After the rifle shot was done, he immediately entered the pistol training phase. During the rifle training, many of their comrades were scared to run, even some of their thumbs were deformed. Moreover, the feeling of lying on the ground practicing shooting was not very good, and many recruits — especially Liu Bing whose lower body was squeezed by the hard ground for a few days. For this reason, the recruits had been yearning for gun training for a long time.

After handing in their rifles and handguns, the recruits couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts. While they were cleaning their guns, Liu Bing took out her camera and took a bunch of crazy photos for everyone.

On the training field, after running a few laps with a handgun in his hand, Hou Yongdong was doing some training for the recruits. Comrades, the pistols that I have been looking forward to for a long time are now all tied up at the waist, I don't know how everyone feels, but it still goes like this: Weapons are our second life, and pistols are preferential treatment for the special forces in the country and the army. Not all soldiers can be equipped with pistols, and in the entire army, only the special forces and commanders can be equipped. "How many troops are there?"

The squad leader's rhetorical question surprised everyone. The recruits knew very little about the formation and arrangement of the PLA and the number of special forces, making it difficult for them to answer the squad leader's question. There aren't many troops, and not many soldiers that can enjoy such preferential treatment. We are the special forces of the special forces, and we carry a guard duty that is many times more difficult than ordinary special forces. Our handgun is our important duty weapon, and if any of you have the chance to become a cadre, or even enter the special forces, then the responsibility on your shoulders will become even heavier. You know, what we're defending is a person who can decide the fate of a country. It's a top secret location for a country. In ancient times, they were known as the imperial guards, and in modern times, they were known as the Central Guard or Zhongnanhai bodyguards. Thus, I hope that we can all master our basic skills, refine them, and lay a good foundation for our future military career! "

"Bam, bam, bam." Hou Yongdong pulled out his gun in a nimble motion, surprising everyone. The recruits had not seen clearly how he had pulled out his gun from his fastened holster. This is what we have to do this morning.

"Squad leader, did you practice this move all morning?" Wang Tianlei asked doubtfully.

Hou Yong nodded.

His comrades felt that this was too boring. Just a single action, an entire morning of practice? Isn't that a waste of time? However, there must be a reason for the leaders to arrange things like this. Everyone could only follow the class monitor and experience their actions. "The disassembling motion of pulling out the gun is to move your right hand to the bottom of the holster, quickly lift the base of your thumb, pick up the holster, and then quickly move the handgun handle to place your hand in front of your chest."

After experiencing and practicing over and over again, the recruits had basically mastered the movements, but Shao Xi was unlucky. He was left-handed, his holster was stuck on the right side of his body, and using his right hand to take out a gun was very inconvenient. "As a result, no matter how fast he trained, he was still inferior to others. Furthermore, every time, someone else would take it out for a long time, and he would still use his right hand to pick at the buckle of the gun." Shao Xi, why are you so slow! " the squad leader reprimanded.

"Report, class monitor, I can't use my right hand to take out a gun. I'm left-handed!" Shao Xi embarrassedly reported.

"Lefty what? It's obviously because he ran his horse last night. He's so tired!" Liu Bing liked to randomly whisper in the team. When Shao Xi heard this, his brain was so angry that it felt like it was going to explode. He didn't care about the order from the queue and immediately walked in front of Liu Bing. What the fuck did you say? "

"I said you ran a horse last night. Your bed is covered with a large map. What about it?" Liu Bing still wasn't convinced.

"Damn you, I'll make your mouth dirty!" Shao Xi raised his left foot and kicked Liu Bing to the ground. To be honest, Shao Xi was not a petty person. However, he felt extremely disgusted with the word 'running horse'. In fact, this was not a derogatory term. It was a normal physical reaction of a man, which was also known as' running horses' in the army. Shao Xi also did not know why he was so angry. Perhaps, although he was usually a bit unrestrained and unrestrained, but in terms of physiology, he was still a little shy. He did not like hearing these two words, and even more so did not like other people using these two words on him! He even felt that running a horse was a very embarrassing thing.

"Shao Xi, what are you doing? It's the opposite of you, isn't it? " Hou Yongdong didn't expect Shao Xi to make a move and shouted at him.

Liu Bing crawled up from the ground, clutching his stomach, and glared fiercely at Shao Xi.

"You two, come over here!" Hou Yongdong waved his hand angrily, calling them to a corner of the wall and having them crouch down and reflect on their actions. " Class Rep, I can't accept this, I didn't say anything, and just made a joke to him, and he attacked! You saw it! " Liu Bing felt wronged and gritted his teeth, wishing he could eat Shao Xi.

Hou Yongdong glared at Shao Xi, but Shao Xi didn't dare to meet his gaze. "Shao Xi, you're in the wrong. Liu Bing just made a joke with you. We're both men, why are you so serious? Isn't this just scolding you? Do you really have to beat someone up?" The monitor's throat gradually rose.

"Squad leader, although this is not scolding, this is an insult to me!" I hate people who insult me the most! " Shao Xi argued as his emotions rose and fell. His previous anger had not yet subsided, but it was still raging in his chest.

"Shao Xi, let me tell you, if it wasn't for the army, I would've stabbed you in the head a long time ago. No one would've dared to hit me like that!" Liu Bing clenched his fists and glared at Shao Xi. To tell the truth, Shao Xi was a little puzzled, he did not know why he did not fight back just now. According to his personality, it was impossible for others to hit him, so he did not fight back.

"Liu Bing, you shut up too, you can't even clap your hands properly. Let me say, your mouth is a little too poor. What are you blabbering about in the queue for?" Today's matter is not over yet. We are openly fighting in the training grounds, and now we will each have fifty planks. Run around the field for a hundred laps until my clothes are soaked through, and the result is that whether it be my underwear or outer clothes, I will use my sweat to wash them all! When we get back at noon, everyone will need to write five thousand words of deep examination. With your character, if you want to be in the old squadron, I will have to apply for punishment! " After saying that, the class monitor fiercely ordered, "Listen to my orders. Stand up. Turn right. Treadmill!"

No one knew how many times they ran, but their sweat started to flow like a river, crazily flowing. Although Shao Xi and Liu Bing ran side by side, their steps were also quite neat, but they didn't care about each other. He ran like this for about 40 minutes. He felt that his underwear was sticking to his clothes. The speed at which he was running had slowed down. The anger he felt just now had subsided along with his pace. Yes, it wasn't worth it, it really wasn't worth it! They were all good comrades in the same class, brothers on the same front. Why did they have to be like this? Shao Xi blamed himself.

My friends all gave me their support, and since I was desperately in need of a ticket, I was among the top six in the Newcomer Ranking, but a friend of mine sent me a few suits, so I was treated as a ticket collector, deducted more than four hundred votes, and dropped from the list. I hope my friends will put up "I'm a Special Police" once again, thank you friends, the bodyguard here thanked you!

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