Video Game Empire

Chapter 375: Western Pacific Typhoon Fund

The previous Typhoon Andrea made landfall in the Bakau region of the Cagayan province of the Philippines, and then swept across the entire northern part of Luzon Island before entering the South China-China Sea. ◇↓◇↓ǎn◇↓小◇↓ said that the expert team of the "West Pacific Typhoon Fund" successfully calculated through the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer that the typhoon has a 45% probability of landing in this area.

Then, through the Hong Kong Observatory, the Foundation relayed the relevant predictions to the Philippines. However, the relevant departments in the Philippines obviously did not pay attention, or even if they did, the government did not have such a strong ability to mobilize and coordinate evacuation.

Although Li Xuan, as a little fart in later generations, often scolds officials for protecting each other and corruption. But when a natural disaster strikes, our grass-roots government can really transfer people from door to door. Our sons and daughters are really able to move forward bravely regardless of the danger of their own lives. In Li Xuan's view, not every country has such a strong executive ability!

Typhoon Andrea caused dozens of deaths and missing people in the Philippines, and tens of thousands of people suffered heavy losses. The "West Pacific Typhoon Fund" expressed regret and condolences for this, but Li Xuan actually did not care how many people died in Southeast Asia.

If Li Xuan is truly compassionate and compassionate, he, as the world's richest man at this time, should take the initiative to donate money and materials to the Filipino people. If it is the compatriots in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland who are hit by natural disasters, he is naturally bound to do his part. But for Philippine monkeys, Li Xuan does not have that enthusiasm.

What he really needs is to use this Typhoon Andrea to further enhance the influence of the "West Pacific Typhoon Fund" in the entire region. In fact, a typhoon is a very elusive meteorological disaster. The supercomputers of later generations are 10 million times more powerful than the current "Pearl of the Orient", and none of them can accurately predict the movement path of the typhoon.

The "Pearl of the Orient" can accurately hit Typhoon Andre this time and will land in the Bagao area. In fact, it is also a blind cat meets a dead mouse. In fact, the written information notified by the Hong Kong Observatory to the Philippine Meteorological Department said that Typhoon Andrea may make landfall on the coast of Cagayan Province. Among them, the Bagao area is the most likely.

It is the first half of the sentence that really reflects the predictive value of the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer, because it is based on a series of meteorological data on Typhoon Andre provided by the Hong Kong Observatory. After the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer has been calculated by professional software, it is more certain that it will land on the coast of Cagayan Province.

The hundreds of kilometers of coastline in the northern part of Luzon facing the western Pacific Ocean belongs to Cagayan Province, so this prediction is still relatively rough. In the future, with the increasingly powerful computer performance and the continuous improvement of related software, the direction of typhoon track prediction efforts is to continuously reduce the scope of possible landfall.

For example, the "Pearl of the Orient" can only predict that the typhoon will land on the Luzon Island of the Philippines, so if the Philippine government is a responsible person for the lives and property of the people. There is also a government with strong control and coordination, then it may declare a state of emergency for the whole of Luzon.

However, if the predicted landfall range can be narrowed to Cagayan Province, then the southern part of Luzon Island will not need to be shaken by the typhoon, and production and life will not be greatly affected. In fact, this can virtually reduce economic losses, because many factories and construction sites do not need to be shut down urgently due to typhoons.

If the forecast range can be further accurate to the Bagao area, then the Philippine government can deploy heavy defenses, and the efficiency of disaster relief can be greatly improved. After all, the entire Cagayan Province has a coastline of hundreds of kilometers, and the Philippine government cannot prevent such a large area.

The "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer has accurately predicted the specific landing site of Typhoon Andrea. It doesn't matter if it's a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. The first public debut of the "West Pacific Typhoon Fund" was at least a perfect start.

"Our 'West Pacific Typhoon Fund' has issued an initiative to Southeast Asian and East Asian countries, hoping to establish a regional cooperative organization. By sharing the meteorological resources of various countries, we can better reduce the economic losses caused by typhoon disasters to countries every year. !Our fund is willing to provide some start-up funds for the establishment of this regional cooperation organization!

