The sentries around the chief's villa had been added a few hours in advance. Shao Xi was on second watch, which coincided with the arrival of the head of staff.

After all, this was the first time he had carried out such an honorable and arduous task, and logically speaking, the recruits should not have had the chance to participate in the important task of guarding the head of the army, but he didn't know if it was because of their leader's trust or some other reason, but when Shao Xi was assigned to the first floor, he saw that the attendants on the first floor had cleaned up, led the inspection, and completed the inspection.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a notice from the doorman on the intercom that Chief A had entered the North Gate. Shao Xi adjusted his military posture again, waiting for the arrival of his superior. A few of the company's cadres had already arrived at the first floor area, ready to welcome their leader's carriage.

A minute later, five Audi A8 cars drove into the main entrance on the first floor, and Shao gave the vehicle a standard military salute. The cars were all parked at the bottom of the stairs. A few young men in black suits walked out first. Shao Xi knew that these people were all special guards of the Special Guard Regiment. They had been selected from the cadres of the Special Guard Regiment and were sent to the Commander's side to take part in the devilish training of the Special Guard for two years. Only then did they become the personal guards of the Chief. In fact, they were the legendary bodyguards of Zhongnanhai, also known as the royal experts.

Being the chief's personal guard was an important dream of Shao Xi. After arriving at the Special Guard, Shao Xi had made up his mind to work hard to achieve this sacred goal of his. He knew that this would cost him a lot, but this goal had always been very clear and had never wavered. Do the best you can! This was his creed! This was a special guard, the highest level of security in the Guard, even in the entire country. Shao Xi felt that even if he had the strength, he also had the confidence!

As Chief A got out of the main car, Shao Xi's heart violently trembled. This was the first time he had seen the real head of state, he was so kind and benevolent. He turned around and gave his chief a standard salute.

The Chief returned the salute and smiled at him. Shao Xi was flattered.

The leader, accompanied by his entourage, entered the villa. At about four o'clock, two more cars drove into the compound. Shao knew they were the foreign guest's car because of the advance notice, so he made a standard parking gesture and gave a military salute. After the car came to a halt, Chief Chang led a few foreign guests out and walked over with a smile. Chief A had also arranged for a few people to meet them at the entrance.

At that moment, a small object suddenly fell from the top of the tower, and fell unerringly into Shao Xi's collar. It began crawling down his shirt, through his pants, and directly into his army boots. Shao didn't dare to guess what it was, nor did he have any reaction to it, because in front of the foreign guests, he represented the entire Chinese security forces. As long as he moved, he would leave a bad impression on the foreign guests. However, this little thing's reverence caused Shao Xi to itch to death. Especially the inside of the military boots, this little thing made Shao Xi feel extremely uncomfortable and itchy.

However, in this situation, Shao Xi was determined not to move. He could only grit his teeth and forced a calm face, staring straight ahead. The little thing was dishonest in his army boots. It squeezed his toes back and forth, then bit down hard on them. That kind of heart-wrenching pain was simply indescribable. Shao knew that at this time, no matter what, he must hold on. He must not let his foreign friends see through the flaws of the Chinese soldiers. This kind of endurance was simply unbearable. His toes felt like they were being torn apart piece by piece.

After giving a standard military salute to the foreign guests, Shao Xi's face was already starting to sweat profusely. However, he didn't expect that they would actually stop in front of Shao Xi. A female guest exclaimed in an astonished tone, "Your sentries are too powerful. Their eyes are very lively and unmoving. They look like sculptures. Awesome! "Chinese soldier, OK!"

Perhaps it was because he had received praise from a foreign friend, Shao Xi felt very gratified. He saw the smile in Director Chang's heart. After all, Bureau Chief Chang was the director of the Secret Service and the Secret Service. Upon hearing his soldiers being praised by the foreign guests, his face lit up.

Shao Xi endured for more than an hour, an hour as long as a year. Shao didn't know he had survived. He endured the little thing's reverence in his army boots until the sentry came to change his guard.

