Urban Super Doctor

Chapter 2743: Lecture on the plane (part 2)

"Doctor Ye, I now know why Lao Ke prefers you so much. Every time they talk about you, they praise you."

Hou Liangjun let out a heartfelt sigh.

He had always thought that the older generation of Chinese medicine masters from Ke Shuren praise Ye Xiu because of Ye Xiu's talent and ability.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that maybe the answer was not what he thought before, maybe Ye Xiu's character is what they admire most!

Ye Xiu has too many outstanding qualities in his body, which is very admirable.

He didn’t have much contact with Ye Xiu, only one or two brief contacts, but he had already been touched a lot, and he had been attracted by the character that Ye Xiu showed. Like in the operating room last time, Ye Xiu told everyone People bowed and thanked, and the humility and gratitude displayed were extremely appreciated.

At this moment, Ye Xiu's words made him feel a little shocked.

He heard what Ye Xiu's simple words meant.

Ye Xiu felt that he was capable and he could help, so he signed up.

In other words, Ye Xiu had never thought about what the environment in the south was like, and the south might face certain dangers and other factors!

In other words, Ye Xiu knew the environment and danger there, but Ye Xiu still signed up without hesitation.

What character is this?

How can such young people not be liked?

In Hou Liangjun's heart, he secretly decided once again that he would bring Ye Xiu to the Academy of Engineering no matter what, and let Ye Xiu evaluate the academician.

Hou Liangjun sighed, and Director Huang and the others who were sitting next to Ye Xiu also had a sigh in their hearts, and at the same time showed a trace of admiration for Ye Xiu.

They also heard the implication of Ye Xiu's words.

These people also made the decision to go south to support. Otherwise, they would not appear in this medical support group, but except for a few people like Director Huang and others, each of them is making the decision to go south. When deciding, they had measured it in their hearts. They signed up after understanding the current situation in the South and felt that they could accept the environment there. Even most of them did not sign up by themselves, but were assigned by the leaders. .

They asked themselves, they are definitely not as simple as Ye Xiu, not as pure as Ye Xiu.

"That's all the kindness of President Ke and the others. Mr. Hou should not praise Ye Xiu any more. By the way, Mr. Hou, do you know anything about the situation in the South? How is their situation now?"

Ye Xiu shook his head and finished speaking. Without waiting for Hou Liangjun to say anything, he turned the topic directly and returned the topic to the situation in the South.

"We don't know the specific situation very well, but it should be very unoptimistic."

Hou Liangjun shook his head and said, "This time we went to H Province to support the team. Only the medical team went to three. We have one in Yanjing, one in SH city, and one in GD province. It is estimated that the medical team may continue to increase in the future."

"The situation is so severe?"

Ye Xiu's mind condensed slightly.

Hou Liangjun did not say the specific situation, but he said the situation of the medical team.

The situation of the medical support team is enough to explain a lot of things to a certain extent.

Why do so many doctors go to support?

It means that there are enough wounded!

In other words, this disaster caused relatively large casualties!

And the casualties have reached such a large scale, so other economic losses and the like are probably even more astronomical.

Other people also understood this truth, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

"The actual situation may be more severe than we thought, so everyone may have to prepare for a tough battle next."

At this moment, the head of the place sitting not far away took a word.

As the leader of the Health Center and as a native of H Province, the Chief He knows more about the situation relatively speaking.

He is very clear about what a severe situation the H province is facing at this moment.

Originally, he didn’t intend to say it directly, so as not to frighten everyone and affect everyone’s mood, but since Ye Xiu and the others have reached this point, he decided to simply tell what he knew, so that everyone was mentally prepared to call ahead. A vaccination is good, "From the news I have received so far, the number of deaths reported in H Province has reached three digits. In addition, the military has begun search and rescue work since yesterday. So far, search and rescue work has been carried out. There are more than 300 wounded people, among which nearly 100 are critically injured."

"All these data are not static. With the deepening of follow-up search and rescue work, this number may continue to increase."

The death toll is over one hundred!

Nearly 100 people were seriously injured!

More than 300 injured!

Hearing the numbers that Chief He said, the personnel on the scene became a little silent, and everyone's expressions became a little dignified.

Everyone understands what these figures mean.

These numbers do not sound like many, only a few hundred people, but what age is it now?

Today's China

Xia is no longer in ancient times, and it is not an era in which the next torrential rain can cause the loss of dozens or hundreds of lives!

China’s current economy and technological strength are already very strong, and it has a strong ability to cope with various natural disasters.

In the past ten years, there have been few cases of large-scale casualties caused by extreme weather and disasters.

The casualties of this kind in H Province this time can be said to be the biggest in the past ten years!

And more importantly, everyone knows that these numbers are just the beginning!

As the Director said, the subsequent figures will continue to increase, and the rate of increase may be faster!

Disasters of this magnitude can already be classified as national deaths!

"Doctor Ye, as far as I know, you have provided medical support in Africa for several years. You are a person with extensive experience in clinical first aid. What aspects do you think should be paid more attention to in emergency first aid like this?"

Hou Liangjun asked suddenly.

"I think we should pay attention to time!"

Ye Xiu said authentically without hesitation.

In the field of first aid, time is the most precious!

The so-called saving lives is like fighting a fire, and it is displayed most vividly in the first aid on the spot!


Hou Liangjun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize Ye Xiu's intention.

The other doctors also didn't respond to Ye Xiu's intention, and their faces also showed doubts.

"Yes, it's time!"

Ye Xiu nodded, and then began to explain what he meant by time, "In emergency first aid, time is very precious. It is also important, and it also emphasizes the importance of timely treatment and timely surgery, but the intensity of this time concept is completely different from that of emergency first aid."

"In the hospital to treat patients and save people, we will put more emphasis on the accuracy of diagnosis. Sometimes, in order to diagnose the condition more accurately, for more precise and effective surgery, and to increase the success rate of surgery, we will sacrifice In a little time, let the patient do more detailed examinations."

"But in emergency first aid, we must change the mindset of treating patients and saving people in the hospital. In emergency first aid, this kind of thinking is absolutely unacceptable! During emergency first aid, we must be as decisive as possible and as fast as possible. Make a choice, because the injured in first aid are not the same as the patients. These injured have different injuries and different injuries. Some injuries are very critical. We simply don’t have time to do a detailed examination..."

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