Video Game Empire

Chapter 339: overturned

Reading through the major newspapers in Hong Kong every morning is an unshakable habit of Xu Jiachun since he came to Hong Kong. ∮∮ǎn∮小∮ said that from the front-page news of various newspapers, he was able to understand the latest developments in Hong Kong and Kowloon City.

Xu Jiachun is now holding a copy of "Daily Daily". This newspaper has been very strong in the past one or two years, and the daily circulation has been rising again and again. It is said that it is not far from 200,000 copies. The newspaper style of "Daily Daily" is to follow the hot news that the citizens like to hear, especially the reports of various scandals and cases, and then attract readers through exaggerated and exaggerated language.

To use a term in Western journalism to describe the news style of "Daily Daily" is tabloidization. What the reporters of "Daily Daily" like to do the most is to dig up all kinds of behind-the-scenes stories and gossip. What was originally a serious and boring piece of news can be turned into a story with twists and turns and ups and downs through the brilliant strokes of their reporters and editors.

Xu Jiachun actually doesn't like this approach of "Daily Daily", because in his opinion, "Daily Daily"'s way of reporting news actually flatters readers by reducing the authenticity and reliability of the news. However, Xu Jiachun's personal opinion cannot resist the likes of Hong Kong citizens. With the continuous increase in sales of "Daily Daily", its influence in Hong Kong society is also growing.

"Little glutinous rice and small dumplings gave up their American citizenship, "God of Fortune Li" said they would choose a city and die! ", Xu Jiachun looked at the bold and bold headline of the headline of "Daily Daily" today, and couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Little glutinous rice and small glutinous rice **** are the twin babies of Mr. Li Xuan, the richest man in Hong Kong and the world's richest man. These two nicknames were hailed by the Hong Kong media as the kind and lovely nicknames of children born with golden keys, and they were dug up and advertised by the "Daily Daily" recently.

The biggest feature of "Daily Daily" news is that it is easy to understand. Readers can basically guess the general content of the news by looking at the title, and there is no need to guess whether the author has other deep meanings.

"Relinquish U.S. Citizenship". This should be Li Xuan's rumor in the Hong Kong media before that he deliberately asked his wife to go to the United States to give birth. So that children can automatically receive a positive response to rumors of U.S. citizenship. Since the beginning of the year, the wave of immigration in Hong Kong has intensified. After the Hong Kong dollar crisis and the incident of the world's richest man's capitalist, it suddenly reached the highest level.

Li Xuan voluntarily renounced the American citizenship of his two children this time, which is undoubtedly the most powerful response to those who are eager to flee Hong Kong. You abandon it, I take it! And the city in "Choose a city to die" should also refer to Hong Kong. Li Xuan is showing his firm attitude towards Hong Kong.

Xu Jiachun quickly browsed the entire article, "Choose a city to die, meet a person with a white head". He didn't expect "God of Wealth Li" to have such high literary literacy, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

During this period of social turmoil in Hong Kong, the Xinhua branch was under great pressure. Especially in recent months, the whole of Hong Kong can be said to be in turmoil. Li Xuan's clear statement is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the city.

In fact, Hong Kong society has been panicking recently, and more than half of the blame lies on the "God of Wealth Li". Although Li Xuan had already notified the mainland government in advance before the news of Dongfang Electronics' acquisition of the American ra company was announced. But Xu Jiachun knew that some leaders of the central government still had a lot of opinions on Li Xuan, thinking that he was disregarding the overall situation.

to this end. Leftist newspapers in Hong Kong have launched a violent bombardment of the "God of Fortune Li". Those reporters were quick to succeed, and when they criticized their writing, they scolded fiercely. But things have changed, and the united front work to wipe the buttocks has to be done by the Xinhua branch. Thinking of this, Xu Jiachun couldn't help but smile bitterly. Fortunately, this "God of Wealth Li" does not seem to be a narrow-minded person, and has begun to release goodwill and take the initiative to clean up the mess.

"Daily Daily" is a newspaper under the name of Li Xuan. This is something that is well known to the whole of Hong Kong. They published such an exclusive interview at this time, obviously someone was behind the organization and planning.

Xu Jiachun put down the "Daily Daily" in his hand and fell into contemplation. He felt compelled to call several leftist newspapers in Hong Kong and ask them to stop attacking Li Xuan. This is not enough. We should take advantage of the trend and use the idea of ​​​​the headline of the "Daily Daily" to hype it up, and strive to suppress Hong Kong's current immigration tendency from public opinion.

After Xu Jiachun made up his mind, he picked up another newspaper. Today, the headline of "The Letter" is also an exclusive interview with Li Xuan. Different from "Daily Daily", which is good at entertainment gossip style, "Xinbao" is a serious financial newspaper.

The headline of the headline on the front page of the Hong Kong Economic Journal today is "Acquisition of RA, a new opportunity for Hong Kong companies? "! The article elaborated on Li Xuan's remarks in an exclusive interview yesterday. The overseas mergers and acquisitions of Dongfang Electronics should not arouse the concern of Hong Kong society, but should be the pride of the whole of Hong Kong.

