Video Game Empire

Chapter 366: spy war fans

?? Li Xuan just returned to Hong Kong, he got a good news. The first-class computer project that has been in place for more than two years is finally beginning to bear fruit!


The "Pearl of the Orient"-level computer that Chen Shiqing and his team just completed had a peak computing rate of over 4.8 billion operations per second during the first test run. This is more than double the 2.4 billion operations per second of the world's fastest computer, the m-13, which was released by the Soviet Union-Moscow Institute of Computer Science not long ago.


Two or three years ago, Li Xuan ordered two latest-model-class computers from Cary Company in the United States. As a result, one of the high-level computers that was originally going to be installed in the Oriental Experimental Building in Hong Kong was restricted from export by the US government on the grounds of preventing the spread of technology.


At that time, Li Xuan spent a lot of effort to carry out public relations, and finally let the United States release it. However, the computer of this class that finally arrived in Hong Kong was an old model of the previous generation, not the latest model that Li Xuan originally ordered.


As the so-called "don't make steamed buns," Li Xuan made up his mind in a fit of anger, and planned to use the Dongfang Group to develop the fastest computer in the world. At the beginning of 1982, the brand-new processor s-, which adopts the fan ps architecture, was officially launched for sale. This powerful processor newly launched by the Oriental Research Institute has laid the foundation for the independent research-level computer of the Oriental Company.


Li Xuan took care of its technology from Cary, the world's most famous computer manufacturer, and Mr. Chen Shiqing, a Chinese engineer, dug up from the United States to Hong Kong.


Chen Shiqing led the research team for more than two years and spent more than 10,000 US dollars to break through a series of technical problems. Now, they have finally successfully completed the research work of the "Pearl of the Orient" computer project.


"Li Sheng, our 'Pearl of the Orient' computer consists of 75 nodes. Each node has 8 s-processors, and each s-processor has a computing power of 8 million operations per second. Also That is to say, the computing power of each node is 64 million times per second, and the total computing power of 75 nodes is 4.8 billion times per second!" Chen Shiqing pointed to the rows of chassis in the computer room and introduced.


The advent of the "Pearl of the Orient" is a milestone revolution for the research of advanced computers. Before it came out, the research direction of the advanced computer was based on the vector processing technology proposed by Mr. Cray, the founder of Cary Company. In layman's terms, it is to continuously tap the computing potential inside a single processor.


However, Li Xuan proposed to Chen Shiqing, a new design idea for parallel processing. The so-called parallel processing, generally speaking, is the superposition of the computing power of multiple processors.


Before that, high-level computers had only one core processor in them. The performance of this processor directly determines the performance of the computer. The parallel design idea is to superimpose the computing power of multiple processors. The biggest problem is how to solve the problem of "1+1<2" when multiple processors are running together.


Once this problem is solved, the research on high-level computers has actually become a game of chip accumulation. Later, the US Air Force Research Laboratory also produced a high-level computer composed of a Sony ps3 game console. Even handheld game consoles can be used to build-level computers, Americans really know how to play!


And Chen Shiqing did not disappoint Li Xuan, and it only took more than two years to successfully solve the problem of processor parallelism. You must know that Li Xuan only put forward an idea.


You must know that the idea of ​​parallel processing has only just begun to sprout in the 1980s. Chen Shiqing really turned Li Xuan's idea into reality without any reference. This is really amazing! The entire team has published dozens of papers and applied for patents during the research process of the "Pearl of the Orient" project!


In the future, to continue to improve the operating rate of the advanced computer, it is only necessary to increase the number of chips or replace the processor with better performance. It can be said that Chen Shiqing and his team have successfully opened a new door for manufacturing-level computers!


Vector processing technology has come to an end, and it will become more and more difficult to increase the operation rate of a single processor. The s-processor used in the "Pearl of the Orient" computer, although it is a special improvement of the s-, still belongs to the category of general-purpose processors, and the production difficulty and production cost are not high.


"Li Sheng, our 'Pearl of the Orient' also has a disadvantage, that is, the power consumption is too high! After the computer is started, there are processors working at the same time, and the power consumption and heat release are not a small value! Therefore, our computer needs By building a dedicated constant temperature machine room to dissipate heat, the annual electricity bill will be very considerable!" Chen Shiqing shook his head and said.


