Video Game Empire

Chapter 432: gap

Among the more than 200 teachers currently deployed in the Oriental Research Institute, not many have actually been hired from overseas. There are only about 20 teachers, accounting for about one tenth of the total number of teachers.

There are many reasons for this, such as the huge disparity in the treatment of teachers from universities in mainland China and their foreign counterparts. There are very few professors in Chinese universities who can earn more than 3,000 RMB per year. In the United States, the annual salary of professors is generally more than 30,000 to 40,000 US dollars, and the difference between the two is at least 30 times.

The monthly salary offered by SUSTech to teachers varies from 1,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan according to each person's comprehensive ability. This has already put the principal Zhao Weiming under great pressure from the State Education Commission. Because the salary level of SUSTech is far beyond the level of other domestic universities, it is likely to have a big impact on the entire domestic university faculty system.

However, the salaries of SUSTech, even compared with several universities in Hong Kong, still have a big gap, let alone compared with European and American universities. Poor treatment can sometimes be compensated for by fame, but SUSTech does not have this condition. It is a grass-roots team that has just been established, not a world-renowned school that attracts countless people.

Therefore, it is not easy for SUSTech to really recruit top talents from abroad. In fact, most of the more than 20 people recruited by SUSTech from overseas have some common characteristics. First of all, these people are of Chinese descent, and basically they all went to Europe and the United States to study abroad from Hong Kong or Taiwan more than ten years ago. Only Chinese of the same kind and origin are more willing to return to the Chinese-speaking cultural circle to teach.

Secondly, these people are almost all associate professors in their thirties and forties. It is not so much that they were moved by SUSTech. Rather, they were moved by the Oriental Research Institute. In European and American academia, the competition for every step up is extremely fierce.

such as in the United States. Even teaching at a community college requires a master's degree. To teach at a four-year university requires at least a Ph.D. Then you are eligible to go to a certain university for an assistant professorship.

An assistant professor in the United States is equivalent to a domestic lecturer. It is a probationary position given to teachers by the university, and the time is roughly 3 to 7 years. When the probation period expires, "assistant professors" either apply for "associate professors" or find another job, which is what we usually call "promotion or leave".

However, it is definitely not an easy task to be promoted from an assistant professor to an associate professor, especially an associate professor of a well-known university. In addition to successfully completing their teaching tasks, teachers should have more than one academic monograph and published a large number of academic articles. Or access to substantial funding for external research projects.

As for the higher title of full professor, it is usually tenure in American universities. Once the university is awarded, it cannot be revoked, which means that if you do not resign yourself, you can usually work at the university until you retire.

Therefore, all American universities require applicants to make better grades than associate professors in academics, teaching and service, and also occupy an important place in academia.

According to statistics from the United States, the median age for obtaining a professorship is about 55 years old, and few people can become a professor before the age of 40.

This time, the reason why it was able to attract the young and powerful associate professors to come to SUSTech. The main reason for this new university, which has just been established and has no background at all, is that the Oriental Research Institute is willing to provide them with huge scientific research funds.

As the saying goes, money is not everything, but without money it is absolutely impossible! This sentence is also a very correct golden rule in the academic world. Almost every major scientific research achievement is piled up with large sums of dollars.

"Yu Sheng came to complain to me on purpose before. The few good seedlings he picked in the 'Dongfanghong' plan were cut off by you in advance!" Li Xuan said to Zhao Weiming with a smile.

At the beginning of last year, Zhao Weiming resigned as vice president of the Oriental Research Institute. Instead, he became the president of SUSTech to be in charge of the preparations for the new university. After Zhao Weiming resigned, Yu Youcheng, the former assistant to the dean, was supported by Li Xuan. He immediately took over the vacant post of Vice President.

Although Li Xuan was named the dean of the Oriental Research Institute, in fact, several vice deans were in charge of the overall work. Yu Youcheng, the chief technology officer of Intel in another time and space. After taking office as the vice president in charge of R&D business, he quickly managed the entire R&D system of the Oriental Research Institute in an orderly manner.

