Video Game Empire

Chapter 373: forecast typhoon



ps: In the previous chapter, the 5 billion operations per second of the "Pearl of the Orient" was accidentally written as 500 million operations per second, which has been revised! There is one more chapter, but it will be late, you can read it tomorrow morning!


"Mr. Li, can you take the case apart and take a look?" A middle-aged man in a cyan suit and glasses with a Chinese character face and glasses asked Li Xuan a little apprehensively.


Next to him, another older man who looked quite authoritative hurriedly glared at him, then turned his head and apologized to Li Xuan: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry! Xiao Zhou is young and inexperienced. In the abrupt place, I hope you can have more Haihan!"


The person known as Xiao Zhou is at least ten years older than Li Xuan, but at this moment he doesn't say a word. Not long ago, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in the name of academic exchanges, conveyed the wish to visit and exchange in Hong Kong to the Oriental Company through the Hong Kong Xin-Hua Branch.


After getting the consent reply from the Oriental Group, the Chinese Academy of Sciences-Academy quickly organized a visiting team of 15 people, led by a deputy secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences-Academy. In fact, among the 15 people who came to Hong Kong to visit this time, personnel from the Institute of Computer Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences accounted for only a small number of places, and the others came from the National Defense Technology-University.


Standing not far from Li Xuan, an old man with a bald head was actually Professor Ci Yungui, Vice President of National Defense University and Director of the Institute of Computer Science. Just last year, China successfully developed the first domestically-made supercomputer "Galaxy-1" with a computing rate of 100 million times per second. The chief engineer in charge of this project is this kind old man of National Defense-Tech University.


The 100 million operations per second of "Galaxy-1" is already a huge breakthrough for the domestic computer industry. But its performance is only equivalent to about 2% of the "Pearl of the Orient". Such a huge technological gap makes many people in China feel very uncomfortable.


But it is not terrible to fall behind. The most important thing is to keep catching up with the international advanced level. For domestic supercomputer research and development workers, they rarely have the opportunity to get close contact with foreign advanced supercomputers. Most of the technical information that can be collected is from public reports in foreign journals and newspapers.


The middle-aged man named Xiao Zhou proposed. The requirement to open the case for a close-up observation is actually a test prepared before the visiting group. In fact, during the internal discussion, the delegation also believed that its request was unreasonable.


But if it's just a circle in the computer room. All you can see is the rows of iron cabinets, and there is no useful information at all. So they decided to try it out. What if the Eastern Company is more generous and willing to let them see the internal structure?


Even if the other party refuses, there is no loss for the domestic delegation. For the sake of safety, the head of the delegation, the deputy secretary of the Party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is responsible for leading the team, is also responsible for making a fool of himself.


Li Xuan waved his hand to the deputy secretary and said, "It doesn't matter, this is not a place that needs to be kept secret! It's just that the 'Pearl of the Orient' is currently running, so he didn't directly open the case for everyone to check!


We, the Oriental Research Institute and the Hong Kong Observatory, have recently reached a cooperation and are planning to use the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer to study and judge this year's sixth typhoon Andrea. Will the next movement path pass through Hong Kong!


You have also seen that the neatly arranged sea-blue chassis in the computer room is actually a node of the 'Pearl of the Orient' supercomputer. The entire 'Pearl of the Orient' supercomputer consists of 75 identical nodes. The core of each node is 8 s-100a processors that operate in parallel. "


Li Xuan smiled and led everyone out of the computer room to a nearby showroom. There was a small navy blue case in the showroom, and the case cover on the side of the small case had been opened.


In fact, it is not only the delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences that expressed the hope of taking a look at the internal structure of the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer. Many other previous guests had similar requests.


Especially when the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States came to Hong Kong for inspection a few days ago, Chen Shiqing even recognized a technician from the cary company from their team. Chen Shiqing was dug up by Li Xuan before returning to Hong Kong. It is Cary's CTO.


So Chen Shiqing went up to greet the former colleague deliberately and enthusiastically, and asked him like an old friend when he left Cary to join Los Alamos National Laboratory.


This made the American delegation feel very embarrassed on the spot.


The hidden identity was revealed by Chen Shiqing, and the visiting group at the Los Alamos laboratory was very embarrassed. But Chen Shiqing then showed them the internal structure of the "Pearl of the Orient" node. Afterwards, the person in charge of the delegation found Chen Shiqing alone, and after sincerely apologizing to him, he expressed his appreciation for the atmosphere of the Oriental Group and directly expressed his willingness to purchase.