Dongfang Group's acquisition of ra company is not to run out of funds, but to integrate new industries and markets into Dongfang Electronics' industrial system. As a result of this acquisition, Dongfang Electronics' position in the US electronics industry has been further expanded and consolidated, which will also benefit the entire Hong Kong electronics industry.

Li Xuan also pointed out that the world economy is at the juncture of a new round of global adjustment of industrial division of labor. In the electronics industry, including home appliance manufacturing, the trend of shifting to Asia is accelerating. Hong Kong Dongfang Electronics and American ra company finally reached a goodwill merger agreement, it is the management of both parties realized that this trend is irreversible, and made a move to comply with the trend.

In order to reduce production costs, ra company will gradually transfer the production capacity of its TVs, radios, video recorders and other electronic products to Asia in the next three to five years. If Chinese companies, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, want to take a share of this round of industrial diversification expansion of the Oriental Group, they should make full preparations in advance to compete with Southeast Asian countries that also have cheap labor.

The reporter of this exclusive interview also carried out a detailed analysis after relaying Li Xuan's views. For example, he mentioned that before the announcement of Dongfang Electronics' acquisition of ra company, Mr. o Charlesson of ra company came to Hong Kong for a week-long inspection.

At that time, the attention of the entire Hong Kong society was focused on the Hong Kong dollar storm. In retrospect, it is likely that this visit strengthened RA's determination to transfer product production capacity to Asia for production. Thus, it has laid a solid foundation for the acquisition of ra company by the Oriental Group.

"Old Xu, good news! The Hong Kong stock market soared by 5% today!" A man in a cyan suit with gray hair hurriedly pushed open Xu Jiachun's office.

"Oh? What's the specific reason?" Xu Jiachun raised his head and asked calmly. He is not surprised that the Hong Kong stock market has seen sharp rises and falls over the past year.

"It is rumored in the market that after 'Fortune Li' acquired RA, he intends to hand over the production capacity of most of RA's electronic products to Hong Kong companies. Therefore, the Hong Kong shareholder forum has skyrocketed since the opening of the market. Among them, the stock price of Lu's Electronics Company, which is the closest to the rumor, is even higher. Soared 30%.

It is said that when ra's CEO Charlieson came to Hong Kong for inspection in October this year, he focused on visiting the TV manufacturing factory of Lu's Electronics. Lu's Electronics Co., Ltd. is likely to undertake a large number of manufacturing contracts for RA TVs in the future! "

The person who entered the door was one of the vice presidents of the Hong Kong Xinhua branch, surnamed Wei. President Wei quickly explained to Xu Jiachun. The rise in Hong Kong stocks is conducive to stabilizing the Hong Kong economy, which in turn boosts the morale of the entire Hong Kong society.

Xu Jiachun nodded his head and looked at the newspaper in his hand again, he understood that this was a set of punches from Dongfang Electronics Company. This kind of method of turning one's hands into clouds and covering hands into rain is really shocking. Xu Jiachun was thinking about whether he should take the initiative to visit the "God of Wealth Li".

The rumors in the capital market are not groundless, just when Xu Jiachun was reading the newspaper at the headquarters of the Xinhua branch. Lu Qintian, chairman and president of Lu's Electronics Company, is accepting Li Xuan's invitation to have morning tea together at Fulinmen Restaurant in Causeway Bay.

"Lu Sheng, the scale of the picture tube factory needs to be further expanded. The next step is to produce 10 million color tubes a year!" Li Xuan's first sentence shocked Lu Qintian.

After the factory completed the second-phase capacity expansion in the middle of this year, the annual production capacity of picture tubes reached 3.9 million, of which CPT accounted for 3.6 million. The scale of the factory is already ranked among the highest in Asia, but Li Xuan directly told him today that he would increase the annual production capacity to 10 million kinescopes in one breath.

Lu Qintian quickly guessed a possibility, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he asked a little nervously: "Li Sheng, are the rumors on the market yesterday true?"

Several newspapers' unified exclusive interviews with Li Xuan at noon yesterday will not be published until this morning, but Li Xuan let some news spread yesterday afternoon. After a night of fermentation, combined with today's newspaper news, it caused huge waves in the Hong Kong stock market.

He nodded his head and smiled at Lu Qintian: "Ra's TV manufacturing business is indeed going to be transferred to Asia. Moreover, Ra will only retain its marketing brand and technology research and development in the future, so the manufacturing process will be outsourced!

ra company is formulating a set of strict technical specifications for the selection criteria of cooperative foundries, which will be officially announced soon. I Shuiren can't directly designate your company to be responsible for the OEM, but I personally think that the opportunity for Lu's Electronics Company is still great!

At the same time, in order to be able to supply kinescopes nearby, the production capacity of our joint venture will be further increased! So I hope that the picture tube factory can be independent and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to raise funds for the subsequent expansion of the production line! To be continued..)

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