Video Game Empire

Chapter 391: Better Tomorrow Fund

?? China began to popularize computers on a large scale in 1984. At the beginning of February this year, when Deng participated in the ten-year scientific and technological achievements exhibition in Shanghai City, he said, "The popularization of computers must start from children."


As a result, youth palaces and qualified primary and secondary schools across the country have begun to build computer classrooms. Many other units have also purchased computer equipment in this computer boom that has arisen in the whole society.


Naturally, the biggest beneficiary is the joint venture computer production company jointly established by Dongfang Commercial and Huhai Computer Industry Company. With the technical support of Dongfang Electronics, this joint venture computer factory named Huhai Changjiang Computer Company has successfully produced Changjiang No. 1, Changjiang No. 2 and Changjiang No. 3 personal computers, respectively -1, -2 and - 3 compatible machines.


Compared with ¤£万¤£Book¤£, ww∽w.w○anshub≯≦om is more than one-third cheaper than the original series of computers imported directly from Hong Kong, and the domestic compatible computers of the Changjiang series. More importantly, domestic compatible machines have achieved localization in many parts, and foreign exchange consumption is only equivalent to one-third of the imported machine.


This was undoubtedly a major positive news for the 1980s when there was a serious shortage of foreign exchange. Moreover, after the deep-sea microelectronics fab is completed and put into operation, the core components such as memory chips required for the manufacture of Changjiang No. 1 will soon be localized.


Although Aikang has discontinued the -1 computer due to low profit margins. But for China, the best choice for popularizing computers is still -1. Because this model is cheap enough, the capital required to import one of the latest -5 computers is enough to produce 20 Changjiang One compatible machines in China.


Against the background of the upsurge of computer learning across the country. Han Lixin, a well-informed journalist, was no stranger to computers. Actually a few years ago. China-CCTV has purchased a batch of personal computers from abroad. But each one is like a baby being guarded by a small, if you want to get on the machine. Also apply for a report in advance.


But now, in this spacious and bright editing center, hundreds of neatly arranged monitors are placed in such a random manner. Under the illumination of the incandescent lamp, the silver-gray frame exudes a slight reflection, which is very shocking to Han Lixin and Tu Jun.


"Doesn't it feel very shocking? This is the model of the most modern office environment in the world! It is said that the investment of the Oriental Group for this news gathering and editing center is as high as 5 million US dollars!" The colleague explained with a smile, and then guided them through the people. Go down the aisle and walk towards a partition.


Actually, it can't be said to be a partition room, it's just the placement of some desks. A relatively independent area is formed in the spacious office area. This area consists of about a dozen desks, of which five desks are placed with a computer on each.


On the two outermost tables facing the aisle, there are the logos of CCTV, Hong Kong Asia Satellite TV and Hong Kong TVB respectively. This time, Asia Satellite TV has not only reached a co-broadcasting agreement with its competitor TVB, but also reached a co-broadcasting agreement with the domestic China-CCTV.


In the cooperation of the three stations, ATV occupies a dominant position and is responsible for the recording of TV program signals throughout the Olympics. And CCTV and TVB only need to be responsible for the commentary and comment of their own broadcast of the game.


During the Olympic Games, Asia Satellite TV will provide viewers with up to 8 hours of special programs every day. It would be impossible to complete such a large amount of work if it was just relying on the 50-person team sent by ATV to Los Angeles.


But ATV has another partner. It is the American Broadcasting Corporation responsible for the main broadcast of the Olympic Games. It and ATV belong to the same owner, so ATV will use a lot of game signals provided by TV stations.


"Lao Jin, I haven't seen you for a few days. You have already learned to use high-tech equipment like a computer?" Han Lixin walked behind a colleague who was staring at the display screen. He patted his shoulder and said.


The man named Lao Jin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, turned his head and smiled at Han Lixin: "It is not difficult for those who are difficult, but it is not difficult for those who meet! I am a stubborn old man who is also fashionable. You can learn a lesson when you have time, Lao Han. , there are people here who are specially responsible for teaching! And this computer is actually quite simple to operate. Just click the mouse, and even the characters on the screen are all in Chinese!"


This time, Aikang Company has configured the latest -5 computer for this news editing center. After booting, you can choose to enter the graphical operation interface. After adopting the graphical operating system, the mouse operation replaces the command input, which is definitely a huge boon for computer beginners.


The security personnel of Dongfang Company can also install operating systems in various languages ​​according to their different needs. The five or six computers in their small area have all been replaced with Chinese versions of the operating system


"It's a pity that this Chinese input method is difficult to learn. It takes a lot of energy to memorize the root table! I can only use one finger to type, and I can't type a few words in a minute! Like Xiaoye, they are used to using computers. After that, the number of typing per minute can easily exceed a hundred words!" Lao Jin shook his head and pointed to another young man beside him who was typing fast.


The young man next to him named Xiaoye, when he heard Lao Jin say his name, also turned his head and smiled at the two of them at the right time, then continued to stare at the screen and browse the web. That Xiaoye is a reporter from ATV. ATV has already started to implement computerized office as early as two years ago, and everyone's computer is very slippery.


Moreover, in the team that ATV came to report on the Olympic Games, many of them also carried a -P5 portable computer, which made these domestic counterparts speechless. You must know that the retail price of a -P5 is as high as 45,000 Hong Kong dollars, and only the richest company in the world will not spend money as money!


In fact, the entire news gathering and editing center does not have a specific office area. In theory, every desk is public. But the three TV stations sent a total of nearly 100 people to cover the Olympics. Almost at any time, there are no less than 10 people working in the editing center, so everyone simply grabbed a small area in the corner.


In fact, TV stations with deep pockets such as Britain and Japan. All have their own studios in Los Angeles. Only those media with insufficient budget will choose to squeeze into the news gathering and editing center provided by the Olympic Organizing Committee for free.


