Video Game Empire

Chapter 233: VIP arrival

The Royal Yacht Britannia was docked at Queen's Wharf in Central. In the cheerful welcome music of the British Military Band in Hong Kong, Prince Charles, dressed in military uniform, appeared with his beautiful and noble princess in his arms. in the eyes of the people.

The newly appointed Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Edward Youde, stood at the front of the team. Li Xuan was also in the crowd to greet him. His Royal Highness was here to attend his wedding in name, but it was clear that his itinerary was not as simple as attending the wedding banquet.

For example, his first itinerary in Hong Kong was to review the British garrison in Hong Kong at Queen's Wharf. In the exciting military music of "March of the British Grenadiers" played by the military band, General Charles, with a serious face, reviewed the army under the guidance of Hong Kong Governor Youde. Charles is an active duty soldier who not only holds the title of honorary commander of more than a dozen British and Commonwealth troops, but also holds the rank of lieutenant general of the British Navy, Army and Air Force.

The "British Grenadier March" is a special military music for the British army to review troops. This is Britain's most famous and oldest infantry marching song, which originated in the seventeenth century. If people of the older generation in China listen to this song once, they will feel very familiar, because the "Guerrilla Song" that countless people are familiar with is actually an imported product adapted from it.

Li Xuan stared at the British Crown Prince not far away, and could not help but secretly guess what he was thinking now. On the other side of the world, the British Royal Navy is in a fierce battle with Argentina for the Falklands. Just a week ago, the destroyer HMS Sheffield, part of the British task force, was sunk by the valiant Argentine Air Force with Flying Fish anti-ship missiles.

This was the Argentine's strongest response to the British sinking of their own cruiser General Belgrano two days earlier. The British should be glad that the Argentine Air Force has few Flying Fish anti-ship missiles, and they should be glad that the Argentine pilots did not have the patience to wait a few more minutes. Before they found the aircraft carrier behind, they couldn't wait to press the button and attacked several front-mounted destroyers in charge of the patrol mission of the aircraft carrier formation.

If the flying fish missile hits the aircraft carrier. Thatcher's arduous expedition to the southern hemisphere from the British mainland would be the **** of laughs. Britain's military strength is seriously declining, if it loses an aircraft carrier. Unable to continue the labor-teacher expedition, he could only obediently return to the negotiating table.

But the loss of a destroyer was something the British could afford. As the two sides suffered casualties, the dispute over the Falkland Islands between Britain and Afghanistan became even more heated, and both countries had already fought a real fire. Mediation by the South American country and the United Nations was rejected by both sides, vowing to decide the winner.

Hong Kong ATV has carried out in-depth and heavy-handed reports on this war that is thousands of miles away and seems to have nothing to do with Hong Kong. The first act of Charles's trip to Hong Kong was a military parade. The implied meaning is not necessarily to show his toughness to the north. But the Sheffield, which had just been silent in the Atlantic Ocean, turned this show of muscles into a show of strength from outside.

Argentina's military was too weak, Li Xuan naturally knew that the British army eventually beat the Argentine army to a screeching halt, and Thatcher later came to negotiate with China with the might of a great victory. But now the British army is still fighting back and forth with the Afghan army, and the battleship was sunk by himself, so naturally he couldn't get angry.

After a while of red tape, it was finally Li Xuan, one of the masters, who came forward to exchange greetings with the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness. Li Xuan took the hand of his fiancee Zhong Chuhong and stepped forward. With a sincere expression of gratitude to the Crown Prince and his wife, they came to attend their wedding from a long distance.

The graceful prince in front of him is the best actor in the Oscars. For example, the affectionate look in his eyes with His Royal Highness the Princess will not make anyone suspect that the newlyweds have just been married for less than a year. In the emotional honeymoon period.

But in fact, Li Xuan, a person who has come here, is very clear that Charles's heart is loved by someone else. The British first couple, for the next ten years. Will dedicate a wonderful soap opera to the world. The scandals have completely trampled the reputation of the British royal family on the soles of their feet. It is no wonder that many people in later generations have always believed. Diana's death was something her mother-in-law couldn't bear. Finally instructed British agents to kill Diana and his lover.

The Crown Prince and his wife, who came to attend Li Xuan's wedding, have a very busy schedule. After arriving in Hong Kong today for a short rest, they will go to a special middle school funded by the Hong Kong Po Leung Kuk to attend classes with students with disabilities. Afterwards, I have to go to an orphanage of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals in Wong Tai Sin to have dinner with the children there.

In the final analysis, this is an action by the British to buy people's hearts. In a high-rise building in Central, two men were standing at the window looking at the grand scene of Queen's Wharf in the distance, and the corners of their mouths showed a trace of disdain smiles. The location where they are located is the office of an import and export trading house with a Chinese background.

Their identities are clearly new clerks of a domestic state-owned enterprise that have just been stationed in Hong Kong. In the past two years, the offices of various mainland provinces, central ministries and commissions, and state-owned enterprises in Hong Kong have grown like weeds. Even the Political Department of the Hong Kong government cannot fully monitor them. This provides the best cover for these special personnel.