At the same time, the North American Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean coast are also high-incidence areas for hurricanes. Our fund is also liaising with meteorological departments in the United States, Mexico and other countries. Hope to strengthen information exchange, after all, typhoons and hurricanes are both tropical cyclones. It's just a different name!

For example, we have just reached an agreement with the US Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to invest 5 million Hong Kong dollars to join. The improved weather reconnaissance system they entrusted to the company is in the research and development project of the rs project!

The -130 meteorological reconnaissance plane that just took off at Kai Tak Airport is equipped with a test model of the rs system. The advanced instruments can accurately collect various meteorological data and will calculate Typhoon Ender for the 'Pearl of the Orient' supercomputer. Li's next move path, provide more data support! "

The press conference was still going on, and Zhong Chuhong answered various questions from the reporters at the scene with ease.

Li Xuan is now the richest man in the world, so charity can no longer be limited to a corner of Hong Kong. Moreover, under the arrangement and planning of the professional public relations team behind him, he also changed the simple and rude way of donating money directly before, and is more and more inclined to establish various charitable funds, so as to make every penny more effective. to maximize.

For example, this time he set up the "West Pacific Typhoon Fund" in the name of himself and Dongfang Group, each with a contribution of 100 million Hong Kong dollars. This can benefit more than a dozen countries in Southeast Asia and East Asia where typhoons are prone to occur, which is equivalent to giving Li Xuan and Dongfang Group a good impression in front of more than one billion people.

The annual typhoon season in the Western Pacific region lasts from May to November. Through the "West Pacific Fund", a charity platform, Orient Group can also take the opportunity to further establish good relations with governments in East and Southeast Asia.

In the past few years, Li Xuan has been focusing on the group's operations in developed regions such as North America, Europe and Japan. In his opinion, the global price of a game like a is as high as 20 US dollars, and the price of one A is almost equivalent to half a month's wages of workers in many areas.

The sales of Oriental Group's products in these places should be very small, but the actual data hit him in the face. The overall economy of these countries in Southeast Asia is still relatively backward, but it does not mean that there are no rich people. The sales of Dongfang Electronics' game consoles, computers and other products are actually not low in many countries in Southeast Asia. After all, this is a large market with a population base of hundreds of millions, and the purchasing power of just a small number of wealthy people is very considerable.

Therefore, the Southeast Asian market will be the region where the Oriental Group is going to focus on the next step. And Dongfang Electronics, as a Hong Kong company, actually has very convenient conditions to enter the Southeast Asian market. Because the economic lifeline to many countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Thailand is actually in the hands of Chinese businessmen, and Hong Kong is an important springboard for Chinese businessmen in Southeast Asia to diversify investment risks.

The reason why Hong Kong will develop into a world-class financial center step by step in the is not only because of the special conditions of being backed by the mainland, but another major factor is the inflow of Chinese capital in Southeast Asia. For example, even though Hong Kong's economy was relatively turbulent last year, the investment funds received from Southeast Asia are still as high as 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Although cooperation with Chinese businessmen in Southeast Asia can quickly open up the market, the political status of Chinese in Southeast Asian countries is not high. Therefore, the Oriental Group needs to establish a good relationship with the government to increase political insurance for itself, and the charitable halo is also the best umbrella.

Since the twin brothers and sisters Xiao Nuomi and Xiao Tangyuan were born, Zhong Chuhong has devoted most of her energy to taking care of the children. She also resigned from a series of positions in the ATV Group before, preparing to accompany the growth of her two children wholeheartedly.

But this "West Pacific Typhoon Fund" is likely to become a charitable organization with significant influence in Asia under the promotion of the Oriental Group. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits, it is best for Li Xuan to serve as the chairman of the foundation.

But Li Xuan was not interested in this, so he simply persuaded his wife to serve as the chairman on his behalf. And Zhong Chuhong, as the wife of the richest man in the world, is not only the fashion vane of the upper class in Hong Kong, but also is said to have a lot of influence among women in Southeast Asia. (To be continued..)

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