Valhalla Saga

Valhalla Saga SS # 1 Athenia's Journal

# 1

I don't think I can run anymore.

This is the limit.

What's going on?

Children cry a lot.

I wanted to cry too.

At the entrance to the cave, I crouched and cried a little.

# 2

The chase is persistent.

When you wake up, Cron is gone.

It disappeared along with half of the food shortly after.

Breed says we need to find Cron and kill him. But everyone knew it was nonsense.

The pursuit is approaching.

I had to catch a hungry ship and run away.

# 3

They died in the order of the old and infirm.

I couldn't bury him in the ground or put him on a boat to sea. I couldn't afford a funeral.

Kasbah, Conal, Noisy.

The last blessing on their foreheads was all they could do.

# 4

Breed disappears. She doesn't touch food like Cron, but it's pointless.

As if there was no food left.

Erin's group of survivors is small and weak.

The mighty and powerful warriors who were able to fight the gods are no longer seen.

Tuaha de Danan is all I have left.

The rest of the herd prayed to me.

I wanted to run away like Cron or Breed.

But I couldn't. It's really just me now.

I hugged my children. The children cried a lot.

# 5

I write my journal in a few days. And maybe this will be the last journal.

I made a contract with Bress.

In return for being Breth's slave, you are guaranteed the safety of a small group of survivors.

That was two days ago.

The seal of slavery is engraved on the back of your neck. Bress didn't even give me time to say goodbye. In front of the crying children, something terrible happened.

But I didn't cry. I told them everything was going to be okay now.

The Forwards leave with their children and a group of survivors. The Forwards will join Erin's survivors, catching and raising them like cattle or pigs.

I am now a slave to Breith. I even swore to Giath that I would obey whatever my master says. I had to do whatever he asked me to do.

So I don't want to keep a diary anymore. I said maybe above, but no. I don't want to keep track of the days I've lived as Breth's slave. This is the last diary.

# 6

I don't know how long it's been since I opened my diary.

It doesn't change your mind that you don't want to record the days of your life as Breith 'slave. It was a terrible day to be a slave to Bress.

The owner has changed.

The new owner is the warrior of Valhalla. He was as violent as he was from Asgard, like he was wearing a headband, but still better than Bress.

I worked with him to try to take me away from Bress.

He was a warrior, but he used strange powers.

Oh, and the name was unusual.

Tae Ho Lee.

It's an unusual name. No, that's a weird name.

# 7

I liked Idun's Garrison. I liked the fog too much, but I liked the water temperature just right, once it was wide.

I also liked the griphon that the owner raised, Rollo. He was a very handsome griphon, and he followed me very well. Seeing what he was doing, he seemed very smart.

I also liked Idun and Heda.

In fact, Idun did not meet properly, but he cared a lot about it as if it were a substitute.

Heda is so pretty. All seemed to be beautiful, especially among the beautiful Valkyries.

Apparently the owner likes Heda. It was so awkward to smile like a fool and not know what to do.



# 8

The owner is going to Midgard.

It seemed silly to me that I was excited that I would get many successors because I was full of action.

Heda was shining his eyes to see what was good for him.

That's the eyes of a woman in love.

They kissed before they left.

I think I did it by hiding. · · You have to hide on this narrow island to get there. Rollo saw it. I saw it.




# 9

I was dragged to Midgard rather than eating.

The owners are all good, no, not all good. Anyway, not bad, but this one was bad.

You're too hard on people. Seriously.

I had to fight a very big sea monster, but this was a difficult situation.

I was wondering if I should reveal myself as the goddess of the sea, but Kuulin pressured me to reveal myself secretly.

I can't believe Kuulin remembers me.

Well, I'm a little conspicuous.

Anyway, the owner who noticed me quickly to a strange place noticed me very well. So I just put it all down and tried to reveal my identity. I could have ordered Giath.

But the · · · owner did not use Giath.

Hmph. Who'd have thought I'd be so obsessed with this tactic?

Hmph. Hmph.

The fight was quite difficult. He was hurt pretty bad.

