Video Game Empire

Chapter 454: new opportunities

The British Hong Kong government has never served Hong Kong citizens, but British capital. Before the 1980s, British capital basically controlled all the lifelines of Hong Kong.

In particular, consortiums like Jardine and HSBC have reached almost every corner of Hong Kong. They want to transfer large-scale capital out, by no means an overnight thing.

The stock market and real estate with the most deposited capital are both markets that need confidence support. If Hong Kong has been in a turbulent and chaotic situation, then the valuation of Hong Kong's housing prices and stock prices will be severely shrunk, which is bound to cause heavy losses to the withdrawal of British capital.

So throughout the second half of the 1980s, a very strange situation appeared in Hong Kong. With the continuous large-scale outflow of capital and elite talents, Hong Kong's property market and stock market are still entering a period of explosive growth at the same time.

Although this is inseparable from the rapid growth of the Hong Kong economy itself, it may not be because the Hong Kong government and the British-funded consortium have jointly guided the situation behind the scenes. And those who dared to hinder the evacuation of the British capital were mercilessly swept into the garbage heap.

For example, after the merger of the four, Li Fuzhao, who successfully served as the first chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Although his **** is not clean, the process of handling him by the Independent Commission Against Corruption is also criticized!

Therefore, maintaining social stability must be an important task for the Hong Kong government in the next governing policy. This gives Li Xuan and Youde a basis for cooperation. If the Oriental Group can be optimistic about the future development of Hong Kong and invest heavily in Hong Kong, it can naturally greatly appease the panic in Hong Kong society.

For Li Xuan, the accelerated withdrawal of the British capital just gave him the opportunity to further deepen his control over Hong Kong. He is very willing to be the pick-up man!

After Governor Youde mentioned the Tianshuiwei Electronic Industrial Park, the next exchanges between the two basically revolved around this topic. Li Xuan naturally hopes that the Hong Kong government will give the greatest support to the industrial park in terms of land prices and infrastructure construction.

This time, it's Yoder's turn to start tai chi, and he hopes to set up a special strategy committee to conduct a feasibility study. The Hong Kong government will then make the final decision based on the report submitted by the committee.

Li Xuan is naturally not completely satisfied with this answer, because this so-called feasibility study can be long or short. If it is delayed for a year or two, it will completely disrupt the Oriental Group's industrial layout in Hong Kong. So who will be the chairman of this strategy committee is very important.

Li Xuan himself will definitely not jump out to take on this job, because Dongfang Group is one of the stakeholders and needs to avoid suspicion. So he simply proposed. The chief non-official custodian of the Executive Council, Sir Chong Siyuan, is in charge of this task.

As the chief non-official member of the Executive Council, Zhong Siyuan can be regarded as the most influential Chinese in the Hong Kong government. However, in the previous Sino-British negotiations, Zhong Siyuan did not keep up with the pace of the British. All his remarks were to speak for the interests of the incumbent Hong Kong people, rather than to become the spokesman of the Hong Kong government.

This made him lose a lot of points in the hearts of the British. The Hong Kong government intends to elect another woman who hugs the British thighs, Deng Lianru, to replace her. It is rumored that Deng Lianru will serve as the chief member of the Legislative Council after the re-election. In the context of the substantial increase in the actual power of the Legislative Council, her position in the two councils will soon be on an equal footing with Zhong Siyuan.

However, the Hong Kong government wants to marginalize Zhong Siyuan, a veteran with high prestige and seniority in Hong Kong politics. It's not an easy task. What's more, there are Li Xuan and Dongfang Group supporting him now.

The Hong Kong government does not care about Hong Kong's industry because almost no British capital is involved in Hong Kong's industry. However, the success or failure of Hong Kong's industry is related to the jobs of hundreds of thousands of workers at the bottom in Hong Kong, so politicians like Zhong Siyuan who consciously speak for the interests of Hong Kong people have to pay attention. This is why Li Xuan easily persuaded him to contact a group of members of the two councils and jointly submit a proposal to the Hong Kong government for the establishment of the Tin Shui Wai Electronic Industrial Park.

Li Xuan proposed that Zhong Siyuan, the proponent of the establishment of the Tin Shui Wai Electronic Industrial Park and one of the most senior members of the two councils in Hong Kong, should be responsible for the specific research work of this project. Governor Youde could not find any reason to object.

so. Li Xuan was naturally in a good mood when he left the Governor's Mansion. The establishment of an electronic industrial park in Tin Shui Wai actually does not have much direct benefit to the Oriental Group. Although Li Xuan proposed to invest in a large-scale chip packaging and testing factory in Hong Kong before. But in fact, this factory can also choose to be built in Taiwan-Taiwan.

The most important role of Tin Shui Wai Electronic Industrial Park is to attract a large number of computer parts manufacturers to build factories in Hong Kong, thereby further consolidating the foundation of Hong Kong's computer manufacturing industry. Hong Kong is the most favorable home for Li Xuan, so he is actually very willing to put all the properties that can continue to stay in Hong Kong here.

Since Li Xuan had lunch with His Excellency the Governor of Hong Kong, Asia TV seems to have gradually returned to its previous neutral position. The Tianshuiwei Electronic Industrial Park Project Strategy Research Association, chaired by Zhong Siyuan, was soon established and related research work began.

These are not mentioned for now. After Li Xuan went to the Hong Kong Governor's House to have lunch with the Governor of Hong Kong, he entertained another guest at his home that the manager of his private investment fund. As early as three years ago, Li Xuan set up an investment fund called lh named after the Cantonese pinyin initials of his name.

And Zhuang Yuhai, the head of the lh fund. It is Li Xuan's top investment manager dug back from the famous Wall Street investment bank, Salomon Company. The initial capital of the lh fund reached 300 million US dollars, which was increased to 1 billion US dollars before the Hong Kong dollar crisis.

In the battle of the Hong Kong dollar crisis, under the instruction of Li Xuan, the lh fund began to deploy a month or two in advance, and resolutely cleared its positions and left at the moment when the devaluation of the Hong Kong dollar reached its peak. In this battle alone, it achieved a net profit of more than 400 million US dollars. .

In addition to speculating on the Hong Kong dollar crisis, Li Xuan did not intervene too much in the investment of the LH Fund in the past two years. And Zhuang Yuhai also showed his strength as a first-class investment manager on Wall Street. The lh fund's return on investment in the past two years has exceeded 20%, and the total asset size has now exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

The reason why Li Xuan invited Zhuang Yuhai to have dinner at home today was because he suddenly remembered a major event in 1985. The finance ministers and central bank governors of the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France gathered at the Plaza Hotel in New York to reach an agreement to jointly intervene in the foreign exchange market and guide the orderly depreciation of the U.S. dollar, thereby solving the problem of the huge U.S. trade deficit. History called the Plaza Accord! (To be continued...)

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