Video Game Empire

Chapter 218: reconciliation

Of course, Gore is better known to people in the tech world because he has always been an important advocate for supporting the development of the high-tech industry in the United States. The famous "information superhighway" plan was first proposed by him. It can be said that he was one of the main political promoters in the opening of the Internet wave in the 1990s.

Gore is only 32 years old this year, but he is already serving his third term as a member of the House of Representatives, and he also serves on the House Energy and Science and Technology Committees. Determining the influence of a congressman depends on which committees he serves. For example, the Foreign Affairs Committee can directly influence the foreign policy of the United States, and the Ways and Means Committee is responsible for formulating the adjustment of the US tax rate.

Gore serves on the Energy Committee and the Science and Technology Committee, and he will certainly be of use to emerging technology companies such as Dongfang Electronics in the future. What's more, Li Xuan knew that Mr. Gore's career in the next 20 years would be smooth sailing, and it was not until he failed to compete with George W. Bush for the presidency that he never recovered.

Now he is just a new rookie in the Democratic Party, Li Xuan is naturally willing to make friends in advance. In fact, this Mr. Gore is also a standard second-generation official. His father Gore Sr. represented Tennessee as a senator for three consecutive terms in the 1960s and 1970s, serving in the Senate for 18 years.

Each state, regardless of its size, has only two seats in the Senate, each serving a six-year term. Because of their small numbers and long terms, senators have a much higher political status than congressmen. Gore became a congressman at the age of 28, and his father's legacy played a key role. We hate all kinds of second generation, but this kind of political hereditary is in America, which is known as the beacon of democracy. It's actually quite common.

For example, when Edward Kennedy pushed Ao Hei to the presidency, Ao Hei naturally wanted to reciprocate. After Edward's death. The Kennedy family has been in limbo on the American political stage. Caroline, the eldest daughter of President Kennedy, stepped forward to take on the political glory known as the "American Royal Family".

Ao Hei directly appointed her, a woman with no diplomatic experience, as the ambassador to Japan, thus entering the American officialdom. As the world's largest economy, Japan's ambassador to Japan is naturally not low, which is conducive to Caroline's rapid accumulation of political prestige.

However, due to the special relationship between Japan and the United States, Japan has always been the obedient godson of the United States. Caroline's job as ambassador to Japan is not difficult, and it is beneficial for a political newcomer like her to get started quickly. It can be said that in order to repay the kindness of the Kennedy family, Ohei carefully selected a good position for Caroline.

If it is other ordinary Americans without any foundation. If you want to be appointed by the president as ambassador to Japan, you have to struggle in the political dye vat for at least decades. But these second generations can reach the sky in one step, you may feel unfair, but this is the social reality, and every country is similar.

Returning to the topic, befriending Mr. Al Gore means that Dongfang Electronics will have another backer in the next 20 years. It is through this constant weaving of the web. When Dongfang Electronics has attracted enough political figures and built a strong relationship network, the company can truly gain a firm foothold in the United States.

Before that, Dongfang Electronics, as a foreign company, could not be too proud. The reason why Li Xuan came to this New Year's banquet today is that he knows some political figures of the Democratic Party. Another purpose was to meet Mr. Frank Cary of IBM.

Frank Cary is also one of the active supporters of the Democratic Party. Regardless of his political inclination, the Democratic Party supports raising taxes on the rich, but in fact, the number of billionaires who support the Democratic Party is no less than that of the Republican Party.

Because the Democratic Party's governing platform is more open than the conservative Republican Party, and its support for the new economic field is stronger, so almost every election. Silicon Valley, like Hollywood, is one-sided with the Democrats.

Of course, companies like IBM have always bet on both sides. Whoever comes to power has little effect on them. This is also the position of the vast majority of American companies. Both sides invest money, and no one will be offended. But the company's leaders will certainly have their own positions, and Frank Cary is clearly a supporter of the Democratic Party.

After chatting with Mr. Speaker for a while, Li Xuan soon found an old gentleman standing in the corner. He walked forward with a glass of champagne and a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Cary!" Li Xuan raised his glass and gestured at him, greeting him politely.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Kari nodded at him.

"Before there were some misunderstandings between Dongfang Electronics and IBM, I hope the two companies can really clear up their differences. The microcomputer market is rapidly maturing, and we should all focus on technological breakthroughs instead of endless lawsuits! You What do you think?" Li Xuan said.