"Oriental Research Institute has a big family business. We, the poor **** of SUSTech, have no choice but to be cheeky! When I return to Hong Kong, I will definitely invite Yu Sheng to dinner and sincerely apologize to him!" Zhao Weiming also said humorously.

"You, the principal's butt, sits upright. You really have the look of forgetting your mother's face when you marry your husband, and you're just targeting your mother's family!" Li Xuan laughed.

He is reluctant to intervene in the administrative management of SUSTech, but spares no effort in academic support. Because there is no need to avoid too many taboos in this regard, the state is eager for Dongfang Group to take out all its talents and stuff it into SUSTech.

In fact, companies such as B have accumulated more talents in their own business than famous schools such as Stanford and Harvard. The establishment of the Oriental Research Institute is still short. Although Li Xuan has always been willing to invest in talent introduction, there is still some gap compared to those century-old stores. But even so, it would be more than enough for the Dongfang Group to help a bunch of SUSTech.

In fact, both the overseas recruitment of SUSTech and the domestic recruitment are inextricably linked with the Oriental Group. Neither SUSTech nor the State Education Commission have the ability to figure out which academic talents from abroad are suitable for China and are willing to come to China.

However, Dongfang Commercial Company, a subsidiary of Dongfang Group, has invested heavily in the construction of a detailed global talent pool system several years ago. The more than 20 associate professors that SUSTech recruited from overseas this time are all from Zhao Weiming, who came to visit and lobby one by one based on the information provided by Oriental Commercial.

In the absence of large-scale introduction of high-quality teachers from abroad, Zhao Weiming can only focus on returning to China. However, in the 1980s, China's scientific research and academic level did not have a small gap with the world's advanced level.

Many universities don't even have the funds to subscribe to foreign language journals, and teachers spend a lot of money. Write a paper that you think is good, and then submit it to a foreign journal. It is very likely that the other party will reject the manuscript and say that your research has been published more than ten years ago.

So for a long time. We can only close our doors to express our happiness, so there is a saying called filling the domestic gap. The so-called filling the domestic gap is to copy and restore the technology that has already been adopted abroad. Most of the domestic scholars are still in this stage of learning and imitation, what about competition and innovation!

For basic courses such as advanced mathematics and university physics, the gap between domestic and foreign is not large. But in disciplines such as microelectronics, Zhao Weiming really does not look down on the domestic bumpkin. For example, as early as one or two years ago, the chip research and development of the Oriental Research Institute has adopted a (computer-aided design).

Like related undergraduate majors at CUHK. They have also joined the new course "Integrated Circuit A". However, most of the domestic teachers who are engaged in semiconductor majors have never been exposed to a software at all, so how can they let them teach their students.

However, the cooperation between the Oriental Research Institute and the State Education Commission has carried out the "Dongfanghong" academic exchange program for more than four years, but Zhao Weiming has found the source of qualified teachers. With the abundant financial support of the Oriental Research Institute, there are now 20 colleges and research institutes in China that have joined the "Dongfanghong" program.

Each year, they send more than 100 exchange scholars to the research and development centers of the Oriental Research Institute in Hong Kong, Cambridge, UK, and Silicon Valley, USA. Most of these young and middle-aged scholars sent to the Oriental Research Institute are academic backbones who have been retrained by various colleges and research institutes.

There is absolutely no problem with their abilities. The biggest gap with foreign counterparts is that they have not seen the world and cannot keep up with the forefront of academic development. The past few years as a visiting student at the Oriental Research Institute gave them a chance to catch up. For example, Li Jian, a former teacher from Tsinghua University, only stayed in the Hong Kong R&D Center for two years. The phone card has been independently developed, which greatly expands the application scope of memory chips.

In fact, except for the "Dongfanghong" academic exchange program sponsored by the Oriental Research Institute, China was in the entire 1980s. They have been sending a large number of international students and visiting scholars abroad. It is hoped that after they return to China, they can change the status quo of backward domestic technology. It's a pity that these people are. In the end, the proportion of people who chose to return to China was slightly disappointing.

