Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 533: mouth full of oil

This city is about to be unstoppable, and once the city is broken, he and the family of the palace will be completely ruined, and the millions of wealth that he and his ancestors have collected will all be in vain.

But at this time, even though King Jingjiang had already promised an absolutely high reward, the heavily armored soldiers of the pseudo-Tang bandit army had already climbed up the city one after another, and then swept away the Ming army on the city head like chopping melons and vegetables.

In this kind of melee combat, and it is still on the city wall with narrow terrain, it is impossible for the light infantry to cause any effective damage to the heavy armored infantry.

However, the heavy armored infantry's long knife slashed over it, and the light infantry without armor protection would lose their combat effectiveness in an instant.

In this siege battle, as Chen Keqiao expected, there were no surprises. After the general attack was launched, the army under his command completely controlled the two city walls within a quarter of an hour, and then continued to extend to the other city walls. Hours later, the entire city walls, including the city gates, were completely controlled by the Master of the Tang Dynasty.

If there is an accident, they have captured a super big captive: King Jingjiang!

The unfortunate King Jingjiang ran away with his subordinates the first time he was in the city, but he did not go directly to other city gates without thieves like others, but returned to the palace first, and then took a group of dozens of people and many others. The carriage went out of town together.

But after such a toss, Datang Wang Shidu has completely controlled all the city gates and stopped the fleeing team in Jingjiang Wangfu.

After stopping King Jingjiang's fleeing convoy, a platoon leader who led the team thought that the carriages were all family members of King Jingjiang, but at first glance, good guy, out of a dozen cars, only one car carried family members. The rest are all filled with gold and silver.

When he saw that the gold and silver in the more than ten carriages were soft, the team officers who led the team couldn't help but swallowed their saliva continuously. Looking back, the soldiers under him were also swallowing their saliva.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Report immediately and say that I have seized a large amount of gold and silver, and I need support urgently!"

But before turning around, he directly swept the gold ingots on the carriage in front of him into his arms, then walked over to the dozen or so soldiers under his command, each stuffed one, and said at the same time: "Everyone will fight to the death to take it. It should be good to have some benefits, but if anyone dares to do more, don't blame the military and legal team for coming to the door!"

Although the military discipline of the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty is strict, this generally refers to the discipline of the battlefield, and the pursuit of strict compliance with orders, as for other words, it is actually average.

Moreover, as an army of bandits, looting spoils is their fine tradition. Even if it is improved now, after the war, in fact, higher-ranking officers usually turn a blind eye to the soldiers who hide some spoils.

There is no way, who made the army pay of the Great Tang Wangshi less.

In the early days, the king of the Tang Dynasty did not pay army salaries. Although the soldiers could eat enough, they could not get a penny of army salaries and could not support their families at all.

Later, after conquering Xingquan Mansion and even Liping Mansion, Datang Wang Shi was considered to be in control of the land of the two houses, and he was relatively well-off, so it was a symbolic payment to the soldiers, but the number was still very small. This amount of money is basically only enough for the soldiers' pocket money, but it is still not enough to support their families.

But most of the soldiers have family members. Although they come to join the army to feed themselves, they inevitably want to earn some money for their families. They have enough to feed themselves in the army, but many of their family members are starving. Frozen.

Therefore, in the course of the war, while the army seized a lot of spoils, it also tacitly allowed the soldiers to hide some of the spoils.

Of course, the spoils of war that these soldiers stash are generally gold, silver, and other things to carry, and military supplies, such as food, weapons, etc., they absolutely dare not, and there is no need to stash it. Can't hide it either.

After more than a dozen soldiers in this platoon watched the carriages, a large number of soldiers from the 5th Infantry Regiment soon caught up and surrounded the spoils and took them away. During this process, the soldiers did not I had the opportunity to hide the loot, because after learning that King Jingjiang's convoy was intercepted, and after the convoy was found full of gold and silver with actual vehicles, not only many senior officers arrived, but even the military law team and the army accompanying the army arrived. The tax officials all ran over.

The Tang Dynasty has a fine tradition. The cabinet likes to send officials to act with the army. To conquer a place is to establish a local government directly in that place.

When the people in the tax department saw the gold and silver, their eyes lit up. So much gold and silver can greatly ease the pressure on the tax department!

Those people in the tax department have always been used as ATMs. Whether it is the military or other departments of the cabinet, those who have no money will go to their tax department.

And the money in the tax department is never enough, and many uncollected taxes have been arranged to be removed in advance.