Asia Satellite TV is not out of money. But Hong Kong has only 5 million viewers in total, and it still needs to compete with TVB. The commercial advertising revenue that the entire Olympic broadcast can reap is actually limited. ATV's executives naturally have to plan carefully, after all, they are also a commercial company that pursues profitability.


At 16:15 pm on July 28, the Los Angeles Memorial Stadium, which can accommodate 92604, was full. President Ronald Reagan came to the scene to announce the opening of the Olympic Games.


Although the U.S. has hosted two Winter Olympics and two Summer Olympics before, it is the first time that a president attends the opening ceremony in person. Li Xuan and his family were sitting in a luxurious and elegant box, accompanied by his old friend, Bush Jr. and his wife.


The Los Angeles Olympics is the first time that the People's Republic of China has participated in the Olympics after regaining its legal seat in the International Olympic Committee. Li Xuan naturally did not want to miss this moment of witnessing history. And he has already prepared tickets for tomorrow's shooting competition, ready to witness Xu Haifeng shoot down for China. The first ever Olympic gold medal.


Of course, for Americans, in addition to the Los Angeles Olympics, there is another very important thing this year, and that is the presidential election. The four-yearly U.S. presidential election will be voted in early November, and now is the time for the final push of the official candidates from both parties.


But because Donald Reagan successfully led the U.S. economy out of a decade-long stagflation period, his approval rating was almost overwhelming. Democratic candidate Walter Mondale. In fact, from the candidate launched by the Democratic Party, it can be seen that even the Democratic Party itself does not have much confidence in the face of Reagan, who is growing in popularity.


Walter Mondale was Carter's vice president. He and Carter lost to Ronald Reagan in 1980 despite having the advantage of re-election. Not to mention Reagan this time. The beautiful economic transcripts of the past four years are here!


In major American opinion polls, Reagan's re-election approval rate is as high as 60%, while Mondale's is only 35%. So as long as there are no surprises. Reagan's successful re-election can be said to be a sure thing.


This is also good news for Li Xuan, because he has always been. In the pair of Reagan and Bush, they all invested their capital. Especially under Li Xuan's deliberate wooing, his relationship with the Bush family has become very close.


Marvin Bush, the younger son of Bush Sr. Worked at Computer Park Company. The eldest son, Bush Jr., has just acquired the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball (MLB) with the financial support of Li Xuan.


Although MLB's regular season schedule this season is just over halfway, the Rangers' poor performance has already concluded that it will miss the playoffs for five consecutive years. In the face of such a poor performance by the team, Bush Jr. came in with the checkbook of the world's richest man and immediately won the support of most Dallas fans.


The status of sports in American life is unimaginable for Chinese people! While the Texas Rangers will be like that this season, Dallas as a whole is full of anticipation for the Rangers' performance next season. Even the new manager of the team with Bush Jr. has also gained great popularity.


This time, Bush Jr. appeared on the pages of major media in Texas, and the prefix of the address was no longer "Son of the Vice President", but "New Manager of the Rangers". It can be said that Bush got exactly what he wanted before, and finally let himself out of the shadow of his father.


This is definitely a very important step for Bush Jr. who is interested in showing his ambitions. If he has been under the shadow of the vice president's father, no matter how well he has done, others will inevitably wear tinted glasses to judge him.


For example, in this acquisition of the Rangers, many media also believe that Li Xuan invited Bush Jr. to serve as the general manager of the team because of the vice president's face. There are even people with bad intentions who directly attack Li Xuan and the Bush family.


In fact, these people's guesses are correct at all, but if there is no conclusive evidence, it is impossible to overthrow the world's richest man and the vice president of the United States. When the elder Bush was asked this question by a reporter, he didn't even need to explain too much. He just said that it was a political enemy pouring sewage on himself, and he passed it over.


Bush has little interest in the Olympics. He flew to Los Angeles from Dallas, Texas, to report to his big boss about the Rangers' plans for next season. Although the end of this season is still three months away, the Rangers have already focused their work on next season ahead of schedule.


Wanting to improve his performance quickly, most of the players on the team are not in Bush's future plan. He is ready to wave the check and form a brand new golden line for the Rangers, but this must be supported by the big boss Li Xuan!


Li Xuan is not familiar with MLB in the 1980s. If Bush Jr. bought the Dallas Mavericks, he can give some advice on this year's draft. You must know that Jordan, Olajuwon, Barkley, Stockton and these Hall of Famers are all rookies this year!


Li Xuan is actually more related to another news that Bush Jr. revealed to himself, that he intends to participate in the midterm elections two years later.


"What kind of job is the Land Commissioner?" Li Xuan asked This is the position Bush Jr. will run for in the future, but Li Xuan has never heard of it.


"Although the post of Land Commissioner is not well-known, it is one of the most influential positions in the state government. He is responsible for managing the vast land and rich oil, gas and mineral resources owned by the entire Texas government, and also In charge of the 'Texas Permanent School Fund' that supports public education!" Bush explained.


Li Xuan immediately understood the power of this position. Texas is not like Nevada, where all the land is desert, and buried under it is black gold—oil. If Bush can run for this office, he can almost immediately get the support of all Texas oil and real estate tycoons.


In fact, Texas was originally the home of the Bush family, and most of the oil tycoons and real estate tycoons were big supporters of the elder Bush. But they supported Bush Sr. to run for vice president, and even support him to run for president in the future.


But this does not mean that they have to support the son of Bush Sr. Bush Jr. can only obtain the venture capital of these tycoons when he shows his own value. And the "Texas Permanent School Fund" is an amazing institution! Li Xuan, under the guidance of George W. Bush, once donated a check of $500,000 to this fund. (To be continued...)

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