The Combat Field was located in the central square, which was a very popular course for the special forces. Several hundred special forces from over thirty units were ready to go, brimming with enthusiasm. According to the arrangement of the military region's competition team, all the members were wearing camouflage uniforms and had numbers embroidered on the back of their clothes.

Cheng Yugang and Wang Mingwei actively encouraged Shao Xi before it was Shao's turn to play.

Cheng Yu looked at Shao Xi's epaulette – it was a two-bar badge. Suddenly, an idea came to him and he found a rank 2 officer. He took off his epaulette and handed it to Shao Xi. " Shao Xi, replace your rank with that of a sergeant! "

"Why would you want a rank of sergeant?" Shao Xi was puzzled.

"The rank of sergeant can intimidate people. They see that you are a soldier and do not put you in their eyes at all. This will not have the effect of intimidating people!" If you put on the rank of a rank 2 NCO, and your opponent sees that you are a veteran, your heart will naturally be somewhat intimidated! " Cheng Yu Gang explained.

Wang Mingwei complained, "What kind of logic is that? Without strength, it would be nonsense even if he was given the rank of general! "I think it's better to take on the rank of volunteer. Let the opponent see, hur, a small volunteer, relax your guard. This way, you can catch them off guard and win in one go!" Wang Mingwei and Cheng Yugang had different opinions.

"I think it's better to wear the rank of sergeant. It has momentum. First of all, it overcomes the enemy in terms of momentum!" Cheng Yugang still adhered to his principles.

"Nonsense!" It's still better to wear the rank of an volunteer! "

"Something's wrong …"

Hearing them arguing here, Shao Xi felt a little dizzy and hurriedly said, "Alright, the two of you stop fighting. What's with the different ranks, is it worth competing like this? There are only five matches left, and it's my turn. You guys should hurry up and analyze the tactics for me! "

"Shao Xi, you don't understand, this is a tactic!" Cheng Yugang said.

"What kind of strategy is this?"

"Shao Xi, do you know? At this point, any detail is the key to determining success or failure. We must consider any detail in order for you to display your highest level of skill. Don't think wearing a epaulette is a small matter. It's a psychological tactic in itself, understand? " Cheng Yugang said.

Shao Xi felt a bit dizzy listening to this.

In the end, Cheng Yugang was still unable to beat Wang Mingwei, Shao Xi changed into the rank of private soldier.

Looking at the crutch on his shoulder, he recalled every single detail about the recruits.

In fact, according to the army's orders, soldiers were not allowed to wear epaulettes as they wished. However, Shao Xi couldn't stand the repeated requests of the two leaders, so he was prepared to try out their so-called psychological tactics.

"Shao Xi, let me tell you, you must not be nervous when you go onstage. You must have a kind of 'number one in the world' spirit. No matter how big your opponent is, you must not have any fear, do you understand?" Cheng Yugang said.

Shao Xi nodded.

"Also, if your opponent is stronger and your size is bigger, you can struggle against him by exhausting his strength first, then find his weakness and counterattack by surprise. If your opponent is average in strength and has a clear flaw from the start, then try to finish the fight quickly so that you can defeat him as soon as possible. If your opponent is good at close range attacks, then you can try to keep as far away from him as possible and fight him with your legs …" Cheng Yu Gang continued to speak and analyzed the possibilities of the various situations.

"Also, let me tell you the fighting characteristics of these units. You can change your tactics accordingly. Today, you will be competing with the UF Special Squadron and the 435 Special Delivery Brigade. The fighting techniques of the UF Special Forces are mainly focused on offense and defense, while their fighting techniques are usually able to deal with the enemy in one move, and are somewhat similar to our army's. In regards to this, you have to strengthen your defense, and find an opportunity to find the other party's weak point. Special forces 435's fighting technique is good at combining real and fake, and often comes after real, which makes it difficult to grasp. However, their defense towards their lower body is poor, so they can increase the attack power on their lower body. There shouldn't be a problem! " Cheng Yu was analyzing the fighting characteristics of each unit, listening to Shao Xi repeatedly nod his head.

"Heh, Old Cheng, I really didn't realize that you're an expert in this field!" As Wang Mingwei listened to Cheng Yugang's analysis, he was also very surprised. He thought to himself: This guy, I didn't expect him to be so experienced!

"It's just average. Have you forgotten that I was the one who participated in last year's military region tournament? Moreover, I even got third place at that time!" Cheng Yu Gang said proudly.

"I feel that Shao Xi shouldn't have much of a problem entering the top three. With his strength, he should be able to compete with the combat experts of the military!" Wang Mingwei said.

"That's right. If he were to display his prowess, there is even a possibility of him winning the championship!" Cheng Yu agreed.

Shao Xi clenched his fists and said with fighting spirit, "If you want to do it, do it best. I want to be the champion!"

"Enough, Shao Xi. Your thoughts are good, but you still have to maintain an ordinary person. Your mental burden is too great, it's not easy to display your true abilities!" We won't force you to become the champion, as long as you can get into the top three, it means that you have succeeded! " Cheng Yugang said.

Who actually didn't want Shao Xi to win the championship? However, he definitely couldn't let him carry too much burden at this time. This would be extremely disadvantageous to Shao Xi's performance.

"My goal is to become the champion! There is no second place on the battlefield, and second place is equivalent to sacrifice. Only the first place can have the last laugh on the battlefield! " Shao Xi said generously, his heart surging with passion.

Wang Mingwei knew Shao Xi had a strong self-confidence, but he didn't expect him to be this strong.

"Alright, all the best! Let's fight for the championship!" Although Wang Mingwei agreed with what he said, he had no idea. In the special forces of the military region, there were many fighting experts, not just hundreds or thousands. It would be difficult to win the championship of these fights between the masters selected by the various forces, not to mention that Shao Xi was still a volunteer at the moment, so many of his fighting points and techniques were not mature yet.

Time passed and it was finally Shao Xi's turn.

The host held the microphone and announced, "Next, let's welcome Shao Xi from the Central Special Guard Regiment and Sun Yonglu from the 435 Special Forces Regiment onto the stage!" With a command from the host, a round of applause rang out from the audience.

Sun Yonglu was about the same size as Shao Xi, but he was still a noncommissioned officer. His face looked somewhat mature, around the age of twenty-four or twenty-five.

The two men shook hands to show their friendliness.

"Recruit?" Sun Yonglu looked at the military rank on Shao Xi's shoulder with some surprise.

Shao Xi chuckled and said, "Old comrade, please advise me!"

Sun Yonglu was even more depressed, "Strange, the Central Secret Service also sent a new recruit to fight in the arena? "Awesome, truly amazing!"

The referee whistled and the match officially began.

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