Video Game Empire

Chapter 205: Summarize

"Get up, Assistant Ke's phone!" Lizhi pushed the man who was still asleep on the bed. 【First Release】

Li Xuan was woken up by Lizhi, and opened his eyes in a daze. What caught his eyes were two huge and plump flesh balls. The beauty was half-bent over, and the loose pink pajamas had a low chest, revealing the scenery inside. . As her body swayed gently, the two huge white rabbits also shivered, and the temptation made him lose sleepiness.

It is said that men are cattle and women are land. There is no ploughed land, but only dead cows. The two fought fiercely until midnight last night, and the goblin in front of her is now white and rosy, with a radiant and moving appearance, and she is not at all tired. And Li Xuan woke up after a sleep, still had some back pain, looking at the charming and charming demeanor of the beauty, but he was helpless.

"Who did you just say that called early in the morning?" Li Xuan reached out and twisted a soft hemisphere lightly.

"It's almost noon, it's still early! Don't make trouble, Assistant Ke is in a hurry to find you, hurry up and answer the phone!" Li Zhi patted Li Xuan's palm and pulled him up from the bed.

"Boss, the Governor's Office just called, and Sir MacLehose invited you to dinner tonight!" Collin reported on the other end of the phone.

The Governor's Mansion called Dongfang Electronics Headquarters at 9:30. Ke Lilun waited until ten o'clock to see that his boss hadn't come to work, so he couldn't guess when Li Xuan would come, but the Governor's Mansion was still waiting for a reply, so he had to take the initiative. Contact your boss.

Of course, he first called Li Xuan's driver and bodyguard and asked where Chu Li Xuan slept last night before calling Miss Li. In fact, everyone around Li Xuan knows about Lizhi's relationship with the boss, but they will never talk nonsense when they shouldn't. Zhong Chuhong, a real girlfriend, seems to have broken a jar recently with Li Xuan. Some let it go, as long as Lizhi doesn't appear in front of her to cause trouble.

"Reply to the Governor's Mansion. I'll be there on time at night!" Li Xuan hung up the phone with a smile on the corner of his mouth. It seems that last night's "Qiangqiang Threesome" worked well.

"Looking at your wicked smile, I don't know who you're scheming!" The breakfast that Lizhi brought was a bowl of red bean porridge that she cooked by herself.

"Am I so unbearable?" Li Xuan said dissatisfiedly, "Why is it red bean porridge again?"

"Drinking more red bean porridge can nourish qi and blood!" Lizhi, like a caring little maid, fed the rice to his mouth, "Don't eat fried things in the morning, too greasy is bad for the stomach!"

Li Xuan likes to eat spring rolls for breakfast, but he is not too cold for sweets: "I need to nourish my kidneys, but not my blood. You were almost drained by you last night!"

Li Zhi gave him a shy look. Li Xuan spends more time with Zhong Chuhong. It must be a lie to say that she has no thoughts in her heart. When Li Xuan sleeps with her, he naturally has to seize the opportunity and do everything possible to show his charm in order to hook a man's heart to him.

Adding incense to the sleeves is just the spice of life, and a man's focus is still on his career. There is an important meeting in the afternoon that Li Xuan must attend, that is, the meeting of senior managers of the Oriental Group.

This is the highest decision-making committee within the Eastern Company, and its members include Albert Hawke, the president of Ikon. John Martin, President of Computer Garden Company, Du Wenqiang, President of Oriental Game Company, He Guoyuan, President of Oriental Software Company, Huang Xizhao, Chairman of ATV Television, Zhang Zhongmou, President of Oriental Semiconductor Company, Zhao Weiming, Vice President of Oriental Research Institute, Huo Qiuxing, President of Oriental Economic Research Institute, Jiahua Bank President Yang Lingjun, President of Oriental Commercial Business Han Peng, and Li Xuan himself.

These eleven people can be said to be the core decision-making level of the entire Eastern system. Originally, Li Xuan's plan was to hold a senior managers' meeting in Hong Kong every two weeks. However, considering the pace of globalization of the Oriental Group, each subsidiary is located in Europe, North America and Asia, and it takes more than ten hours for executives of companies headquartered overseas to fly to Hong Kong. Again and again, counting the meeting time, it will take at least three days.

So Li Xuan changed to a quarterly meeting in Hong Kong. Instead, hold a conference call every two weeks to communicate and communicate. The quarterly meeting will naturally be a top priority. It will determine the strategic direction of the company in the next period of time.

Martin and Hawke both flew to Hong Kong in the middle of the night last night, so Li Xuan deliberately postponed the meeting to the afternoon in order to take care of them. The topic of this afternoon's meeting is each company's report on the operating situation of the previous quarter.

"In the past few months, we have encountered a lot of trouble. A series of computers have been subject to infringement lawsuits by IBM, game consoles have been blocked by Atari, and the "Kung Fu" arcade, which was just launched not long ago, was accused of 'bloody' in Japan. Violence' tendencies!

In my opinion, these troubles are precisely the thriving performance of the whole company, which means that Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. is no longer the fledgling and unknown person it used to be. The opponents finally start to pay attention to us and are ready to seize every opportunity to knock us down! "Li Xuan said with a smile.

