Chapter 468 Lift your head~

As the saying goes, there is no cafeteria outside the sports academy, because these strong young men can really eat back.

"Kun's Forest!"

"Kun's Forest!!"

"Come again, Kunzhilin!!!"

After Xu Fang's plant system advanced from the basic level to the intermediate level, his demand for blood food further increased sharply, and his appetite was frightening.

Until all the salamanders in this area are sucked into mummies, the plant system is still far away from reaching high levels.


Xu Fang spread his hands, looked at the plants and vines that were obviously not full, and said comfortingly: "It doesn't matter if you are not full, your father will take you to eat as a family!"

Looking at the entire Qiandao Lake, there is no existence that can threaten the life of the super mage.

Therefore, Xu Fang acted unscrupulously and first used a small will-o'-wisp to lock an island with strong magic fluctuations.

"Come on the ice!"

Click click click...

Almost as soon as the magical words fell, a road of ice suddenly spread, extending from his position to the island.

Xu DaLala stepped forward without restraining his aura at all, emphasizing a swaggering high profile.

This island is called Banhu Island, so named because half of the island is immersed in the lake and the other half is exposed.

Not many people know about this island.

Because there are ferocious lake monsters living in this area, and there are also some dark whirlpools that are invisible to people.

Once upon a time, some hunters' boats mysteriously sank here.

——Of course, these two things have little impact on Xu Fang. Once pale and withered, all living beings are equal.

Stepping onto the half-sunken lake island, we passed through a dense forest of red flowers.

Standing on the halfway point of the island, you can see that the island, covered with a lot of vegetation, is slowly extending into the lake along a sliding slope.

Under the calm lake, there is a huge shadow, which is the other half of the island.

"Oh, it's fresh."

Xu Fang swept away a piece of vegetation and found the body of a lizard salamander.

This lizard salamander had obviously died not long ago, and the muscles on its body were still soft and elastic.

It's a pity that Xu Fang is not the third brother, his orientation is too narrow, and he can only waste it in the face of such beautiful scenery.

"It's available here too."

After walking a few steps, Xu Fang saw the corpse of another lizard salamander.

The closer he walked to the lake, the more corpses of salamanders there were. Even at this moment, there was no place under his feet to stand properly. It turned out to be a pile of corpses and skeletons.

"Who stole my son's buffet?" Xu Fang felt unhappy for a while.

The lake has a dividing line halfway around the island, and most of the dividing line is filled with half-rotten corpses.

But below the water boundary, the area soaked in water was all filled with white corpses!

Hidden place.

A pair of cold eyes stared at Xu Fang, and his dark blue skin perfectly blended with the lake water.

It is called the Bloody Poison Salamander, and it is the most vicious and cruel leader among the lizard salamanders. It is murderous and greedy.

This human... looks really delicious.

For most monsters, humans are definitely a good delicacy.

And because the main activities in the wild are mages, although the meat produced is small, the quality can lift up and beat other messy creatures.

Since the delicious food is delivered to your mouth, wouldn’t it be a pity not to eat it?

One step, two steps.

One step, two steps.

The bloody poisonous salamander slowly approached Xu Fang, and the magic fluctuations on Xu Fang's body seemed to it like the smoke from the oven before the delicious food was cooked.

Suddenly burst out. It rushed out of the water in an instant, opened its sharp fangs and headed straight for Xu Fang.

The speed was unbelievable, like a bolt of lightning streaking across the lake.

The scary thing about this creature is that it has two forms.

One is in the water. With its dark blue skin, it can often hide in disguise in the water.

Sometimes it is so close that people still don't notice its existence. Its skin makes it blend with the water.

The second form appears in the air. When it comes into contact with the air, its skin will undergo huge changes and produce strong toxins.

As long as you get a little bit of its venom, your whole body will be extremely itchy.


The Bloody Poisonous Salamander suddenly stopped mid-leap in the air, and was submerged by countless beast-like vines.

There is a disturbing curse aura on the vines, trying like crazy to get in from every possible place!


The Bloody Salamander roared angrily, trying to cut through these annoying vines with its sharp organs.

It did indeed do it, but the middle-level vines really couldn't control the cutting of the commander-level demon.

However, there are too many vines!

Like some curse mages, Xu Fang's transformed plant system also has revenge attributes.

To put it simply, whoever causes harm to himself will be automatically targeted by magic——The difference is that the subject of revenge is not Xu Fang but Vine!

The bloody poisonous salamander that cut the vines was hated by the vines filled with cursed red light!


The wounded poisonous salamander forcefully spat out a mouthful of poison, but was ignored by the vines.

Finally, it got scared, twisted its body like crazy, forced out of the circle of vines, and began to run away hastily into the lake!

"Stand there for me." Xu Fang said calmly.

The extreme cold solidified the Bloody Poisonous Salamander and the lake below, leaving half of his body exposed and unable to move.

"Can a roasted duck still make you fly?" Xu Fang waved his hand: "Son, come on!"

The vines rushed forward excitedly.

The picture was slightly inappropriate for children, and it reminded Xu Fang of a famous dish called raw monkey brains he saw in a movie in his previous life.

What lifts your head, what soul-heating oil pours on you...

The Bloody Poisonous Salamander screamed until its voice changed. As the vines continued to penetrate deeper, wreak havoc, and do whatever they wanted, they became weaker and weaker. Like the countless victimized salamanders before, they became mummies.

"Increase so much energy?" Xu Fang said slightly surprised.

This bloody poisonous salamander provides more energy than the ordinary salamander demons on half of the island just now!

As long as there are a dozen more, it is certain that the plant system will reach the intermediate level. It will only need a little guidance...



At the same time, on another island.

"Leader, there is an island cave ahead that is connected to the lake below. There may be a giant salamander hidden here." A hunter said.

The leader is a three-star hunter master with two small-life-style beards that look bad at first sight.

The master hunter said: "Then take your team members down to check."

"Ah? Me? Why don't you go with us? A cave like this that may be very narrow may be very dangerous. Even if there is no giant salamander, there may be other creatures living there."

The hunter captain hesitated and said: "We are very weak, so we wouldn't dare to go down without your support."

"Don't worry, I'll be outside to take care of you. If anything happens, I'll take action immediately."

"Well, okay then..."

A master hunter spoke, but the captain did not dare to say anything more.

Thinking that the other party is a master hunter, his knowledge and experience are definitely not comparable to his own. What may be the hidden meaning of this move?

————At least, he won’t watch himself die in vain!

"Hey, you stay, I have something to ask you." The master hunter pointed at a voluptuous female hunter and said.

Those small eyes were shining with greed!

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