The Wang capital has a labyrinth.

A lot of scholars are looking into what that strange space is that entrance appears all over the world, but they don't really know what it is. If you take it to many ordinary people, there is an entrance somewhere on the ground, and they only have about the knowledge that it is the labyrinth that stretches deep underground and everywhere.

Some of them are demons that don't appear on earth. By hunting for that demon, you can gain the energy known as Experience to increase the level.


By raising it, humans can be explosively stronger in individuals. Although there are caps, if we raise the level, humans can grow enough to be considered evolutionary in a generation.

There are life-threatening risks, but we can expect more returns. That's why people can gather in places with labyrinths and towns.

The labyrinth in this king's capital is no exception.

Wang Du relies on the labyrinth because of its origins. It has thrived by hunting the demons there, using the energy collected and obtaining materials derived from the labyrinth.

Anyway, the labyrinth sleeps with the only precious resource there is. The experience gained when defeating demons can also be converted as pure energy.

Those who dive into labyrinths not under the control of those countries and live with materials and so on are called adventurers.

One carriage stopped in front of the Adventurer Guild, which is also its entrance.

It was Lil, a lame and reckless young lady, who came down from it. Two draped forward from the shoulder and three on the back for a total of five. Stand on your own feet on a round trip shaking a vertical roll that attracts attention even if you don't like it as usual.

"Absolutely not. I didn't think I was going to make out with the bitch on my own."

Lil, who got off the carriage, leaks bumps and complains.

The place where the Adventurer Guild reception is located is directly connected to the entrance to the labyrinth. It's in Lower Town, albeit on Main Street. It's not the kind of place your lady would visit by herself. For Lil, who has lived a long time around her as a noble person, walking alone in a place like this was just uncomfortable.

But Lil has no idea. He has no fear.

"Well, there you go."

Keep an eye on the entrance to the Adventurer Guild and try to take a step forward.

There is only a short distance from the point of disembarkation from the carriage to the entrance to the Adventurer Guild. Just a short walk that far.

"Um, building..."

I know where it is. There is nothing wrong with my body. There must be nothing wrong with that.

But Lil's legs didn't move like they stuck to the ground.

At the Adventurer Guild at the end of Lil's gaze, many of the adventurers used to come and go.

The pressure makes me stand up as if it were gold plated and covered the surface of the lil. The armor that was usually covered with unfounded self-esteem peeled off, and the only slightly facetious heart made Lil's legs stop just a little.

Weakness plugged in.


Lil stops and stares at the entrance to the Adventurer Guild and thinks.

Seeing and thinking about the sight of fully armed, bent men, or men and women forming a detachment party, hiccups in and out.

I wonder if I'm trying to do something very stupid.

It was a miraculously common sense thought for Lil.

It was just strength and momentum that Lil took to this point. It was an unfounded intention that could have been made into a lila of civilian birth and that it could not have been done by itself, the noble person who was born. I was just moving on with rough emotions. As a matter of fact, I knew that if I couldn't do anything on my own, I wouldn't be an adventurer. Even in deep psychology, I knew Lil was unconscious.

So if nothing happened, I would have stood still and returned to the apartment I had been given after a while. He should have said something about bumps and an excuse to deceive himself and returned to a home where he could live a safe life without fighting, without hurting, without putting his life in danger.

But that didn't happen.

"... ahhh"

A groaning little voice entered Lil's ear.

There was a girl at the entrance to the guild.

He must have come in from some country. Lightly dirty brown looking hair with rough, blurry clothes. The only weapon I had was an old, unreliable straight sword stuck to my hips.

It was pitiful for such a girl to grate near the entrance to the guild.

Obviously, it's even more pitiful than the unconsciously frightened lil.

To that appearance, Lil regains his self-esteem.

Humph snorts, dare to snap and footsteps and approach the girl.

"What are you doing?


When I spoke, I stunned my shoulders like it was funny.

Decide whether it is fifteen or there. A younger girl than Lil slammed her hands and feet, supposing she did. The look was even comical.

"Oh, that! I was probably wrong…………………."

"Fine, just come in. I'm going in there, too. If you stop there, you're in the way."

"Uh, uh, uh, hey."

Even if Lil encourages it, it's a trick.

I'm nervous. The first place I saw it, the place I set foot in, I was scared and trembled.

Until just now Lil was in the same condition, but of course there's no way she would admit that herself.

"You must have been in the labyrinth, too, right? Didn't you come to be an adventurer?

"Oh, that's right! Yes it is................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Then we'll just go through the entrance there. It'll be easy."

"But, uh, the... is it really here?

"…… at all. If you can't do one simple thing like that, follow me."

Lil sighed loudly at the girl who was still treading on her feet even after urging her to do so.

Standing alone in a strange place makes me feel dull, but if there's someone next door looking at me, it's a human personality named Lil who doesn't look good and break his grandeur.

So Lil, conscious of the girl's gaze, strains her chest. I don't see how I was hesitant until just now, but I walk grandly and gracefully as if that were the front door of my house.

"Even you, cowardly, will be able to follow behind people."

Breast up with great authority, rocking your vertical roll and knocking at the door.

"……… Wow."

The girl who saw its back slowly opened her eyes.

Stretch out your spine straight, rock a flashy vertical roll, and step into the majestic and rough ones. It was Lil's unfounded self and ignorance, and his superiority and vanity for something smaller than himself that made it possible.

In what was praised, never.

It's just that for this worldless girl, that fearless back looked so big.

The swinging vertical roll was sparkling and vivid as if the girl was worth more than gold.

"Wow...... beautiful"

"What are you doing? Come on in."

"Ha, yes!

To Lil's call, the girl hurries back to me and chases her blinding back.

It's just a mistake that the girl saw it as light. I saw a fake glow. It's a mistake.

But the thoughts the girl had were real.

With a burning seedfire of thoughts on her chest, the girl stepped into the guild of adventurers.

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