Video Game Empire

Chapter 114: Unique exhibition (2)

San Marino is a wealthy middle-class town of only 100,000 people, connected to the city of Pasadena. Thomas's home is in San Marino, and his youngest daughter and second son attend Huntington Middle School and San Marino High School, respectively. He is also a member of the San Marino High School Parent Council, so he is no stranger to these people not far away, so he simply walked forward with a smile.

"Hey, Mr. Thomas, you're here too? I thought Ms. Esta was the only one in your parent committee!" The Chinese population in San Marino is not small, and Mrs. Wang Li is the only member of the San Marino High School Board of Trustees of Chinese descent, who was just elected as the chairman of the school board not long ago. Her husband was a well-known neurosurgeon in San Marino before his death. The wealthy couple was very supportive of education and donated a lot of money to San Marino High School every year.

"Ms. Wang, good afternoon! I think you have misunderstood. I am not here on behalf of the Parent Committee. I am the editor-in-chief of "Computer Enthusiasts" Miscellaneous, and I received an invitation from the organizer. I hope we can send reporters to report on this event! You You know, I live in San Marino, not very far from here, so I just came here!"

Thomas smiled and explained why he came here. The Aikang company put a lot of thought into holding this demonstration. The school district education committee, principal, school chairperson, and parent committee representatives have exhausted all the most critical members of the four parties that determine the operation of a school.

The school district is in charge of the distribution of education funds at the federal and state levels. The principal is the highest decision maker in the school, the school board is the supervisor, and the parent committee is an important force influencing school policy. Especially in a wealthy school district like San Marino, the annual donations from parents are the most important supplement to school finances in addition to the public funds allocated by the government.

"The scale of this exhibition does not seem to be small. I don't seem to have heard of this Ikon computer before? John, do you have any news?" Principal White asked.

"This is a British computer company that is preparing to enter the American market with great ambitions. I think they are obviously targeting Apple this time!"

Thomas suddenly thought that in the budget of San Marino High School for the next school year, a fund of $100,000 was prepared for the construction of computer classrooms. He guessed that Principal White was probably here because of this, so he asked: "Mr. Principal, how is the construction of the school's computer classroom going? Can it be put into use before the next semester starts?"

"I had already decided to buy 50 Apple computers, but this Ikon company just happened to have such a new computer presentation. Their salesperson said that this ABC computer is more powerful than Apple computers, and the price is cheaper. A networking system is also specially designed for the use of school teaching!

So Ms. Wang and I came to see it together today! Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Carter, who will be one of the two new teachers in charge of our school's computer program in the new semester! "

The guests who arrived in the auditorium ahead of time, in groups of three or five, were discussing and communicating in low voices. At this moment, a warm voice came from the broadcasting system of the venue, and everyone present became quiet.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, I am John, and the computer teaching demonstration class organized by Aikang Computer is about to start. Dear guests, please find a good seat!

The following are 30 students from the tenth grade of Pasadena High School, please cooperate with this live classroom teaching! And I will be the substitute teacher for the next computer class! "

As the auditorium remembered a burst of warm applause, a group of lively and cheerful students walked from behind the scenes to the simulated classroom in the center of the stage. As usual in class, three or five friends chose their seats to sit down. The atmosphere in the auditorium, the Buddha also suddenly entered the rhythm of the classroom.

The auditorium below the stage was full of people sitting. The Eastern Electronics marketing team specially invited education officials, school principals, school board representatives, parents committee representatives, and computer class teachers from dozens of school districts throughout Southern California. teacher. These people actually decide the final purchase choice of each school's educational computer. As long as they can impress them, ABC computers will soon enter American campuses.

"...After the initial study of the basic command operations of the East-DOS operating system, let me introduce the use of the keyboard to the students. The keyboard you are using is specially developed by Aikang for ABC computers A dedicated keyboard Key-102.