"Is there any movement from the guests in the Renaissance Hotel?" asked the higher-ranking of the two.

"That Mr. Jiang went to the ATV headquarters for inspection in the morning as the general manager of Zhongguang, and he behaved normally!" Another person replied.

"Even if the Taiwan Kuomintang did have a private meeting with the US Vice President Bush, it would be inappropriate for him to come forward. It is most likely that Mr. Jiang will send a special envoy!" Another shook his head and said.

After receiving Li Xuan's greeting in China, they immediately analyzed the reason why Bush went to Hong Kong. It is likely to take this opportunity to meet people from the Kuomintang-Party in the south and give them a reassurance. The real purpose of Bush's visit to China this time is to promote the stalled Sino-US negotiations.

In 1979, when the two countries negotiated the establishment of diplomatic relations, they shelved the divergent Taiwan issue. From 1979 to the present, the negotiations between China and the United States have continued. The main purpose of Bush's invitation to visit China this time is to reach a compromise through direct communication at the highest level of the two sides on some issues that remain deadlocked in the negotiations.

Li Xuan is a science student, so naturally he would not know that a few months after Bush Sr. visited China, China and the United States jointly issued the "August 17 Communiqué". This communique, together with the "Shanghai Communiqué" when Nixon visited China in 1972, and the "Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations" when China and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1979, are collectively known as the three joint communiqués that established the normalization of Sino-US diplomatic relations.

The "August 17 Communiqué" is also known as the "Taiwan-Taiwan Communiqué." For the first time, China and the United States explicitly stated in the form of a diplomatic communique that the Taiwan-Taiwan issue, which is the most sensitive issue affecting Sino-US relations, is " Major issues such as "One China" and "Arms Sales to Taiwan" have been reached. It was also after 1982 that Sino-US relations entered the sweetest honeymoon period in history.

Of course, for the Kuomintang-Party in Taiwan, this is another bad political news after the official establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Not only has it been abandoned diplomatically, but now it may even be abandoned militarily. One can imagine the anxiety of Mr. Jiang, who is in charge.

Taiwan is just a **** for the United States to contain the mainland. Now that China and the United States have begun to approach each other, the United States wants to use China to contain the Soviet Union. Naturally, it has to release enough goodwill. was sacrificed.

Although the negotiations between China and the United States are not fanciful, they cannot be kept strictly confidential. In particular, Taiwan-Taiwan has been lobbying the US Congress on a large scale. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have a large number of congressmen who are inclined to Taiwan-Taiwan. Mr. Jiang has enough channels to obtain some information.

It is precisely because of the strong pro-Taiwan forces in Congress that the Reagan administration could not completely abandon Taiwan-Taiwan, but he also wanted to win over the mainland government. In order to release goodwill, Reagan directly rejected Xiao Jiang's request to send a special envoy to Washington. And since the United States and Taiwan have already severed diplomatic relations, it is naturally even less likely to send senior officials to Taiwan to appease people's hearts.

So Reagan decided to let Vice President Bush, who had just completed his visit to China, give Mr. Jiang a reassurance in Hong Kong. In fact, it is not only the mainland who has this kind of speculation. Several political science professors from the Eastern Economic Research Institute, a think tank established by Li Xuan earlier, also came to the same view after careful analysis for the first time.

A good wedding, with so many political intrigues, Li Xuan didn't know whether to feel honored or depressed. But no matter what Li Xuan thinks, at least his wedding may really be the most unprecedented century wedding in Hong Kong's Four years ago, the eldest son of the Huo family got married. At that time, there were Hong Kong Governor, Macau Governor, Thailand The air force commander joined the event, which was called unprecedented by the Hong Kong media. Now Li Xuan's guests include the British Crown Prince and the US Vice President. No matter what purpose they came for, at least Li Xuan's wedding was already world-class. Including the British "The Times", "The Sun", broadcasting companies, the "New York Times", "Washington Post" and other world media, have sent reporters to cover reports.

After welcoming the British Crown Prince and his wife, Li Xuan did not leave, because half an hour later, another distinguished guest would also disembark from Queen's Wharf. At the invitation of an American company, President Bush went to the Shekou Industrial Zone in the Deep Sea Special Zone on the last leg of his visit to China to cut the ribbon for the newly completed and put into operation the picture tube factory. This joint venture between Hong Kong and the United States is located in mainland China, which is also very suitable for Bush's trip to the mainland and Hong Kong this time.

Bush also stopped by the Deep Sea Special Zone for a half-day visit. As an authentic Shenzhen native in his previous life, Li Xuan clearly remembers that in the more than 30-year history of the Special Economic Zone, only former President Carter has set foot in the Deep Sea Special Economic Zone many years after he left office. This should be the influence of Li Xuan's butterfly. (To be continued..)

ps: Tragedy, it was uploaded before seven o'clock! Turns out I forgot to post! I'm an idiot!

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