image.

Of course, it's not enough to just cultivate a good reputation. After all, this is just passive defense, and Li Xuan prefers to take the initiative to attack. And the Vice President in front of him, this is an important part of the Eastern Group's next plan.

"Your Excellency Vice President, after this midterm election is over, American politics will officially enter the next presidential campaign cycle!"

When Li Xuan spoke again, he did not call Bush the elder "Old George", but solemnly called him His Excellency the Vice President. Bush Sr also looked a lot more serious, and he waited for Li Xuan to continue talking.

"Since President Reagan took office, the U.S. economy has quickly emerged from the stagflation period and entered a rare period of prosperity! But the current administration's pretty good-looking economic data has been achieved by massive tax cuts and increased government investment. .

On the one hand, the government has cut taxes heavily, leading to a decrease in income, while on the other hand, the government has continued to increase spending to boost domestic demand. The direct consequence of this is that the government budget deficit in the United States has been expanding rapidly in recent years!

There is an idiom in China called drinking poison to quench thirst. The current economic growth model in the United States is at the cost of overdrafting the future. The huge fiscal deficit left by this government will definitely need to be made up by the next government.

And if you're going to run for the next president of the United States, you won't be able to continue the development model that President Reagan is now! The situation you are facing is likely to be the total outbreak of the irreconcilable contradictions accumulated by the rapid economic development of the United States over the years! Until then, what are you going to do? "Li Xuan said mercilessly.

Bush frowned. Perhaps he had realized what was wrong with the economic prosperity of the Reagan era. But he is still only the vice president, and the most important thing is if he wins the presidential election in two years. As for what problems he will face after becoming president, Bush Sr. really didn't think so far!

But Li Xuan is different. As a past person, he knows very well that Bush Sr., the "economic idiot", won the war but lost the election. Bush only stayed on the presidency for four years before being driven away by Clinton.

Li Xuan has invested a lot of resources in the Bush family over the years. Although he has the closest relationship with George W. Bush, even if the other party develops very smoothly step by step and wants to hit the presidency, it will be at least ten years later. The one who can immediately provide the Eastern Group with the greatest protection umbrella is, of course, Bush Sr.

If Bush Sr. can serve two full terms on the US presidency, then Li Xuan and the Oriental Group will have enough time to establish a firm foundation in the United States. UU reading

"Mr. Vice President, the United States started to build the ARPANET as early as the 1960s. After 20 years of development, network communications have had a preliminary foundation. A scholar in Hong Kong recently explained to me that he A new idea for the future development of the electronic information age, called the information superhighway plan!

I think that if the United States wants to achieve sustained and healthy prosperity, it needs to cultivate an emerging industry to become a new engine for economic development! "Li Xuan took out a document with a smile and handed it to Bush Sr. who was in deep thought.

Now that he has matured the computer industry ahead of time, Li Xuan doesn't mind pushing the Internet age forward. In another time and space, America's information superhighway project was driven by Clinton's Vice President Al Gore in 1993!

But if Li Xuan can get Bush Sr., he will push the relevant bills before the end of Reagan's term, and make it an important policy strategy after he himself takes office. Then, with the relationship between Li Xuan and the Bush family, this will undoubtedly give Dongfang Group an excellent opportunity to deeply intervene in the information industry with computers and the Internet as the core in the United States!

Once the Orient Group's roots in the United States are deep enough, it will not be so easy to attack and suppress it! (To be continued..)

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