Valhalla Saga

Chapter 7 - Valkyrie # 5


“So, you rode into a dragon fight on Las Grid? ”

“Yes, there is a dragon's wingsuit. ”

As soon as I entered the small room designated as the place to visit, Taeho first solved the misunderstanding. Hearing all of Tahoe's stories, Hedha said as if passing by.

“That's amazing.”

I can't believe Las Grid put a lowly warrior on his back. It was hard to imagine for Hedar to know his usual Las Grid.

However, Taeho, who doesn't know the English language, tilted his head and asked.

“Dragon wings? ”

“No, not that. ”

Heda shakes his head slowly and frowns moderately instead of talking longer. Taeho looks at Heda strangely, but then he asks something else.

“Hey, Heda. Does Heda have dragon wings? ”

“No, I only have swan wings. Dragon Wings are more precious than Eagle Wings. ”

‘Too bad.’

The performance of the dragon wings was really great. They were clothes that could literally transform into dragons. It wasn't like I wanted to ride a heda transformed into a dragon.



“No, it's just... ”

Even Heda didn't dig any deeper as Taejo was moderately preoccupied. Instead, I asked him something else, just like Tae Ho did.

“How are you feeling? Sounds like a big fight to me. ”

“Uh, that's the truth. ”

Taeho, a blurry horse, dragged the pouch on his waist and showed it to Heda. Of course it was an empty pocket.

Hearing more about what happened in battle, Heda raised his voice to the point where he ate the pieces of golden apples at once.

“Oh my God! Are you sure you're okay? ”

Heda hurriedly checks his condition as he approaches Taeho. Fortunately, no major abnormalities were seen. No, it was health itself.

“I ate all the pieces of the golden apple at once. Oh, and Heda's blessing. ”

Taeho grins, pointing to Idun's necklace and his forehead.

“Ha, really. ”

After a few steps back, Heda vomits a breath of relief, and opens her empty pockets from Tahoe.

“I'm going to have to get some more. ”

It was obviously a piece of a golden apple. Taejo looks at Heda's face and asks.

“Isn't that too much? ”

A piece of a golden apple was really precious. But Heda shakes his head.

“The Valkyrie is too much for the only warrior in charge. No matter how precious it may be, it just means something. Someone who needs it. Isn't that right?”

If the other Valkyries had heard, it would have been an uproar right away, but Heda truly thought so.

“Anyway, I guess I ate it all at once, so I feel fine. He won't be able to sleep for three days. I lost a lot of stamina. ”

“I see.”

I fought all day and even though the night was deep, I did not feel tired at all. I thought it would be the same even if I just got wet like this.

‘Obviously, it's not a normal item. ’

not only brought him back from the brink of death, but also this add-on.

Heda gladly looked at Taejo's admiration alone, applauding with a loud clap.

“Then let's go to class. ”


“It is the duty of the Valkyrie. ”

Whether they had banquets or not, I couldn't waste precious visiting time.

Heda, who snapped his head, pointed out the most important part of being a professional teacher.

“You said the synchronization rate went up a lot, right? ”

“Yes, it's already 13%. ”

“Have you learned anything new? ”

“I feel like every Saga has a different level of completeness. Immortal warriors have 13%, but the rush of warriors is like a storm, so it should feel more than 20-30%. ”

“Well, that's a fairly promising story. The great saga, the Immortal Warrior, is filled with small saga below. ”

There was no law that required synchronization rates to be applied collectively. And in the beginning, each saga had a different length and fame. It was rather odd that it was applied collectively.

“Did Saga change with the higher completeness? ”

“I feel like I have a little extra power. ”

The dragon's eye can see more, and the warrior's galloping wind accompanies it. The Warrior's Sword will now be able to make a weapon stronger than Runfang's.

“I'm looking forward to completing. ”

Taeho nods as well. Unlike Heda, he could only guess when each saga was completed. What I'm particularly excited about is the sprint of the warrior.

‘Cause Carlstead was literally a storm that day. ’

It wasn't just the wind. The Saga's galloping warriors were more powerful than a storm.

Heda smiles again gladly as his strength grows in Taeho's eyes.

“Any news on the new company? ”

“I have a blank. But I'm also thinking about saving it. I think the price you can create is also affected by synchronization rates. ”

When the synchronization rate was less than 5%, it was impossible to create saga like the dragon whisperer. I didn't know what the criteria were yet, but it felt vague and unclear whether I could do it when I tried to make it.

Heddo nods.

“Well, if you listen to the story, you've overcome the crisis thanks to the dragon master. It wouldn't be bad to make an instant necessity unless we had one right now. ”

It was the same story as the last visit, but both were reasonable.

“But think about it. Okay?"

“Of course.”

This side of the problem was specialized in professional gamer Lee Tai-ho.

Heda nods, satisfied with Taeho's cool answer.

“Okay, then let's settle this. You made a lot of runes, didn't you? ”


Taeho smiles as if to quickly check it out. Heda swallows a dry saliva as if in advance, then puts his palm on Taeho's chest.