In fact, one of his important tasks in New York this time was to sign a settlement agreement with IBM on behalf of the Oriental Research Institute. In the previous patent infringement lawsuit filed by IBM against Aikang, a number of patents involved the ERM-1 chip developed by the Oriental Research Institute. After four or five months of back-and-forth confrontation, the two sides gradually began to make up their differences and move towards an out-of-court settlement.

One of the most important reasons for this is that the sales of IBM's computers have been sluggish since the launch, and the company's internal calls for withdrawing from the microcomputer market have begun to rise. The reason why IBM entered the microcomputer market research and development machine project is the result of the strong implementation of Frank Cary, the chairman of the board of directors.

After the machine was listed, it has been at a disadvantage in the competition with Aikang's series of computers. The outside world generally commented that this was a mediocre product, and Cary was also under a lot of pressure for this. He is not like Li Xuan who holds the absolute control of Dongfang Electronics Company at a glance, and has the supreme authority in the entire company.

Cary needs to make some changes to restore his prestige, but he's not ready to give up on the PC market. The cornerstone of IBM is the mainframe market, which Cary does not deny, but IBM has occupied an absolute dominant position in this field, and it is very difficult to continue to break through. If IBM wants to win the approval of shareholders and Wall Street, it must find new profit growth points, and the rapidly growing personal computer market is undoubtedly a new gold mine.

Carly and IBM's Ober agreed that the failure of the machine project was due to the backwardness of machine performance. IBM, as the most powerful computer company in the world, should develop first-class products, but after the -3 computer came out, the performance of the computer can only be considered second-class.

When IBM learned that Dongfang Research Institute, which holds all the intellectual property rights of the ERM architecture, was willing to cooperate with other computer companies other than Aikang Computer Company, Cary had plans to settle with Dongfang Electronics Company as soon as possible. He hopes that IBM will use the ERM-1 processor to develop a new 32-bit personal computer as soon as possible.

IBM doesn't own a 32-bit processor? IBM's laboratory is known as one of the most powerful laboratories in the United States, and its technical reserves are far from that of Li Xuan's Dongfang Electronics Company. The internal processors used in large-scale computer systems are already 32-bit. .

But advanced is not the whole of a product, also need to consider the issue of cost performance. IBM's laboratory can find out a variety of powerful chips that are capable of bursting the ERM-1, a simple 32 processor. But the cost of those chips must also blow up the ERM-1 chip.

IBM's previous main products, mainframes and mid-range computers, were not consumer electronics, and the huge profits made IBM not very sensitive to the cost of products. In the consumer electronics industry, a few percent more cost may determine the life and death of a product.

Moreover, when IBM developed the computer, the reason why it chose Intel's 8088 processor instead of the company's own processor was because IBM was not a semiconductor chip manufacturing company. His fabs are built to serve mainframe products, and there is no need to pursue large capacity, because mainframes cannot easily sell hundreds of thousands or even millions of units a year.

If IBM chooses to develop its own chips, it needs to build a new fab to explode production capacity, which is too risky for IBM. This is why after another time and space machine became popular, IBM wanted to create its own operating system to kick Microsoft out of the game, but never thought of producing its own CPU to replace the X86 series.

And Kari is also not considering using IBM's internal processors, but is preparing to purchase ERM-1 processors as CPUs for new IBM personal computers. For Cary's choice, Li Xuan is naturally happy. If IBM can join the Eastern camp, it can quickly establish the dominance of the ERM architecture in the personal computer industry.

Therefore, the differences between the two sides began to narrow rapidly. Before the end of 1981, the three parties of Oriental Research Institute, Aikang Computer Company and IBM finally completed the reconciliation negotiation, and only signed the final formal agreement.

"Mr. I agree with you!" Kari nodded with a smile.

Most of IBM's executives did not see the personal computer market, but Cary was keenly aware that a new revolution was breaking out. With the rapid development of processor technology, the performance of computers has been rapidly improved. Many tasks that were previously performed by minicomputers, and even required medium and mainframe computers, can now be gradually completed by microcomputers.

And if trends continue, perhaps in the near future, IBM's cornerstone mainframe market may even be shaken, so Cary needs IBM to enter this market. Even if market success is not achieved, it is necessary to understand the changes in this new market in order to be ready to respond.

Someone who can be the chairman of the board of a giant company like IBM is by no means an idiot. Cary's judgment was not wrong at all. In less than ten years, IBM's mainframe sales were rapidly shrinking under the constant impact of personal computers. IBM also fell into the quagmire of losses for the first time and was forced to make a difficult transition in the 1990s.

Li Xuan and Kari were chatting like old friends. To outsiders, they seemed to be two friends, not rivals with a bayonet. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please read it.)

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