The day before they got off the squadron, the recruits were sleepless and the squad leader bought a lot of snacks and played with them all night long. The squad leader turned on the old tape recorder that accompanied him for three years, and the melody of the military camp began to drift through it. Now, the distribution had already been decided. Most of the recruits from Class 4 had been assigned to the squadron with the squadron leader as one of the four, and there were only a few that had been assigned to the other squadrons or units. In Class Four, squad leader Hou Yongdong was eating peanuts as he told the recruits the story of the old squadron.

In the security quarters of the four great squadrons lived many of the leaders who had retired to the second line, where there was water in the mountains, birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers. They had once been a royal garden, which later became the resting place of the head of state, as well as a base for the storage of important confidential goods. The main body of the garden was actually a beautiful small mountain called Mount Revelation, and the most impressive building on the mountain was the Tower of Revelation, with which there was a moving legend: In the Ming dynasty, there was an emperor who was especially fond of orchids. He had a concubine called Yi Meng, and she was particularly popular with him. However, this concubine was young, and she had contracted a serious illness at the age of twenty. Yi Meng had a strange disease, and Yi Meng's entire body was covered with spots like jade orchids. Strangely, on the day she returned to the west, more than a hundred orchids suddenly appeared in the garden, blooming with beautiful orchids. The Emperor believed that Yi Meng had used her life to complete her dream of loving a flower, so he built a tall tower at the top of the mountain. Every month, Yi Meng avoided dying, because the name of the tower and the garden was also changed to Mount Xi.

The squad leader took out the photos and showed them to the recruits. He told them that at the foot of the mountain, there was a Sea Tremor Tower. It was even more miraculous. The tower was submerged in an artificial lake and only the top of the tower was revealed. Strangely, no matter how high the water level was in the lake, only the top of the tower was revealed. During the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese heard about this and tried to drain the lake of its water, but to no avail. When the water level reached a certain extent, it stopped falling. Later on, the Japanese organized a group of Japanese soldiers to take their tools to the bottom of the tower to see what was going on. As a result, when they were three or four deep underground, thunder and lightning suddenly struck, and the earth began to shake violently. A special cry came from the lake, and several Japanese also mysteriously disappeared, so it was said that there were monsters and gods in the lake. From then on, no one dared to try to shake the sea tower again.

Everyone was captivated by the story of Meng Shan. What kind of beautiful scene would that be? The imperial gardens, the Dream Towers, and the Trembling Sea Pagodas were all reflected in the minds of the new recruits. Other than yearning, what else could they possibly have?

The class monitor taught everyone how to sing the song, "I Love Dreaming Mountain". It was said that ten years ago, a former member of the four great teams who understood music suddenly came up with an idea.

— —

I love Mengshan

The Beauty of Dream Mountain

The dream pagoda reflects the morning glow

Green Pine and Green Bamboo Reflecting Lake Water

fruit-bearing branchlet

The fragrance of a hundred flowers

I love Dreamy Mountain and Water

Loyalty will guard you

It was so beautiful! The lyrics, the melody, the recruits were all intoxicated by it.

They played until two in the evening. The squad leader urged everyone to sleep for a while, but as he lay on his bed, he could not fall asleep. The training for the recruits was the first step for them to enlist in the army. In order to achieve a higher ideal and grow faster, they had to embark on a journey and descend to the old squadron. They also couldn't help but feel a lot of yearning for the new training base that they were already familiar with. According to the class monitor, in the future there would be very few chances to return to the military to teach the class. Unless he performed well and came to the student army to participate in group training or become a class monitor, otherwise, there would be very few chances of him coming.

However, time would not stop just because of everyone's love. When the large cars of the new recruits arrived on the field, the new recruits finally understood that the new company had already ended for good.

With the exception of a few recruits assigned to other brigades and organs, all the recruits got into the same limousine with the squad leader. Half an hour later, the limousine drove out of the outskirts of J City and into the bustling city of J, its towering buildings, brightly colored commercial buildings, and various types of pedestrians, all of which became the focus of everyone's attention. It had been more than three months since the barracks had been seen; they had only sweated on the training grounds and not walked the wide streets of the city.

