Video Game Empire

Chapter 200: Welcoming banquet

In Beijing-Beijing in 1981, there were only 7 foreign-related reception hotels in total, but both hardware and supporting software services were far from star-rated hotels abroad. [First Release] Therefore, the Hong Kong visiting group to the north was arranged to stay at the Diaoyutai State Guest House, which is specially responsible for foreign affairs concierge services.

The Hong Kong delegation stayed in Building 18 of the Diaoyutai State Guest House. Among the many hotel buildings in Diaoyutai, Buildings 12 and 18 are the most prominent. These two buildings are specially used to receive foreign heads of state and government leaders. In 1972, when Nixon first visited China to start an ice-breaking trip, he lived in Building 18. It can also be seen that the Beijing-Beijing side attaches great importance to the Hong Kong group.

On the afternoon of arriving in Beijing, there were no activities planned, and everyone took a short rest in the State Guest House. Building 18 is a building imitating a Ming-style palace, with antique decoration and interiors, quite royal style.

It is located in the center of Diaoyutai, on the north side of the central lake. Standing in front of the window sill of the living room of the luxury suite, Li Xuan looks out the window, and there are exquisitely designed southern garden-style scenery everywhere.

"Xu Sheng, the scenery in your suite is very good!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

"If you are really envious, I can exchange it with you!" Xu Shixun laughed, "I heard that you recently bought a piece of land in Shek'ao to build a luxury villa. Are you planning to hide your beauty in a golden house?"

Shek O is located at the easternmost end of Hong Kong Island, far away from the urban area of ​​Hong Kong, with beautiful scenery and a clean environment. Initially, a number of executives from HSBC built luxury villas here. Not long ago, Li Xuan also chose a location near the sea to build a private holiday villa next to Shek O Country Club.

"I just want to find a quiet place away from the hustle and bustle. Just give myself a place to think quietly!" Li Xuan shook his head and said.

"The bigger the company grows, the more people will walk on thin ice. When it is advancing by leaps and bounds, you should take time to calm down and think about it, and summarize whether there are any hidden crises that have been missed!" Xu Shixun nodded in admiration. "Jiahua Bank has been shrinking its loans to the real estate industry recently. Could it be that you are not optimistic about the next development of the real estate industry?"

"Oh, I can't say I'm not optimistic, but the credit structure of Jiahua Bank in the early stage was not reasonable, and the proportion of real estate loans was too high. In my opinion, after the previous round of six or seven consecutive years of growth in Hong Kong real estate, housing prices have already Some are too high, and there is a risk of bubbles! Jiahua's recent actions are just normal operations to avoid risks!" Li Xuan explained.

The actions of Jiahua Bank in the past six months are not a secret at all in the eyes of those who care. After a series of operations. Jiahua Bank has recovered a lot of credit funds from the real estate industry and turned it into the electronics industry.

"Your vision is very unique. The previous issue of land leases in the New Territories has affected the development of new towns such as Tai Po and Tuen Mun! Next, the mainland government and the British government will definitely start negotiations on the Hong Kong issue soon. If things go wrong, Hong Kong property prices are very likely to plummet! How determined do you think the mainland government is to take back Hong Kong?"

Xu Shixun frowned and said. The Xu family, known as Hong Kong's first-generation ship king, had abandoned their boats and landed as early as the 1960s. Now the ship under the name has been sold out, and the entire family's assets are mainly concentrated in the real estate industry. The future of Hong Kong can be said to be directly related to the immediate and vital interests of the Xu family. The reason why Xu Shixun joined the visiting group was that he wanted to take the opportunity of going north to personally inquire about the news.

The return of Hong Kong to China is a national righteousness. Naturally, every Chinese dare not openly say that the British can continue to colonize. But for a rich man like Xu Shixun, there may not be other ideas in his mind. Continued to govern by the British, although they can only be second-class citizens, at least the wealth they have now will not be threatened in the slightest, and once it is taken over by the mainland, no one can tell what will happen in the future.

"Xu Sheng. Did you know? The Diaoyutai State Guest House has been officially open to the public since last year! It is said that a luxurious presidential suite like this is priced at $3,998 for one night! The closed-door country has been proven to be unsuitable for society as early as the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The development of China has changed! I think the reform and opening up of the mainland government this time is genuine, and the attitude of the Beijing-Beijing side is becoming more and more open!

As for the future of Hong Kong. I think as long as the mainland government stands firm, there is not much the British can do. The New Territories, which expired in 1997, account for 92% of the total area of ​​Hong Kong. As long as the mainland insists on taking back the New Territories. The UK doesn't have much value even with the remaining 8%!

What's more, the mainland government has never even positively recognized the three treaties that Britain is holding now. Do you think they may accept that Britain will continue to rule Hong Kong? You must know that China is also a permanent member of the five permanent members. If the New Territories lease expires and Hong Kong cannot be taken back, how will the government explain to all the people of the country? This prestige blow will endanger the foundation of governance! "Li Xuan said softly.

