USSR 1941

Chapter 465: 82nd Infantry Regiment

   Chapter 465 82nd Infantry Regiment

   "Yes, I'm Shulka!" Shulka replied: "You came just in time. If it was later, I might be shot by them as a spy!"

  The militiamen couldn't help being stunned... To be precise, they were not militiamen, but soldiers from the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

   Shulka went to the peaked cap and asked: "Comrade Valery, can you give me back my rifle and papers?"

   "Oh, of course, Comrade Shulka!" Valery hurriedly untied the rifle from behind, and even pointed the muzzle at Shulka when he handed it over.

  Shuerka shook his head secretly. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no bullet in the gun, he would probably die from a misfire right now.

   "What's going on?" The coachman is an officer, and his rank is not low. In the moonlight, he can be seen as a captain.

  He parted the militia, then saluted Shulka, and reported: "I am Andrianka, staff officer of the 82nd Infantry Regiment. Sorry, I am late!"

   Smelling the smell of alcohol coming out of the staff officer's mouth, Shulka knew why he was late.

  Shuerka raised his head towards Valery: "There are still documents!"

   "Oh, yes, of course!" Only then did Valery come to his senses, and hurriedly took out the ID from his pocket and handed it back to Shulka.

  Shuerka didn't say anything, he just followed Andrianka into the carriage, and then let Andrianka skillfully swung the whip to turn the carriage around, and then drove in another direction with a yell.

   At this time, Shulka's heart was broken. The soldiers of an infantry regiment didn't even have military uniforms, and the vehicle that came to pick up the deputy commander was a carriage.

   Shulka thought this army would be bad, but he didn't expect it to be this bad.

  What Shulka didn't expect was that this "bad" impression was just the beginning.

  The carriage drove in the snow for about an hour before arriving at the destination, which was the barracks of the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

Shulka is almost frozen... A carriage and a jeep are two different things. In a jeep, you only need to close the windows to keep out the wind and rain. There is also the heat from the engine inside the car, so you can sleep comfortably in the car Neither is a big deal.

   But the carriage... Not to mention the wind from all sides, the snowflakes can float directly on your body and then laminated on top of each other. Shulka, who is not used to it, can only shiver with cold on it.

   After finally reaching the barracks, when the carriage stopped, Shulka couldn't wait to jump out of the carriage and stretch his almost stiff hands and feet.

   "Here comes the regimental headquarters, Comrade Shulka!"

  Shuerka couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, the cabin in front of him turned out to be the regiment headquarters.

  If the 82nd Regiment is fighting on the front line, it is understandable that the regiment headquarters is located in a log cabin, after all, it should be inconspicuous on the front line.

   But here is Uryupinsk, far from the front line.

  The 82nd Infantry Regiment is fully qualified to live in a better house and have better conditions.

   There were only two guards in regimental headquarters... In fact, Shulka wasn't sure if they were guards or orderlies, as they were busy boiling water in front of the stove.

   Seeing Shuerka come in, two guards hurried up to salute, and then excitedly said:

   "Welcome, Comrade Shulka!"

   "Nice to meet you, Comrade Shulka! We heard you're coming to us as Deputy Commander... so exciting!"

   "It was great to meet you in person, we've heard so many stories about you!"

   "Comrade leader always reprimands us for your affairs!"


   "You should pour Comrade Shulka a cup of hot tea!" Andrianka interrupted the guard impatiently.

"Oh yes!"

   As he spoke, the guard hurriedly brought Shulka a cup of hot tea.

   Shulka really needed this, because he was almost frozen, and the temperature of the hot tea made him feel that he had finally recovered from this cold world.

   Taking a deep breath, Shulka looked around and asked: "Where is the commander, Comrade Andrianka?"

   "He went hunting!" Andrianka replied: "I think he's almost back by now!"

   "Hunting?" Shulka couldn't help being puzzled.

"Yes, hunting!" Andrianka put his hands on the flame and said thoughtfully, "I think you should have a little understanding of the 82nd Infantry Regiment, or the 3rd Army before coming here. Come on, Comrade Shulka!"

   "Not much!" Shulka replied.

   "We are a forgotten army, Comrade Shulka!" Andrianka replied, and then stopped talking, just adding wood to the fire one by one.

   Shulka knew what this meant.

  Bryansk Front Army, a unit that was almost completely wiped out, they were either killed in battle, captured, or rebelled. According to the definition of Order No. 270, they escaped alive...

   As a result, this army will become a cannon fodder army. They receive the least supplies and resources, and they will be sent to the battlefield to kill them during wartime. This is not much different from the "punishment battalion" in the middle and late stages.

  Suddenly, Shulka understood why the group leader went hunting, because they had no food to entertain the guest Shulka.

  At this time, a gust of cold wind blew, and several people came in from the door. The leader was a major. As soon as he entered the door, he exclaimed excitedly: "Good luck, Andrianka, we have shot a wild wolf!"

   "Comrade Commander!" Andrianka said: "Comrade Shulka has arrived!"

  Shuerka hurried up to greet him, stood up and saluted: "Captain Shurka, this is my letter of appointment!"

"Welcome, Comrade Shulka!" The head of the regiment left the wild wolf, wiped his hands on the military uniform nervously, then held Shulka's hand tightly, and said, "You know what? I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that they would send you here as the deputy head!"

   "Yes!" Andrianka said: "They only informed us a few hours ago, and the head of the regiment immediately went up to the mountain with a gun to hunt!"

   "Fortunately, I didn't return empty-handed!" The leader laughed: "We can have a full meal tonight!"

   "Thank you very much, Comrade Commander!" Shulka said.

   This is indeed a very special way of welcome.

  The head of the regiment invited Shulka to the side, and then said in a low voice: "Although I don't know the reason! But I told the soldiers that the superior sent you here because he planned to rectify the troops!"

   Shulka nodded in understanding.

  The head of the regiment is obviously a veteran. He knows that it is obviously not a good thing for Shulka to be transferred from the 1st Guards Tank Brigade to serve as the deputy head of this stupid and similar "punishment battalion".

   But if Shulka's reputation can be used to boost morale and even make them think that their superiors have not abandoned them, that would of course be a good thing.

  So, Shulka thought that perhaps he should take on this role and reorganize the troops.

  (end of this chapter)

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