Video Game Empire

Chapter 106: PC store

"puterGarden" translated into Chinese means "computer garden". This is a computer store in Union City, southeast of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Just as Li Xuan and Zhuang Erjing entered the store, a handsome white guy in a black jacket with slightly curly hair immediately came forward to inquire enthusiastically.

"Hi, good afternoon, do you want to buy a computer?"

"Let's take a look first!" Li Xuan smiled at him and said, and then looked around.

The shopping guide boy saw that Li Xuan's eyes stayed on one of Apple's latest products for a while, and immediately began to introduce: "Sir, your vision is very unique, this is Apple's latest personal computer - Apple III. Compared to the previous Apple II, this new computer has made a huge leap in performance!

The memory of Apple III has been doubled, and it adopts the latest operating system of Apple. It can display 80 columns of letters or numbers on the screen, which can display uppercase letters or lowercase letters! Apple will also introduce the latest word processing software, form processing software and an improved latest version of BASIC for this computer. "

"Do you have stock in your store?" Li Xuan asked.

"Sorry! This is just a model. The official product will not be available until a few months later, but we can accept pre-orders!" The white shopping guide shook his head apologetically, "Sir, what are you buying the computer for? This Apple III is from Apple Inc. The new model launched by small and medium-sized enterprises for business office, although the performance is excellent, but the price is relatively expensive!

If you buy it back for personal use, you don't really need such a good configuration. It's better to buy Apple II, this model is more mature, with various application software, its configuration is enough to meet your daily use, and the price is much cheaper! "

Li Xuan smiled noncommittally, neither agreeing nor disapproving. He slowly paced the store, carefully browsing the various products displayed in the store. The shopping guide did not show any impatience, and was still very dedicated to following behind Li Xuan and Zhuang Erjing, constantly introducing them to various products.

"This is the latest VIC-20 8-bit computer from Commodore, with 5KB of RAM, for only $300!"

"Is this computer selling very well?" Li Xuan asked suddenly.

"Yes, several units can be sold every day!" The boy nodded and said. Then another mother walked into the store with a teenage boy.

"Go and serve them first, I'll just take a look at it myself!" Li Xuan pointed to the guest who had just entered.

"Okay, sir! If you have any questions, you can call me at any time. My name is Jamie!" Jamie said to Li Xuan and walked quickly to the new guest.

"Hi, ma'am, good afternoon! Are you going to buy a computer for your son?" Jamie's service attitude can still give full marks.

"Yes, Kabo's school has just opened a computer class. He is very interested in computers, so I took him to visit with you, hoping to choose a personal computer for him!"

The mother patted her son on the back and said amiably, but the boy seemed to be somewhat resistant to his mother's intimacy, and took half a step to the side with a blushing face.

"Oh, I see! Do you have a price requirement?" Jamie asked again.

"I heard that computers are very expensive. My income is not high, and I can't afford high-priced computers. It's better not to spend more than 500 US dollars!" The mother said hesitantly.

"No problem, ma'am, don't worry! Our store just has a personal computer that's perfect for your son!" Jamie walked towards Li Xuan with the customer, "This VIC, the newest VIC from Kermodo-- Model 20 PC, the best star product in our store!

It uses the same processor MOS6502 as the famous Apple computer, but the price is only a quarter of the latter. The price of $300 fully meets your requirements. "

Jamie quickly took the exquisite box from the counter, opened it and said, "This is an all-in-one keyboard. It can be used when connected to a color TV. Do you have a TV at home?"

The mother nodded cooperatively.

"Okay, I'll show you!" Jamie took the VIC-20 out of the box, put it on the table, plugged in the data cable, connected it to a nearby TV, and turned on the power.

Soon, the English word "READY" in capital letters was displayed on the TV screen, and then a blinking cursor appeared.

"Look, it's already working properly. Next, your son only needs to input various program instructions to him, and he will start running obediently!"

Jamie exchanged a few words with the lady's son, and after learning what computer knowledge the other party had learned in the school computer class, he boldly encouraged him to come and operate the computer in person. The boy typed in several data and a set of calculation formulas on the keyboard, and the correct calculation result was quickly obtained on the TV screen, which made the boy very happy.

Jamie immediately seized the opportunity and said to the mother next to him while the iron was hot: "Your son is amazing! Recently, many parents have purchased this computer for their children, and I think it is very suitable for your son! By the way, If you're going to buy this computer, I recommend buying a magnetic cartridge drive as well, it's a must have accessory!"

The mother looked at her child suspiciously, and when she saw that her son nodded in agreement, did she approve Jamie's recommendation. In the end, the white mother and son readily purchased a VIC-20 computer, a magnetic cartridge drive, and a ten-reel pack of blank storage tapes for a total of $450.

"Congratulations, another deal has been made!" Li Xuan congratulated Jamie.

"Hehe, thank you! Are you here to investigate, and are you going to open a computer sales store?" Jamie also saw that Li Xuan and the beautiful Oriental girl around him were not here to buy a computer, but he was still very enthusiastic and returned to the store. They made two cups of coffee.

"That's right!" Li Xuan nodded with a smile, "Are you the owner of this store?"

"Just one of the partners. I invested in this store with two friends. One of them is only responsible for the investment, and the other friend and I are responsible for the management! The VIC-20 that I just sold is the last one in the store. In stock. UU reading This model is so popular, we sold 30 units this week, my friend had to go to the company's warehouse to pick up the goods in person!" Jamie said excitedly.

Li Xuan stayed in Jamie's store for an afternoon. About two hours later, Carter, another partner who ran the store with Jamie, also returned. Compared with Jamie, who is good at talking and kung fu, Carter is a technical nerd, and he chatted with Li Xuan a lot of professional topics about computers.

Their computer sales shop was doing very well. They sold 16 computers of various models throughout the afternoon, and three of the customers also chose professional monitors for their computers. In addition, there are floppy disk drives, magnetic cartridge drives, floppy disks, storage tapes and other accessories.

"Are we investigating the market?" Zhuang Erjing asked with a smile on the way back.

"Of course, the data on paper cannot emotionally reflect the vigorous vitality of this industry. Only by walking into such a computer sales store in person can we deeply realize that a personal computer revolution has quietly come to us! "

Li Xuan looked at the scenery quickly swept back from the car window, and said with emotion: "Just this one store of Jamie and Carter can sell more than ten PCs every day. And the 'Computer Garden' franchise stores in the United States There are 117, and 63 in Canada, Australia and other places outside the United States.

In other words, this computer seller alone sells 1 million PCs every year! Who's to say that PCs are just a toy for computer enthusiasts? This is a rapidly emerging market! "

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