Video Game Empire

Chapter 309: not guilty

Whether Dongfang Application Software Company can achieve the same success in the field of enterprise management software as the previous series, Li Xuan also dared not guarantee it. , if he talked about the previous east- and east-table, he could also refer to the software and software he had used in his previous life to give advice.

As for software such as erp and crm, Li Xuan is also completely blind. After all, golden fingers are not omnipotent. In his previous life, he was engaged in embedded chip system design, not software programming, and he did not need to contact enterprise management software at all. The software he usually comes into contact with is some programming tools, such as C++ of Baolan Company. Not long ago, the C language compilation tool east-c was just launched by East System Software Company. Many personal suggestions given by Li Xuan refer to many ideas of C++.

So he can only encourage Li Gang, the CEO, to work hard and not be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success, and he will give the greatest support in terms of R&D funding. Of course, Li Xuan still has a word to say.

Business management software really started to shine in the 1990s. Especially after the opening of the Internet era, the global economic integration began to accelerate, and enterprises were driven by the wave of information technology, and the demand for electronic management of factories exploded rapidly.

Relying on the entire computer industry chain that Dongfang Group is building, Dongfang Application Software Company can get the greatest support in hardware and system software, and is one step ahead compared to other competitors. If in the next four or five years. It is still unable to seize enough market share, Li Xuan will consider external mergers and acquisitions.

For example, the German sap company is a good target. It is the most successful supplier in the field of enterprise management software for later generations, with more than 80% of the world's top 500 companies. All use the software services provided by sap company. Of course, it's too early to say this, Li Xuan naturally hopes that Dongfang Application Software Company can continue to be successful.

At a time when Li Xuan revived his enthusiasm for corporate governance, Hong Kong society was surging, and the Sino-British negotiation was completely deadlocked. Here, the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Edward Youde, hopes to allow Hong Kong to join the negotiations as a third-party representative.

The Chinese government naturally refused! Who can represent the people of Hong Kong, is it the Governor of Hong Kong appointed by the Queen of England, Youde? However, the Hong Kong Governor's Office believes that the public opinion of Hong Kong's panic can make the mainland government make concessions.

As a result, the mainland did not show weakness. Not long ago, the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency organized a group of people from all walks of life who love Hong Kong and patriotism to visit the north. He was cordially received by the central leaders. When meeting with the representatives of Hong Kong, Mr. Deng made it clear that the central government will never waver in its determination to take back Hong Kong in 1997, and the concept of "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong and one country, two systems" will not change!

Of course, Li Xuan would not participate in the delegation to the north at this time. From a national sentiment point of view, he naturally raised his hands to support the country in taking back Hong Kong. But Hong Kong is now under British rule after all, and most of Li Xuan's business is in Hong Kong. He doesn't want the gun to be the first bird to be worn by the Hong Kong government.

For example, all the public telephones on the streets of Hong Kong now. They are all telephones that use a magnetic card phone card and a coin-operated dual-use mode. Not long ago, the Hong Kong Telephone Company just filed an application with the Hong Kong government, hoping to replace these old-fashioned feature phones with new phones that use dual-purpose calling cards and coin-operated phones. Li Xuan is naturally unwilling to because of the current political chaos. And cause all kinds of troubles to their own industrial layout.

In fact, the Sino-British negotiation was in a stalemate, but it gave him the opportunity to have both sides. Not long ago, Li Xuan was selected by the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Edward Youde, as an unofficial member of the Executive Council. The price tag for this win is not small. There are two very important public opinion bodies in Hong Kong, namely the Legislative Council and the Executive Council. Both councils are composed of official and unofficial members respectively.

As the name suggests. Official members are members who hold official positions in the Hong Kong government. They are generally the directors and directors of bureaus and departments under the Hong Kong government. The non-official members are appointed by the Hong Kong Governor to appoint celebrities from all walks of life. The Legislative Council is a bit like the Western Parliament, responsible for part of the advisory function of law-making.

But Hong Kong is a colony after all, so it is impossible to have a half-cent relationship with freedom, democracy and democracy. Therefore, the function of the Legislative Council is limited to consultation, and it has no real legislative power. More often, it only acts as a rubber stamp to put a layer of democracy on the Hong Kong government.

In contrast, the actual power of the Executive Bureau is greater. The Executive Bureau was originally called the Deliberation Bureau. Before implementing major policies, the Hong Kong Governor and the Chief Secretary will seek the opinions of members of the Executive Council. Therefore, members of the Executive Council have the ability to influence the policy formulation of the Hong Kong government.

As the richest man in the world and a representative figure of Hong Kong entrepreneurs, Li Xuan is naturally qualified enough to serve as a member of the Executive Council. However, when Youde named Li Xuan to join the Executive Bureau at this sensitive time, it was naturally impossible to be kind.

Not long after he joined the Executive Council, several members of the two Councils took the lead in proposing that the Sino-British negotiation concerns the future of Hong Kong's five million citizens, and Hong Kong should join the talks as a third party. And Ms. Deng Lianru, who is the most pro-British stance in the Executive Council, even came to Li's house to meet Li Xuan in person, hoping that he would consider the well-being of Hong Kong's five million people and support their proposal.

"Ms Deng Lianru and Li Pengfei wish to respond to the aspirations of Hong Kong people at the highest levels of both China and the UK, which I personally agree with. But their proposal that Hong Kong will join the Sino-British talks as a third party is not a bad proposal. But it is too idealistic and not practical!

