Video Game Empire

Chapter 275: Turmoil is about to begin

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I would like to stand with the majority of citizens and support their voices!

When Li Xuan said this, he felt goosebumps all over his body. He is not thick-skinned enough to tell all kinds of lies for granted, so he is obviously not suitable to be a politician, and it is better to keep a certain distance from politics.

But business is often inseparable from politics. In many cases, companies need support from the political circles. Therefore, for Li Xuan, being too close to politics is easy to be involved in unnecessary whirlpools, and being too far away from politics is easy to be taken advantage of by competitors. The grasp of this heat is very mysterious.

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he nodded to Charles Hume and walked away. Before he could walk in front of Han Peng and the others, Han Peng already gave a thumbs up and praised with a smile: "Boss, it's a wonderful talk, you should really be my Legislative Council member!"

As early as two years ago, Han Peng was appointed by the former Governor MacLehose as a member of the Legislative Council.

"Don't flatter me here, no matter how comfortable you are, I won't give you a raise!" Li Xuan scolded with a smile.

He turned his head and said to Sir Goldstone next to him: "Sir Ko, thank Standard Chartered Bank for its strong support to Jiahua!"

Not long ago, with the support of Standard Chartered, Jia Hua Bank successfully completed the acquisition of Hong Kong Chinese Bank, becoming the fourth largest bank in Hong Kong after HSBC, Standard Chartered and Hang Seng.

Starting a business is easy but maintaining a business is difficult. The -4, .. founder of China Bank, Sir Zhou Xinian, was the most influential Chinese in Hong Kong politics before Zhong Siyuan. As early as the 1930s, he spent huge sums of money to buy a garden villa with an area of ​​more than 20,000 sq.

But Zhou Xinian has been in poor health in recent years. The relationship with the two sons of the deceased wife is also tense. Last year, because he wanted to amend his will, the father and son went to court directly. Therefore, Hong Kong Chinese Bank was founded by Zhou Xinian in 1955. The business has been shrinking in recent years.

As Zhou Xinian is getting older, his ability to control many industries under his name is getting weaker and weaker. Therefore, he intends to sell the Chinese bank he founded. After the turmoil in Hong Kong's banking industry in 1965, Huayin launched an in-depth cooperation with Standard Chartered.

Therefore, under the coordination of Standard Chartered, Jiahua Bank successfully acquired all the shares of Huayin held by Zhou Xinian, the major shareholder. After that, the acquisition of other minority shareholders was completed in the form of cash and stock exchange.

"Li Sheng, you are one of my bosses! Standard Chartered will go all out to serve the boss!" Goldstone said with great humor.

Among the two largest British banks in Hong Kong, Standard Chartered is far less powerful than HSBC, but Li Xuan has a closer relationship with Standard Chartered. Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. has been very rich in cash flow since its establishment. It is a rare company in Hong Kong that does not need to look at the bank's face to eat.

Therefore, when Li Xuan cooperates with Standard Chartered and HSBC, he becomes more powerful. HSBC is well-capitalized and is widely regarded as Hong Kong's invisible central bank. There is such a view in the Hong Kong market that the power of HSBC Taipan is even higher than that of the Hong Kong Governor.

From HSBC, it is difficult for Li Xuan to obtain any benefits. In contrast, Standard Chartered Bank, which has a much smaller capital scale, has a more enthusiastic attitude towards Li Xuan. Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. has been in the honeymoon period with Standard Chartered Bank for the past two years. With the initiative and cooperation of the senior management of Standard Chartered, Li Xuan has successively acquired shares in the hands of a number of small shareholders.

Up to now, Li Xuan holds the shares of Standard Chartered Bank. It has reached 16.7%, becoming one of the largest individual shareholders of Standard Chartered. He was also invited to join the board of directors of Standard Chartered Bank at the beginning of the year. From the close relationship between Li Xuan and Standard Chartered Bank, the biggest gain is undoubtedly Jiahua Bank.

Jiahua Bank cooperates with a century-old bank such as Standard Chartered Bank. It has further improved its management level and risk control ability. Although the influence of Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong is not comparable to that of HSBC, its position as the second child is unshakable.

"Mr. Li, Jiahua Bank is under your leadership. It has successfully avoided a possible crisis!" Goldstein exclaimed in praise.

Li Xuan shook his head: "The continuous development of Jiahua Bank was achieved under the leadership of President Yang Lingjun. The person you praised should be him!"

The banking industry was immediately shaken by the large-scale failure of bids at the Hong Kong government's land auction yesterday. No one bids on land. It means that the value of land will depreciate. The depreciation of land prices will lead to the collapse of property prices, and many real estate developers who previously purchased land at high prices are likely to suffer huge losses.

And because of the previous wave of the property market boom, many Hong Kong banks blindly lend to real estate developers. Once the housing market collapsed, many loans turned bad, and industry leaders like Goldstone could have foreseen the wolves.

As early as more than a year ago, Li Xuan had asked Jiahua Bank to decisively clear the real estate credit in advance. Therefore, in the face of a possible crisis, Jiahua Bank can stabilize Diaoyutai. As for Li Xuan's current status, there is no need to use these praises to increase his prestige, so he simply put these reputations on Yang Lingjun. In fact, before Yang Lingjun joined Jiahua Bank, Jiahua had already begun to adjust its strategy.

