Video Game Empire

Chapter 371: Typhoon strikes



"Li Sheng, this time, I didn't think about it carefully, so that the outdoor development activities were anticlimactic!" Cheng Yuanqing smiled bitterly at Li Xuan and took the initiative to admit his mistake.


"No one can count such a typhoon! The activities organized by your human resources department are very good, which can greatly deepen the exchanges between employees in various regions of the group!


In the future, field expansion activities like this need not be limited to induction training for new employees, but can be extended to the entire company from time to time! Besides, the facilities we invested in are originally public welfare, creating a well-equipped outdoor camp for Hong Kong citizens! "Li Xuan smiled and comforted his generals.


The second part of the Orient Group's new employee orientation training, the team's field expansion activities have just started, and they were forced to change their plans after camping at the campsite in Sai Kung West Country Park for one night.


After this year's No. 6 typhoon Andrea swept across the Philippines, it did not travel north along the Taiwan-Taiwan Strait as expected by meteorological experts, and made a second landfall in the coastal areas from southern Fujian province to northern Guangdong province in China. But last night, he suddenly turned west and headed straight for Hong Kong.


The Hong Kong Observatory has suspended the warning of the No. 3 strong wind typhoon, and Andrea is approaching Hong Kong at a speed of 13 kilometers per hour, and it is expected to affect Hong Kong from the second half of today. Hong Kong people call typhoons a typhoon. Since 1917, the Hong Kong Observatory has been warning the public by hanging a typhoon.


The No. 1 typhoon is a warning signal, the No. 3 is a strong wind signal, the No. 9 is a gale, and the highest level is a No. 10 hurricane. Last year's No. 10 typhoon Allan passed the urban area seven nautical miles away from the southwest corner of Lantau Island, but still left 10 people dead, 12 missing, hundreds injured and thousands homeless in Hong Kong. The huge pain of economic loss of more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars.


Now. The typhoon is facing Hong Kong again, and the Hong Kong government has taken all necessary preventive measures in advance, hoping to reduce the losses. And in this case. It is obviously inappropriate to continue the large-scale outdoor activities such as wild camping. Therefore, the Eastern Company can only temporarily change the plan. Cancellation of remaining activities in Sai Kung West Country Park.


In order to complete this event perfectly, the Oriental Group reached an agreement with the Hong Kong government more than half a year ago. Funded by Dongfang Company, a camping base with complete facilities will be built on a flat sandy beach in the country park.


From leveling the base, to laying electric wires and water pipes from more than ten kilometers away, the Oriental Group invested 1 million Hong Kong dollars in half a year, but it has now failed after only one night.


This made Cheng Yuanqing, the original proposer, not happy at all. Although the Oriental Group can continue to use this camping base every year in the future. Although the money spent by Dongfang Group in the name of public welfare has at least received praise, but Cheng Yuanqing's first shot is considered dumb.


Of course, although the outdoor development activities stopped abruptly at the beginning, it was not without gains. After experiencing shared adversity, the estrangement between new colleagues has disappeared. There are even problems in language communication between many colleagues, but there are many more sincere smiles between everyone.


"Liu Shizi, you're a peach blossom this year. That Fang Qianqian is giving snacks and taking pictures. You have a good chance of being a Hong Kong son-in-law if you work hard!" Han Ying nudged Liu Wei lightly with her elbow, laughing. Hehe joked.


"Don't talk nonsense!" Liu Wei's face turned slightly red.


When everyone came to the side of the road, there was already a row of buses parked there. Each group finds its own designated bus. Then start getting into the car in an orderly manner. Fang Qianqian got on the bus earlier, she was sitting in the fourth row, and there was no one around.


Liu Wei likes to sit at the back of the car when he is in the car. He was about to walk to the back row, but was pulled by Han Ying behind him. Fang Qianqian, who was taking out her earphones from her bag to listen to music, just looked up and saw Liu Wei standing in front of her, so she smiled at him, indicating that there was no one in this position.


Fang Qianqian signaled to let him sit here, but Liu Wei was naturally not dumb enough to throw away the beauty and go to the back row. Han Ying also took advantage of the situation and found an empty seat in the row behind Liu Wei and sat down. She also threw a cheering look at Liu Wei, who turned her head to look over. Said he can only help here. This made Liu Wei a little speechless. He didn't mean that to the Hong Kong girl beside him at all.


"Are you going to eat biscuits?" Fang Qianqian asked softly to Liu Wei who was reading a book beside her.


After she finished speaking, she remembered that the other party could not understand Cantonese. But Liu Wei has raised his head. In fact, after spending a year in Hong Kong, he can still understand some of the most basic daily conversations.


Liu Wei Fang Qianqian shook his head. With a shy smile, he was ready to continue reading with his head down. This is an English version of The Old Man and the Sea, the only thing he bought after coming to Hong Kong this time.


