A few months ago, Shao Xi and his comrades had spent a good time here with the new company, but now, with the advice and hope of the squadron, he had once again set foot on this hot land. However, Shao knew that cruel training and inhuman treatment would await them. This was a process that had to be passed through to become a backbone. Shao felt that he had accumulated enough courage and confidence.

The car stopped in front of the military school building. They got out of the car in an orderly manner and began to pack their backpacks and spare items. At this moment, a first lieutenant in camouflage clothes came up to him. "Is this the four great teams?" His tone was very unfriendly. The team of officers that sent Shao Xi and the others over quickly went over and politely said, "Yes, these are the scholars from the four great teams. You're the person in charge here, right?"

The first lieutenant completely ignored the officers of the four great squads. Instead, he shouted at Shao Xi and the others, "All of you, line up in four rows and stand properly!" Under his power, they quickly gathered their rifles, backpacks, and camouflage bags and stood in order, waiting for his orders.

"The first lieutenant sized up everyone and gave a casual salute, his expression solemn." My name is Yan Jie Jun, strictly speaking, outstanding Jie, army troops. From today onwards, you will form a new sector team, which is the Fourth Student Sector, I am your sector captain, but I do not like this title, you can call me Instructor Yan! "

Hearing his self-introduction, Shao Xi had a bad premonition.

"However, since you've just arrived today, there's nothing good about your greeting gift. How about this, we've finally made a difficult trip here, I can't be too stingy. Now, listen to my command — take out my camouflage bag!" Yan Jiajia's order was very clear. Everyone was confused, but his words were not right. What did he mean by asking everyone to take the camouflage bags? Could it be that it was so easy to enter the barracks? Impossible, this was definitely not the style of a military instructor!

"Turn right!" Yan Jijun gave the password. "Target: Training ground, subject: Runs in full armed formation, requirements: Runway five laps, neat and orderly, no one is allowed to fall behind, those who fall behind will be sent back to their original units immediately!" As Instructor Yan said this, everyone's heart trembled. Shao Xi thought, could it be that this was the gift he gave to everyone? Or was he trying to show them off as soon as they met? Five laps on the track sounded incredible. Everyone was armed, armed with guns and ammunition bags, and carrying thirty or forty pounds of camouflage bags. If they ran five laps like that, they would be in a lot of shock.

When one was under a roof, one had no choice but to lower their head. With the sound of "Treadmill", they began their difficult journey. "Yan Jie Jun, who was at the back, fiercely urged them to increase their speed and maintain formation." "Fuck, I'm carrying several dozens of kilograms, can it speed up?" Lan Dawei, who was standing beside Shao Xi, scolded him softly. To tell the truth, Shao Xi had no idea how he was able to last for so long. Five laps, exactly two thousand meters.

"After running these five laps, the team was panting heavily. A layer of sweat immediately fell on the ground, and the heavy camouflage bag was still tightly gripped in their hands. They did not dare to put it down." "Your physical fitness is pretty good. It seems that I have underestimated you guys!" "Yan Jiajia rolled his eyes, and scanned the area with malicious intent. The new soldiers were like toys in his hands, ready to be manipulated by him." "Well, your body is moving. It would be a pity if it ends like this. Let's take advantage of the excitement and practice our fist techniques to pull the ligaments!" Instructor Yan smiled strangely and said, "I'll give you five seconds. Untie your backpack, set up your guns, and group them neatly in front of you!"

The soldiers (in fact, they should be called prospective soldiers) ignored the fatigue from running and started taking off their backpacks. Li Hao ordered everyone to put down their backpacks and lined up in front. He then personally saluted and reported to the instructor, "Captain of the sector, we have gathered all the troops from the 4th region. Please give us your instructions!" Instructor Yan frowned and complained, "I've said it before, I don't like people calling me the sector captain!" Shao Xi saw Li Hao's expression change. It seemed that Li Hao also had no objections towards this instructor. However, under the eaves, he held himself back and reported to the instructor again, "Comrade Instructor, the student unit for the fourth sector has been assembled. Please give your instructions!"

Shao Xizhen felt some sympathy for Li Hao. No matter what, he was still a district officer. Today, he was the same as the soldiers. He was angry at the instructor and wanted to run and train with everyone else.

Under the 'wise' command of this strict military instructor, the soldiers began their devil boxing demonstration, one moment practicing boxing, one moment practicing kicking, another time practicing reversing. Anyway, Shao Xi had already thought it through, wherever the leader pointed to, he would fight himself, and since he had arrived at this devil training site, he was ready to face all the challenges.

In the next two hours, everyone was almost crushed by the torture. The last bit of strength left in their bodies was almost squeezed dry. Their clothes were all soaked in sweat, and they looked like wet chickens that had just been fished out of a pool of water.

"Satisfying?" Yan Jiajia asked loudly as he looked at the beaten up soldiers.

"Awesome!" Everyone shouted in unison. In truth, the bodies of the soldiers had already reached their limits.

"Alright, we'll deliver today's gift here. I just want to remind everyone that this is the student army. If anyone wants to retreat, I can arrange for you to leave immediately." Is there anyone who wants to leave? " The instructor crazily shouted again.

"No!" The soldiers replied loudly.

"Alright then. However, this is only the beginning. The training in the future will be much more frenzied than it is today." I also want to remind everyone that here, there's no rest, no fatigue, only obedience, and only playing with your lives, understand? " The instructor seemed to enjoy interacting with the team.

"Understood!" It was still a resounding reply.

"Alright, I'll give you fifteen minutes to prepare your weapons and supplies. After you hear the whistle, gather at the entrance of the living quarters. I don't want anyone to become impatient the first time they start eating!" The instructor looked at his watch and finally said the long awaited word: "Dismissed." At this time, everyone's stomach was already empty from the torture and they were all growling loudly. Thus, when they entered the assigned group, they packed their things fairly quickly, so that they could eat the fragrant white mantou in the dining hall earlier.

Fifteen minutes later, a whistle sounded and everyone gathered at their designated location.

Yan Jiajia commanded the two hundred soldiers to sing a military song and gave the order to 'Take a breather, stand at attention'. He ran to a lieutenant colonel and reported, "Captain, the soldiers have been gathered for lunch. Please give your instructions!" Shao Xi looked out of the corner of his eye at the student captain. His skin was dark and shiny, and he was tall and burly, like a black American boxer. However, Shao Xi had never thought that this lieutenant colonel was even more ruthless than Yan Jiajia!

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