For example, the tax on the Guilin government has not yet begun to be collected, but the tax department has already prepared the relevant budget. The Guilin government will collect at least one hundred thousand taels worth of taxes in the first half of the year. Goods or cash.

But 100,000 taels of silver is the lower limit!

Even the taxation of places like Guilin Prefecture that has not yet been settled has been taken into account. It is conceivable how much pressure is on the tax department.

The huge Datang Wang Shi, the two most difficult institutions are the Ministry of Taxation and the Ministry of Industry, one is trying to make money to supply the various expenses of the Datang Dynasty, and the other is constantly making weapons for the army to use.

The tax officials, who have been working hard to expand more financial resources, saw so much gold and silver, and their first thought was not to make money from it, but: With such a batch of gold and silver to go up, the days of our tax department At least for a few days!

After a brief inventory by the officials of the Ministry of Taxation, these carriages are worth at least 60,000 taels of gold and silver, but there are also many jewelry, silk and satin, and even precious playthings such as paintings and calligraphy, which are also sold from Jingjiang. Wang and the others found a large stack of various land deeds and house deeds in the boxes they were carrying.

And the value of these things is impossible to estimate. If you have to give a price, it will start with at least 500,000 taels of silver!

What made the officials of the Ministry of Taxation even more excited was that, after a brief interrogation, they learned that King Jingjiang fled this time in a hurry, and only brought fine gold and silver that was easy to carry. thing.

Immediately, the officials of the Ministry of Taxation asked the military on the spot that any prefects, yamen, Fucang, etc. can be put aside, and it is business to occupy and protect the King of Jingjiang first. If this operation is done well, at least it can be done. Provide more than one million taels of revenue for the Datang Dynasty treasury revenue.

And what is the silver in the treasury used for, the bulk of it is naturally used as military expenses!

Therefore, the military is naturally very supportive, and immediately dispatched a whole battalion of nearly 500 people to kill the mansion of the King of Jingjiang, and this battalion was one of only three regular army infantry battalions under Chen Keqiao. : 13th Infantry Battalion.

Although King Jingjiang fled, there are still many people in the palace. After all, the huge palace of Jingjiang is not only a king of Jingjiang and his concubine, children and other immediate family members. In fact, after more than a hundred years of reproduction, the palace of Jingjiang has been It has developed into a super family with a large number of clansmen.

Everyone knows that Zhu Yuanzhang is particularly fertile, and his descendants are all super stallions, and they have nothing else to do except create people in the palace, so this caused The Ming Dynasty had a very large number of clans.

To put it bluntly, Zhu Yuanzhang created a nation by himself!

Although the first generation of King Jingjiang was only the grand-nephew of Zhu Yuanzhang, he still possessed the excellent reproductive genes of the Zhu family.

Let's not talk about those who are affiliated, just say that there are hundreds of people who are relatively close relatives in the palace, and there are thousands of people such as servants.

When the 13th Infantry Battalion attacked King Jingjiang, it also encountered But this kind of resistance did not pose any threat to the battle-hardened troops of the 13th Infantry Battalion. Go past, and then throw a round of grenades, and the King of Jingjiang declares his loss.

Then the huge King Jingjiang became the trophy of the King of the Tang Dynasty!

Afterwards, the people from the military cleaned up the other people in the palace, while the people from the tax department counted the various seizures!

The more this was counted, the happier the people in the tax department were, making the head of the Guilin tax bureau who led the team couldn't even close his mouth with laughter.

These seizures in the convoy and in the palace are more than 100,000 taels in cash alone. This is not even counting gold and silver jewelry, calligraphy and painting treasures, and the bigger ones are all kinds of farms and shops, and their industries are all over the place. The entire Guangdong and Guangxi, and even in the Jiangnan area, have industries.

If these industries, calligraphy and painting treasures are sold and exchanged for cash, even in this era of war and turmoil, at least two million taels of silver can be returned.

what does that mean?

It means getting rich!

These officials of the tax department already seem to be waving to themselves when they are promoted to get rich, and they are in a very good mood!

And the people in the military are also happy. The money recovered by the tax department is naturally used as military expenses, and most of the credit for capturing these silver is their military.

In addition, in the process of capturing King Jingjiang, although there were officials from the Ministry of Taxation who followed and guarded them all the way, it was impossible for them to see everything strictly. Many soldiers and officers kept a lot of things privately.

Of course, they naturally dare not take things that are too conspicuous, but it is still possible to take some small things that are not very conspicuous, such as a jade bracelet, a gold earring and the like.

It can be said that the mouth is full of oil, so happy!

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