As the limousine gradually drove out of the bustling area, a magnificent yet masculine mountain came into view. At the top of the mountain, a tall tower with a total of ten floors rose into the clouds. The squad leader told everyone that this was the security area for the four great squads. That mountain was the legendary Dream Mountain. That tower was the legendary Dreaming Tower.

It was too beautiful, simply too beautiful!

As the car drew closer, Shao Xi discovered that the security area wasn't small at all. A few sentries at the entrance greeted the military vehicle with a smile. He had never seen such a valiant sentry with a gun at his waist.

The palanquin entered a relatively unremarkable barracks. This was the old squadron that Hou Yongdong belonged to — the first of the four great squadrons of the Central Guard Regiment. Actually, the squadron encampment was still quite a distance away from the security area. Shao could hear shouts and drums on both sides of the road. The veterans of the squadron applauded and sang military songs to welcome the new recruits.

The palanquin was parked in the courtyard, and the veterans on both sides quickly returned to the barracks. More than fifty recruits stood orderly at the entrance, and a major began to divide the teams by names. "This major was none other than Captain Wu Gang, the one who taught fist techniques in the New Soldiers Company. Shao Xi remembered what Wu Gang had told the company commander." Company Commander Sun, you must keep this soldier for me! " The words flashed in his mind again. Never would he have thought that he would actually become his subordinate.

"Liu Bing!" Captain Wu announced loudly.

"Here!" After Liu Bing heard his name, she answered loudly, "Here," and then followed the old veteran who was waiting at the side to move their luggage into the living quarters.

"Shao Xi!" When Shao Xi's name was called, all the recruits on the field suddenly stretched out their left feet.

"My name is Shao Xi!" "This time, the captain didn't stare blankly. Instead, he was observing Shao Xi's figure from the crowd." "Here!" Shao Xi answered loudly and found Captain Wu smiling at him. However, to his surprise, it was Hou Yongdong who took over his backpack and luggage — Shao Xi had been assigned to his team.

Liu Bing and Zhao Gang were also assigned to the same squad with Shao Xi. Wang Tianlai was assigned to the third squad, and the third squad leader was the Third Squad Leader of the new recruit company, Dong Xiaobing.

After entering the squad, Hou Yongdong arranged for the veterans to help the new recruits pack their luggage and lower their cabinets, letting them sit down and personally pour them a few cups of water. "Thank you class monitor!" Shao Xi was flattered.

One of the Level 1 NCO who was helping the new recruits to organize the drawers said with a smile: "We can't call for the Squad Leader now that we're out of the old squadron. We need to call for the Division Leader instead!" To tell the truth, although the veterans were all very enthusiastic about the recruits, the recruits still felt a bit of fear looking at them. In the team, there were a total of six veterans, three of which were first-class sergeants, the iron spears and five stars were especially conspicuous, and the other three were high-ranking soldiers.

"Let's just call the class monitor friendly. It won't be too late to change his words after we get used to it!" Hou Yongdong laughed.

Shao had never seen such a kind smile from Hou Yongdong.

The squadron, on the other hand, took care of the recruits. At noon, they arranged for the recruits to take a bath and then have a two hour nap. Shao Xi did not have the habit of taking a nap at noon. He secretly asked Hou Yongdong, who was organizing the recruits: "Squad leader, no, squad leader, does our squadron have a gymnasium?"

"Yes, there is. Our gym is even better than that of the new recruit company. It also has a basement!" Hou Yongdong walked quietly to Shao Xi's side. Shao Xi put on his clothes and took out the book < < Xiao Li's Ultimate Skill against the Enemy > > from the drawer, as he was afraid of disturbing his comrades who were sleeping soundly. "What, you're not going to sleep?"

"I can't sleep, I want to move my body!" Shao Xi said softly.

I really admire you!" Hou Yongdong knew that Shao Xi did not like to take a nap, so he did not pursue the matter further. Instead, he took out a book called 'Special Forces Practical Combat Skills' from his drawer and handed it to him. "You really are a kung fu fanatic. Go train, I'll send a veteran to take you there!

Shao Xi shook his head and said, "No need, I'll go by myself. Let the veterans rest!"

"The new recruits have just left the company and are not allowed to move alone. How about this, wait for me for a moment. I'll accompany you to spar with each other after organizing the information!" After Hou Yongdong finished, he continued to organize the information.

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