Three months have passed since the end of the world began.

However, at this time, Nangong Yue could already feel the undisguised malice coming from the world, as if he was ready to banish him at any time.

It seems that in the past three months, Nangong Yue, who has repeatedly harvested souls, has made the world's will, which was originally similar to a mechanical program, lock onto him faster.

For the sake of the safety of the world, the will of the world determines that this dangerous guy must be driven away as far away as possible to die.

However, considering that what Nangong Yue left to the world would help to increase the mystery of the world itself, which would be beneficial to the world, Nangong Yue was not driven away immediately, but was given a certain amount of time symbolically.

However, the time left for Nangong Yue by this huge pit of world will was obviously not as long as Nangong Yue expected. Nangong Yue was also extremely helpless about this.

However, considering that after he leaves, the will of the world is likely to......No! He will definitely focus on his two disciples and lovers.

Therefore, he must do something to provide them with shelter as much as possible.

Therefore, since the weapons were collected and his body was taken over, Nangong Yue began to think of ways to erase the traces he left in this world as much as possible when leaving.

In the end, Nangong Yue found a very high-level technique in the huge memory bank, called"Existence Erase".

The effect of the spell is to erase the existence of things, and then focus on the current world! Any memories, images, images, written records, etc. about the enchanted things in the current world will completely disappear, leaving no trace, just like"never existed from the beginning."

Of course, it is almost impossible for the caster alone to achieve such a degree of miracle. At least Nangong Yue himself is completely unable to do it. At most, the target will be crushed.

Nangong Yue estimated that in order to achieve such an achievement on his own, he would have to reach at least the sixth level of demigod, or even the seventh level, a true god.

Therefore, in terms of this spell, the caster is just equivalent to pressing the switch that starts the machine, and the execution of the spell completely relies on the operation of this machine called"The World".

Its basic operation is that the caster reduces the target to pure energy (mass-energy conversion), and then sacrifices such a huge amount of energy to the world as an energy source to erase relevant traces of the world.

When Nangong Yue saw the effect of this familiar spell, the corners of his mouth twitched. You must know that Nangong Yue has never been exposed to the side attribute of"existence", although he can successfully cast the spell using the energy of chaos attribute.

However, this spell consumes a lot of energy. If the energy attribute is not converted, even if Nangong Yue uses his spirit body to cast the spell, it will probably be very tiring, and it is unknown whether the spell can be successfully cast.

Therefore, for nearly a month, Nangong Yue used his spiritual body to accelerate his thinking a hundred times, studying this foul-level technique in the mental space.

Even in order to enhance the effect, Nangong Yue planned to use the spell he woven for the first time to maximize the effect of the spell, although there was a little nostalgia for the past.

You must know that Nangong Yue learns techniques from an essential level. After receiving the"generous gift" from two unknown void bosses, Nangong Yue understands that the essence of all techniques is to use appropriate energy to use them. Operate in the corresponding manner to achieve the corresponding effect.

In other words, as long as you hold the relevant energy, know how the energy operates, and then be able to operate the energy according to the law, you can perform the corresponding spell.

Such as mantras, staffs, mudras, body parts (hands, mouth, eyes)...) These media are actually completely unnecessary.

For a long time, all the suspicions that Nangong Yue used when casting spells, or indeed the language of spells, or the movements of casting spells, can be said to be just to satisfy Nangong Yue's own interests. After all, being handsome is a lifelong matter.

Back to the topic, it took Nangong Yue ten days to initially learn to use this technique, but the problem is that his purpose is to eliminate the traces he left in this world, not to erase himself!

Therefore, in the next twenty days, Nangong Yue spent the next twenty days studying how to cast spells accurately. First of all, he must not be injured and only needed to eliminate traces.

Fortunately, Nangong Yue's predecessor was also a salty fish, so he didn't really leave many traces, so the consumption shouldn't be huge.

But here comes the problem. I can't cast spells together with Saya Takagi and Yako Busujima. What the hell is that if the girl I worked so hard to pick up has people forgetting about me in the blink of an eye?

In the end, Nangong Yue decided that only Yako Busujima and Saya Takagi would be protected from the effects of the spell. Everyone else, including their relatives, had to erase their memories.

There is nothing I can do about it. If they are also cast, then everything I entrusted to them will cease to exist. In that case, I will be at a loss!!!

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue was also very motivated. Even on the last day, he used 10,000 times faster thinking to complete the project within a month.

It is equivalent to taking three years to learn the technique, but it takes thirty years to fully master it!

Moreover, in order to ensure that this world would not pass for too long after he came back, Nangong Yue also found the directional world teleportation technique in the memory bank, which was opposite to the random world teleportation technique but was much more difficult.

However, the remaining time is not enough for Nangong Yue to fully learn this technique, but some related subsidiary techniques can still be barely learned. But looking at the time, Nangong Yue estimates that it will be good if he can learn one.

In the end, Nangong Yue chose the combination of"time coordinates" to avoid returning to this world in the future. The world has already changed, and the two children are not like himself, and they will definitely not be able to last that long.......

On the eve of his departure, Nangong Yue reluctantly learned the"time coordinate" technique, but the error in time positioning was nearly a hundred years, which made Nangong Yue lament that he really couldn't understand the world of the boss at the moment.

However, this error is still acceptable to Nangong Yue, who has evolved into an immortal species, but he is not sure whether the two women, who were formerly ordinary humans, are mentally prepared to resist the erosion of time. This is a difficulty that immortals must face. Once unable If you hold on, you will go crazy!......

Finally, it was time to leave. On this day, thousands of meters above Bed Master City, Nangong Yue stored his body in a different space, and then sealed the storage space and the different space inside his soul.

After confirming that there was no problem with the space coordinates engraved on the two people, the time coordinates were set, and then the fully charged random world teleportation technique was activated. A dark space door as high as one person slowly opened in front of Nangong Yue.

After confirming that there was no problem with the spell, Nangong Yue turned around and took one last look at the world. Then, facing the Gaocheng family, he recited the parting mantra:

"The time has come to say goodbye. With this, let go of the world!!!

Existence erased!!!"


An invisible wave swept across the surface of the planet almost instantly. First, the memory of Nangong Yue dissipated from the minds of living beings except Dudao and Gaocheng; then, all the images and pictures in which Nangong Yue appeared, whether it was Whether electronic or physical, in the image, Nangong Yue's figure gradually blurred, and finally disappeared completely; then all the information about Nangong Yue, and all the text about Nangong Yue gradually disappeared;......

Finally, it was Nangong Yue's turn to live in Bedzhu City. The house began to gradually become distorted, and finally became blocked and ready for sale. This must be an adjustment made by the world.

After waiting for the"Existence Erasure" to complete, and after sensing all this, Nangong Yue turned around with relief and floated into the dark portal in front of him, not knowing where the other end of the door led.

Soon after, the space door closed, and Nangong Yue officially left this world.

"......See you later..."......

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