USSR 1941

Chapter 295: transfer

  Chapter 295 Transfer

   The 4th Tank Brigade should really hurry up, because there are only six days left when they discuss this plan.

  And these six days... they have to wait for the Germans to be fooled, and at least give them some time to go deep into the minefield after the Germans are fooled.

  So Major Zakhakovic did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to Zhukov and filed an application.

   Zhukov did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to the plan.

   After all, as Shulka said, if the Fourth Tank Brigade must attack Tula, it will be a matter of time before the Germans expose their strength.

The plan of using the Shulka to "display the enemy's weakness" is only to expose its strength a few days earlier. District stormed Moscow.

  Comparing the two, of course, the latter is more beneficial to the Soviet army.

  Therefore Zhukov did not hesitate, and immediately approved Major Zakhakovic's request, and instructed: "Make preparations for transfer immediately, and act tonight!"

   "Tonight?" Major Zakhakovic couldn't help being puzzled.

   In his mind, if he wants to "show the enemy weak", he should act during the day, so that it is more likely that the German spies will find out and then report...

  But Zhukov did not hesitate, he firmly ordered: "Yes, tonight!"

   After hearing the order, Shulka secretly praised Zhukov in his heart. Zhukov is worthy of being Zhukov.

   Germans are not stupid, if you want them to be fooled you better have a good reason and try to be stealthy.

  If the training is carried out during the day as Major Zahakavic thinks, the German army will soon discover the doubts:

  The Russian army clearly knows that there are many spies in Moscow, why is it still training during the day to expose the shortcomings of its tanks?

  The 4th Tank Brigade mostly fought night battles with the German armored forces. Why did they train during the day?

  The 4th Tank Brigade has been hiding its whereabouts before, why did it suddenly expose itself at this time?


  All the doubts are combined, and they can easily get the answer: this is a scam carefully set up by the Russians.

   On the contrary, if the Soviet army tried hard to prevent spies from discovering, it can even be said that the more secretive it is, the more the German army will believe it.

   Of course, it cannot be kept secret to the extent that German spies cannot get information.

   Zhukov did a good job at this point.

  He used the workers' independent battalion to be responsible for the security of the fourth tank brigade.

  The use of the workers' independent battalion does not mean that they have good military qualities, but that their composition is particularly simple compared to the civil defense division and even the army.

  The civil defense division was organized from civilians other than workers, and there were so many people that German spies could easily get mixed up in it.

  The army seems to be at ease, but because of being captured and instigated in the battle, there are actually many spies mixed in the army, and it is difficult to distinguish these spies. What's more embarrassing is that they don't even dare to tell the difference...

  The reason why they dare not argue, on the one hand, may be that these spies themselves have power in the hands of military officers. On the other hand, it is the aftermath of the excessive review of the troops by political workers... Internal review during wartime will affect morale and even mutiny.

   On the contrary, it is the workers. These proletarians are registered one by one. Everyone has recorded their origin, work experience and performance in detail. It is much more difficult for German spies to get involved than other troops.

  Of course, this will also attract the attention of German spies: what kind of action would require the workers' independent battalion to be in charge of vigilance.

   You must know that this is a time when supplies are in short supply in Moscow. The Workers’ Independent Battalion claims that the Independent Battalion is actually still producing weapons and ammunition for the Soviet army day and night, and only spares time for training during breaks.

  But now, they actually put down their labor to serve as a security mission for a barracks.

  So, it immediately attracted the attention of spies.

  The fourth tank brigade was transferred after the martial law was enforced after the sky darkened.

   Of course, not all tanks transfer...

  T34 only transferred 17 vehicles.

   This is the result of discussions between Major Zakhakovic and Shulka and other officers.

  Too few tanks will arouse the suspicion of the enemy. If there are too many tanks, such as a dozen or so, then it is not much different from the 31 tanks owned by the Fourth Tank Brigade, and there is little point in concealing them.

  So we finally ordered 17 vehicles, not too many and not too few. After a few battles, this number is almost the only one left according to the consumption ratio.

   Then, the minesweeper tank did not move.

   This is the secret weapon of the 4th Tank Brigade. If it is transferred to the new barracks, it will leak the real strength and possibly more useful information to the German army.

   There is one more point that Zhukov specifically requested.

   "Comrade Shulka must be transferred!" Zhukov said: "With him, the spies will be sure that it is the main force of the Fourth Tank Brigade!"

   This almost caused Shulka to spurt a mouthful of blood onto the ceiling.

   But this seems to make some sense... If the "breakout hero" is not there, does it mean that this is only part of the 4th Tank Brigade?

  So, that night, Shulka took his subordinates in a car and followed the tank to the new barracks.

  This barracks is also near the train station, about 17 minutes away from the train station... This is the standard of the fourth tank brigade, and it is only possible to move quickly if it is close to the train station.

  Training starts immediately after arriving at the new barracks.

  The training is really good, but the situation is a bit strange, the first one is T26 instead of T34... Needless to say what this means, T26 actually does not represent T26, but a mine-sweeping tank.

  The news spread to von Borkna very quickly.

  At this time, Bock was very anxious about the plight of the German army.

  Most of the soldiers did not have winter equipment. The German Supreme Command had always believed that the battle would be over before winter came. But now it was winter, and heavy snow kept falling from the sky like goose feathers and piling up on the ground, but the end of the war was still far away.

  Germany realized that things were not optimistic until late autumn, and hurriedly started producing winter clothes.

  However, Germany's production capacity is obviously unable to meet the huge demand on the front line in the short term.

  So... the German army could only send out a call for donations of winter clothes to the whole country, and then loaded them into vehicles regardless of style or material and sent them to the front line.

  But because the transportation system has been severely damaged, the transportation needs a long period.

  So the soldiers on the front line can only show their talents to meet the winter of the Soviet Union.

  Such as stuffing newspapers into clothes, socks snatched from common people, and even women's thick skirts.

   At this moment, the staff sent a telegram to Bork, saying: "Your Excellency Marshal, I think you need to see this!"

  (end of this chapter)

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