Urban Sims

Vol 4 Chapter 17: Improve defense

Limburg town.

Standing on the top of the town center building, blowing the warm warm air, looking at a thriving town scene, Zhou Ming was full of accomplishment in his heart, but there was not much joy on his face.

Instead, it frowned slightly, with deep worries.

"How can we protect this prosperous paradise?"

Long-term protection.

This is a question that Zhou Ming has been thinking about recently.


A monk who reaches the later stage of refining gas can give this small town a devastating blow.

As long as one offends one, Zhou Ming ’s years of hard work will be ruined.

If you make a figurative analogy: Those monks who are high-strength, like dragons in Western legends, do not usually go out of the hole, but once they come out, they can destroy a city casually.

The difference is based on the level of cultivation, some are partially destroyed, and some are completely destroyed.

Of course, killing the city at every turn is a matter of evil repair. Most decent monks will not do this deliberately, unless they are careless when enlarging their moves and do not pay attention to it.

That can only be said sorry.

What's more, some monks who want to deal with Zhou Ming do not necessarily destroy his foundation, just kill Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming hung up, and all efforts are in vain.

Looking at Zhou Ming's current cultivation practice, he can't reach the mid-term of refining Qi. He can't run away in the face of the pursuit of high-strength monks.

So in any case, Zhou Ming has to improve his strength and the defense of Limburg.

To what extent?

Enough to defend their own interests, enough to kill the strong men in the later stage of refining gas.

How can this be achieved?

Zhou Ming came up with three ways.

The first one is to recruit guest secretary.

With the payment of spirit stones, spirit coins, herbs, and immortals, some monks with higher cultivation levels were recruited to sit in towns and hired as guest secretaries.

This approach works quickly, and many people who are willing to be guests are not afraid of not recruiting people.

The disadvantage is that the price is higher, it needs to pay a lot of money, and have to wait for it.

The second is to build an army.

Establish a regular and disciplined army, supplemented by rigorous training and the method of battle formation. Everyone practices "Dragon Snake Performing Military Decision". The monk took a head start, although the odds were not high.

But what about one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand?

The energy consumption is fixed to a lower monk.

If we further develop plate armor in terms of weapons, we can improve the defense of this army; and then develop crossbows or firearms to increase the attack power of this army, and if we are trained to become a higher monk, we can also resist it.

The third is to train monks.

The first two methods have certain defects, and they cannot completely solve the problem of insufficient defense force in Limburg town.

Some people say that developing science and technology, working out laser guns and nuclear weapons, crushing those monks and flattening this plane, of course Zhou Ming thought of this, and tried it early, but found that it was not good.

The laser gun cannot be used. The hard metal, when taken to this plane, immediately becomes softer than mud, and the physical and chemical properties are reversed.

I tried using sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter with a little black powder, but it didn't burn, let alone an explosion.

Science and technology are almost impossible.

You can only build a cultivation school by yourself, let the system check the physique, select some good seedlings, send them to the school, and then invite a few monk teachers to guide them to the path of cultivation, and provide spirit stones, immortality medicine and various materials to cultivate talents 3. Train monks.

Enhance the defense capabilities of Limburg.

This school was established two years ago, and its name is "Huxiang School".

There are currently 30 students. Zhou Ming is the school's principal, culture class teacher, practice class teacher, and miscellaneous class teacher.

Today, of these 30 students, 16 of them "perceived" the "qi" and 8 completed the "foundation". Although the number is not very large, it also makes Zhou Ming full of confidence in the future!

"At the rate of development of Limburg Town, the population is expanding at a rate of 10% per year, and there is almost no limit to the economic growth space. The west's virgin forests also have hundreds of millions of square kilometers of land waiting for development. It may take about a hundred years. Can make this town a huge empire ... "

"If this empire has a population of one billion people, at a rate of one in 10,000, cultivate talented monks and do their best to cultivate the country. I believe that at that time, this empire will be able to contend with those large sects."

Of course, in a century or so, it is not possible in time to build such a powerful empire. However, it is still possible to accumulate forces that make the large sect fear and not dare to act lightly.

But in this process, we still have to ensure foolproof and prevent accidents.

Therefore, Zhou Ming intends to adopt a three-pronged approach. In addition to cultivating monks, the guest secretary must also be recruited and the army must be formed.

So Zhou Ming went to Jinyan City, and through some channels, released the news of "highly paid guest secretary":

Number of employees: 2 people.

Repair requirements: mid to late gas refining.

Treatment: 50,000 ringgits per person per year (and year-end incentives and other benefits).

Employment duration: 10 years.

After the news spread, because the treatment was very attractive, someone soon came to apply for an interview.

Zhou Ming interviewed three batches of people, and finally took a fancy to a couple.

The couple of monks were all in their early thirties. The man's name was "Su Yuanlong". He was handsome and dressed in white. He was quite elegant and cultivated in the middle period of refining gas. The method is outstanding, and cultivation is also in the middle period of refining gas.