The surprised owner hurriedly sent me back to the garrison when I was injured, but Heda was surprised as well. They're really the same.

Heda was not surprised by my true nature. I knew it from the first moment I met him.

There's been too much going on in the day.

But it wasn't bad.

I've ridden on top of the owner, and I've filled up my quota.

When I saw my true self, I was surprised, and I still remembered the image of the owner whose eyes were bent.

Yeah, I'm pretty, though.


# 10

The owner is a fool and a fool, after all, a bad man.

You called me into the field today without any notice, and, well, wow, that doesn't make any sense even if I think about it now.

Told me to roll. Just rolling sideways into a moving forest.

It was absurd, but it was still the owner's order, so I caved.

It was even more ridiculous that it worked.

What a foolish owner. I almost died today.

I'm glad the owner is alive. I'm glad you didn't get hurt too much.

I wanted to heal myself, but I couldn't because I had to go back.

He's an extremely healthy owner, so he'll be fine.

It's gonna be okay.

# 11

The owner is more than just a bar.

All you have to do is open your mouth. Idun, Heda. Excitement.

It was like something strange was happening every day to promote Idun.

And what I did today was the strangest.

I summoned him to help me in the battle, but I couldn't help but notice.

I was so scared that the owner would get hurt, but I was relieved to see how I could overcome it. It was a little bit cool. Very little.

Anyway, after the battle, I thought I'd heal you, but I begged you to give me a golden apple vision.

What the hell is this guy thinking?

But it was the owner's order · · · No, I listened because it was a request.

The owner loved it, and many of the warriors of Valhalla loved it.

I wasn't proud.

# 12

The owner has brought a new rock support.

It was strange to smile alone, naming him McLaren.

Is there some kind of special meaning to this?

Anyway, McLaren was as good at following me as Rollo. It was cute that I wanted to be my sister.

He's a good boy.

# 13

A duel with Bress unfolds.

And the owner broke Bress.

He avenged us all.

I told him to rest because he was hurt a lot, but he stroked my head and pinched my cheeks.

I never allowed this. Hmph.

However, I felt relieved that I was in good shape enough to do something stupid.

I wanted to stay by your side so I couldn't do anything bigger, but I had to go back.

It's good to see you, Master.

No, it's just like that. It doesn't mean anything. No, really.

What am I saying to the journal?


# 14

Recruits have arrived at the Garrison.

Wow, the odds of the owner working out so well.

However, the warriors didn't know the truth about Idun's troops because they had so much fraud.

Well, you don't have to remind me. They seem to be doing pretty well.

I liked Heda very much. I think so, too.

Because they liked it, I felt good for no reason.

My master is quite capable. Hmph.

Ah, a warrior told me he wanted to ride and scared the hell out of me. What does this make me?

I'm not that easy.

She's a very difficult woman. No, really.

# 15

The owner is a bad guy.

I was so scared. I thought Rollo and McLaren would be summoned to the owner in the yard without Heda and Ragnar, but they all came back dead.

However, the owner did not call me.

After the fight is over, I have to get to safety before I can get help.

I've known him for a long time, but he's always like this. Usually, he wouldn't call me if he was in a really dangerous situation because he was just being bossy. I guessed why.

Idiot. Who asked you to be so considerate?

I hugged the owner and cried a little. A little, really.

I'm glad the owner is alive.

# 16

The owner is a bar.

The Valkyrie creates a very, very strange and lewd saga called the Visited Warrior, and registers Freya there as well.

It was really pathetic to summon fake Freya.

I even called my fake one, but I still see a few corners that are missing. So I had no choice but to bless the owner.

I had no choice.

However, when the foolish owner walked around and blessed him, he bowed his head to Pharaoh, and when I blessed him, he looked at me as if he was standing still and looking at what I was doing.

Oh, really. He's doing it on purpose, on purpose.

But I gave him my blessing. This will strengthen fake adenmaha and increase the chances of its owner surviving the fight ahead.

It's too much of a hassle to change owners now.




Master, you fool.

# 17

Today was an important day.

It was the day the owner officially became the commander of Idun's army.

