Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 265 Goddess Follower, Professional Farmer

The sky was getting brighter, and An Ge took the little angel and the little zombie, happily collecting the insect corpses. Every insect burned was super fertilizer.

Negris and Lamo surrounded a cocoon on the beach, observing silently.

After Ange took out the heart of the Insect God, all the insects went crazy and surged towards the heart desperately. Ange used all his magic, but they couldn't stop the insects.

This made Ange deeply feel that his firepower is still far from enough...

In the end, he only had time to slap a soul imprint on his heart before he was flooded by bugs.

The bug bit the heart, but it didn't bite the heart, but turned into liquid and stuck to the heart.

The liquid accumulated more and more, and Ange was squeezed out abruptly. In the end, countless worms stuck to the heart, forming a huge ball with a diameter of at least ten meters.

It's a pity that they underestimated Ange's public morality. Before the liquid solidified, Ange quickly scraped away more than half of it, leaving only about five meters in diameter.

Calculated according to the volume of a circle, a circle with a diameter of five meters has a volume of only (8) one-eighth of a diameter of ten meters.

In the end, the liquid condensed into a five-meter-sized cocoon, but before it hardened, Ange removed two more cocoon shells...

During the whole process, those worms were like crazy, completely ignoring someone's instructions. Ange saw a humanoid creature struggling in the worm pile. His handsome face was full of fear, but he couldn't help himself. The cocoon was pushed forward, and finally stuck to the cocoon.

It seems that the insect god's attraction to insects has the highest priority. Negris muttered to himself.

It's really a miraculous thing. Its body is full of endless vitality, which is completely opposite to ours. Lamo touched the cocoon shell, and his thoughts scanned it back and forth, amazed: Is it reviving by the heart? Is this its phylactery? Like us liches?

Probably not, it's just that its vitality is more tenacious, and it's not the same concept as the Lich's phylactery. Negris analyzed.

After speaking, he turned his head and shouted to Ange: Ange, I'm not a professional in this thing, you can call Sawa over.

Ange nodded to show that he knew, and continued to pick up his own fertilizer. After a full hour, he took out the scepter of heaven and opened the portal.

The Scepter of Heaven opens the teleportation function of the Stairway to Heaven. Those who are teleporting need to gather at Devil Valley first, enter the Holy Heaven through the Stairway to Heaven, and then come from the top of the temple through the portal.

If you are not in the Devil's Valley, you have to teleport to the Devil's Valley first, and jump a few times, which takes time and effort, but this is already the most convenient way to move.

Apothecary Sawa, tauren cook Vanya, gear award master Waligu, etc., as well as Oak, also came together.

Sawa was pulled to the front of the cocoon to study the cocoon, Waligu was dragged to the waterway of the soilless rice, and asked him to study the machine for quickly harvesting the soilless rice, Vanya was taken to the detention area, and given to those temporarily The closed adventurers cook to keep everyone from starving to death.

However, Vanya did not open fire, but distributed a dry biscuit that was extremely hard, and beat up two dissatisfied adventurers by the way. Soon everyone found that Vanya was not suitable for being a cook, but for being a warden.

After beating two adventurers and establishing her prestige, she began to pick people, pick two adventurers who can cook, but they don't have much fighting power at first glance, and let them cook.

A group of adventurers who had been hungry for half the night, gnawed dry biscuits and died of thirst, finally had a hot meal at noon—boiled dry biscuits.

It's good to have something to eat, can't you see that our regiment leader and leaders haven't eaten yet! Varia shouted with her hands on her hips.

Those in the know couldn't help but roll a few glances at her: It's a big problem if your head of the team wants to eat.

In the name of Caigu Mercenary Corps, Ange and his party began to take over the Guangming Shazhou. As long as they took over the teleportation array, this plane is equivalent to being in the hands of Ange.

Others can also come, but if they don't go through the teleportation array, they have to find a way to deliver it by themselves, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Where can I send it to? The sandbars here have already been occupied. Unlike the Church of Light, Ange has a very convenient way to monitor all the sandbars. Just bury a skeleton on each sandbar.

Cast into the sea? Then you have to find a way to keep yourself from drowning.

However, it is estimated that no big power will be interested in this place. It is full of water as far as the eye can see, there is no way to cultivate it, there is no mine, and there are very few special products. It is no wonder that Guangming Sandbank has been established for more than two hundred years. There are only a thousand or a few hundred adventurers.

Ange was busy processing insect corpses, Negris was busy researching cocoons, and Waligu was busy researching harvesters. Three days later, Waligu came to Anger with his harvester.

My lord, please look at the simple rolling guillotine, first press the gel plate to keep it at the height of the guillotine, then the guillotine rolls over, and the rear baffle moves the rice to the shore, and find someone to tie the rice on the shore The rod will do.

You only need to drag those gel plates through the water channel and into this slot. The gel plates you make are all of the same specification, sir, and you can make them according to this specification in the future. Waligu introduced.