"Li Sheng, Xu Sheng, Chairman Deng of the Central Committee has held a banquet in the Great Hall of the People to cleanse everyone!" Huo Yingdong came in and said with a smile. He is the chairman and convener of the Hong Kong delegation this time, and came to inform everyone that they are ready to leave.

The group quickly left the State Guest House and headed to the Great Hall of the People. The courtesy car Li Xuan was in was a German Volkswagen. The mainland's auto industry, like other areas, is far behind the international advanced level. The famous Hongqi car is close to being discontinued due to its high fuel consumption, high cost and low output. Shanghai Automobile Factory is negotiating with German Volkswagen, hoping to introduce technology through a joint venture and rapidly improve the level of the domestic auto industry.

Li Xuan looked at Chang'an Avenue outside the car window. In 1981, the sky in Beijing was blue and transparent, and the road was spacious and smooth. Are the Beijing-Beijing people of this era very happy? Don't have to endure the damage to health caused by smog, and the waste of life caused by traffic jams. But this is an era of material scarcity, and most commodities need to be supplied by tickets.

If you ask people in this era, as long as the sky is a little gray, they can live a life of upstairs, downstairs, elevators and telephones, would they like it? I guarantee that everyone will look at you with the same eyes as a fool, even if you reduce your lifespan by ten years! If I could have my own car, I would be willing to sleep in the car every day.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan shook his head gently, with some emotion in his heart. In the next 30 years, this country will create an economic miracle that the world has never seen before, and everyone who participates in and witnesses this miracle is proud!

Don't say that economic development brought about by sacrificing the environment is better not to use such nonsense. Those who say these words are purely neuropathy who can stand and talk without back pain. There is no free lunch in the world, if you want to get it, you have to pay. Developed countries are not philanthropists, and high-profit and environmentally friendly high-tech industries must be left to their own enterprises and people to enjoy.

The seats of everyone in the banquet hall have been arranged in advance, and the reception banquet is of high standard. There are only four or five members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo who came to attend. Li Xuan saw many party and state leaders who only appeared in history textbooks before, and he was inevitably a little excited, and he had a sense of witnessing the vicissitudes of history.

It is Chairman Deng who is giving a toast. Mr. Deng is currently the chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of the National Political Consultative Conference. Today, as the chairman of the CPPCC, he is in charge of entertaining everyone. After all, the United Front work is an important function of the CPPCC.

"I heard that you are the most powerful God of Wealth in Hong Kong. I want to shake hands with you for a while, and also get a touch of wealth!"

This is what Deng Lao and Li Xuan said when they shook hands just now. The Mandarin with a strong Shu accent is full of humor and has an admirable appeal.

After the toast was over, the dinner officially started. On Li Xuan's left was Hao Weimin, director of the State Computer Industry Administration, and on his right was Xie Li, minister of the Fourth Ministry of Machinery Industry. The Fourth Machinery Industry is in charge of all domestic electronics industries. Therefore, the receptionist in the Mainland considered it very carefully when sitting in line, and Li Xuan was fortunate to be entertained by two minister-level officials.

"Mr. Li, recently our State Administration of Computer Industry is in charge of compiling a set of general university textbooks for "Computer Assembly Language" for the Ministry of Education. I wonder if we can get help from your company?" Director Hao Weimin asked earnestly.

"It is my duty to contribute to the domestic education cause! CUHK is different from Hong Kong University in that teaching is taught in Chinese. The Oriental Research Institute has previously cooperated with CUHK to translate a series of computer textbooks in English. into Chinese.

You can use these materials as a reference. Here, I also promise on behalf of the Oriental Research Institute that I am very willing to conduct exchanges and cooperation with relevant personnel in the Mainland in the fields of education and scientific research.

Not long ago, the Oriental Research Institute and the Ministry of Education launched a talent exchange program called "Dongfanghong" In the near future, we will also carry out scientific research cooperation with many famous universities in China! "Li Xuan answered very officially.

"Mr. Li, your Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. is also well-known in the mainland. The department has received no less than ten reports on the purchase of your computer. Speaking of which, I am also your customer!" Xie Li also said with a smile. .

"Then I would like to thank the Minister for your support for the development of Aikang Company. As one of the shareholders of Aikang Company, I would like to toast you here to express my gratitude!" Li Xuan said sincerely.

"I wonder if Mr. Li has considered investing in the mainland? Many state-owned electronics factories under the Fourth Machinery Department are very strong and have sufficient talents, but they are unable to update equipment in time due to lack of funds. If your company is willing to cooperate, you will provide technology and funds. , we will produce talents and land, and the two sides will build a joint venture to build a factory, which can completely achieve a strong alliance, mutual benefit and win-win!" Minister Xie did not beat around the bush, and generously stated his purpose.

Li Xuan shook his head bitterly and said apologetically: "Dongfang Electronics has been working hard to achieve flat management, focusing on R&D and sales. Most of the specific production links are outsourced, and we rarely build our own factories to produce products. !" (To be continued..)


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