So I went to the Valkyrie Conquest in my own clothes, and it was hilarious.

However, the owner's reaction was quite good. I thought so, too.

Actually, it was natural. I was a little short. I was really good.

No, really. And actually, he's not that short. Asgardians are strangely large.

At the ceremony, I met a fearsome warrior named Sigurd. I thought my heart stopped when I just met my eyes. He is the most advanced warrior in Asgard. His body is surrounded by an enormous amount of energy.

But it was okay for the master to protect me. I was just staring at Sigurd because I was struggling, but I thought it was killing me even more. I don't want to get hurt. They say he's the strongest warrior in Valhalla.

Still, it was a little bit, a little bit, just cool, knowing it all.

Huh, it was pretty cool today. My Lord.

Do it as usual today.

# 18

Merlin joins the Order of Idun.

Merlin, the Great Wizard of Camelot!

Neither did the Great Witch Skazaha, nor any of Erin's celebrities join the army of Idun. It felt like this.

Do you really think Erin will be resurrected in your hands?

I hope so.

# 19

The master entered a place called the Shadow Tower. It's not a real tower, it's a mental tower, but it's been lying in Skazaha's residence for days.

It was more than you, Skazar, who was cruel to human beaming. I wonder how much you've struggled when you learn mystery.

Today, I went to Skazaha's residence and looked at the owner, but I felt sorry for the way he was screaming while sweating.

But why is the owner always screaming or hedda? I wish you'd call me by my name sometime.

Hmph. Hmph.

Skazaha says he's attacking the tower in a very unusual way. I'm not sure. I just want him back in one piece. Don't get hurt.

# 20

Master came out of the Shadow Tower.

It's been almost 20 days, but he's been in his mind for almost two years.

So it seemed like it had become more gaudy than before. I thought he was taller.

You hugged me with a firm arm as soon as you saw me.

You pervert. What did you do as soon as you met him?

But my breasts were so wide and firm. So was the arm that held me.

I leaned my head against my chest very slightly.

I'm glad you feel healthy.

I would have been perfect if I hadn't been blessed by Scarecrow.

I deliberately blessed where Skazaha had blessed me. No, not deliberately.

The owner smiled and was blessed by Heda.

It's the greatest blessing.


# 21

I went to Barnheim with the owner.

I only heard the story, but my heart was a little nervous because I had never been there before. It's not because you and the owner are going on a trip alone. It's because I can't see it. And Kuulin. Yup.


# 22

I'll protect you.

Ah, ooh, ooh, ah.

My face is still burning. Idiot. What are you talking about? No, I don't know.

Monster bees, called polyps, just came at me, slashed them on a dagger, tightly grabbed me by my waist and said,


I like the owner. Too much.

# 23


The master was jealous because the unicorn showed interest in me. Jealousy. Eh-heh.

You're pretty cute, my lord.

# 24

Master saw me naked.

No, I'm not naked. I heard you got Bragi's runes so you couldn't control the dragon's eyes because the saga was enhanced.

The master didn't know what to do. I couldn't even meet my eyes properly was cute.

I of course had Tae-yeon. Yeah, I did. Honestly, I'm better than Heda. Really. Huh.

Then we did a performance experiment on Bragi's runes.

However, when I asked him to do a performance experiment, the master sincerely spilled his heart to me.

What a beautiful flower.

Hmph, I glanced at the master with a big smile.

She's not that easy to talk to.

I never laughed like an idiot. I didn't blush. Seriously.

Heheheh heh.

# 25

Master has comforted me that Sigrun is afraid.

He's so sweet.

However, Sigrun blushed his face and looked at the master.

You already have two owners. What if he gets hurt? As my senior, I advised my subordinate.

Don't fall for the master.

You notice that Sigrun understands the effects of speaking with a strict face.

Then why does he keep laughing at me? Like someone who saw something cute.

I need to practice making a stiffer face for my dignity as a senior.

# 26

Master is gone.

I didn't feel it.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

He's not dead. I don't think so.

I don't think so.

# 27

I miss my master. I cried a little.

# 28

Master is back.