Since "Pearl of the Orient" is going to be sold commercially, there is no need for strict confidentiality. Moreover, Dongfang Group has already applied for patent protection for its key technologies. Direct competitors, like cary, want to start R&D on parallel computing from scratch. And need to circumvent a series of patent barriers set by the Oriental Group, it is impossible to come up with mature new products without two or three years.


And have this time as a buffer. Enough to make Dongfang Electronics gain a firm foothold in the field of supercomputers. The next step in the improvement of "Pearl of the Orient" is not blindly seeking speed. Instead, efforts should be made to develop the application field of supercomputers.


Taking the "Pearl of the Orient" as an example, its hardware cost is less than 500,000 US dollars, while the Oriental Group's external quotation is as high as 4.5 million US dollars. Li Xuan previously invested more than 20 million US dollars in research and development funds for the "Pearl of the Orient" project, so at least 5 supercomputers need to be sold to make a return.


But there are not many customers who really need super computing power. During the recent period, the Oriental Group has received dozens of delegations to visit. But only the Los Alamos Laboratory, Boeing, and Roche, a European pharmaceutical giant, have really shown purchase intentions for the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer.


Therefore, the commercial profit prospects of supercomputers are actually far less than that of other popular electronic products under the Oriental Group. The "Pearl of the Orient" is more of a reputation benefit to the entire Oriental Group!


Just like for the domestic scientific community, if the top powers such as the United States, Japan, and the Soviet Union developed the fastest computer in the world, no one would be surprised at all. But now that this happened in Hong Kong, many people feel incredible.


Although Hong Kong in the 1980s was far richer than the mainland, in the eyes of domestic researchers, Hong Kong was good in light industries such as clothing and textiles, but had never made much achievements in high-tech fields.


The target that China needs to catch up with in advanced technology is the United States, Japan and other western developed countries. Therefore, when China sent overseas students after the reform and opening up, the largest number went to the United States, followed by Japan, and few students were sent to these two universities in Hong Kong.


Of course, this is also related to the fact that CUHK and HKU in Hong Kong now say that the number of degrees they can provide is limited every year, and they are not keen on accepting international students. But this actually reflects from another aspect that Hong Kong's technological level is not recognized by the outside world.


In fact, it is not only the relevant parties in China, but even many Hong Kongers themselves are somewhat incredulous. The entire research and development process of "Pearl of the Orient" was very low-key, and everyone never thought that happiness would come so suddenly.


With the take-off of Hong Kong's economy in the past two decades, the pride of Hong Kong people is rapidly increasing. But Hong Kong can really show its hands, and there are not many achievements worth showing off to the world. So in another time and space, after Li Lishan won the first Olympic gold medal for Hong Kong, she immediately became a hero and idol of the city.


In the 1980s, Hong Kong was at best an important emerging economy in Asia. Li Xuan was named the world's richest man, making countless foreigners remember this city in the Far East for the first time. And he also ascended to the altar in one fell swoop, becoming a role model for countless young people in this city to inspire themselves.


Now the exposure of the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer has made the city boil again! Later, "Daily Daily" reported the reason why Li Xuan originally developed the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer in a sensational tone of reportage.


Back then, "God of Fortune Li" was harassed by the US government, so he was determined to develop Hong Kong's own supercomputer to prove to the Americans that Hong Kong people are no worse than them! Don't fight for steamed buns! After reading this report, countless Hong Kong people felt a sense of pride in the same hatred, and then raised their eyebrows!


In the words of a Hong Kong newspaper the computer industry is the crown of the entire electronics industry, and supercomputers are the brightest jewel in this crown! Now Hong Kong has this shining precious gem!


Naturally, it is impossible for the Oriental Group to simply announce the news that the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer broke the computing power record of the Soviet Union m-13 and became the fastest supercomputer in the world.


On the contrary, the company's public relations team prepared a complete publicity plan in advance. The "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer is installed in the Oriental Experimental Building. One of its important tasks is to replace the cary-1 supercomputer purchased by the Oriental Research Institute from the United States to assist in the research and development of integrated circuits.


However, the first practical application project of the "Pearl of the Orient" publicity is a public welfare project that benefits all Hong Kong citizens, and even hundreds of millions of people in Southeast Asia - predicting the movement path of typhoons.


Every year during the typhoon season, countries in Southeast Asia and East Asia will suffer huge economic losses due to typhoons making landfall. If we can accurately predict the movement path and intensity of typhoons, so as to prepare for disaster prevention in advance, we can greatly reduce the losses caused by disasters! (To be continued)

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