Why it is called Key-102, I believe many smart students have guessed it, yes, it has a total of 102 keys (keys) on it! On the keyboard, in addition to the three rows of 26 letter keys that everyone knows on the left, ten numeric keys designed in a nine-square grid on the right, as well as several punctuation marks and operator symbol keys, there are also some unfamiliar function keys.

Next, I will ask you to recognize some of the most common function keys and some shortcut key settings related to them. Mastering these little skills can make it easier for us to control the computer in our hands.

The first important function key is the bottom row, the leftmost 'Ctrl' key, sharp-eyed students may have found that the usual space is symmetrical to the right, and there is an identical 'Ctrl' key..."

John explained the origin of the design of the ABC computer keyboard to the students sitting and the audience under the stage. For example, why are the "Ctrl", "Shift" and "Alt" keys symmetrical, with two each? This is for left and right hands to choose, convenient for everyone to use.

Another example is why the Enter key is designed to be relatively large, and why the space bar is designed to be particularly long. These two keys are one of the most used keys. The special design is to make it easier and more convenient for everyone to use. Moreover, ABC computer also adds a lot of shortcut key settings to each function key of the keyboard, which makes it more convenient and quick for everyone to perform many common operations.

John's eloquent narration made everyone present feel that the R&D personnel of Aikang Computer have spent a lot of effort and made many ingenious designs just for a keyboard, so that everyone's goodwill towards Aikang Computer has been subtly improved. of many.

This is also the highlight that Dongfang Electronics is preparing to highlight when it carries out the overall marketing planning for ABC Computer. To be honest, in addition to the increased memory, the only thing worth mentioning about the ABC computer is the Key-102 keyboard.

This keyboard is actually the classic Model M101 keyboard that Li Xuan stole from IBM in 1985. It is just that the designer of Dongfang Electronics added a printing shortcut key between the "Alt" key and the space bar on the right side when it was finalized to facilitate the office application when connecting the printer, and finally became 102 keys.

Before John joined Orient Electronics, or Ikon Computer, he was a computer teacher in a public high school in San Francisco. He speaks humorously, is good at communicating with students, and can mobilize the atmosphere of the classroom. He is very popular with students in the school.

But middle school teachers are not a high-paying profession in the United States. Especially teachers in public middle schools, because the US law is particularly strict on student protection, the profession of a teacher cannot get much respect, with the exception of university professors of course.

Therefore, after Dongfang Electronics offered him a generous salary, John immediately resigned from his original school and joined the Aikang computer marketing team. Compared with the other staff members of the team, he was originally a computer teacher, and he is the best candidate for open classes because he understands the middle school education system in the United

In this teaching demonstration class, John controlled the rhythm very well. In the first 20 minutes, he mainly taught the learning and use of the East-DOS system, showing the easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and powerful features of East-DOS in an all-round way. In the middle ten minutes, he introduced the use of the keyboard, highlighting the brightest hardware design highlight in the ABC computer.

In the last half hour, he was Renee students using a simple teaching software, and then let the students operate on the computer. He answered questions online at any time through the local area network system, and solved various problems encountered by students when applying the software.

During the whole teaching class, John, the teacher, fully demonstrated to the education officials, principals, parents and other computer teachers present under the stage the advanced and powerful advantages of the LAN system tailored by Aikang Computer for school computer teaching.

The teacher completely threw away the shackles of blackboards and chalks, and put the entire teaching process on the computer through technologies such as remote control and remote login of the LAN connection. Students just need to sit in front of their own computers and watch the demonstrations on the teacher's computer screen simultaneously.

When a student encounters a problem, the teacher can directly control the student's computer to answer the question remotely. John can even sit in his lecture from start to finish without even having to stand up.

This is undoubtedly a huge shock to all the audience at the scene, it is incredible, this is the real computer teaching, this is the computer classroom we need! The eyes of countless principals, school managers and parents in the audience were hot at the moment. Maybe they are not proficient in computers, but it does not prevent them from recognizing the advanced and powerful technology displayed by Aikang Computer Company.

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