I knew it. I knew you'd be okay.

I hugged her and cried for a long time. Bastard, do you know how worried I was?

My master must be worried about me, too. Idiot. Worry about yourself.

# 29

My master has brought me a boy named Needhog.

He was taller than Heda, but he was a kid.

In addition, it was hard to explain something about the child who grew up being abused · · · What should I say · · It was a sad impression.

I think I'm starving there, too.

I pretended to be this bright when my master was around, but my eyes can't be deceived. I felt strongly that I was terrified.

What's so scary about it?

I couldn't shake my hand pretending to be close to me. It was a little awkward, but that was it.

I have to take good care of you. I can't help it because I feel like I'm seeing a baby by the water.

# 30

Needhog keeps saying strange things.

Heda can't win. And I'm worth it? How's it going?

I pinched his cheeks, but he knows it's exciting too.

Eventually, I had to hug her again.

# 31

Needhog loved lullabies. No, I just liked everything about being with someone else.

I had less time to be alone with the master since Nidhog arrived, but I couldn't help it.

I felt sorry for Needhog.

I don't know if it's because I've been alone for too long, but Nidhog seems to know a lot about himself. I used to mumble a lot in my sleep.

I cried in my sleep yesterday and said strange things. Needhog himself is trash. It's wrong to be born. I gave him a quick hug. I knew it was a sound in my sleep, but I knew I couldn't hear it anyway, and I kept telling him.

It's not like that. Needhog is not trash. It's not your fault you were born.

He's such a lovely boy.

I pledged my blessing to Nidhog on his forehead.

Latatosk, you're as good as dead.

# 32

First kiss with the owner. Oh, no. So for the first time, I received the greatest blessing.

And with the power of love, I got saga that can transform into a real polyp.

I like the owner so much. I don't think there's anything I can do.

# 33

I met Latatosk. I wanted to kill him half, but I couldn't because of Needhog.

However, the owner and Odin gave me a big scolding.

Needhog looked depressed as he watched Latatosk get sick. Idiot. You're too kind.

It's lame.

I need to keep my head straight.

# 34

I met Hresbelg. He seems to have been mistaken for some sort of evil monster. He seems completely mesmerized by his true nature.

Huh, my Needhog is a sweet, sweet, beautiful boy.

Everyone teaches Hresbelg, and Hresbelg joins the party.

Nidhog looks good in Hresbelg.

Well, Needhog likes everyone who meets him.

# 35

I haven't written a diary for a while.

I was too busy to do that.

You have taken Asgard back.

The Master defeated the Magic King and the Wolf of the World.

As expected of my master.

Savior of Asgard.

Seeing the master sharing the greatest blessing with Heda, I thought a lot. I think it's time to be brave.

# 36

Permission granted.

Heda and Idun gave their permission.

Heda knew this would happen a long time ago. So he had already talked to Idun and concluded in his own way.

You seem to have forgotten everyone but me, but I was your slave. Other than that, there was a lot going on.

Heda must have thought I was the one to be held accountable.

However, there were conditions.

It was said to be good at keeping an eye on it, because it can never be done again.

Absolutely not. Never again.

Keep your eyes peeled.

# 37

Work ran out of bounds.

Just to conclude, it's Olympus now.

Our connection to Asgard has been severed and we need to save Olympus by fighting the 12-week Olympus, which is dominated by those who wish to be destroyed.

Really, ha, ha, ha.

It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. I have you. I have you.

I will protect my master with my life.

Needhog, of course.

# 38

Needhog has succeeded in making his first move.

You tried so hard, and you finally did it.

Needhog looks like he's about to cry, rolling around and grinning.

# 39

I shared a deep hug with the owner using the right of desire.

Your scent.

I love it.

Knng, knng.

Knng, knng, knng.

# 40

I haven't written another journal in a while. I couldn't afford it.

Master has become lord of Asgard.

The Lord in the Lord's place is great, and Odin is proud to give up the Lord's seat beforehand.

Since Master came to Olympus, there has been a great increase in sharing Saga's blessings with the goddesses as an excuse.



But we're keeping an eye on him.