"As the saying goes, nothing can be perfect! But the next step is to improve the control program inside the computer, and let it automatically shut down some nodes and put them in a sleep state when the computer does not need to be saturated.


This can improve the economic benefits of computers, which is very beneficial to future market sales! By the way, when are you going to announce the news of the 'Pearl of the Orient'? "Li Xuan said.


"The 'Pearl of the Orient' is still in the testing stage, and the operating system still has some minor problems that have not been fully debugged! Moreover, the computer lacks specific application software. We and the University of Hong Kong are jointly developing a typhoon path simulation software. Apply it to the 'Pearl of the Orient' to predict typhoons and make the 'Pearl of the Orient' famous!" Chen Shiqing introduced.


To measure the overall performance of a high-level computer, the operation rate is only one of the indicators. Others also include the common constraints of many factors such as floating-point computing power and the number of application software.


After Li Xuan visited the "Pearl of the Orient" computer, Han Peng came to his office as soon as he returned to his office.


"Li Sheng, I have a few things to report to you here!" Han Peng said very seriously.


"What's the matter?" Li Xuan asked curiously.


"According to the investigation of the Ministry of Security and Supervision, the 'Pearl of the Orient' project team was infiltrated by commercial spies!" Han Peng took out an internal document from his briefcase.


"Do you know what kind of spy it is?" Li Xuan frowned and quickly began to browse the files.


"It should be sent from the north!" Han Peng replied, "They just completed the research on the 'Galaxy-1' last year, and the calculation rate is only 100 million times per second. It is estimated that they want to learn from our technology!"


The materials brought by Han Peng included speculation on the general performance of the "Galaxy-1"-class computer. Should be well behind the cary-1 class computer being used in the Eastern Experimental Building. cary-1 is a product of cary company seven or eight years ago, and the calculation rate is also 350 million times per second.


"This is the 6th case of commercial espionage that the Ministry of Security and Supervision has uncovered in the past year! 4 of them are from the north, and all the infiltrated departments are concentrated in the Oriental Research Institute!" Han Peng said solemnly.


The Safety Supervision Department is a very special department within the Oriental Group, and its main accusation is to investigate and detect commercial espionage within the company. The internal security system of Dongfang Group is still relatively complete, and units like Xiangdong Research Institute are the top priority.


The person who was hit by the existing problems this time was just a low-level technician in the "Pearl of the Orient" research team, and it was difficult to access the core information of the advanced computer project. When he asked others in the team about the progress of the project, he was reported to the Safety Inspection Department by others.


Because according to the company's internal confidentiality regulations, it is strictly forbidden for researchers to discuss in private, involving issues related to the company's technical secrets. Especially those who do not have the right to know the relevant content, if they are too curious, they will be listed as suspected targets of commercial espionage for the first time.


Every employee in the Orient Group must receive training on confidentiality at least once a year, and the frequency of training in the Orient Research Institute and other units has been increased to once a quarter. At the beginning, there was a collective disgust among the researchers, and Li Xuan also personally came forward to explain and appease it.


"It seems that the last time I asked President Xu of the Xinhua branch for tea, my tone was too gentle! Lao Han, you bring these materials and go to President Xu for tea tomorrow. If they are so unscrupulous, I will ask the police department. The Politics Department is here to help!" Li Xuan said with a smile.


There is a Political Department under the Hong Kong Police Force, which is the department responsible for counter-espionage and internal security within the Hong Kong police system, but it is actually affiliated with the Fifth Division of the British Police, which is a spy agency installed by the British government in Hong Kong.


Naturally, Li Xuan wouldn't really have to cooperate with foreign intelligence agencies to deal with domestic agents. That would break his bottom line. But it's okay to use this to scare some people.


When Li Xuan was just a little bitch, he wished that domestic agents could get all the advanced technologies from all over the world. But when he became a victim, Li Xuan would definitely not be so willing. After all, these technical materials are only developed after investing real money, and there is no reason to give them away.


More importantly, if Li Xuan gave it away easily, his kindness could only bring disaster to the Dongfang Group.


