Video Game Empire

Chapter 210: The power of example

Don't look at Xu Jiankui's wealth is far less than a fraction of Li Xuan's, but his path is wider than Li Xuan. On weekdays, he spends his days drinking and drinking, and he knows countless friends of all kinds.

Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. is now thriving in the entire Hong Kong electronics industry, but its foundation is not stable. Its rapid development in the past two years has been supported by Li Xuan's golden finger. But Li Xuan's golden finger is not unlimited. As the company grows larger and larger, Li Xuan's personal energy is limited, and it is impossible to estimate all aspects of the golden finger.

For example, when he first started to study the erm architecture, he almost controlled the whole situation. But with the launch of the first PC CPU chip based on the erm-1 architecture, his focus has shifted to the subsequent development of the erm-2 architecture. The development of other various application chips of the erm-1 architecture is all completed by the various R&D groups in the Oriental Research Institute.

In Li Xuan's plan, the erm-1 architecture will be applied in many fields such as personal computers, industrial computers, single-chip computers, and digital program-controlled telephone switches. However, it is impossible for Dongfang Electronics to do all the projects in one enterprise. The complex products and bloated structure of the company are definitely a disaster for enterprise management.

Li Xuan's management method for Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. has always been the development path of European and American companies. Only keep the most valuable core technologies, so as to achieve a flat and efficient company.

Therefore, Li Xuan wants to build a huge and competitive electronics industry around Dongfang Electronics. Through the product development of peripheral enterprises, the core technology of Dongfang Electronics can maximize profits. As a leader, Dongfang Electronics has truly become a century-old store with deep roots by constantly absorbing the nutrients around it. Instead of relying on Li Xuan's few golden fingers for a flash in the pan.

But if you want to truly form an industry, it cannot be easily achieved by one or two people or one or two companies. Li Xuan needs to leverage more capital to participate.

Take the most famous American Silicon Valley as an example, its success is a trinity culture of big companies, venture capital and entrepreneurship. Large companies can attract a steady stream of talented people. And lead the trend of science and technology through a large number of scientific research funds.

Many outstanding talents often choose to quit their jobs and start their own businesses after they have accumulated enough experience and technology in large companies. And venture capital provides them with the entrepreneurial capital they need to get started.

The huge entrepreneurial army they formed has continuously provided new ideas and ideas for the entire Silicon Valley. Some of these great ideas worked out, and they were either acquired by big companies or became new big companies. Such a virtuous cycle system has created the continuous glory of Silicon Valley!

Orient Electronics is acting as a big company in Hong Kong's electronics industry. Through the rise of Dongfang Electronics, a new electronics industry supply chain is rapidly forming in Hong Kong around games, computers and other products, and more and more Hong Kong electronics companies have begun to join this system.

And Li Xuan continued to invest in scientific research. The technical reserves of the Oriental Research Institute are no longer limited to the first few single categories, and have begun to expand to peripheral electronic products such as pagers, cordless phones, and walkmans. This also creates more development opportunities for the entire industry.

At the same time, the unprecedented wealth myth written by Li Xuan in just two years has also become the idol of countless passionate young people in Hong Kong who are interested in starting a career. It can be said that Hong Kong now does not lack entrepreneurial spirit. Like Guo Jiaqiang before, he felt that his power supply project could be successful, and even if he mortgaged his house, he was willing to give it a shot.

The only missing link right now is funding, especially venture capital needed in the early stages of a startup. After all, there are few people who can possess both technology and wealth. Li Xuan can spend 100 million Hong Kong dollars or even 100 million US dollars for venture capital, but this is still a drop in the bucket for the formation of an industry.

But Li Xuan is willing to be the leader and create a brand new venture capital industry in Hong Kong. to attract other angel investors to join. Everyone's money is naturally not blown by the wind, and investment is to get rich returns. In fact, he has consciously started this work as early as last year.

When Li Xuan worked in Silicon Valley in his previous life, he saw a very famous incubator. This incubator named y- has successfully incubated more than 800 companies in more than 30 fields. Dozens of them, including (air boarding and lodging. An online travel and housing rental community), (a world-renowned cloud storage company), (a New York-based game company, acquired by other companies for $180 million), have a market value of more than 100 million US dollar, a well-known emerging company in the United States.

The incubator is one of the most successful incubators in the world. Its appeal can be described as perverted. Every time the incubator's twice-yearly new company roadshow promotion day, heroes from all over the world will flock to it with a lot of dollars. Gearing up and looking forward to digging out the next piece of gold covered by sand.

Now Li Xuan is getting ready to do the same! After the headquarters of Oriental Electronics Company was moved from Shatin to Central, it was originally an idle factory in the AXA Building in the Fotan Industrial Zone. It was transformed into the Oriental Entrepreneurship Incubation Park by Li Xuan. After nearly a year of incubation, the first batch of well-developed projects in the incubation park have reached the stage where they need to be launched to further attract venture capital.