The greatest blessing will be mine alone. Hmph.

# 41

Ekidna, an ancient dragon of Olympus, joins the new party.

A woman who hates you.

She says she keeps seeing me. No, I don't.

She's a strange woman.

Ugh, I want to share the greatest blessing with the owner. I want to smell you.

What am I saying?

# 42

The fight at Olympus is over.

But the visiting festival of frenzy. It's named after Kuulin, which is perfect.

There were too many goddesses like the Angaljin Thief Cat who wanted to give the master the greatest blessing.

Goddess of Olympus!

Heda and I opened our eyes and watched.

After it was over, I wanted to be with the master, but I couldn't do it because of Heda from afar.

Needhog is looking for HYDRA more than I am these days.


# 43

The master resurrected Erin.

Immediately afterwards, urgent things followed and I couldn't enjoy myself enough.

I cried for a while after things got sorted out. If I see Needhog, I'll cry with him, so I'll be alone in plain sight.


My hometown, which I once lost.

I like the owner so much.

# 44

Needhog regains his original strength.

As Auduran's predecessor, you are reborn as the Black Dragon who guards Asgard.

It was extraordinary. Despite all the hard work, I've been stuck alone for so long.

I hugged Needhog several times, who blamed no one and pledged to protect everyone.

Needhog smiles widely. I smiled at Needhog like that, but I cried without knowing it.

I think I've been crying a lot lately.

That was good, though. Good for you, Needhog. Thank you, Needhog.

# 45

I was furious since morning.

My back aches while I'm angry.

Idun, you're scary.

Back · · · · · · · ·.

I thought of one thing in my mind. It's still a secret. I won't write it down here either.

# 46

I want to get out of my back. Let me out of here.


Ugh, I'm embarrassed to reconsider. I'm so embarrassed.

But it worked great. Really!

The owner looked at me very lovably.

Your pervert, idiot.


I really thought my back was broken. No, maybe it's broken. I couldn't move when I woke up this morning.

You're amazing, you're amazing!

I couldn't sleep, but I wasn't tired at all. No, actually, I'm dying. My whole body seems to be broken, not just my back.


Eh-heh, heh-heh.


We should use it next time.

Your pervert.

I love it.Please let me back out next time. Worse is fine.


What am I saying?

That's fine.

Heheheh heh.

# 47

The battle for the destiny of Asgard and the Nine Realms is at hand.

We're all set.

I did everything I could.

I lost my back.

Well, I ate and recovered from the golden apple.

I purposely said something mild, but I still can't calm down.

Honestly, I'm scared.

But you have to be brave. Don't be afraid.

The Master is with us. With him, we can do anything.

I slept with Needhog in my arms at night. Needhog told me not to worry, he'll protect you.

That was amazing. Nice Needhog. My baby.

It's gonna be okay.

It will continue.

I believe.

The journal ended there. It was the last page in the diary.

I was unable to write the journal, nor did I stop writing the journal.

In fact, she was still writing a diary in her new diary.

Needhog blinked several times after he came to look for a sketchbook in Athenmaha's room and accidentally found the diary and read it openly, thinking it was a sketchbook.

There were a lot of things in Athens' diary that I didn't know. It was hard to read because there were so many letters without beautiful pictures like a picture book. I couldn't take my eyes off her for some reason. Aden Maha's handwriting was round and pretty.

Needhog nods once again after reading the latter several times and then covers Athenmaha's diary.

Since it is Nidhog who does not know the fact that he should not look at other people's journals, he made a commitment to ask Adnemaha what he does not know later.

And one more thing.

How many times did Adenmaha emphasize that it was effective for Master Taeho?

“Can you let me out of here? Let me out of here. ”

Needhog mutters a few times, then smiles widely.

I should try it on my master. I think it would be great if Aden Maha said it was the best.

Needhog, who was feeling better, left Adenmaha's room singing a nostril.

And that night.

The garrison was destroyed in the bombing speech of Nidhog, who had taken it out of everyone's dinner table.

# 48

Who the hell taught him that?

If they catch you, you're dead!



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