There was a song that made soldiers cry.

Before dinner, the duty platoon leader directed everyone to sing the tearful "Army Green Flower."

— — The cold wind blows through the fallen leaves, the army is a green flower, dear comrade, don't miss your home, don't miss your mother. Deep I called out day and night, many heartfelt words, unwilling to part is two tears, the military camp is our warm home … Mom, don't worry, I've grown up.

As they sang, almost one-third of their comrades began to cry. This was their first time travelling, and they had not seen their family for three months. Father, that old face, mother, that kind eyes, they seemed to reappear in the melody of the song. Shaoxi remembered that when he had first learned the song, there was hardly a recruit in the company who did not cry. Perhaps only a soldier could understand the affection in the song, the feeling of leaving home.

Perhaps, he regretted it a little, he should not have played this sad song before dinner. The mental state of the new recruits were still rather weak, perhaps, in training, facing high intensity physical training, they could not be vague, but in terms of family love, they could not reach the level of a veteran.

As the song grew more and more sad, Shao Xi's nose began to ache.

The company commander also noticed the strangeness of the new recruits. After the duty platoon leader finished directing, he walked to the front of the line thoughtfully and swept his eyes over them. Heh, homesick? I see that this song is full of tears! " The company commander looked at the new recruits. Shao Xi tried hard not to cry, but the disappointing tears kept sliding down his face.

"In the future, don't lead such sad songs at lunch. Sing something that has momentum, like unity is power, green uniform, isn't it good? Look at these new recruits, they are even beginning to cry! " The company commander turned to the duty platoon leader.

"Yes sir!" The duty platoon leader replied with embarrassment.

"Alright, new comrades, you must learn to grow up slowly. Maybe a lot of our comrades are only children and have never traveled far, but now that we are soldiers, we must turn our thoughts about our hometown into loyalty to our country. Only we must take up our duties, strive for success in this smelting furnace that is the army. It's just like the song says, wait until the celebration is over before going home to visit your good mother! " "The captain's words became softer and softer as a strange light flashed in his eyes." Therefore, we strive to build a career in the army, which is the best reward for our parents and families! Is that true? " the company commander asked, raising his voice again.

"Yes sir!" Although the replies from his comrades were loud, there was a different kind of flavor to them.

"I've arranged for new recruits to call home tonight. It's been over a month since I last called, right?" The company commander turned to the duty platoon leader.

The duty platoon leader thought for a moment and said, "Yes, it should be more than forty days!"

The company commander slapped his head and said self-reproachfully, "It's my fault. I forgot about it. Don't organize any activities tonight, just organize the recruits to call home." "However, I still wish that we can write more letters to our families. After all, the conditions of the troops are limited, so it's impossible to make daily phone calls. Besides, a letter is a kind of treasure that can be preserved, and at the same time, we can practice our own writing!"

Actually, the company's communication conditions were not that good. There were only two calls in the total number 160 or so recruits. Each time they queued up to make a phone call, they would have to wait a long time, and each person only had two to three minutes on average.

In the company room, recruits line up to make phone calls. Almost everyone who picks up the phone and hears their loved ones' voices doesn't stop crying. When it's Shao Xi's turn to call, Shao swears in his heart that he will never cry, that he will not cry, that he will not cry, that he will be a strong man!

Shao Xi excitedly dialed the home number. His mother's familiar voice came from the other side, but he could feel that the voice seemed a little bit old.

My mother burst into tears when she heard Shao's voice.

"Shao Xi forced a smile on his face. He didn't want his mother to know that he was weak." Mom, everything is good here. I ate well, slept well, and the Leader is very concerned about us. There are even comrades from all over the world who are good brothers. Shao wanted to report back to his mother.

"Do your job well and listen to the Leader, huh?" Mother said.

"I know, Mom. I will. Don't worry." Shao Xi nodded.

"Child, are you tired from training?" the mother asked again.

"Not tired, not tired at all. My body is stronger now, and I can eat six steamed buns in a meal. "Mom, don't worry. Your son won't embarrass you. I'll definitely show my prowess in the army!" Shao knew that if he called home, he would not report his worries, and he would not let his family worry him. Actually, for the new company in the special forces, it would be nonsense to say that their training wasn't arduous! However, he had to swallow this bitter water. He couldn't let his parents who were far away in their hometown share it.

For a few short minutes Shao had been smiling, not wanting his mother to know how hard the training of the new company had been. After hanging up the phone, Shao still used a fake smile to cover up the pain of homesickness, not letting tears easily flow out.

"What's going on with this kid? He doesn't have any feelings for his family?" You can still laugh! " A recruit in the third row, waiting for a call from another phone, said sarcastically to Shao. Perhaps, Shao Xi's smile made his comrades look at him as if they were looking at a monster. They didn't know that Shao Xi's tears had already filled their hearts.

When he walked out of the duty room, he could no longer control himself, and his tears gushed out like a fountain.

Shao Xi hid in the bathroom to wipe away his tears, exhaled a long breath, and strode back to the class.

All the recruits in the class had very low faces. Just now, when he called home, ten out of the twelve recruits from Class 4 cried when they heard the voices of their relatives. Only Shao Xi and Liu Bing, who were stronger than them, started crying after leaving the duty room. Now, the class was completely silent. No one spoke, and no one wanted to break this silence. Some of the comrades were writing letters to their families, while others were holding photos of their families and crying as they read them.

After all, they were still seventeen or eighteen years old. This was the first time they were going away from home, the first time they left their parents, and the first time they received strict and high-intensity training from the army.

He went to the gym in the basement and stripped off his shirt. He had practiced all the fitness equipment he could, and Shao knew that with the end of the new company, the training of the old squadron would be even more brutal. If he wanted to make a name for himself in the Central Guard, with strong military qualities and his skills as a foundation, he would have to work hard and persevere. "If you want to do it, then do it!" He had already engraved these words into his heart, he felt that as long as he was willing to work hard, he would definitely be able to realize his dream, become a genuine national special guard, and become a worthy bodyguard of Zhongnanhai!

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