Urban Super Doctor

Chapter 2622: Xueba's learning method

Yes, Ye Xiu really didn't understand the meaning of those scriptures at first, and indeed he couldn't read those Buddhist scriptures and Taoist classics.

But this problem did not bother him for long.

The Buddhist "Diamond Sutra" is obscure, and it is difficult to understand its meaning?

I memorize it!

The Shurangama Sutra is too esoteric?

I memorize it!

The Taoist "Chongxu Zhenjing" is too mysterious to understand its meaning?

I memorize it!

"Golden Core" is too mysterious?

I memorize it!


Yes, in the beginning, Ye Xiu used such a simple and rude way to read Buddhist and Taoist classics.

No matter what book is in front of him, whether he can understand the meaning, he just memorized it!

Of course, Ye Xiu didn't just memorize it by memorizing.

After memorizing it, Ye Xiu will slowly search for various materials on the Internet through mobile phones, or go to the library to borrow the interpretations, experiences and notes of the masters, and slowly understand these meanings, or even I silently realize the meaning of it in my heart. The so-called reading a book a hundred times, the meaning is self-explanatory. For ordinary people, they can still understand the meaning of the article by reading it over and over again, not to mention the amazing understanding of Ye Xiu. evildoer?

Therefore, in just over a week, Ye Xiu had basically been able to read and understand various scriptures in general, and through constant speculation and insights, he could even slowly figure out the general meaning. Of course, for those particularly obscure scriptures, Ye Xiu will still consult various related materials, the interpretations of the senior masters, and then combine the interpretations of those senior masters to understand the profoundness of these Buddhist and Taoist classics in his own way. Jingyi.

After a lot of hard work and basically entering the door, Ye Xiu has gradually been able to enjoy the fun of reading these scriptures, and can often realize some of the true meaning in the process of reading, and thus feel the joy of harvest. .

Today’s masters have a more profound understanding of the Buddhist scriptures and Taoist classics than ordinary Buddhist and Taoist masters, especially the Buddhist scriptures that Ye Xiu first came into contact with. Ye Xiu can be said to have a complete understanding. Entered the door.

If there is a debate like the kind often held during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, most of the abbots of ordinary temples or Taoist priests may not be able to argue with Ye Xiu.

Now that the profound meaning of the seventh secret technique has been realized, all that is left is to find time to practice and master it.

Although Master Tianshi said that this secret technique is only the basics, as long as you understand its profound meaning clearly, you don’t need to spend too much time on it, and you don’t need to master it completely, but Ye Xiu decided to find time to practice as much as possible. Practice solid.

In Ye Xiu's view, it was always right to master as much as possible.

After a long while, Ye Xiu calmed down and started to think about it silently, and then made a secret decision.

For the homework assigned by the teacher, ordinary students usually try not to do as much as possible, and do as little as possible if they can do as little as possible, and try to be lazy as much as possible, but Ye Xiu has never been like this. Ye Xiu assigned to the teacher. He has never been lazy in his homework. Basically, he will only exceed the task.

This is not only true in martial arts practice, but also in medicine, including when he was studying in university before, so he has always been very popular with teachers. like.

It is precisely because of Ye Xiu's habit that he can achieve what he is today.

A lot of success is accumulated bit by bit. Today, I will do a little more than others, and tomorrow will do a little more than others... As the years accumulate, the gap is widened.

For ordinary people, even with such accumulation of time, a big gap can be widened. What's more, a monster-level player like Ye Xiu with extremely high talent and understanding, the effect over a long period of time is even more terrifying.

Therefore, the current Ye Xiu, whether in the professional medicine he studied, or other aspects such as martial arts training, are far behind his peers.

Before fully grasping the seventh secret technique, let's put the secret technique of Longhushan temporarily.

Next, let's start to comprehend the Shaolin secret skills handed down by Master Energetic.

After making the decision, Ye Xiu began to read the Shaolin secret skills passed by Master Energizing in his mind.

Whether it’s Shaolin Secret Skills or Dragon Tiger Mountain’s Secret Skills, Ye Xiu doesn’t have any manuscripts. They are all memorized by memory. This not only saves the effort of manual copying, but also can do better in terms of confidentiality. .

Of course, this method can only be applied to people with super abnormal memory like Ye Xiu, and it is absolutely not applicable to ordinary people.

To memorize dozens of unique secret skills

Recite the same in the hard disk, and then read one of them from the memory when needed. This is too difficult for ordinary people.

Soon, Ye Xiu selected a secret technique from the secret techniques passed by Master Eneng.

Unlike the secret techniques of Longhushan, which was just beginning to learn, Ye Xiu has been comprehending and learning the secret techniques of Buddhism for a long time, so his progress is relatively large. Now he has mastered more than ten basic Shaolin skills. The secret technique, the one that has been comprehended now, is already an advanced secret technique.

This secret technique is quite difficult for every one.

Ye Xiu used to comprehend those basic secret skills, and soon he could comprehend two skills a day, but now that he comprehends these advanced secret skills, sometimes he can't comprehend one in two or three days.

However, after Ye Xiu started to learn the secret skills of Longhushan Taoism recently, he unexpectedly discovered that comprehending the secret skills of Longhushan Taoism is actually very helpful and inspiring for the cultivation of Buddhist secret skills. In addition, he discovered that the secret skills of Taoism and Buddhism alternate. Coming to learn seems to have a good effect on learning and understanding.

Closing his eyes again, Ye Xiu quickly devoted his mind to the scriptures of Shaolin's unique secret techniques, and began to comprehend the true meaning of secret techniques.


The Cai Group has completely fallen...

The case of Sima Ji also entered the final trial...

Hua Xingyao's case has been settled...

With the trial and verdict of each case, countless netizens are happy that Sima Ji and the others have gotten their due end, and rush to tell each other.

As the verdicts of these cases came out, some facts and truths gradually surfaced.

The first thing that came to the surface was the innocence of Qin Han people and Qin Lao.

When the criminal investigation experts and leaders of the national task force announced Sima Ji's judgment, they also made their confessions public, confirming that their previous attacks on Qin Hanmin Qin Lao were pure slander and were completely made up.

In order to make the truth of the matter more convincing, and to prevent some people from thinking that they deliberately forced Sima Ji to confess, in addition to the confession, the national task force also specifically announced their personal investigation about Sima Ji and Qin. The old defamatory evidence, such as some things Sima Ji said, they spent a lot of effort to verify these things, and finally after verification, all the things Sima Ji they said are indeed false and made up. !

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