He is still very satisfied with the recent performance of Dongfang Group. After Aikang suffered a patent infringement storm, its stock price fluctuated and fell. However, the company's management responded properly, not only organized a luxury lawyer team in the United States to respond to the lawsuit, but also took advantage of this incident to start a new round of publicity and marketing around the world. After the latest quarterly financial report came out, Ikon's share price has risen to 1,480 pence per share and is expected to break the 15-pound mark soon.

In the first three quarters of 1981, the total sales volume of various types of computers in the series reached 450,000 units, and the total revenue was as high as 350 million pounds. Aikang has gradually shaken off Apple and become the new leader in the microcomputer industry. And Dongfang Software Co. also took advantage of the popularity of this computer, and the total sales in the first three quarters of this year exceeded 1.2 US dollars.

Dongfang Game Company's report is even more beautiful. From September to September, the total sales of arcade machines reached 315,000 units, the sales of game consoles reached 21 million units, and the sales of game consoles also exceeded 550,000 units. In addition to various game cards and game floppy disks of sales, Eastern Games' total sales were $820 million.

Of course, after a series of financial operations, most of the profits created by Dongfang Game Company have been retained in overseas offshore companies, and Hong Kong's industrial tax rate is not high, but even so, Dongfang Game Company's tax contribution to Hong Kong's finances is still as high as billion Hong Kong dollars.

Aikang is a listed company, no matter how beautiful the revenue is, Li Xuan can't get it. It can only be reflected in the stock price to increase his nominal assets, but it is actually invisible. But Dongfang Game Company got real money. It can be said that in addition to Dongfang Game Company and Dongfang Software Company, most of the other companies under the name of Dongfang are losing money.

Among them, the two companies that eat the most money are Dongfang Semiconductor and Computer Garden. After Zhang Zhongmou took over Dongfang Semiconductor, he quickly completed the technological transformation of the three fabs acquired by him. Now two of them are responsible for producing erm-1 processors, and the other produces 6502 processors. In the 1980s, the production attendance rate of fabs was far less than it was three decades later, and equipment maintenance was a frequent problem.

Therefore, a new chip must be produced by at least two fabs at the same time to ensure that the supply will not be stopped due to unexpected circumstances. Although the -1 and -2 units using the 6502 processor sold more in the series, Icon also purchased more of the 6502 processor.

But Dongfang Semiconductor still has to come up with more capacity to produce erm-1 processors. Because for a chip that just had a problem, once there is a problem with the production capacity in the early stage, the promotion of the chip will encounter greater difficulties. Under the demonstration role of Aikang's -3 computer, a number of corporate computer companies have begun to develop 32-bit personal computers based on the erm-1 processor. It is believed that a large number of -3 compatible machines will appear in the market from next year, and that is the time when Dongfang Semiconductor and Dongfang Software Company really rise.

Zhang Zhongmou has obviously realized this, and he has just completed the acquisition of the fourth fab not long ago. This factory uses the current mainstream 3-inch wafer, 2.5-micron process. Zhang Zhongmou bought it and plans to move its equipment to Asia to build a new factory to produce 6502 processors, and use the original factory to build a new 4-inch wafer, 1.5 New factory for micron process.

The United States is at the forefront of semiconductor technology development, and factories can be built here to quickly adopt the latest technology. In Asia and other places, the production cost is lower, and some outdated but still practical mainstream technologies can be migrated to the past to reduce factory costs and improve competitiveness. The total investment of the two new factories, as well as the supporting chip testing and packaging factories, is as high as 120 million US dollars.

The computer park is also a big money hog. Starting this year, Martin has completed the layout of stores in major cities in the United States and began to enter second-tier cities in the United States. After adjustment, the computer parks in major cities and densely populated metropolitan areas in the United States mainly focus on building large directly-operated stores. The rural and small cities with relatively scattered population mainly absorb small franchise stores.

In 1981, the biggest move of Computer Garden Company was to expand its layout in Asia and Europe. Especially in Japan and Western Europe intensively opened direct-sale stores, and quickly built up a huge global sales network. In Hong Kong, in the first half of the year and the second half of the year, the company opened a large directly-operated store in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island respectively. Before the arrival of the Internet e-commerce wave, the store sales model still has at least 20 years of golden development period.

After Aikang's listing, he invested heavily in Computer Park to support its rapid global expansion, which relieved part of Li Xuan's financial pressure, but even so he has invested as much as $150 million in Computer Park this year. funds.

In addition to the acquisition of Jiahua Bank, Asian TV Station, and the continuous scientific research investment in the Oriental Research Institute, it is also fortunate that the profits of the Oriental Game Company are very amazing, otherwise it would not be able to support such a large-scale expansion. Of course, HSBC and Standard Chartered are quite helpless about this. Dongfang Electronics is a high-quality customer in their eyes, but its internal cash flow is very abundant. Except for a small amount of short-term loans, the two banks have granted it a total scale of up to 2 billion. The Hong Kong dollar credit line is hardly used. (To be continued..)


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