Video Game Empire

Chapter 317: Oriental Building

A dark red taxi was heading south quickly. Dai Bin sat in the passenger seat and listened to his partner, photojournalist Lao Ni, chatting with his two colleagues from Sing Tao Daily. with the latest anecdotes. ∷∷ǎn∷小∷ said,

The taxi they took should be a new car that had not been in operation for a long time. The driver was very cautious at first glance. Although there were few vehicles on the street, he still drove cautiously. Dai Bin raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and found that it was four and a half years old. They must rush to the Luohu Port to go through customs and return to Hong Kong before the five-minute customs inspection closes, otherwise they will have to wait until tomorrow.

"It's not too far, and we will definitely deliver you within ten minutes, so we won't delay customs clearance!" The taxi driver clearly noticed Dai Bin's movement of looking at his watch, and said aloud.

"Is your taxi company just established? I don't seem to have seen a red taxi here before!" Dai Bin asked casually.

"Well! Our Penghua Taxi Company has just been established for less than three months. It is a new company jointly established by a female boss from Hong Kong and the Special Economic Zone Public Transport Corporation. These cars are all Toyota Corollas imported directly from Japan. !" The driver said with great honor.

Corolla can only be regarded as a low-end cheap brand in Toyota Motor Corporation. Most of Hong Kong people are willing to choose Crown when buying a car, while more wealthy bosses will consider buying German Pingzhi (Mercedes-Benz). Dai Bin, the female boss, who the driver said was very clear, was Li Mei, the confidante of "God of Wealth Li".

Since her close relationship with Li Xuan was exposed by the media, she chose to settle in Shenhai City, and usually only occasionally returns to Hong Kong. And this Miss Li seems to have the heart to be a strong woman in the mall recently. The establishment of a paging company, a shopping mall, and a taxi company have taken place frequently over the past six months.

certainly. These news about Lizhi rarely appear in Hong Kong newspapers. When Li Xuan was caught by reporters in the scandal. It's okay to fry this lace news. But if he still persists after the fact, it is a provocation to the "God of Wealth Li". The richest man in the world is definitely not a vegetarian.

The general public has a great impression of Li Xuan, and they all rest on his huge wealth. In other respects, it seems more mysterious. But reporters like Dai Bin have a much clearer understanding of Li Xuan. Dai Bin has been following the news of Li Xuan for more than two years, and usually the other party doesn't feel that it is difficult to get along with him. Although Li Xuan is rarely willing to accept interviews, he will not deliberately embarrass reporters. Of course, the premise of all this is that you don't mess with him.

The incident that impressed Dai Bin the most was undoubtedly the kidnapping of Li Xuan two years ago. At that time several masterminds of the attempted kidnapping. In a very short period of time, they were found out, and their vertebrae were broken one by one, and they were dumped on the street. Such a decisive approach caused quite a stir at the time.

Anyone with a discerning eye can guess that this is killing chickens to show the monkeys, but the Hong Kong police closed the case in a hurry, and had no interest in investigating who committed the cruel hand to these suspects, and these lifelong paralyzed criminals were sent to Stanley Prison after their condition stabilized. serve a sentence. And the media at the time didn't hype it up, and it was quickly dismissed calmly.

At that time, Li Xuan was not the richest man in the world, and his name was far less famous than it is now, but since then, Dai Bin has gained a better understanding of Li Xuan. Although many reporters in Hong Kong often laugh at "Fortune Lee" as the best friend in the media industry. We will be able to provide you with news materials every three or five times.

But almost all journalists are very cautious when writing press releases about Li Xuan. Most of the reports on "God of Fortune Li" are concentrated in the business field, and little is actually involved in his private life. For example, his rendezvous with Lizhi was exposed last year. Within a few days of excitement in the Hong Kong media industry, the focus was artificially diverted.

Thinking of this, Dai Bin began to think about after he returned to the company. How to organize today's manuscript. The "God of Fortune Li" spent 200 million Hong Kong dollars to build a large-scale pb (printed circuit board) factory in the deep sea special zone. Today, there are not many Hong Kong newspapers that came to the deep sea city to report this incident. For example, the two who carpooled with Dai Bin and the others were reporters from Sing Tao Daily.

Since the second half of last year, Dongfang Electronics' investment in the mainland has become more and more active. From Shanghai to the Deep Sea Special Zone, Li Xuan seems to have changed his previous conservative style. Is he really optimistic about the future development prospects of the mainland, or is he buying political insurance for himself in advance?

Dai Bin thinks it should be both. Although Li Xuan has never made a positive statement on the Sino-British negotiation, Oriental Group did suddenly start investing in the mainland before the Sino-British negotiation started last year. Li Xuan is good to the mainland by using this business method, and it is difficult for the British to say anything.