"By the way, I have another news here! Oriental Commercial has an agent registered in Singapore, which purchases a large number of erm-1 processor orders from us every quarter!


The reason they gave us to purchase is to supply some compatible machine manufacturers in Southeast Asia and Australia. We didn't care too much at first, but then they added erm-2 and s-processor to their purchasing catalog.


Computer factories that purchase erm-2 processors will seek direct technical support from us. After all, this allows them to understand the chip performance faster, thereby shortening the development time of compatible products!


While s-processors are generally used in high-end workstation computers and servers, manufacturers are far less compatible with computers! And this Singapore agency has a lot of demand for erm-2 and s-!


At first, we thought that there might be a new competitor in the high-end computer market, so we started to collect data! However, after investigation, it was found that the origin of this Singapore agent is very problematic.


The large amount of chips they took away from Dongfang was not supplied to the so-called Southeast Asian compatible machine manufacturers at all. But after a lot of trouble, it was secretly smuggled - smuggled to China University 6! "Han Peng said.


Batumi prohibits the export of advanced computer products and core electronic components to China. Among them, several processors of the Oriental Research Institute are within the scope of the ban on Minglu. Li Xuan must be disgusted by this in his heart, but Dongfang Company would never dare to violate the regulations, otherwise the company may be severely sanctioned by Western countries.


The later Toshiba Company exported the event five-unit CNC machine tool to the Soviet Union, which resulted in a significant improvement in the quietness of the Soviet Union nuclear submarine. After the deal was revealed, even the Japanese prime minister was forced to apologize. Toshiba, as one of the core companies of the Mitsui Consortium, was able to escape the disaster even though it suffered heavy losses.


However, there is no country behind the Oriental Group, and its main markets are in Europe and the United States. Once you get into such big trouble as the proliferation of advanced technology, it is likely to be a disaster.


"Open one eye and close one eye!" Li Xuan thought for a moment and then quickly changed his tune, "No, kick this Singapore company out of the ranks of agents! Even if we turn a blind eye, at least they The disguise can't be too perfunctory!


Since their reason for placing an order with us is to supply compatible machine manufacturers in Southeast Asia. Then they have to find at least a few real compatible machine manufacturers to do a good job of superficial articles! You must know that Dongfang Commercial conducts investigations on its own agents every year, and eliminates some agents with poor qualifications!


They are so careless, we can easily find the problem, let alone those professional intelligence agencies! If something goes wrong in the future, we won't even be able to find excuses for prevarication! "


It is a principle that Li Xuan must abide by not to put himself in a dangerous situation. As a profitable business company, Orient Group should not undertake some responsibilities and obligations!


Li Xuan suddenly thought that the current director of the Hong Kong Xin-Hua branch, Xu, was not very reliable. He later defected and fled to the United States. Li Xuan felt that he should be guarded against him, so he said to Han Peng: "You should stop looking for that President Xu, his level is too low!


Anyway, you will go to Beijing-Beijing with a delegation of Hong Kong entrepreneurs anyway, and directly find an opportunity to report these issues to the relevant leaders of the central government, and bring up our difficulties! "


In fact, Li Xuan doesn't think that after expressing his dissatisfaction on his side, the domestic penetration of the Oriental Group will completely It's just that the future penetration will be planned more carefully and cautiously!


If the domestic personnel can really steal the relevant materials from the Dongfang Group without knowing it, Li Xuan will be contributing to the socialist modernization construction.


For example, the high-level computer technology spied on by relevant domestic parties, it is impossible for Dongfang Group to sell its products to the country anyway. Even if China benefits from the related technologies of the "Pearl of the Orient" and greatly improves the performance of domestic computers, there is not much business loss for Li Xuan.


But this level of computer can be used to simulate a series of cutting-edge defense industries such as nuclear-bomb explosions and missile launches. At present, the computing power of the domestic "Galaxy No. 1" level computer is more than 1 time per second, while the computing power of the "Pearl of the Orient" level computer is 100 million times per second.


The serious aftermath of this technology diffusion is absolutely no less than the later "Toshiba Incident". If the Eastern Group has already taken the most stringent security precautions in advance, but the technology is still stolen. Then it will have enough reasons to stand on the position of a victim and shed its political responsibility!


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