Valhalla Saga

Chapter 13 - Traces of Great War

At the deepest depths of Jotunheim, the Giants' Land, there is a violent, frosty wind.

At the source of the Frost Wind was the essence of the cold that holds its mysterious power, and the palace of the Giant King was like a protective essence.

The magic king of Urgard Loki.

With the most powerful army of Giant Lords in Jotunheim, he stayed away from his gaze, buried deep on a throne carved from the branches of the World Water Wigdrasil. Beyond the large terrace in front of the throne room, you see the ferocious ground, and beyond that, you see the towering walls of Giants, Gastropnir.

Urgard Loki closes his eyes. As the Giant King, he remembered the Great War.

A war that destroyed a world and devastated Asgard.

The wound inflicted by the Light Prince Kuulin, who was the hero of the world, was never healed. The wound on his shoulder pierced by a gaybug still pains me.

Urgard Loki vomits heavily. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a man's back add up between the paths leading up to the terrace. Though the expression "bend leg" was conformable to normal humans, it was too small and small for Giants. But Urgard Loki did not ignore him. He was indifferent.


Giant and God. A shapeshifter from Asgard who was a fierce warrior of Thor, a chieftain of Odin, and had made friendships with many gods. God of fire and falsehood.

The Magic King Urgard Loki has the same name as himself, but he is a complete stranger.

With long, dark hair and a handsome face, he turns around. He smiles faintly, wearing a coat made of the hides of a furry, white beast.

Almost a hundred years have passed since the Great War. The wire was fixed, and both sides were just constantly consuming.

Loki bites with his eyes. Urgard Loki slowly looks at the fingers of his large, heavy left hand, instead of answering to his green eyes.

Both knew the answer. The most effective way to end the current setback and bring down Asgard has been established since the day Ragnarok began.

The return of the world's wolf, Pendler, who swallows up the sky and the earth.

The method was ready. Five fingers were moving to execute.

Urgard Loki did not speak of anything more. But Loki nods as if he knew, and turns around. With shoes running through the sky and the sea, the ground suddenly disappeared.

The return of the world's wolves.

Urgard Loki grips five fingers. I tapped the bracelet on the throne with my fist.

He thought about Loki. Loki was a god like fire. It was useful for writing, but if you get too close, you still have the nature of the wound and fire.

Odin and Thor of Asgard are wounded. But what about yourself?

‘War will resume soon. ’

A great war. A true Ragnarok.

The magic king Urgard Loki slowly closes his eyes. Just for a moment, he smiles as faintly as Loki did.


Siri opened her eyes. My mouth was dry, and I heard a voice over my head as I swallowed it without even knowing it.

“You're awake now? ”


I was strangely relieved to see a familiar face. Recognizing that he was lying on his back, Siri quickly got up and consciously opened the dragon's wings. It was something I was prepared to do when I wore the Wolf Witch, but my underwear was all messed up.

“Where am I? ”

I definitely remembered fighting the Giant with Taeho. But like this, there was no memory of coming to a strange place where heaven and earth were mixed.

Taeho frowns slightly and replies.

“I want to ask you the same thing. It's nice to defeat a Giant as a Dragonic Ballista, but soon after that, I was struck by blue light and fell here. ”

Siri frowned when she remembered the word blue light. Not because I had a headache. It's because my physiological desire raised my head.

I'm hungry.

If it was natural, it was natural. He turned into a dragon and started fighting. I felt empty both my body and mind because I used saga in a row.

At the rumbling sound of the Siri's belly, Tahoe hesitates for a moment, but calmness is restored. It was because Syria was not particularly ashamed.

‘But Siri is also a Valhalla warrior. ’

A Valhalla Warrior who's ashamed of the sound of his stomach growling. I couldn't even imagine.

“Can I get you something to drink? Or eat.”

When Tae Ho asked, Siri immediately turned blue.

“Do you have any food? ”

It was not that I was ashamed. But I liked that more honesty.

“Wait a minute.”

Taeho opens the entrance of Unnir in his waist and starts unpacking things. They didn't smell like common sense, but they were made by Heda, so they were all tasty.

When Jerky, Bread, various fruits, and drinks were listed in front of Siri's eyes, Siri blinked.