This time, Dai Bin found that in addition to the pb project independently invested by Dongfang Company, many other companies closely related to Dongfang Group have also begun to enter this electronic industrial park newly established by the Shenzhen Municipal Government. For example, Litong Electronics Co., Ltd. is one of the most important arcade production foundries of Dongfang Game Company.

Dongfang Game Company's latest arcade "The King of Fighters" is about to go on sale, and Litong Electronics' new mainland factory is likely to be responsible for making the "King of Fighters" arcade. As we all know, arcade is the foundation of the rise of Dongfang Electronics, and it is still one of the most profitable departments in the entire group until now, and it has a very special position in Dongfang Company.

The unfavorable proposition of Hong Kong's industrial development has been widely discussed by all walks of life in Hong Kong in the past year or two. Earlier analysis pointed out that if the Hong Kong government cannot timely introduce policies to help Hong Kong's industry to upgrade and transform, Hong Kong's industry may soon be hollowed out. And Dongfang Group has begun to gradually relocate its arcade manufacturing business to the north. Does this mean the beginning of the relocation of the entire Hong Kong industry? After all, the labor cost in Hong Kong is at least three or four times that of the mainland.

The car had stopped steadily in the open space not far from the Luohu customs inspection office, and Dai Bin was still immersed in his own thoughts and did not regain his senses. He felt that he could dig deeper and write an in-depth article based on the ideas just now, instead of just staying on the surface reports such as ""God of Fortune Li" participated in the foundation laying and ribbon cutting of the pb factory".

The next day, most of the newspapers in Hong Kong reported that Li Xuan participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the large-scale pb factory which was wholly owned by the Oriental Group in Shenhai City. As the richest man in Hong Kong, Li Xuan is subject to various interpretations.

There are obviously a lot of people like Dai Bin, and many newspaper columns are analyzing whether there is a deep meaning behind the Oriental Group's large-scale investment in the mainland. From the start of production of the joint venture picture tube factory to the construction of the wholly-owned pb factory, the Oriental Group has successively invested heavily in the mainland, which will naturally lead to speculations from all parties.

Especially now, after more than half a year of wrestling, China and the UK have just reached a consensus on the procedural issues of the negotiation. That's right, the previous rounds of talks between the two sides did not get to the point at all, but were discussing the negotiation process.

However, in the first round of formal talks after the two sides determined the process, the differences remained unchanged. The British side hopes to exchange sovereignty for governance, while China insists that sovereignty and governance are inseparable.

This also directly led to another roller coaster ride for the Hong Kong stock market. When the two countries reached a consensus on the negotiation process, Hong Kong stocks rose in response. But after the first round of negotiation communique was disclosed, the two sides did not change the wording, and the stock market plummeted. And Li Xuan's massive investment in the mainland at this juncture can easily be interpreted as expressing his support for the mainland.

Just when everyone was talking about Li Xuan's position, Dongfang Electronics suddenly released a big news! The Oriental Group repurchased the former site of the Central Fire Station it just bought from Kunpeng Real Estate, and will use it to build the headquarters of the Oriental Group.

Kunpeng Real Estate, which emerged before, acquired the first piece of land in a very aggressive way at the Hong Kong government land auction. The outside world has speculated that "God of Fortune Li" may be preparing to enter the Hong Kong real estate industry!

But now everyone finally realized that Li Xuan was not interested in the real estate industry, but just took a piece of land for the headquarters building of Dongfang Group. The real estate developers who were still worried about the wolf coming can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, a large group like Dongfang Electronics with a scale of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars built a headquarters building of its own, which was something everyone expected. What really surprised the outside world was that Li Xuan chose the timing to release the news.

As early as last year when Li Xuan was just promoted to the world's richest man, there was a voice within the Oriental Group, and he felt that a headquarters building of his own should be built to demonstrate the strength of the Oriental Group. But at that time, the land price in Hong Kong was at a high level, and Li Xuan suppressed this voice.

Now, with the future of Hong Kong uncertain, Li Xuan suddenly decided to build a skyscraper as the headquarters of the Oriental Group. This undoubtedly shows directly to the outside world that Li Xuan is still very optimistic about the future of Hong Kong. Stimulated by this good news, the Hong Kong stock market, which had just experienced a slump, quickly rebounded!

Li Xuan's requirements for the skyscraper, which will be named Oriental Tower in the future, are not high, and he is not ready to compete with the 216-meter-high Hopewell Center for the title of the tallest building in Hong Kong. However, the project budget given by the Oriental Group in the bidding announcement is not low, as high as 300 million US dollars.

Among them, the design cost will account for 10% of the total project budget. Li Xuan hopes to get a solution with novel design but high space utilization. After all, the total construction area of ​​the Central Fire Station site is only 22,900 square feet. To this end, Orient Group has sent out bidding invitations to major world-renowned architect firms.

Faced with such a business of up to 30 million US dollars, world-renowned architect firms including ab from Germany, the United States, and Canada responded to the bidding as soon as possible. (To be continued..)

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