Ange tried it out, and it was really convenient. Plant along the waterway, and when harvesting, use a rope to connect the gel plates one by one, just pull them over like a cart.

Build a few more guillotines. It's not too difficult to harvest 100,000 tons of grain. Let's collect it first, and send it to Anthony as you collect it. If there is enough grain, it will be easier for him to fool people.

Negris put his hands on his hips and said gloatingly, I want to know now, what method is he going to use to send 100,000 people out of the main plane?

Soon, Negris knew: What? Jihad? These are heretics?

Negris looked at the humans dressed as farmers who were teleported out of the teleportation array one after another, his eyes were protruding. There are human heretics on the main plane?

Of course, there are many. Some small countries have very good terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and have firm beliefs. It is difficult to convert them. These people are believers of the Harvest Goddess. Waiter, an old acquaintance of silver coins, was also responsible for explaining Anthony's plan by the way.

However, they also suffered a disaster this year and migrated to the Eastern Diocese. It is inconvenient for His Majesty to relieve them. After all, both the Eastern and Western Dioceses are suffering from disasters. If His Majesty relieves the heretics, the people inside the church will scold him to death, Patric said. arrive.

Negris nodded understandingly. The problem of pagans is very troublesome. Although the believers of the Harvest Goddess are harmless, if they go to help others when they are in disaster, the people below will definitely spray Anthony to death.

But His Majesty didn't want to watch them die, so he showed great kindness and sent people to spread rumors among these heathens, saying that we would destroy them all, so as not to waste food and make these heathens panic. Pat Li's tone was somewhat disapproving, and she must call her a 'heretic'.

Apparently she was the kind of person who didn't care much about the heathen, and was just doing Antony's order.

At the same time, His Majesty mobilized within the church, saying that he would launch a jihad to eliminate these heretics, but he found a channel, a healthy heretic can exchange a ton of food, so let everyone not hurt each other's body and body during the jihad Life, Patric said.

Negris sprayed on the spot: Pfft, this is okay? Eat two ends, Anthony is shameless!

Patrik pretended not to hear, and continued: Dyson felt that this deal was a good deal, and strongly requested to join, but was rejected by the crown, and then Dyson asked again, if it is not a pagan, one person can exchange one ton He can sell food even if he is a believer, so Your Majesty asked me to ask you, do you want to be a believer in light?

Negris smiled: No, Anthony wants us to support him for nothing, shameless.

Patrik continued pretending she didn't hear it, and said to herself: Then His Majesty sent someone to spread rumors among the believers of the Harvest Goddess, saying that the Harvest Goddess was found here, and that they would be able to eat and serve Goddess, so Your Majesty asked me to ask you, is it convenient for you to show a miracle and let these people misunderstand that you are the Goddess of Harvest.

That's fine, but Ange definitely doesn't have such a free time. Lisa Lisa, come here, you are best at playing tricks.


High Priest Dachvin looked desperately at the sandbar, waterways, adventurers, and a bunch of strange creatures in front of him. He knew that he had been fooled by the dog of the Illuminati Church.

Those people are here to deceive, to confuse, and trick them here to fend for themselves. How can there be footprints of the Harvest Goddess in this desolate world?

As the priest of the Harvest Goddess, Dakvin's faith is extremely pious, and he can sacrifice his life for the Harvest Goddess without hesitation.

But this year I don't know why, the goddess didn't bless them, and the land didn't usher in a good harvest this year. Could it be that the goddess of harvest abandoned them?

For ordinary believers, faith cannot be eaten, and no gods will work when they are hungry. Under their coercion, Dachvin followed everyone and fled to the land of pagans.

However, the life of the pagans seems to be difficult. Sometimes they say that they will be eliminated, and then they say that they will be exchanged for food. Finally, the rumors are passed around, and the rumors turned out to be: the goddess of harvest took out food and exchanged it with the pagans. They are devout believers.

Dachvin snorted, the Goddess really wanted to exchange believers like them, why didn't she just tell him, the high priest, to rely on pagans to convey it?

However, does Dachvin have a choice? No, the only thing he can do is to tell everyone that he went to explore the way first, found the goddess, and then came back to inform everyone.

If he doesn't come back, don't step into the teleportation circle. He would rather fight with the heretics than step into the teleportation circle. At least he can die on the main plane, and his body will be turned into nutrients that nourish the earth.

Of course, he also had a little bit of expectation, what if the rumors were true?

It's a pity that this one ten thousandth expectation is completely shattered at this moment. This desolate world is full of sand and gravel that are not suitable for crop growth. How could there be the footprints of the Harvest Goddess?

Just when Dachvin was hesitating, whether he should just bump his head to death here, a string of gel plates with rice grains dragged in a long way, slowly driving over from the waterway, past Dachvin and the others in front of.