“The end · · · · ha. Is he a sergeant? ”

It was clear he was burying Unnir. Taeho nods, smiling.

“Yes. You asked me to choose between this and 1,000 pairs of wings, and I chose this. ”

“This might be too much. ”


“Gandur asked. Maybe there's no way to get you to Ulr Corps. But I am so fond of Idun that I can't help it. ”

Taeho smiled bitterly as Syria laughed helplessly.

‘There's Heda. ’

It was an apology to Gandur, but he had no intention of leaving Idun's army.

Syria said again:

“What an amazing treasure. You must be the only one with this kind of treasure among the lesser warriors. ”

I thought it was great from the beginning, but based on the reaction of Siri, it seemed great from the whole of Valhalla.

‘You really are beloved. ’

Taeho, who was delighted, smiled calmly. In his reaction, Siri became a miraculous eye and told a different story.

“By the way, Taejo, did you recover the runes? ”

“Of course. That's the most important thing. ”

If you catch the mob, you'll have to eat EXP. It was unacceptable as a professional to capture everything and recover experience points.

As Taeho asked, Siri closed her eyes for a moment and examined her own runes.

“Thanks to Taeho, the company that shares my senses with you, I was able to recover my share. · Awesome · ”

Siri looked back at herself with her eyes wide open. The amount of runes accumulated has increased tremendously. This was enough to keep an intermediate warrior at bay.

This time, the Giant defeated was stronger than the Giant defeated in the Black Fortress. Moreover, it was important that the power of Tao Ho and Siri was defeated completely without any intervention from external elements such as Wunt or Valkyrie.

Tae Ho's rune accumulation has also greatly increased to almost the same level as that of Siri. Given that the original Siri was accumulating much more runes than Taejo, it was a rune distribution based on Contribution Points.

19% synchronization rate. ’

Twenty percent was close. Like I did when I was 10 percent, 20 percent would definitely change.

‘The Siri Captain has also acquired a Rune of Attributes. ’

With this battle, Taejo acquired a rune attribute of fire and wind. Siri also seemed to have obtained a rune of the attributes of the wind.

Taeho smiled as he gladly looked at Siri, who was amazed at himself.

“It's too rewarding, right? So I hope you'll take good care of me in the future. Oh, why don't you move to the army that Commander Siri left behind? ”

It was a pretty good idea, I must say. When Siri came, I could wear the Thousand Horses' wings. Syria is also a good match for Saga, so its combat strength will be greatly enhanced.

But Siri shook her head.

“It's a charming offer, but I'll pass. More importantly, Tae Ho, I have one question. If you don't have to answer, you don't have to answer. ”

“What is it?”

“I know you're from another world. It's rare for Valhalla warriors to question one another's past. But · · · your saga is really amazing. I wonder what kind of world you used to live in. What were you supposed to do? I don't think he was a common warrior. ”

Siri asked me quite seriously. If I didn't have to answer, I was a little young to see if I was serious.

Taeho shrugs, thinking for a moment.

“Er · · · I was actually a world champion. ”

Thinking back to the day he first entered Valhalla, Siri nodded as expected.

“Oh, I see. Somehow, I was faced with a great man. ”

It was clearly a misunderstanding. He must have been thinking about the Duel King or something.

However, instead of solving a misunderstanding, Taeho turned the topic to Siri.

“How was Siri? I thought I overheard you say you were a hunter. ”

Not from S.H.I.E.L.D., but from a hunter. It was definitely something Rolf said.

As soon as he asked Taeho, his eyes became dim, but he said with a smile that seemed to have been made.

“He was an ordinary hunter. Lived alone in a cabin in the woods far from town, hunting things worse than animals and animals. ”

You must have been a human hunter. ’

The text above the head I saw when I first saw Siri.

But he didn't seem to be an ordinary bounty hunter. The expression "witch" appeared frequently in Saga in Syria, and there must have been some irrefutable prophecy.

‘And · · · · · · · · · ·. ’

It was easy to forget, but this was Valhalla. Since only the dead warriors could come, neither Rolf nor Siri would have died at such a young age.

Whether he noticed Taeho's gaze or not, Siri wiped the smile off his face and stretched his shoulders as he added.