Fang Qianqian turned her head out the window, listening to music and eating waffles in small bites, but she couldn't help but turn her head and secretly observe the boys around her. It has been less than 24 hours since the two met, so Fang Qianqian could not have a good impression of Liu Wei.


Moreover, Liu Wei's character is silent, his clothes are rustic, and his skin is a little dark, which is far from the ideal type of boyfriend in Fang Qianqian's mind. It's just that Liu Wei carried her for more than ten kilometers in one breath yesterday, which made her a little moved, and only then did she start to notice him.


Fang Qianqian thinks she is pretty good looking, and there are always boys who pursue her when she is studying. Most boys couldn't help but secretly focus on her when they were with her.


Although Fang Qianqian warned herself that these men who joined the Appearance Association are too superficial, she still enjoys this kind of star-in-the-moon feeling deep down in her heart. But now, Fang Qianqian has doubts about her appearance, because the piece of wood beside her seems to be reluctant to even look at her.


Liu Wei was completely immersed in the ocean of literature, but he didn't know how depressed the beautiful girl beside him was at the moment. Fang Qianqian thought about it carefully, only to realize that from yesterday to now, every time the two communicated, she took the initiative first.


This result made Fang Qianqian a little resentful. Could it be that she is so unattractive? So she decided to attract Liu Wei's attention, make him fall in love with her, and then ignore him again, so that he can also experience the taste of being ignored.


"Reading in the car is bad for eyesight!" Fang Qianqian suddenly reached out and closed the book in Liu Wei's hand.


Although Liu Wei was a little surprised by Qianqian's abrupt move, after all, the relationship between the two is not yet familiar to this point. But any move by the beauty must be correct, and he still accepts the other party's suggestion.


"Do you want to listen to the song?" Fang Qianqian asked again.


Without waiting for Liu Wei to answer, she took off an earplug from her ear and put it into Li Xuan's left ear. The moment her slender hand touched Liu Wei's earlobe inadvertently, Liu Wei's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.


And Fang Qianqian's act of being so intimate made Han Ying sitting behind them stunned. Before Han Ying encouraged Liu Wei to have the courage to pursue Fang Qianqian, it was just a joke.


She also knew that Liu Wei and Fang Qianqian did not live in the same world at all, and the induction training time was short, and after a few days, everyone was separated. But she never imagined that this Hong Kong beauty seemed to really like Liu Wei, a big idiot.


"Do you know who wrote the song "God Save Your Lover" just now?"


Fang Qianqian smiled and sold her off. When she showed a smile, the pair of small dimples on her face were very moving, and she did have the arrogance capital that made men fascinated.


"Who is it?" Liu Wei asked following her words.


"Our big boss!"




"Why am I lying to you! This song was written by Li Sheng for his bride, Miss Zhong, and then sang it in person before the wedding ceremony. The romantic scene is enviable when you think about it!"


The answer given by Fang Qianqian surprised Liu Wei very much. He never guessed that his big boss, the richest man in the world, has such a literary side.


"Li Sheng is really versatile!" Liu Wei couldn't help sighing.


"Of course, Li Sheng is recognized by the newspapers as the biggest miracle since the opening of Hong Kong's port! The next song "Your Name, My Surname" was also composed and composed by Li Sheng. It is said that this song was on the wedding day, and Li Sheng went to pick it up. The bride sings!


At that time, the bride's best friends wanted to be the groom's office because of the difficulty. Then Li Sheng sang this song, which moved everyone, and successfully picked up his bride into the wedding car! "Fang Qianqian used Cantonese mixed with English, which finally made Liu Wei understand what he meant.


Chen Yixun's song "Every" was plagiarized by Li Xuan and changed to "Heaven Bless Your Lover", and became a newcomer in Hong Kong together with "Your Name, My Last Name". Now the selection rate for weddings is very high. of two songs.


Of course, what everyone is playing is not the version that Li Xuan sang in the first place. He, the richest man in the world, has no interest in selling songs, but he handed over to the music talent show organized by ATV, the champion of the first season of "The Voice of Hong Kong", to sing Zhang Xueyou.


Li Xuan plagiarized one of Zhang Xueyou's songs, and then gave him two songs, so he did not treat him badly. As for the other Chen Yixun, he is still a little baby, Li Xuan can't make him a superstar when he is only ten years old!


Just as Liu Wei and Fang Qianqian were chatting more and more enthusiastically, Li Xuan, the multi-talented boss they said, was in a constant temperature computer room in the Oriental Experimental Building.


The world's fastest supercomputer - "Pearl of the Orient" is installed in this computer room. "Pearl of the Orient" was officially released two weeks ago, and it suddenly caused a global sensation.


The eyes of the world are once again focused on the city of Hong Kong. Countless media sent reporters to Hong Kong for the first time, hoping to see what the world's fastest supercomputer really is. (To be continued)

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