The couple also has one child and one child. Because of long-term walking in the rivers and lakes, the work and income are not stable, and the children can not take good care of. Thoughts.

Zhou Ming was even more pleasantly surprised. The combination of a monk who started a family and took care of the children was the ideal recruitment target. There was no need to be too prepared. With the involvement of the children, they would not be half-hearted and want to go, which is more reassuring.

The couple, with their children, arrived in Limburg, and the town in front of them opened their mouths in surprise.

"This ... I've never seen such a lively town, it's ... very special."

Su Yuanlong has also seen many people in the world, but the town in front of him still made him feel refreshed and unique.

How to say, the first sense this town brings is vitality and full of vitality.

"I heard some people say that Limburg Town is a very special place, but I can't tell you where it is. When I saw it today, it was really special ..."

Wang Caifeng said with a smile, with the smile she observed from the faces of the townspeople, she felt that the town, overflowing everywhere, seemed to be ... happiness.

On top of the carriage, their children opened their eyes and looked at the town in front of them. Because of the depressed mood of moving from a prosperous city to a remote and backward country, they became full of curiosity.

Zhou Ming smiled and said to them: "This town is still in the early stages of development ... you will also like it here in the future."


In the center of the town, a house with the best facilities was vacated, and the Keqing family was housed. A chef and a nanny were provided. They were very satisfied. The other party was very satisfied and quickly settled down.

After a few more days, Su Yuanlong and Wang Caifeng and their wife were very bored and took the initiative to go to the "Huxiang School" to serve as a teacher of spiritual practice, effectively reducing Zhou Ming's burden.

Therefore, Zhou Ming had more time and put the focus of his work on the formation of the "protecting the rural army".

"Protection of the rural army", from the name alone, has the meaning of "protecting the hometown". The purpose of establishing this army is naturally to protect the township and maintain the development and prosperity of Limburg.

Zhou Ming selected 150 people from the young hunters in a ratio of twenty to one. After three months of devil training, he formally formed a professional and regular army-the Rural Guard Army.

Although this army has a small number of people, it has strict discipline, sophisticated weapons, advanced consciousness, and love for its hometown. It is an army with only combat effectiveness and faith.

Most of them, in order to defend their hometowns and resist foreign enemies, are willing to swear to death, even if they sacrifice their lives.

Of course, standing in front of these young and **** soldiers, as the supreme commander, Zhou Ming knew in his heart that once faced with the invasion of powerful monks, most of them could not play any role. Perhaps their individual sacrifice could only After delaying a few tenths of a second, the role is equivalent to cannon fodder.

Their greatest value is also mainly to maintain law and order, combat crimes and crimes, and maintain daily peace.

Once the real challenge comes?

Can they really only be cannon fodder?

I'm afraid they can't accept this positioning, so every time when Zhou Ming talks about the threat of the monk, they breathe a sigh of relief, and then they desperately train.

To prove their value!

So Zhou Ming thought about it, these warriors who protect the rural army, their talents certainly cannot improve them, they can only strengthen them with weapons.

Advanced weapons can sometimes eliminate "generational differences" in physique.

Science and technology weapons cannot be obtained for the time being. Zhou Ming can only make a fuss about traditional weapons.

Divine Arm Crossbow-full name "Single Armed Crossbow with Super Power Ultimate Form".

Zhou Ming spent more than a year searching this kind of crossbow, searching for countless data, drawing countless design drawings, and even doing trillions of simulations in a supercomputer.

In the actual manufacturing process, this crossbow manufacturing process is complex, with very high requirements on materials and processing accuracy, and strict requirements on craftsmanship.

In order to create a "powerful crossbow" of full power, Zhou Ming tried more than 300 kinds of wood, more than 500 kinds of animal tendons, and more than ten kinds of metal materials. It took several months to finally create a successful A handful.

The test shooting process was amazing.

Thousands of people together embrace the thick trunk ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fine iron crossbow can be penetrated directly.

The initial launch speed is greater than the speed of sound, and the power is far superior to ordinary rifle bullets. It can even be compared with medium caliber sniper rifle bullets.

The huge lethality, even Su Yuanlong in the middle period of Qi Refining, stood thousands of kilometers away, and his face changed wildly.

"If Wanya sends out at the same time, it is a strong person in the later stage of gas refining, and they dare not take it hard." Su Yuanlong commented.

Zhou Ming nodded, full of heart.

Of course, the God Arm Crossbow is not without its shortcomings. The cost is high (300 Ling coins), and the use requirements are high (the arm strength is more than 500 kg to fill it up. Less than one-third of the soldiers in the Rural Guard Army can do it now) ), But Zhou Ming still decided to establish a production line and strive to achieve mass production.

Because this is the first weapon that allows "mortals" to barely contend with monks.

Therefore, this Ming arm crossbow, Zhou Ming also gave it a domineering alias: Ni Tian · Tu Xian crossbow.

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