“I like Valhalla. I like warriors who genuinely admire others and seek their own strength instead of losing or having a unique mind. I like the joyful comrades who fight together, and I enjoy the present time of fighting to protect Asgard and the Nine Realms. I would like to enter the true paradise that Odin has prepared as late as possible. ”

It was a genuine word. It was a story of wanting to smile together, but Taejo couldn't take the last part lightly.

“A true paradise? ”

“When the warriors of Valhalla die, they become steel warriors. What happens if even the Iron Warrior dies? ”

Bjorn said that that's when he really died. But Siri said something else.

“A true warrior's rest is ready. Only the warriors of Valhalla can enter there. ”

That's how the Valhalla warriors fought bravely. I was as eager to die as I was to die when and how.

Siri smiled.

“When I return this time, I've decided to take Rolf to Enaheim. ”

“Enahaim? With Rolf? ”

“Poor little puppy who broke his promise twice and fell apart like a wretched puppy. Reminds me of my brother. ”

Syria laughed and said, I was quite excited to go to Roll and Enaheim.

‘But if you go with Siri, you won't be able to go where he wants to go. ’

But I changed my mind.

‘No, it's better as a role model. ’

Should I ask Heda to come with me?

It was time for Taeho to continue his delusion for a while. After picking up some food, Syria looked around and said again.

“Tae Ho, it looks like a sign of a great war here. ”

“Isn't that right? ”

Taeho thought the same. Siri nodded again and looked around.

“I've heard that space itself is unstable in the aftermath of a great war. There's some kind of invisible rift in the world. Maybe this is one of those cracks. ”

A shattered world of sky and earth.

It is possible that the magical explosion that broke the Blue Stone, the giant's core, bounced back into an invisible crack.

“Tae Ho, you have special eyes. Did you find anything? ”

“Actually, there is one thing. I'm not sure.”

Before Siri woke up, Taeho looked around with the dragon's eyes for a moment. The dark, red and blue skies as well as the magical powers of the surrounding area were all flowing in one direction. Like the currents.

“I think there might be something at the end of the flow. Maybe too hopeful, but maybe an exit. ”

Taejo points to the far side of the hill.

But that was the moment.

I felt a rushing vibration in my lower back. Taejo, surprised by the vibration much stronger than the vibration of his phone, stood up and watched his waist dance. It was a fragment of a sword that could not be named except for its handle.

Taeho stops trembling as he touches a piece of the sword that doesn't know its name.

Siri, who was equally surprised, stood up and asked.

“Taejo, is this the piece of the weapon you acquired last time? ”

“Yes, but · · · wait. ”

Taking a quick thought, Taejo pulls a piece of the unknown sword from his waist and grabs it in his hand and asks for a short bite.

“Did you just answer that? ”

The answer to the story that there seems to be an exit at that end.

At that moment, the unknown piece of sword vibrates again. Tahoe looks at Siri, and Siri nods.

“This place is as free as any other. This place was full of power during the Great War, so it may have recovered its strength with a lump. Maybe it's like a sword with a legendary ego. Like Freyr's sword flying up and fighting on its own. ”

It was quite a story. Taeho asked the unknown piece of sword again.

“Do you remember anything about yourself? Once if you don't, twice if you don't. ”

The handle was fluttering twice. The memory was incomplete because it was fragmented.

‘I can't talk. ’

However, with simple communication, it was still possible. It was not the Epic Tam for no reason.

Taeho straightens up his thoughts for a moment and asks again.

“If we go out there, there's an exit? ”


I vibrated briefly once.

There was a smile on Siri's face.

Taeho smiled the same. It was because the pieces of the unknown sword were lying, or the knowledge might not be accurate, but even so, the job was the same.

‘It doesn't seem like a lie. ’

Taeho puts the leftovers back into Unnier, then takes a big breath and turns away. Siri was embarrassed and asked.

“Taejo, over there. ”

Taeho knows. But if this place is truly a sign of a great war, there must be something we can do first.

‘The giant has been defeated. Las Grid will take care of the other one, and Valhalla's soldiers will come. ’

After all, it's been a while. If it had been just a minute and a second in the beginning, he would not have even thought of talking to Siri while eating casually.

So we do what we have to do.

The real purpose of coming to Sbart Alphaheim.

[Saga: Dragon's Eye Seeks Everything]

I began to see colorful writing in Taeho's eyes.


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