On the gel plate in front stood a fair and beautiful young woman in a green gauze dress, somewhat similar to the Harvest Goddess.

When passing in front of Da Kewen, the young woman flew up and floated in front of Da Kewen and others. She was emitting a holy light, with a loving smile on her face, and said slowly: You are here.

Following her words, the green plants on the row of gel plates behind her suddenly grew rapidly.

On the shore not far away, Ange quietly stepped on his footprints. In order to make the effect more sensational, he deliberately selected plants that were about to fill in and bloom and bear fruit. Sensational visual effects.

In the background of this effect, Lisa smiled and said: I will bring you a good harvest.

This is a sentence that appears most often in the Harvest Goddess's scriptures, and it is simply a statement of one's identity.

If there is no background behind him, this is at most a compliment, just like the Holy Light Blessing of the Church of Light.

But with the rapidly growing crops behind him, even Dachvin no longer doubted it, and knelt down on the ground tremblingly: Goddess bless! Everything is harvested!


Da Kewen returned to the main plane through the teleportation array, and shouted excitedly to all the believers: I found the goddess, I found the goddess, the goddess of harvest brought us a good harvest, and the magical soilless rice, hurry up, Bring our farm tools and serve the goddess of harvest!

Followers of the Goddess of Harvest poured into the Danhai plane in a steady stream, and An Ge soon discovered that these people actually robbed him of his job of growing things.

The believers of the Goddess of Harvest are the most professional farmers. As long as they study for two days, they will understand the method of planting soilless rice, and the cultivation method is far more delicate than Ange.

When planting on a large scale, Ange can't make everything fine. Even the sowing is done by magic. The spacing is sufficient, but it is impossible to keep the most suitable spacing like a professional farmer.

On a gel plate, if Ange can plant nine rows at will, but they can plant ten rows, this will yield an extra row, which is one-tenth.

Well, due to the finer operations of the harvest farmers, Ange’s biggest role is to prepare the gel plate. As long as the gel plate is prepared, these farmers can take over other tasks. Soon, the floating gel plate will be All the waterways of the entire sandbar are covered, leaving only a few main roads for ships to pass.

Angle lost the greatest joy...

You can't take things back and grow them yourself like Anxi Abyss. You can't provide food for so many people by yourself. Let them grow it, otherwise we can't afford to feed these 100,000 people.

Under Negris' earnest persuasion, Ange gave up the idea of ​​driving these people away from his own plantation, and squatted on a sandbar at the edge, looking at the sea in the distance.

The little angel and the little zombie squatted on both sides of him, and a big cat covered the little angel's head.

This is already the outermost sandbar, and it is full of water as far as the eye can see. The setting sun is slanting, and the water surface is sparkling.

Negris flew over, sighed, and didn't know what to say. With Ange's temperament, he was too idle to watch the sunset. One can imagine how bored he was: How about you...

Before he finished speaking, he saw a small dot expanding rapidly in the distance. Looking at the shadow of the sail, it was the ground-effect airship of Jie Lisi.

The airship passed by at a high speed of two to three meters, and the downward pressure set off a white line, but there was a bigger white line behind it, and a huge ocean beast was chasing the airship closely. Getting closer.

Well, there is something to play with, Anger turned over, sat on Negris' body, and waved his big hand forward.

Negris panicked, lightning, where is lightning? Turning his head and looking around, he didn't see any trace of lightning, so he could only reluctantly fly up and head towards the airship.

The one chasing the airship was the Sea God of the Gulugu Tribe, a 100-meter-long sea giant, a bit like an eel in appearance, but shorter and fatter, and unfortunately, it was not a monster.

Therefore, when it encountered the invincible Skeleton Locke, its head was blown off with two or three punches. Taking advantage of a few seconds before the transformation, Ange grabbed the giant beast's neck bone and sent it flying Towed to the shallows.

The Gulugu who were attached to the sea monster were all shaken off, staring blankly at the 'Sea God' whom they regarded as invincible, who was blown away with two or three punches by the purple-gold skeleton, and then dragged away, all stunned for a while. After a while, they woke up and dispersed.

What a fat sea monster. The fat can be used as lamp oil, the skin can be used to make clothes, and the meat can feed hundreds of thousands of people. Haha, it's an extra meal at night. Negris couldn't help laughing bloomed.

Sawa ran over on lightning, and was shocked by the giant sea monster in front of her at the first sight. She jumped up excitedly: My lords, you all know? Call back so soon? I still want to come over Let me tell you.

Negris was at a loss: Know everything? Know what?

The worm god's cocoon is about to hatch, but there is not enough heat. It can't break out of the cocoon. Instead, it is drying up. I was just about to tell you to find a way to catch some fish. Don't you...

PS: It’s doubled, ask for a monthly ticket, woo~

Thank you Jin Qichen, Michael Wan, Domineering Werewolf, Dark Night Jingyue, for your tip.

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