The biggest reason for this is that there is a huge disparity between foreign and domestic treatment. One day's income from working in the United States is worth a month's income when you return home. So many people feel confused. And if you just use the word betrayal to bluntly deny these people who have stayed abroad for development, it is actually not appropriate.

Are they not patriotic? Absolutely not. Whenever a Chinese leader visits the United States, it is not always the most enthusiastic Chinese from the mainland who greet them on both sides of the road! It's just that when their blood cooled down, their yearning for a better life made them choose to stay abroad.

And when SUSTech was willing to provide them with a decent life at least in China, these people almost all chose to come back without hesitation. It can be said that most of the teachers of the School of Engineering of SUSTech have the background of studying abroad.

"Li Sheng, there are still two issues between us and the education committee. It is the promotion of several department chairs, and the question of whether adjunct professors are qualified to lead graduate students!" Zhao Weiming said with a wry smile.

The domestic support system is different from that of foreign countries. For example, in the United States, the titles of associate professors and professors are granted by the universities themselves. If a university grants a professorship to a teacher, it only means that the school promises to give the other person an iron job that can last until retirement. The reason why each university strictly controls the number of professors is to control financial expenditure.

In China, the right to assess professional titles is not in the school, but in the hands of the relevant departments. This time, the heads of various departments of the School of Engineering of SUSTech proposed by Zhao Weiming are almost all associate professors hired from overseas. Among the teachers poached from other universities in China, many of them have obtained the title of full professor, which is higher than these department chairs.

Therefore, Zhao Weiming hopes to promote the titles of these department chairs from associate professors to professors. However, some responsible persons of the relevant parties are obviously unhappy. These people who cannot be rated as full professors abroad, why should they be given the title of full professor when they come to China!

In fact, these associate professors recruited by Zhao Weiming from overseas are a bit higher than most of the full professors in China in terms of academic ability. Otherwise, why would Zhao Weiming spend many times the salary to invite them to teach at SUSTech.

And the few people selected by Zhao Weiming as the head of the department are the best among them. According to the evaluation given by the Oriental Business Talent Database, these people are fully qualified to obtain professorships in prestigious American schools.

And the reason why they chose to come to SUSTech is because they would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. In the United States, they may be just an ordinary professor, and it is not easy to compete for research funds from those academic bigwigs. But after arriving at SUSTech, they became the head of the department, and they also received a large amount of scientific research funding from the Oriental Group.

"I asked Yu Sheng to communicate with the relevant leaders of the Education Commission on this issue. Whether it is a part-time professor or a joint appointment, these people are all part of our Dongfang Group, and we need to fight for their interests!" Li Xuan said. said the head.

The salary of teaching at a university may be far less than that of doing scientific research in a company, but it is indeed a kind of recognition for academic people, which means that you have the qualifications to teach and solve puzzles. For the Oriental Group, its demand for graduate students is far more urgent than for undergraduates.

Most of the courses taught at the undergraduate level are just basic courses. Maybe you are qualified to be a technician in an ordinary, but it is not enough for research and development. After the first year or two of talent bottlenecks, the Oriental Research Institute has already only recruited highly educated talents with master's degree or above.

It is in the interests of the Oriental Group to allow SUSTech to have more professors and more graduate tutors so as to recruit graduate students on a large scale as soon as possible.

When Li Xuan and Zhao Weiming were talking, Zheng Shipeng, who was far away in Shanghai, also successfully completed the work of persuasion. Under the pressure of his wife, Professor Lu, his mentor, finally reluctantly agreed to teach at SUSTech.

After all, a person cannot live only for himself, he also has to consider his family. The treatment offered by SUSTech for teachers is enough to instantly kill all colleges and universities in China. As long as you find the right attack, SUSTech's domestic poaching action is almost a hit!

In the next three to five years, with the continuous increase of the total number of SUSTech students, the demand for teachers will also continue to increase, so this kind of poaching will continue.

Fortunately, SUSTech did not specifically target a few universities, but only poached one or two people in each university very modestly. In this way, although everyone is dissatisfied with the actions of SUSTech, they will not attack them in groups. (To be continued..)

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