“Wow, really. ”

A smile spread over Heda's face. Taejo has nearly four times more runes than the last time he checked.

Even though I shared a rune with all of the Giants who defeated them together, it was this much. Moreover, the runes were not the only ones that Taeho got.

“There's also a special rune, how do you use it? ”

Among the runes you acquired this time, there is a green rune. And that's the real reason why I smiled.

“It's a fast rune. Accumulating it will strengthen its properties, making it useful for using Rune Magic or Saga. This is property of the earth. ”

“Oh, attribute. How many are there? ”

“Nine in total. Earth, fire, wind, water, lightning, light, darkness, life, death. ”

Heda, who listed the attributes one by one, spread his palm and whispered a small murmur. Then a green rune appeared on the palm of Heda's hand.

“A stronger attribute can also reflect that attribute. The Earth's Trait has something to do with health or so-called defensive strength. ”

It was a reasonable story. The Giant against this one was really tough.

“Anyway, that's a good thing. ”

“Yes, precious places, too. ”

Heda nods quickly as Taejo gives a short nod.

“And · · · Hey, Taehoya. Bundle runes this time, can you spare some money instead of investing all of them? ”

“Do you have something you need? ”

“Yeah, I was thinking about learning Rune Magic. It's good to increase your abilities right now, but there are many useful Rune Magic. ”

Heda wasn't asked to be a wizard at all. Taeho nods as he readily understands Heda's words.

“It would be great if you could learn a little extra. You can't get used to it here, can you? ”

“I think I need a ritual or a procedure. Come back to the army later and I'll teach you. ”

“Yes, please. ”

After Taeho accepted, Heda started talking about how many runes he was going to leave immediately. After distributing the rest of the runes equally, Heda vomits for a long time before clearing his face.

“That's all for now. Let's talk about our career. ”

"You're a schoolteacher. ’

Of course, none of the teachers in Taeho's school were like Hedha.

‘If he had, he would have gone to Seoul University. ’

“What's the matter? ”

“No, let's do it. Career counseling.”

When Taeho suddenly showed his enthusiasm, Heda tilted his head for a moment, but then he started talking again.

“When you return this time, Taeho, you will be promoted to a lesser warrior. What it takes to be a lesser warrior is a certain amount of skill and rune accumulation, but you've already surpassed your requirements. ”

“No escalation exams? ”

“Not when I'm climbing lower levels. Earning lessons and collecting runes for promotion is a test. ”

‘Well, that would be even weirder if I took a written exam or an interview. ’

Taeho smiles, thinking of the Valhalla warrior sitting at his desk for a moment to solve the test paper. The same was true of the interview.

When Taeho smiled, Heda smiled without me knowing it, and continued the story again.

“Perhaps there are some who will rise to the ranks of lesser warriors on this return. They're your motives. ”

All I could think about was Brackey. In the Black Fortress invasion, he built a bigger ball than Taejo, and this time he also built a revolutionary ball to defeat the Giants.

“The next battlefield is most likely with them. Some were promoted elsewhere, of course, and some were lower warriors, so many of them would still have stranger faces, but it would still be better than this. ”

Do you think you'll still be able to see Captain Siri? ’

At first, I wanted to stay with Rolf.

“Do you have any comrades you'd like to join? ”


“It's going to work. Having face-to-face with you on this battlefield means you've done enough. ”

He was right again. Moreover, he was not the lowest ranking warrior on the expedition for the first time, like Taeho. There should also be runes that you have built and accumulated before, so this time you could be promoted to a lesser warrior.

“Well, then we're done with the career talk. ”

“Well done.”

After making a bit of a prank greeting, Heda suddenly made a difficult face instead of saying that he would end the visit or give blessings as usual.

“Oh, by the way. ”


“Just in case · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Heda looks around for a moment and whispers to Taeho.

“Even if Las Grid seduces you, you can't go into Odin's army. Okay?"

Taejo's eyes widen in a voice mixed with a slight eagerness and shyness.

“Can you move your troops? ”

“Oh, no. Not normally. Except that Las Grid is a Valkyrie and highly regarded by Odin himself. You can force it. ”

‘I don't think so. ’

It's not anyone else's. It's Las Grid. I couldn't imagine her breaking the rules.

“Anyway, okay? ”

Heda grips Taeho's hand and says. It seemed to care more than I thought.

But I didn't have to worry. From Taeho's point of view, I had no reason to move to Odin's army.

‘There are many advantages to Idun's troops. ’

I saved my life twice because of Idun's blessing. The golden apple pieces were also received as an army of Idun, and more importantly, there was Hedha in Idun's army.

However, Taejo nods immediately, but he says something else.

“Just watching you do it. ”

Suddenly, Heda opened his eyes wide, but smiled to see if he had read Taeho's mind.

“Then there shouldn't be any problem. ”

She straightens her head and kisses Taeho on the forehead. It was Heda's blessing to save Tae Ho's life even once.

“May Idun's blessings be with you. ”

Taeho said the same, and the visit that day was organized that way.

And a week later, the expedition that left to retake the Black Fortress returned to Valhalla.

Taeho has returned to Idun's army.

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