Back in the squadron, Shao couldn't wait to take off his boots and look, he was shocked.

The sweat in his boots had already been soaked red by the blood. His toes had been bitten off by a few pieces of red meat. A dead gecko fell out of his boots. The gecko was already dead from the torture.

Thinking of this one hour of patience, Shao Xi couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

When Hou Yongdong and the veterans saw this, they insisted on asking the squadron for a reward for Shao. Shao shook his head and said, "No, no, it's just a small injury. Just apply some medicine! " Shao went to the medic, who insisted on taking him to the squad room to get a tetanus vaccine. After bandaging him, Shao followed the medic to the squad room.

"This small wound was nothing to Shao Xi, although his toes were aching, but he was still able to persevere in training that was organized as a unit after dinner." Can you do it, your feet? " Hou Yongdong asked Shao Xi at the front of the queue.

"No problem!" Shao Xi kicked into the air with two kicks, creating a strong wind.

"Don't force yourself if you can't take it. Just like last time, the gains are not worth it!" However, perhaps it was because of Shao Xi, the previously reserved physical training had been changed to military training. Military training was done through leverage, mainly through arm strength and physical coordination. Shao was secretly grateful to Hou Yongdong for taking care of him. In Shao Xi's eyes, he was a good man, a good captain.

In less than an hour, Shao Xi had mastered the first, second, and third movements of the horizontal bar. Even the old officer known as Zhao Ran, who also claimed that he could fly on the horizontal bar, was extremely interested in Shao Xi. Shao Xi had to acknowledge him as his teacher and teach him the ability to fly on the horizontal bar. "Hou Yongdong definitely won't oppose this." Old Zhao, then I will really entrust Shao Xi's military training to you. Within a month, I want a second 'Tap to Fly' appearing in the first squad! "

Zhao Ran stretched out two fingers and smiled. "KISS, little brat!"

In fact, Shao Xi had wanted to learn Zhao Ran's flying skills for a long time. In the four great teams, no one could compete with his single-bar military posture. He had represented the four great teams in the military martial arts competition many times, and each time, he had obtained excellent results.

After finishing his training, Shao Xi washed up and lay on the bed, feeling exceptionally comfortable.

After a good night's sleep, Shao went to work from two to four, and when he came back, he slept until dawn. When he woke up, he looked at his watch. It was already 5: 30. Shao Xi suddenly heard Zhao Gang's groan and looked closer. His face was very ugly, and he covered his stomach with his hands. "What's wrong, Zhao Gang?" Shao asked him.

"My stomach hurts!" Zhao Gang frowned and said.

"I'll call the medic for you. Endure it!" Shao quickly pulled on his pants.

"No need, I, I'm a 6-8 sentry, I don't have time!" Zhao Gang gritted his teeth and got out of bed. He rubbed his belly and started to put on his clothes.

"Look for a health worker to take a look at the illness. I'll take care of this shift for you!" In fact, Shao Xi's body felt very tired. After his shift had arrived, his body felt like it had collapsed. He was tired and tired, but Zhao Gang's body didn't feel well, so he couldn't just sit by and watch.

"Forget it, you, weren't you 2-4 last night? "You won't be able to take it!" Zhao Gang said anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, my body is made of iron. So what if I work for a lot?" After dressing, Shao Xi hurried to the gun room. When the crew arrived, he began to call out names, request, and inspect the clothes.

Under the guidance of the foreman, the sentries began to rush to the sacred post in an orderly fashion. Thinking about the dream pagoda, Shao Xi was somewhat excited. After all, this was the first time he was going to the pagoda, so his heart was filled with curiosity and novelty. However, Shao Xi was actually quite impressed with Zhao Gang. He was so timid, yet he was actually assigned to the 'number one terrifying post' of the four great teams, the 'Dream Tower,' and even received praise several times. He changed quite quickly as he recalled the previous situation where Zhao Gang was assigned to the same post with him.

However, Shao Xi never would have thought that this time he was on duty for Zhao Gang and almost changed his entire life!

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