Some of these projects are to develop new games for handheld and game consoles, some to develop new application software for east-operating systems, and some to develop new hardware products such as children's learning machines.

The Oriental Business Incubation Park is evaluating the potential of these projects and will soon hold a high-profile investment promotion conference for them. The first batch of these projects are very valuable and have a high probability of success. But Li Xuan is not going to eat alone, but is willing to attract more funds to jointly invest and share the possible huge returns.

He hopes to buy horse bones with a thousand dollars, and completely show the high-risk but high-reward charm of the venture capital industry to all Hong Kong people. As long as the vision is accurate, it is not empty words to double the investment by dozens or even hundreds of times.

Hong Kong people are quite serious about gambling. Every year, the amount of betting in the horse racing season is as high as tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. From speculating in properties to speculating in stocks, every time the property market adjusts and the stock market crashes, a large number of Hong Kong people go bankrupt and jump off the building, but after the market recovers, it still cannot stop everyone's enthusiasm.

There are many banks in Hong Kong, and there are more than 100 Chinese and foreign-funded banks licensed in Hong Kong. Under such competition in the financial industry, there is still room for a large number of financial companies to survive. The high interest rate of the financial company is comparable to that of usury-loans. A lot of hot money has poured into the property market and the stock market before, but the property market and the stock market will be at a low point in the next few years, which is the best time to attract this money into the venture capital industry.

"Oriental Entrepreneurship Incubation Park will have a group of small companies seeking foreign investment next month, don't say I didn't point you to the opportunity to make money! These projects are all good projects with great potential! Once the company develops, you will invest 10,000 yuan now. , it may become hundreds of thousands or even millions in a few years!" Li Xuan said leisurely after taking a sip of coffee.

"Really?" Xu Jiankui's eyes widened instantly, a hint of surprise on his face.

"Why lie to you, I will send you the information of these projects in a few days! We set up a venture capital company to invest in these projects. If you have a promising company, you may as well invest a small sum of money in it. , I can't guarantee that it will turn into a big profit in a few years!" Li Xuan said with a shrug.

"You God of Wealth Li, are you really going to be a good-fortune boy this time?" Xu Jiankui stared at Li Xuan and kept looking at him, trying to find a clue from his expression, "My friends have long been shouting that they want to be with you. Let's eat together and let you bring them together to make a fortune! This time I can finally give them a surprise, 'God of Fortune Li' has already told everyone the way to make a fortune, whether they can seize the opportunity or not depends on their own courage and ability!"

In fact, among Xu Jiankui's friends, even the rich second-generation from wealthy families, most of them have not yet been in power, and the funds that can be mobilized are very limited. But through their mouths, they can attract the attention of the fathers who really control hundreds of millions of funds. These talents are the big fish that Li Xuan wants to catch.

"Solo Lele is not as good as all Lele. You guys have nicknamed me 'God of Wealth Li', and I have to give something back!" Li Xuan said jokingly.

According to Silicon Valley practice, it takes at least two or three years for a project to develop from the initial stage to the final acquisition or listing, and at least two or three rounds of venture capital must be raised within these two or three years to maintain development.

The projects launched by Oriental Incubation Park will start the next round of fundraising within half a year to one year after the completion of this fundraising. If these companies grow very well and quickly, the valuation of the company during the next round of fundraising is likely to skyrocket several times at once. The book value of the shares held by the early investors has doubled several times, even if they have not yet received real profits in real money.

Therefore, in just over half a year, when everyone sees the huge returns from the first batch of venture capitalists who eat crabs, the entire market will be instantly detonated. And that time happened to be when the stock market and property market began to collapse next A lot of venture capital had nowhere to go.

In fact, in the venture capital investment in technology companies, the most unsuccessful projects are the most common ones, and the successful projects are one in ten, or even one in a hundred. But there are successful cases of winning ten or even one hundred in front of them, and many people will automatically ignore those cases of failure.

It's like going to a casino to gamble. Every gambler knows that most of the people who go in are losers, but they still believe that their luck and gambling skills will make him the winner. one.

As long as Li Xuan creates the first batch of successful role models, he can quickly heat up the entire market. After that, as long as there are occasional high-quality companies that keep popping up and let some of the angel investors taste the huge sweetness of super-high returns, more people can keep coming in to gamble and gamble for those failed projects that cannot be successful. A steady stream of funding is provided.

And these failed projects are not useless for the development of the entire industry. As the so-called failure is the mother of success, it can allow the entrepreneurs of the project itself to accumulate experience, and also allow other entrepreneurs to learn from it. (To be continued..)



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