Video Game Empire

Chapter 452: Labor dispatch (below)

ps: ps: There is a small mistake in the first two chapters. After the split of Dongfang Software Company, Dongfang Application Software Company and Dongfang System Software Company, Gu Jinhong worked for Dongfang System Software Company before his resignation.

The first order Gu Jinhong received in Dongfang Group was not from Dongfang Game Company, but from his original old employer, Dongfang System Software Company. Not long ago, the alliance formed by Eastern System Software Company and Aikang Computer Company successfully won the computerization upgrade contract of the Singapore Stock Exchange.

In the 1980s, stock exchanges around the world still used open outcry, recorded transactions by telephone, and even hand-filled trade slips for buying and selling. In the face of the wave of the global computerized office era, the Singapore Stock Exchange took the first step of reform and became the first stock exchange in the world to adopt computerized trading.

According to the bidding contract, Aikang will provide a complete set of computer hardware equipment and networking services, while Eastern System Software will develop a computerized automatic counterparty and transaction system for the Singapore Stock Exchange to replace the current inefficient manual transactions. Way.

The development cycle of this computer trading system is two years, and Dongfang System Software Company needs to complete the entire development work before December 1987 and come up with a mature product. After the split of Dongfang Software Company, the newly established Dongfang System Software Company mainly develops system software and compiled language tools.

East-system software company's best-selling product is east-operating system. In the previous year, 1984, the total annual sales of the east-systems of all versions of the entire series exceeded 10 million copies for the first time. It accounts for more than 85% of the entire operating system market share, bringing the company hundreds of millions of dollars in profits.

Therefore, the core business of Eastern System Software Company. Naturally, the follow-up development of the east-system, and the development project of the new generation of graphics operating system which just started not long ago. The reason why it participated in the tender for the computerization upgrade project of the Singapore Stock Exchange. More is at the invitation of Aikang Company.

The alliance of Dongfang Research Institute, Dongfang System Software Company, and Aikang Computer has firmly controlled the development direction of the personal computer industry, and even a computer giant like IBM cannot be shaken.

Of course, the development cost of the automated trading system of the Singapore Stock Exchange itself is as high as 8 million US dollars, and it is also an extremely delicious dessert for Eastern System Software. And once the system works well on the Singapore Stock Exchange, Eastern System Software can then sell it to other exchanges around the world.

In fact, Li Xuan proposed as early as last year that he wanted Oriental Group to develop a computer trading system for the merged Hong Kong Stock Exchange. But Li Fuzhao, chairman of the Far East Exchange, one of the largest entities in the merger, reacted coldly to this. Therefore, Li Xuan's proposal was finally shelved and it was over. Instead, the more enterprising Singapore Stock Exchange now comes out on top.

But because Eastern Systems Software has just started work on the next-generation graphics operating system, it will be the most important cornerstone of the company's continued **** of the operating system market for decades to come. Therefore, Dongfang System Software Company transferred a large number of elite soldiers to the new project team, and the staff was a little tight for a while.

However, the performance period of the project of the Singapore Stock Exchange is only two years. In fact, the real time for large-scale development is estimated to be only one and a half years or even less, and the remaining time is used for later operation and debugging. So if we recruit people on a large scale for this new project, once the project ends after more than a year, the follow-up arrangements for these new employees will be a hassle.

And at this time, Gu Jinhong suddenly appeared. It perfectly solves the problem of Eastern System Software Company. Recruiting new people in the name of an outsourcing company, even if layoffs are required after the project is completed, has nothing to do with Eastern System Software.

Therefore, Gu Jinhong met Li Xuan a month later in a cafe. He established Hongtu Technology Co., Ltd. and reached a labor dispatch agreement with Dongfang System Software Co., Ltd. The first batch of employees dispatched by Hongtu Technology Company to work in Dongfang System Software Company reached 50 people, all of whom were just recruited from the talent market.

Although these people signed labor contracts with Hongtu Technology Company. But according to the agreement it reached with Eastern System Software, these employees entered the Eastern System Software Company to work. Until they are returned, all management rights rest with Eastern System Software.

Even these recruiters are interviewing new employees. In fact, it was also sent by the Eastern System Software Company. Although Gu Jinhong's company suddenly expanded to more than 50 people in name, in fact, only himself and the girl at the front desk who was in charge of answering the phone and sending and receiving letters were actually working in the company.

Although the company looks the same as when it was first established, Gu Jinhong's treatment in the venture capital market has changed dramatically. He had just signed a cooperation agreement with Dongfang System Software Company, and several well-informed venture capital firms immediately approached him, hoping to inject capital into his company.

"Manager Li, I am very grateful to United Capital for appreciating me, but I think Hongtu Technology has not yet shown its due value! In fact, after reaching a cooperation agreement with Dongfang System Software Company, the company's recent development is not short of funds. So I prefer to wait for the further growth of Hongtu Technology, and then talk to the investors about financing!" Gu Jinhong took a sip of coffee and said slowly.

The man sitting opposite Gu Jinhong is the vice president of a venture capital firm called United Capital. The place where the two talked was the cafe where Gu Jinhong and Li Xuan met by chance. It's just that Gu Jinhong didn't choose a seat in the outside hall this time, but reserved a small box.

In just one month, his treatment has undergone earth-shaking changes, from the one that no one cared about at the time to the current Xiangmo. This manager Li is already the fifth group of investors he has interviewed within three days who are interested in injecting capital into his company.