And those banks with unreasonable credit structures and unable to extricate themselves from the quagmire of real estate will have a very difficult time in the future. In the previous banking crises, many banks were hit hard or failed. When other banks are in crisis, it is precisely the opportunity for Jiahua Bank to expand.

After Yang Lingjun took charge of Jiahua Bank, Li Xuan was very satisfied with his management skills and enterprising spirit. Therefore, Li Xuan has rarely directly intervened in Jiahua Bank's decision-making. For example, the acquisition of Chinese Bank this time was driven by Yang Lingjun.

The previous Chinese bank has been shrinking in recent years because of the relationship between its founder and president Zhou Xinian. Although Hong Kong's real estate industry has been prosperous in recent years, Chinese banks have been very conservative in lending, which has also allowed it to successfully escape a crisis.

There may be financial shocks in Hong Kong in the future. In fact, it is easier for Zhou Xinian to make concessions on the transfer price, but Yang Lingjun is not willing to dream more at night. With the financial support of Standard Chartered Bank, he made a decisive move and successfully persuaded Zhou Xinian to agree to sell before other competitors joined.

And Yang Lingjun's ambitions don't stop there. He has quietly set his sights on another target, Hengrong Bank, a medium-sized bank in Hong Kong with 26 branches. In August of this year, that is, last month, the Hong Kong Xie Liyuan Gold Shop, which operated the paper gold business, suffered huge losses due to the skyrocketing international gold price, and closed down on September 6.

Rumors about the close relationship between Hengrong Bank and Xie Liyuan Gold Shop immediately spread in the market. This news caused a crisis of confidence among depositors. In just two days, Hengrong Bank was squeezed with more than 100 million yuan of deposits. Fortunately, BOC Hong Kong and Standard Chartered Bank soon issued a statement at the same time, stating that they would fully support Hengrong Bank, which stabilized the situation.

However, according to the information Yang Lingjun learned, Hengrong Bank has actually fallen into a crisis in the real estate industry. Once house prices plummet and real estate developers fail to repay in time, Hengrong Bank is likely to suffer huge losses immediately. A big reason why Hengrong Bank is trusted by depositors is the support of Standard Chartered.

In 1976, Philippine Chinese businessmen Zhuang Rongkun and Zhuang Qingquan acquired an 80% stake in Hengrong Bank, which was backed by Standard Chartered Bank. Therefore, the cooperation between Standard Chartered Bank and Hengrong Bank is very close.

If Standard Chartered Bank can be persuaded to take a paycheck, Hengrong Bank will definitely be hit hard. At this time, Jiahua Bank can appear as a savior. A gleam of light flashed in Yang Lingjun's eyes, and he couldn't help but focus on Goldstein, who was chatting with his boss, thinking about what reason he should use to convince the other party.

At this moment, the current British first Mrs. Margaret Thatcher came to the banquet hall with the powerful aura of a strong woman. First, the Governor-General Sir Youde, who accompanied him in, gave a welcome speech, and then the Iron Lady gave a warm speech while watching the elites in Hong Kong.

The focus of the speech is to sum up Hong Kong's brilliant achievements under British colonial rule, then expound his firm position on the Hong Kong issue, and finally look forward to the bright future of Hong Kong! The people who attended the banquet also burst into thunderous applause.

After the speech, Li Xuan and some other representatives from the business, business, and academic circles were invited to a small conference room to have a face-to-face exchange with Prime Minister Thatcher. What Thatcher said to everyone was similar to the theme of her previous speech, except that she clarified the British government's position and countermeasures on the Hong Kong issue in more detail, that is, retaining the right to govern Hong Kong. She hopes to gain recognition and support from all walks of life in Hong Kong on this issue.

The first person to speak was Madden, the current president of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. Whether it is Jardine, HSBC, Swire and Wheelock, these consortiums are of the same position and hope that Hong Kong will continue to be under British rule. Because only in this way can they continue to maintain their super-national status in Hong Kong.

Madden's words were very radical. He believed that if Hong Kong fell into the hands of the Communist Party, it would mean destruction. And he holds an almost extreme stance, as well as the current executive of Jardine Matheson New Bijian. In contrast, the behind-the-scenes governor of Hong Kong, HSBC Taipan Shen Bi, has a much calmer tone.

Li Xuan found that everyone was focusing on himself, so he said calmly: "Dear Mrs Thatcher, Mr. Madden and Mr. New Bijian are both members of the Legislative Council, and Mr. New Bijian is also a member of the Executive Council. The Hong Kong issue is a serious negotiation between the two governments, and I do not hold any public office, so it is not suitable for me to express my views.

Here, I only hope that during the negotiation between the two governments, the Hong Kong government will do its best to maintain the economic stability of Hong Kong out of the well-being of the majority of Hong Kong citizens! "

In this case, no one would force him to say what he had to say. But if Li Xuan said what the British meant, it would definitely appear in the headlines tomorrow. And he will not be so stupid as to jump out of the picture and say that China has the right to take back Hong Kong. That's why he simply and succinctly stated that he was inconvenient to participate. (To be continued...)

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