Urban Super Doctor

Chapter 25: How long can it last?

(Thank you old friend Tsui Dongjie for the great reward! Thank you very much! Stay up late tonight and make another chapter! Continue three more tomorrow! Also please other book friends who have red votes and black votes, please remember to help vote Come on! Special support during the new book period!)


"You let me come!"

Ye Xiu stared straight at the wounded on the operating table, staring at the various data displayed on the front instrument, and while talking, his figure had already moved directly from the assistant to Zhao Ruobing.

His mood is a bit solemn.

The situation of the wounded right now was indeed so serious that he was beyond his expectation. The probability of death was very high, and it could even be said that he was already on the line of death.

You come?

Looking at Ye Xiu, who was staring straight at the wounded on the operating table, walking towards him with a solemn expression, Zhao Ruobing's eyes lit up for a moment, but immediately, it dimmed again. Ye Xiu's medical skills, It's really good. It can be said that she is the medical genius she met in her life. At the same time, she has studied orthopedics and heart surgery to the point of extreme proficiency, but even if he is genius, it is impossible to be proficient in all fields. It is impossible to even liver, spleen and kidney. Master these too!

Moreover, even if he is truly genius to an incomparable level, and even understands these fields, what can he do at this point? Don't talk about him, even if the top domestic experts are here, I am afraid there is no way, right?

"Is it necessary?"

Zhao Ruobing didn't let go of the position directly, but looked at Ye Xiu.

"I said, at this time, there is no need to be strong anymore."

"That's right, this is the case now, why do we need to do useless credit to torture the injured?"


The other doctors also all persuaded.

They all felt that Ye Xiu was too much trouble. After the operation, everything was obvious. At this moment, what can he still do?

"My teacher once told me that you can never give up until the last minute! So, I want to give it a try!"

Ye Xiu ignored the words of those doctors, but looked at Zhao Ruobing very seriously.

Zhao Ruobing looked at Ye Xiu's face with a serious expression. In the end, he nodded and gave way.

Ye Xiu didn't hesitate at all, so he walked up directly and started to act.

Does this guy really think he is a god!

I want to see what he can do!

Seeing that Ye Xiu refused to listen to their persuasion and insisted on standing up and continuing the operation at this time, and saying those magnificent words and never giving up until the end, the hearts of the doctors in the operating room were all for a while. Unhappy, each of them showed a gloating look on their faces, waiting to see Ye Xiu's jokes, waiting to see Ye Xiu's tossing, and finally accepting his defeat.

They didn't even think that Ye Xiu might be able to save the patient back even if it was one in ten thousand.

They didn't even think that under such circumstances, Ye Xiu would have any way to save people.

They all felt that Ye Xiu had only deliberately said some magnificent things and showed them in front of Zhao Ruobing, the iceberg goddess.

Although Ye Xiu is indeed very good, both orthopedics and heart surgery performed very superbly, but now the next rescue is not in these two fields!

Could it be that he could even perform operations in other fields?

This is simply impossible!

Zhao Ruobing didn't have any hope for Ye Xiu either. The reason she nodded and agreed to Ye Xiu and asked Ye Xiu to try it was only because the words Ye Xiu said earlier and the look in Ye Xiu's eyes touched her. That's it.

From Ye Xiu's body, she saw the shadow of herself before. She thought that Ye Xiu was just like her when she first came to Lu and became a doctor. There is no way to accept the failure of the operation and the death of the patient... …

That's why she asked Ye Xiu to try it, let Ye Xiu grow up, and learn to accept failure. Anyway, the situation was already so bad that she let Ye Xiu try it out and give him a chance to grow...

Ye Xiu ignored their reaction. The moment he stood in front of the operating table, his mind was completely focused on the wounded. He first carefully observed various data, and then looked at the wounded’s condition. .

"Doctor Zhang, if you think of a way, how long can you keep the vital signs?"

Ye Xiu looked at Doctor Zhang, the anesthesiologist, with full of hope.

Any experienced surgeon knows how great the role of an anesthesiologist is. At many critical moments, he needs the help of an anesthesiologist.

At this moment, the role and ability of the anesthesiologist is even more important.

If the anaesthetist can't perform well and cooperate well, then even if he has the skills to reach the sky, it is impossible to rescue the patient.

"It can last about twenty minutes."

Dr. Zhang did not want Ye Xiu to continue the operation, and at the same time, he did not think what Ye Xiu could do when he stood up. As a professional anaesthetist with a long history of surgery, his judgment on this operation was the same as they did. An operation that has completely entered a desperate situation.

Originally, when Ye Xiu asked, he was going to talk for ten minutes, because he didn't want to waste his energy at all, but when he looked at Ye Xiu's hopeful eyes, he blurted out for some reason. Then it took about twenty minutes.

I bah, how can I be so stupid!

The moment he blurted it out, Dr. Zhang regretted it and wished to slap both himself.

Maintaining the injured person's vital signs for twenty minutes is the limit of his ability! He had to put in a tremendous amount of hard work and maximize his ability before he could do it.

It would be great if you just say ten minutes!

In that case, he can easily do nothing, and as a result now he has to waste energy to make meaningless efforts.

But the words have been spoken, and there is no point in regretting them.

Forget it, just work hard for a while,

Anyway, even if it takes more than ten minutes, he will definitely not be able to produce anything.

My hard work and hard work for more than ten minutes is considered to be good deeds and virtues.

Doctor Zhang sighed.

"Twenty minutes? Can it be longer?"

Ye Xiu looked at Doctor Zhang, his brows constricted.


This time, Doctor Zhang said directly without hesitation.

It's really unreasonable. Twenty minutes is already his limit, and he wants to be longer. Is he really regarded as a god? He is just an ordinary anesthesiologist, OK!

Twenty minutes, this time is indeed a bit tight.

But, fight it!

Ye Xiu gritted his teeth, and a resolute expression flashed in his eyes. After talking to Doctor Zhang, he stopped talking nonsense and started to bow his head and moved.

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