"Mr. Gu, our United Capital sincerely wants to help Hongtu Technology's future development. 1 million Hong Kong dollars in exchange for 20% of Hongtu Technology's equity is already the biggest bottom line I can give! And we can guarantee the future. Don't interfere in the company's decision-making. Just be a pure financial investor!" The manager Li stared at Gu Jinhong's eyes, gritted his teeth and made the final offer.

"Manager Li. To be honest, I am not ready to sell the equity, but I also know your sincerity! Otherwise. You give me a few days to think, and I will give you the final answer in three days." Gu Jinhong still did not let go.

The labor dispatch cooperation agreement signed between Dongfang System Software and Hongtu Technology is equivalent to an endorsement to Gu Jinhong, which doubles the serious value of his leather bag company in venture capital. In fact, the financial situation of Hongtu Technology Company is far from being as good as Gu Jinhong said. The first labor fee of Dongfang Software Company will not be credited into Hongtu Technology's account until next month, and Gu Jinhong has little cash left.

But when negotiating with venture capital, he still had to pretend to be reluctant and try to make himself as valuable as possible. The terms of financing 1 million Hong Kong dollars in exchange for 20% equity of the new company given by United Capital are already very favorable.

Gu Jinhong's total investment in the new company is less than 200,000 Hong Kong dollars. That is to say, his worth has doubled 20 times in just over a month. Of course, that valuation doesn't make much sense unless you wait until the company is acquired or goes public.

The manager Li of United Capital failed to get a satisfactory answer and had no choice but to leave. Another lucky boy with **** luck, this is his evaluation of Gu Jinhong before he left the cafe, and this evaluation is actually not wrong at all.

For Gu Jinhong, the biggest opportunity to meet Li Xuan is to give him a chance to be treated seriously by the bosses of the Oriental Group. Otherwise, the Eastern System Software Company is considered to be short of people. In the end, he will only choose to recruit himself, instead of trying the current labor dispatch method he proposed.

Of course, the current labor dispatch model is only a stopgap measure for Gu Jinhong and his Hongtu Technology. He is now working with Eastern Systems Software Corporation. It's more like turning your company into a nominal leather bag company. Gu Jinhong and the first batch of 50 software engineers recruited by the company, the only intersection is to pay their salary card.

This is definitely not what Gu Jinhong wants. What he really wants is to take over the software outsourcing projects of big companies. To gradually accumulate its own technology, and finally grow into a large software company with independent development capabilities.

certainly. This is by no means an easy goal to achieve, after all, no company will hand over the core technology to outsiders to complete. But Gu Jinhong is now at least taking the first step towards his goal. And then he is going to use the power of venture capital to really build the skeleton of his company.

In addition to the Dongfang System Software Company that unexpectedly appeared to cooperate, Gu Jinhong has never given up keeping in touch with Dongfang Game Company. The new game established by Dongfang Game Company is likely to become the first technology outsourcing project that Hongtu Technology really takes over.

The global game industry has already changed beyond recognition because of the emergence of the butterfly of Dongfang Game Company. For example, Nintendo, which should have embarked on its own road of hegemony, was robbed of "Mario Brothers" by Li Xuan, robbed the game console, and robbed Shigeru Miyamoto and Junpei Yokoi. time.

The same is true in the emerging computer game market. In fact, in another time and space, the quality of computer games throughout the 1980s was very poor. The first time Mario Bros. achieved a smooth side-scrolling game effect on a computer had to wait until 1990.

And now, thanks to the emergence of Dongfang Game Company, as early as 1982, the computer game copy of "Mario Brothers" became popular in computer stores and game stores all over the world.

In the history of computer games, there is a famous company called id. Its two founders, Carmack and Romero, are well-known techies in the history of computer games. In another time and space, it was the two who ported the game "Mario Brothers" to the computer, but it failed to attract the attention of Nintendo.

Later, they simply founded a game development company called id, and then completed another important innovation in the history of computer games, producing the earliest game engine.

The so-called game engine is the main program used to control all functions in a game. In the early days of game development, every game needed to be coded from scratch. Slowly, some developers began to summarize some of the rules, such as some of the same code always appears in different games.

And every game wastes a lot of manpower and material resources in order to write these repeated codes. If these repetitive efforts can be avoided, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the development cost of the game and shorten the development cycle of the game. And these general codes were assembled by game programmers to form the prototype of early game engines.

Before Li Xuan's rebirth, the capacity of a computer game had grown from tens of kilobytes and tens of meters a few decades ago to several gigabytes. The game engine has also evolved into a huge program system including rendering engines, physics engines, collision detection systems, sound effects, scripting engines, computer animation, artificial intelligence, network engines, and scene management.

But now in the future "fathers of game engines" Carmack and Romero were just little kids who were just getting into computers. After a series of previous accumulations, Dongfang Games is finally ready to develop a powerful game engine for new games.

The development of software and hardware is actually complementary to each other. The reason why Dongfang Game Company decided to develop a game engine is because Dongfang Research Institute has just developed a powerful new graphics card. The biggest function of the game engine is to render the screen, that is, to present a realistic game image to the player, and the graphics card is the physical basis for all of this.

In the newly established project team of Dongfang Game Company, most of the engineers focus on the development of the game engine. According to the original plan of Dongfang Game Company, the first step is to develop the game engine.

This is the key to the success or failure of the new game, and naturally outsiders will not be allowed to participate. So even if Li Xuan called Du Wenqiang, he did not allow Gu Jinhong to participate in the new game project, but introduced Gu Jinhong to Dongfang System Software Company.

But when the development of the game engine is completed, whether it is necessary to hold all the subsequent game filling work in his hands requires Du Wenqiang to reconsider, and Gu Jinhong is aiming at this opportunity. (To be continued...)

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