Video Game Empire

Chapter 103: good momentum

"Hi, Vincent, long time no see!"

Tony Cousins' full beard remained unchanged. He had already stood at the door of the company waiting. As soon as he saw Li Xuan getting out of the car, he greeted him and gave him a warm hug.

"Tony, look at your red face, the company's business is doing well recently!"

Li Xuan smiled and walked into Cousins ​​Entertainment with him.

"Hello, this is Cousins ​​Entertainment! Are you Alberton? Oh, I see, Mr. Alberton from Newark, please tell me! Fifty Pac-man? Okay, Our company will deliver it to you tomorrow morning! This afternoon? Sorry, Mr. Alberton! The company has received a lot of orders today, and it may be too late, okay, okay, I will deliver it to you tomorrow morning!"

Li Xuan followed Cousins ​​through the office area. He suddenly listened to an operator for a while. He didn't continue walking until he hung up the phone.

"Tony, the sales of "Pac-man" seem to be good?" Li Xuan took the coffee from a chubby white lady, nodded her thanks, and asked Cousins ​​with a smile.

"It's very good, your Oriental Company has discovered a new gold mine!" Cousins ​​said with a hearty smile, and then lowered his voice and asked, "You really bought this arcade machine from Namco Corporation. ?"

Li Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, it was bought out for $6 million!"

"It's too cheap, that mustache of Nakamura Masaya must be so regretful that he has to open his abdomen to apologize now!" Cousins ​​praised and gestured for an open abdomen. He used to represent several arcade machines of Namco Palace, so he also knew Nakamura. Ya Ya.

"Tell me about the specific sales of "Pac-man"!" Li Xuan shook his head. Since he had already taken advantage of others, if he was still laughing at others behind his back, he would be struck by lightning.

"Last week, 500 units were sold. This week, more than 200 units were sold every day. Today, they are selling like crazy. The calls coming in are all about ordering "Pac-man", and I received 300 units in half a day. Multiple orders, my previous inventory is almost exhausted!" Cousins ​​waved his hand with a sad face, but couldn't hide his proud smile.

Li Xuan did a simple mental calculation. The Cousins ​​Entertainment Company alone sold more than 2,000 "Pac-man" arcade machines within half a month. The popularity of this game is not inferior to that of "Pac-man" six months ago. Tank Wars" and "Hong Kong Cube" are indeed another gold mine found by Dongfang Electronics!

"Then you have to hurry up to produce!" Li Xuan joked.

Dongfang Electronics started to distribute a batch of "Pac-man" game motherboards to Cousins ​​Entertainment as early as a month ago, so Cousins' company has already prepared a lot of inventory.

Dongfang Electronics' initial strategy was to build its own factory to manufacture arcade machines, but the explosive growth of orders after the launch of "Hong Kong Cube" and "Tank Wars" made the expanding arcade machine factory still unable to keep up with the increase in orders.

Dongfang Electronics can only use outsourcing methods to find a foundry to produce part of the order. At the same time, it encourages several big agents in the United States with their own arcade factories to purchase arcade boards and assemble them by themselves.

At present, the production capacity of Dongfang Electronics' arcade machine factory is still full of production tasks for the two games "Hong Kong Cube" and "Tank Wars", and there is no spare capacity to produce "Pac-man" arcade machines.

In order to solve the production capacity of "Pac-man", Dongfang Electronics has selected a new foundry in Hong Kong on the one hand, which is specially responsible for the foundry task of "Pac-man" arcade machines, and on the other hand, continues to support people like Tony Cousins. A businessman who purchased arcade boards directly from Dongfang Electronics assembles and manufactures game consoles by himself.

"Sega said they were going to snipe your company's next arcade machine, but your speed was too slow, they waited left and right, and they couldn't wait for your new arcade machine to come out. Several new games to snipe you had to rush It went public, but couldn't compete with "Tank Wars" and "Hong Kong Cube", that Jewish guy made a big joke this time!" Cousins ​​said in a mocking tone when talking about David Rosen's rhetoric before. , "Now that your new game is finally out, I don't know what the Jewish guys are going to do to fight you!"

"Sega chose the wrong theme, and players are already tired of the flood of shooting games on the market. They are still obsessed with listing various shooting games, and the gameplay is not too new, and it is reasonable to fail!" You have chosen to pay attention to several games recently released by Sega, the agent said.

Cousins ​​opened the humidor on the desk and gestured to Li Xuan, only to find that Li Xuan shook his head, so he pulled out a cigar the size of his thumb, picked up the knife on the side and cut the cigar head.

Then, he struck a match to light the cigar, and took a sip: "Men who don't smoke are still immature, this is the authentic high-quality Cuban product, it's a pity you don't try it! "Pac-man" is indeed a Very interesting game!"

Li Xuan smiled and said: " It is a game suitable for all ages. Everyone is tired of playing shooting games, it's time for a change! I believe its charm is the only way to go. It's just starting to show, so you better hurry up and get your arcade factory working overtime at full capacity!"

"FUCK! I trust your vision. At that time, you had no idea how difficult it was for workers in the United States to serve! Those bugs in the guild were not easy to deal with! Seeing that I have to go to Mexico tomorrow, let the factories over there start work as soon as possible!"

Overtime pay for American workers is not cheap. Cousins ​​plans to close the California factory after the Mexican factory is on track. Salaries in Mexico are much cheaper than in Americans. Moving factories from high-cost places to low-cost places is a multiple-choice question that every capitalist will do.

Leaving Cousins ​​Entertainment, Li Xuan felt very relaxed. Before the rest of the company was afraid that "Pac-man" would not be successful in the US market, they were going to lower the ex-factory price of "Hong Kong Cube" by a hundred dollars.

Li Xuan has never agreed, insisting that the ex-factory price of "Pac-man" is the same as that of "Hong Kong Cube", which is 1,200 US dollars for the whole machine and 900 US dollars for the game motherboard. Taking into account the high manufacturing costs in the United States, in order to increase the enthusiasm of Cousins ​​and others to purchase game console motherboards for their own production, Dongfang Electronics specially gave up part of the profit and lowered the price of each game motherboard by $100.

Now that "Pac-man" has gained momentum in the United States, the invisible pressure on him has disappeared.

"Let's go, please go and eat lobster at Fisherman's Wharf!" Li Xuan shouted to the beautiful assistant behind him, his face full of happy smiles.

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