The first question I want to ask is, who can represent Hong Kong in the talks, is it the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Edward Youde? Obviously the central government in Beijing-Beijing would never agree, as Sir Youde was appointed by Her Majesty the Queen. From the perspective of the mainland central government, he does not represent the will of Hong Kong people, but the will of Downing Street!

So who else besides the Governor of Hong Kong can represent Hong Kong's five million citizens to go north to join the negotiation? Should the representatives be elected from the members of the two councils, including me, or from the highly respected leaders from all walks of life in Hong Kong? I don't think it's appropriate! Everyone has said before that this negotiation concerns the future well-being of the five million Hong Kong citizens. Then this naturally needs to be decided by the five million citizens themselves!

The best way to do this is to have an equal vote for one person, one vote. But in Hong Kong, a place that has never held democratic elections, a referendum will be held shortly. Obviously impossible! How to organize and who to run for. How to prevent fraud, these are issues that need to be properly resolved before the election.

Since we are unable to choose someone who can truly represent the public opinion of Hong Kong's five million citizens to participate in the negotiations, we might as well wait for good news. When Margaret Thatcher visited Hong Kong last year, she said that the British government has an obligation to be responsible for the future of all Hong Kong citizens.

The central government in Beijing has also repeatedly stated that Hong Kong compatriots are an inseparable part of the big family of the Chinese nation. Since both governments have expressed their willingness to be highly responsible to the citizens of Hong Kong, I don't think it matters whether Hong Kong representatives participate in the negotiations or not! "

For the second time, Li Xuan participated in the program "Three Walks of Qiang Qiang" on Asian TV, in the new episode. He expressed his views on whether Hong Kong should join the Sino-British talks independently, which has been the most heated discussion recently. This can also be regarded as a positive response to Deng Lianru and others inviting him to jointly sign.

Li Xuan's head has not been caught by the door. Knowing that Hong Kong will definitely return to the embrace of the motherland, naturally he will not act as the dog's leg of the British. Like Deng Lianru, she was married to a British guy. As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, you will marry a dog, and you will spend more time speaking English than Cantonese.

Therefore, Deng Lianru must do her best to hug Downing Street's thigh, and the Queen of England did not treat such a loyal person badly, and directly gave her the title of Baroness. Deng Lianru voluntarily left Hong Kong and moved to London before Hong Kong's handover. Continue to serve as a member of the British House of Lords and contribute to the British Empire.

Li Xuan has no plans to immigrate to the UK. With a Chinese stomach, he prefers to live in a Chinese-speaking society, otherwise he would have immigrated to the United States long ago. If Li Xuan joins the United States. The obstacles to the development of Dongfang Electronics Company in the future will be much smaller, and he does not need to be careful when doing many things now.

Li Xuan will not choose to be pro-British, but it does not mean that he will offend the British. Like this time. From the beginning to the end, he did not expressly oppose the proposal of Deng Lianru and others, but only euphemistically said that this proposal was not feasible in practice.

It might be a little slippery to do so. But Li Xuan's current international influence has given him such confidence. With the increase of experience, Li Xuan's behavior more and more in line with the criteria of a businessman capitalist. Everything pursues profit.

For example, when Li Xuangang acquired ATV, he and Chairman Huang Xizhao specifically pointed out that ATV should support "one country, two systems, and Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" when choosing a position on the Hong Kong issue. Therefore, when ATV initially reported the Sino-British negotiations, its stance was somewhat pro-China.

Moreover, long before the negotiations on the Hong Kong issue began, ATV launched a series of new livelihood programs, which often pointed the finger at various inaction Hong Kong governments. To this end, Governor Youde specially invited Li Xuan to a dinner party, hoping that ATV could uphold the objective and fair position of the media. And Li Xuan also followed his advice and immediately instructed Huang Xizhao to make improvements. Of course, he did not let ATV turn to the mainland.

The reason why Li Xuan once again expressed his views on "The Three Walks of Qiang Qiang" was also carefully considered by the think tank behind him. As the saying goes, politics and business are not separated. As an influential entrepreneur, Li Xuan does not need to get involved in politics too much to allow himself to take unnecessary risks, but he should not stay away from politics.

And ATV is Li Xuan's own TV station Qiangqiang threesome" After two years of development, it has become one of the most influential high-end talk shows in Hong Kong. Naturally, Li Xuan's own TV station would not ask any questions that would make him feel embarrassed. In fact, all the questions on the script in this issue were conceived by Li Xuan's think tank and the program director. And Li Xuan can use this increasingly influential column to express his own response and brush his sense of existence.

In fact, apart from participating in ATV's "Three Walks", Li Xuan hardly made any response on other occasions, giving people a feeling of being completely out of the way. In fact, his views expressed in "The Threesome of Qiangqiang" have caused a lot of heated discussions. (To be continued..)

ps: There will be a second update, but it may still be late! In recent days, the boss has been very strict with the company's system and dare not code words during working hours! Skye's coding speed is slow, only 1,000 words in an hour, and he starts immediately when he gets home for dinner. It’s almost 1 point to code out 6,000 words, and after revising it in the middle and uploading it again, I didn’t sleep until 2 o’clock last night!

The update is not as fast as other authors, I am really sorry, but the scriptures have worked very hard, and it is estimated that I will sleep at one or two o'clock today! I hope that you will vote for more support, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, let me have more motivation!

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